Benthic habitat

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Biogeography has been linked to differences in gut microbiota in several animals. However, the existence of such a relationship in fish is not clear yet. So far, it seems to depend on the fish species studied. However, most studies of fish gut microbiotas are based on single populations. In this study, we investigated the gut microbiota of fish from three wild populations of the two-banded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) to determine whether its diversity, structure and potential functionality reflect the geographic origin of the fish, at large and small geographical scale. Additionally, we explored the host- and environmental-related factors explaining this relationship.
    RESULTS: We showed that the taxonomy and potential functionality of the mucosa-associated gut microbiota of Diplodus vulgaris differ to varying degrees depending on the spatial scale considered. At large scale, we observed that both the taxonomical structure and the potential functionality of the fish microbiota differed significantly between populations. In contrast, the taxonomical diversity of the microbial community displayed a significant relationship with factors other than the geographic origin of the fish (i.e. sampling date). On the other hand, at small scale, the different composition and diversity of the microbiota differ according to the characteristics of the habitat occupied by the fish. Specifically, we identified the presence of Posidonia oceanica in the benthic habitat as predictor of both the microbiota composition and diversity. Lastly, we reported the enrichment of functions related to the metabolism of xenobiotics (i.e. drugs and 4-aminobenzoate) in a population and we indicated it as a potential target of future monitoring.
    CONCLUSIONS: With this study, we confirmed the importance of investigating the gut microbiota of wild fish species using multiple populations, taking into account the different habitats occupied by the individuals. Furthermore, we underscored the use of the biodegradation potential of the gut microbiota as an alternative means of monitoring emerging contaminants in Mediterranean fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Upside-down jellyfish are a group of benthic scyphozoans belonging to the genus Cassiopea, whose members are in symbiosis with dinoflagellates and inhabit tropical and subtropical waters. Although there are some studies of the genus in the Caribbean, these are limited. In Cuba, the group\'s studies are restricted to reports on taxonomic lists and, as far as we know, no one has performed any analyzes of the densities of these jellyfish in seagrass or mangrove ecosystems in Cuba. In this work, the populations of Cassiopea spp. in Jardines de la Reina National Park (JRNP) were characterized, for the first time for this Marine Protected Area and Cuba. One hundred 1m2 square frames were placed at 14 JRNP sites. For each site, the species, density, size of the individuals and abiotic factors were determined. Density and diameter comparisons were made between sites, zones and regions within the JRNP. The percentage of the benthic cover was determined and a correlation was made between density and diameter. A total of 10,803 individuals were recorded, of which 7,618 belong to Cassiopea xamachana and 3,185 belong to Cassiopea frondosa. Both species share a niche and no evident segregation was detected according to abiotic variables. Significant differences were detected in comparisons of density and size across sites and zones. Density and size in the JRNP were negatively correlated, and higher aggregations of the species were observed at lower sizes. Density mean values ranged from 2.18 to 14.52 ind. /m2 with maximum values of 79 ind. /m2. Cayo Alcatraz was the site found to have the highest density while Cachiboca was the site with the lowest density. The average bell diameter size of the individuals ranged from 9.34 to 15.31 cm for the sampled sites, with minimum and maximum values of 2.5 cm and 32.6 cm. The smallest size was recorded at Cayo Alcatraz while the largest size was reported for Boca de las Anclitas. The environmental factors evaluated showed no significant relationship with the density or diameter of Cassiopea, while the Thalassia testudinum cover was negatively correlated with Cassiopea density at all fourteen sites in the JRNP. The percentage of Cassiopea coverage was higher than those reported in the literature, with four sites exceeding 20% coverage. In general, the populations of Cassiopea spp. in the JRNP did not differ greatly, although a higher density was observed towards the eastern region of the park. It was shown for the first time for the species that density and size have a negative correlation. Future studies are required to quantify the impact of Cassiopea on coastal marine ecosystem processes, and to further determine how anthropogenic changes may be altering the function of these tropical ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The abundance and characteristics of benthic marine litter in the southern Black Sea shelf were demonstrated. During the surveys, 671 litter items weighing 83.93 kg were collected from the stations. The average density by number and weight were 460.70 ± 99.71 n/km2 and 80.68 ± 48.06 kg/km2. The litter density was significantly higher at 10-20 m (646.09 ± 165.63 n/km2) compared to 20-30 m (165.53 ± 81.02 n/km2) and >30 m (413.87 ± 146.59 n/km2) depth classes. Plastic (69.03%) was the most abundant material by number, followed by textile (20.94%) and metal (5.68%). The litter composition differed between the no-trawl zone and trawl ground. Our results indicate that more detailed research is needed to understand the interaction of various factors influencing transportation and accumulation of marine litter in the Black Sea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Monitoring the ecological status of coastal ecosystems is essential to track the consequences of anthropogenic pressures and assess conservation actions. Monitoring requires periodic measurements collected in situ, replicated over large areas and able to capture their spatial distribution over time. This means developing tools and protocols that are cost-effective and provide consistent and high-quality data, which is a major challenge. A new tool and protocol with these capabilities for non-extractively assessing the status of fishes and benthic habitats is presented here: the KOSMOS 3.0 underwater video system.
    METHODS: The KOSMOS 3.0 was conceived based on the pre-existing and successful STAVIRO lander, and developed within a digital fabrication laboratory where collective intelligence was contributed mostly voluntarily within a managed project. Our suite of mechanical, electrical, and software engineering skills were combined with ecological knowledge and field work experience.
    RESULTS: Pool and aquarium tests of the KOSMOS 3.0 satisfied all the required technical specifications and operational testing. The prototype demonstrated high optical performance and high consistency with image data from the STAVIRO. The project\'s outcomes are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY-SA license. The low cost of a KOSMOS unit (~1400 €) makes multiple units affordable to modest research or monitoring budgets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Macroalgae play a structuring role in benthic ecosystems, which makes it very important to monitor their cover rates and study their community structures and changes in time. Such studies are usually led by autonomous divers and often do not generate sufficient data to provide enough material for strategically-sound conservation plans. This paper describes the dataset generated in the framework of the evaluation of the potential of a complementary data acquisition method: annotating videos transects obtained using an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).The focus was on Cystoseirabrachycarpa, together with the abundance of several other macroalgae species, which could be identified using the ROV images after validation through specimen identification. Furthermore, in order to allow future uses, such as monitoring the status of colonisation of the invasive algae Caulerpacylindracea, the ROV was sent to some deeper transects on sedimentary habitats (40 m) below the Posidonia meadows lower limits.
    CONCLUSIONS: The project, while providing some interesting insights on using a ROV as a tool to study marine biodiversity, generated a dataset for the distribution of 19 macroalgae on both standardised and new transects in the Bay of Calvi (Katz et al. 2021). The observed species of macroalgae included: Acetabulariaacetabulum, Amphiroarigida, Caulerpaprolifera, Caulerpacylindracea, Codiumbursa, Colpomeniasinuosa, Corallinales (order), Cystoseirabrachycarpa, Cystoseiracrinita, Cystoseiraspinosa, Cystoseirazosteroides, Dictyota (genus), Flabelliapetiolata, Halopteris (genus), Halopterisscoparia, Jania (genus), Osmundariavolubilis, Padina pavonica and Peyssonneliasquamaria.The videos also showed that the invasive algae Caulerpacylindracea has spread between 2016 and 2019 and that more focused studies should be held in the Bay to assess the actual reach and possible impacts of this invasion.Finally, our ROV video transects have also underlined the significant presence of particular benthic macroalgae communities over habitat zones described as \"soft-bottom\" on benthic habitat maps. Although the biomass per unit area of these communities is probably lower than for most coastal rocky bottoms, this widely-spread habitat type holds a contribution to primary production to be considered in coastal ecosystem models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding temporal and spatial microbial community abundance and diversity variations is necessary to assess the functional roles played by microbial actors in the environment. In this study, we investigated spatial variability and temporal dynamics of two functional microbial sediment communities, methanogenic Archaea and methanotrophic bacteria, in Lake Bourget, France. Microbial communities were studied from 3 sites sampled 4 times over a year, with one core sampled at each site and date, and 5 sediment layers per core were considered. Microbial abundance in the sediment were determined using flow cytometry. Methanogens and methanotrophs community structures, diversity, and abundance were assessed using T-RFLP, sequencing, and real-time PCR targeting mcrA and pmoA genes, respectively. Changes both in structure and abundance were detected mainly at the water-sediment interface in relation to the lake seasonal oxygenation dynamics. Methanogen diversity was dominated by Methanomicrobiales (mainly Methanoregula) members, followed by Methanosarcinales and Methanobacteriales. For methanotrophs, diversity was dominated by Methylobacter in the deeper area and by Methylococcus in the shallow area. Organic matter appeared to be the main environmental parameter controlling methanogens, while oxygen availability influenced both the structure and abundance of the methanotrophic community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European flat oyster Ostrea edulis is an economically and ecologically important species subjected to extensive protection and restoration efforts, due to sharp population declines in Europe. In Sweden, O. edulis occurs at the northern fringe of its range. Knowledge of the distribution and abundance of the species is limited, and the size of the population has never been estimated. Oyster fishery sustainability has never been assessed.Using a random sampling approach and towed video, we collected data on oyster occurrence at 435 sites to estimate abundance and distribution of O. edulis in the Swedish Skagerrak region. Furthermore, the size of the population was assessed and the current management and legislation strategy of the species was analyzed.Living O. edulis was found in 27% of all sampled sites above 6 m, and the size of the population was estimated to 36.6 ± 16.3 million individuals (total population ± SE). The distribution was patchy, and approximately 60% of the population was found in oyster bed densities (≥5 oysters/m2), which corresponds to around 1% of the sampled sites.The nondestructive sampling method and representative design provided useful estimates of population size and error, which indicate that the marginal population of O. edulis in Sweden constitutes a significant part of the remaining European population. We argue that the relatively good status of the Swedish population can be explained by (a) private ownership of fishing rights, (b) a small-scale fishery that exploits <0.5% of the estimated population annually, conducted using nondestructive methods, and (c) parasite-free waters, potentially due to effective prevention of spread of infection.
    UNASSIGNED: This article has earned an Open Data Badge for making publicly available the digitally-shareable data necessary to reproduce the reported results. The data is available at







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Camera loggers are increasingly used to examine behavioural aspects of free-ranging animals. However, often video loggers are deployed with a focus on specific behavioural traits utilizing small cameras with a limited field of view, poor light performance and video quality. Yet rapid developments in consumer electronics provide new devices with much improved visual data allowing a wider scope for studies employing this novel methodology. We developed a camera logger that records full HD video through a wide-angle lens, providing high resolution footage with a greater field of view than other camera loggers. The main goal was to assess the suitability of this type of camera for the analysis of various aspects of the foraging ecology of a marine predator, the yellow-eyed penguin in New Zealand. Frame-by-frame analysis allowed accurate timing of prey pursuits and time spent over certain seafloor types. The recorded video footage showed that prey species were associated with certain seafloor types, revealed different predator evasion strategies by benthic fishes, and highlighted varying energetic consequences for penguins pursuing certain types of prey. Other aspects that could be analysed were the timing of breathing intervals between dives and observe exhalation events during prey pursuits, a previously undescribed behaviour. Screen overlays facilitated analysis of flipper angles and beat frequencies throughout various stages of the dive cycle. Flipper movement analysis confirmed decreasing effort during descent phases as the bird gained depth, and that ascent was principally passive. Breathing episodes between dives were short (<1 s) while the majority of the time was devoted to subsurface scanning with a submerged head. Video data recorded on free-ranging animals not only provide a wealth of information recorded from a single deployment but also necessitate new approaches with regards to analysis of visual data. Here, we demonstrate the diversity of information that can be gleaned from video logger data, if devices with high video resolution and wide field of view are utilized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    No-take marine reserves (NTMR) are increasingly being implemented to mitigate the effects of fishing on coral reefs, yet determining the efficacy of NTMRs depends largely on partitioning the effects of fishing from the effect of benthic habitat. Species of coral-reef fishes typically decline in density when subjected to fishing or benthic disturbances, but this is not always the case. This study documents the long-term (8-31 years) response of six species of detritivorous surgeonfishes (family Acanthuridae) to NTMR protection and benthic habitat change at four islands (Apo, Sumilon, Mantigue, Selinog) in the central Philippines, each island with a NTMR and a monitored fished site. Despite being subject to moderate fishing pressure, these species did not increase in density with NTMR protection. However, density of these surgeonfishes had a strong negative relationship with cover of live hard coral and a strong positive relationship with cover of dead substratum (sand, rubble, hard dead substratum). These surgeonfishes typically feed over dead substrata and thus probably increase in density following large environmental disturbances that substantially reduce live hard coral cover. Here, we describe effects of environmental disturbance events (e.g., use of explosives, typhoons) that reduced live hard-coral cover and subsequent large increases (up to 25 fold) in surgeonfish densities, which then slowly (over 5-15 years) decreased in density as live hard coral recovered. Density of these functionally important surgeonfish species was influenced more by changes to benthic cover than by NTMR protection. Thus, we highlight the greater importance of bottom-up controls (i.e., benthic changes to food availability) than top-down control (i.e., fishing) on a functionally important group of coral-reef fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The U.S. Northeast Continental Shelf is experiencing rapid warming, with potentially profound consequences to marine ecosystems. While satellites document multiple scales of spatial and temporal variability on the surface, our understanding of the status, trends, and drivers of the benthic environmental change remains limited. We interpolated sparse benthic temperature data along the New England Shelf and upper Slope using a seasonally dynamic, regionally specific multiple linear regression model that merged in situ and remote sensing data. The statistical model predicted nearly 90% of the variability of the data, resulting in a synoptic time series spanning over three decades from 1982 to 2014. Benthic temperatures increased throughout the domain, including in the Gulf of Maine. Rates of benthic warming ranged from 0.1 to 0.4°C per decade, with fastest rates occurring in shallow, nearshore regions and on Georges Bank, the latter exceeding rates observed in the surface. Rates of benthic warming were up to 1.6 times faster in winter than the rest of the year in many regions, with important implications for disease occurrence and energetics of overwintering species. Drivers of warming varied over the domain. In southern New England and the mid-Atlantic shallow Shelf regions, benthic warming was tightly coupled to changes in SST, whereas both regional and basin-scale changes in ocean circulation affect temperatures in the Gulf of Maine, the Continental Shelf, and Georges Banks. These results highlight data gaps, the current feasibility of prediction from remotely sensed variables, and the need for improved understanding on how climate may affect seasonally specific ecological processes.





