• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) represents a growing health concern due to its increasing prevalence worldwide. Metabolic homeostasis encompasses the stable internal conditions vital for efficient metabolism. This equilibrium extends to the intestinal microbiota, whose metabolic activities profoundly influence overall metabolic balance and organ health. The metabolites derived from the gut microbiota metabolism can be defined as microbiota-related co-metabolites. They serve as mediators between the gut microbiota and the host, influencing various physiological processes. The recent redefinition of the term MASLD has highlighted the metabolic dysfunction that characterize the disease. Metabolic dysfunction encompasses a spectrum of abnormalities, including impaired glucose regulation, dyslipidemia, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, and accumulation of toxic byproducts. In addition, MASLD progression has been linked to dysregulation in the gut microbiota and associated co-metabolites. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), hippurate, indole derivatives, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and bile acids (BAs) are among the key co-metabolites implicated in MASLD progression. In this review, we will unravel the relationship between the microbiota-related metabolites which have been associated with MASLD and that could play an important role for developing effective therapeutic interventions for MASLD and related metabolic disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dietary methionine restriction (MetR) offers an integrated set of beneficial health effects, including delaying aging, extending health span, preventing fat accumulation, and reducing oxidative stress. This study aimed to investigate whether MetR exerts entero-protective effects by modulating intestinal flora, and the effect of MetR on plasma metabolites in rats. Rats were fed diets containing 0.86% methionine (CON group) and 0.17% methionine (MetR group) for 6 weeks. Several indicators of inflammation, gut microbiota, plasma metabolites, and intestinal barrier function were measured. 16S rRNA gene sequencing was used to analyze the cecal microbiota. The MetR diet reduced the plasma and colonic inflammatory factor levels. The MetR diet significantly improved intestinal barrier function by increasing the mRNA expression of tight junction proteins, such as zonula occludens (ZO)-1, claudin-3, and claudin-5. In addition, MetR significantly increased the levels of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) by increasing the abundance of SCFAs-producing Erysipclotxichaceae and Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1 and decreasing the abundance of pro-inflammatory bacteria Proteobacteria and Escherichia-Shigella. Furthermore, MetR reduced the plasma levels of taurochenodeoxycholate-7-sulfate, taurocholic acid, and tauro-ursodeoxycholic acid. Correlation analysis identified that colonic acetate, total colonic SCFAs, 8-acetylegelolide, collettiside I, 6-methyladenine, and cholic acid glucuronide showed a significant positive correlation with Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1 abundance but a significant negative correlation with Escherichia-Shigella and Enterococcus abundance. MetR improved gut health and altered the plasma metabolic profile by regulating the gut microbiota in rats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper focuses on Jeffrey Gray\'s theory of anxiety from the perspective of Fowles\' (1980) application of his work to theories of arousal, psychophysiology, and the etiology of psychopathy. Although highly influential, the concept of general arousal failed to find support in terms of between-individuals assessment with multiple physiological measures. Gray\'s constructs of a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) that mediates anxiety, a behavioral approach or activation system (BAS) that energizes behavior to approach rewards, and a nonspecific arousal system that energizes behavior captured aspects of arousal. Fowles (1980) proposed that the BIS elicits electrodermal activity in response to threats, the BAS increases heart rate in response to reward incentive cues, and psychopathy is associated with a weak BIS. The paper reviews Gray\'s impact on future research on these topics, including early proposals relevant to the National Institute of Mental Health\'s Research Domain Criteria. Finally, the paper summarizes the evolution of theories of the etiology of psychopathy since 1980, noting ways in which aspects of Gray\'s theory are still seen in psychopathy research. Patrick\'s triarchic model has emerged as a major theory of psychopathy. Beauchaine\'s trait impulsivity theory of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also is relevant.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The clinical significance of the filamentous basidiomycetes isolated from clinical samples is not always clear. Thus, these fungi have been considered environmental contaminants traditionally.
    OBJECTIVE: To review those clinical cases in which filamentous basidiomycetes from respiratory samples had been isolated.
    METHODS: The retrospective study was carried out in a single tertiary care hospital. We recovered all culture-confirmed isolations of filamentous basidiomycetes from respiratory samples (bronchial aspirate [BAS], bronchoalveolar lavage [BAL] and sputum) analyzed between the years 2020 and 2023. Isolates were identified by ITS region sequencing.
    RESULTS: In six patients a filamentous basidiomycete had been isolated from a respiratory sample. The species identified were all different: Fomitopsis sp. (BAS), Trametes ljubarskyi (BAL), Stereum gausapatum (BAS), Porostereum spadiaceum (BAS), Phlebia subserialis (sputum) and Inonotus levis (BAL). All the patients were immunosuppressed or had an underlying disease with pulmonary involvement. None of them received any specific antifungal treatment (in relation with the fungus isolated) and all six improved clinically and were discharged.
    CONCLUSIONS: The isolation of filamentous basidiomycetes in these patients had uncertain clinical significance. However, the isolation of any filamentous basidiomycete in respiratory samples from immunosuppressed patients or patients with chronic pulmonary disease is an emerging situation that should be carefully assessed in the context of chronic allergic episodes or suspicion of invasive fungal infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gut microbiota and their metabolic activity are important regulators of host immunity. However, the role of gut microbiota and their metabolic activity-mediated osteoimmunity in postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMO) remains unknown. This study aimed to explore the role of gut microbiota and their metabolic activity in PMO.
    16S rDNA sequencing was used for analyzing the gut microbiota diversity of patients with PMO and rat models, and a targeted metabolism study was performed for analyzing metabolite levels. Flow cytometry was used for analyzing the frequency of immune cells. Micro-CT was used for analyzing bone damage in rat models. Fecal microbiota transplantation was performed for exploring the therapeutic effect of the gut microbiota on PMO. CD4+ T cells were co-cultured with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells for evaluating their molecular mechanisms.
    Patients with PMO exhibited reduced gut microbiota diversity, and fecal glycolithocholic acid (GLCA) levels correlated with the degree of osteoporosis. GLCA levels in the gut were positively correlated with the frequency of circulating Tregs in ovariectomized rats. Restoration of the gut microbiota alleviated osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats. Circulating GLCA augmented CD4+ T cell differentiation into Tregs via constitutive androstane receptors. The increased frequency of Tregs further promoted the osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to alleviate osteoporosis.
    GLCA alleviated PMO by increasing the frequency of circulating Tregs, acting via the constitutive androstane receptor. This study reveals a new strategy for the treatment of PMO, with GLCA as a potential drug candidate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) are characterized by behavioral abnormalities in motivational systems, namely the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and behavioral activation system (BAS). Limited studies indicate brain volume in regions that support emotion, learning/memory, reward, and cognitive functions relate to BIS/BAS. To increase understanding of BIS/BAS, the current study used a network approach.
    METHODS: Patients with SAD (n = 59), patients with MDD (n = 64), and healthy control participants (n = 36) completed a BIS/BAS questionnaire and structural magnetic resonance imaging scans; volumetric regions of interest comprised cortical and limbic structures based on previous BIS/BAS studies. A Bayesian Gaussian graphical model was used for each diagnostic group, and groups were compared. Among network metrics, bridge centrality was of primary interest. Analysis of variance evaluated BIS/BAS behaviors between groups.
    RESULTS: Bridge centrality showed hippocampus positively related to BAS, but not to BIS, in the MDD group; no findings were observed in the SAD or control groups. Yet, network density (i.e., overall strength of relationships between variables) and degree centrality (i.e., overall relationship between one variable to all other variables) showed that cortical (e.g., precuneus, medial orbitofrontal) and subcortical (e.g., amygdala, hippocampus) regions differed between diagnostic groups. Analysis of variance results showed BAS was lower in the MDD/SAD groups compared with the control group, while BIS was higher in the SAD group relative to the MDD group, which in turn was higher than the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary findings indicate that network-level aberrations may underlie motivational abnormalities in MDD and SAD. Evidence of BIS/BAS differences builds on previous work that points to shared and distinct motivational differences in internalizing psychopathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Internet addiction (IA), one of the behavioral addictions, is also related to impulsivity. Although studies on its etiology and risks continue, the number of studies is limited. In this study, we aimed to assess the roles of behavioral systems, emotional regulation (ER), and impulsivity in the development of IA in adolescents and also to assess the relationship between all these clinical parameters and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neuropeptide Y (NPY). Forty-two adolescents with IA and 30 healthy controls (ages 12 -17) were included in the study. Self-reported measures included the Internet Addiction Scale. (IAS), Behavioral Activation and Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BAS/BIS), Barratt. Impulsiveness Scale-11 (BIS-11), and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-16 (DERS-16) were used for the assessment of the participants. The levels of plasma brain BDNF and NPY were evaluated with the ELISA method. BAS/BIS subscale scores, BIS-11, and DERS-16 scale total scores were found to be statistically significantly higher, while BDNF and NPY levels were found to be lower in adolescents with IA compared to the healthy controls. IA severity was not found to correlate with both BDNF and NPY. IA was found to be more related to BIS than to BAS. There is a need for further studies evaluating developmental features and possible diagnostic biomarkers that may be associated with IA in adolescents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Switch defective/sucrose nonfermentable (SWI/SNF) complexes are evolutionarily conserved multisubunit machines that play vital roles in chromatin architecture regulation for modulating gene expression via sliding or ejection of nucleosomes in eukaryotes. In plants, perturbations of SWI/SNF subunits often result in severe developmental disorders. However, the subunit composition, pathways of assembly, and genomic targeting of the plant SWI/SNF complexes are poorly understood. Here, we report the organization, genomic targeting, and assembly of 3 distinct SWI/SNF complexes in Arabidopsis thaliana: BRAHMA-Associated SWI/SNF complexes (BAS), SPLAYED-Associated SWI/SNF complexes (SAS), and MINUSCULE-Associated SWI/SNF complexes (MAS). We show that BAS complexes are equivalent to human ncBAF, whereas SAS and MAS complexes evolve in multiple subunits unique to plants, suggesting plant-specific functional evolution of SWI/SNF complexes. We further show overlapping and specific genomic targeting of the 3 plant SWI/SNF complexes on chromatin and reveal that SAS complexes are necessary for the correct genomic localization of the BAS complexes. Finally, we define the role of the core module subunit in the assembly of plant SWI/SNF complexes and highlight that ATPase module subunit is required for global complex stability and the interaction of core module subunits in Arabidopsis SAS and BAS complexes. Together, our work highlights the divergence of SWI/SNF chromatin remodelers during eukaryote evolution and provides a comprehensive landscape for understanding plant SWI/SNF complex organization, assembly, genomic targeting, and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein, we design and prepare large-area silver nanoparticle (Ag NP) films based on evaporation-induced self-assembly, which offers the visual and real-time detection of chilled broiler meat freshness. The color change is based on the fact that an increase in the biogenic amine (BA) concentration causes a change in the absorption wavelength of Ag NPs caused by aggregation and etch of the Ag NPs, resulting in a yellow to brown color change, thus enabling a naked-eye readout of the BA exposure. The Ag NP films exhibit a rapid, sensitive, and linear response to BAs in a wide detection range of 2 µM to 100 µM. The Ag NP films are successfully applied as a quick-response, online, high-contrasting colorimetric sensor for visual detection of the freshness of chilled broiler meat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are the mainstay of treatment for schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric diseases but cause a high risk of disruption to lipid metabolism, which is an intractable therapeutic challenge worldwide. Although the exact mechanisms underlying this lipid disturbance are complex, an increasing body of evidence has suggested the involvement of the gut microbiota in SGA-induced lipid dysregulation since SGA treatment may alter the abundance and composition of the intestinal microflora. The subsequent effects involve the generation of different categories of signaling molecules by gut microbes such as endogenous cannabinoids, cholesterol, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), bile acids (BAs), and gut hormones that regulate lipid metabolism. On the one hand, these signaling molecules can directly activate the vagus nerve or be transported into the brain to influence appetite via the gut-brain axis. On the other hand, these molecules can also regulate related lipid metabolism via peripheral signaling pathways. Interestingly, therapeutic strategies directly targeting the gut microbiota and related metabolites seem to have promising efficacy in the treatment of SGA-induced lipid disturbances. Thus, this review provides a comprehensive understanding of how SGAs can induce disturbances in lipid metabolism by altering the gut microbiota.





