Axon pathfinding

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in the IER3IP1 (Immediate Early Response-3 Interacting Protein 1) gene can give rise to MEDS1 (Microcephaly with Simplified Gyral Pattern, Epilepsy, and Permanent Neonatal Diabetes Syndrome-1), a severe condition leading to early childhood mortality. The small endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-membrane protein IER3IP1 plays a non-essential role in ER-Golgi transport. Here, we employed secretome and cell-surface proteomics to demonstrate that the absence of IER3IP1 results in the mistrafficking of proteins crucial for neuronal development and survival, including FGFR3, UNC5B and SEMA4D. This phenomenon correlates with the distension of ER membranes and increased lysosomal activity. Notably, the trafficking of cargo receptor ERGIC53 and KDEL-receptor 2 are compromised, with the latter leading to the anomalous secretion of ER-localized chaperones. Our investigation extended to in-utero knock-down of Ier3ip1 in mouse embryo brains, revealing a morphological phenotype in newborn neurons. In summary, our findings provide insights into how the loss or mutation of a 10 kDa small ER-membrane protein can cause a fatal syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drosophila nervous system development progresses through a series of well-characterized steps in which homeodomain transcription factors (HDTFs) play key roles during most, if not all, phases. Strikingly, although some HDTFs have only one role, many others are involved in multiple steps of the developmental process. Most Drosophila HDTFs engaged in nervous system development are conserved in vertebrates and often play similar roles during vertebrate development. In this Spotlight, we focus on the role of HDTFs during embryogenesis, where they were first characterized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Experimental models are a powerful aid in visualizing molecular phenomena. This work reports how the worm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) can be effectively explored for students to learn how molecular cues dramatically condition axonal guidance and define nervous system structure and behavior at the organism level. Summary of work: A loosely oriented observational activity preceded detailed discussions on molecules implied in axonal migration. C. elegans mutants were used to introduce second-year medical students to the deleterious effects of gene malfunctioning in neuron response to extracellular biochemical cues and to establish links between molecular function, nervous system structure, and animal behavior. Students observed C. elegans cultures and associated animal behavior alterations with the lack of function of specific axon guidance molecules (the soluble cue netrin/UNC-6 or two receptors, DCC/UNC-40 and UNC-5H). Microscopical observations of these strains, in combination with pan-neuronal GFP expression, allowed optimal visualization of severely affected neurons. Once the list of mutated genes in each strain was displayed, students could also relate abnormal patterns in axon migration/ventral and dorsal nerve cord neuron formation in C. elegans with mutated molecular components homologous to those in humans.
    RESULTS: Students rated the importance and effectiveness of the activity very highly. Ninety-three percent found it helpful to grasp human axonal migration, and all students were surprised with the power of the model in helping to visualize the phenomenon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During patterning of the peripheral nervous system, motor axons grow sequentially out of the neural tube in a segmented fashion to ensure functional integration of the motor roots between the surrounding cartilage and bones of the developing vertebrae. This segmented outgrowth is regulated by the intrinsic properties of each segment (somite) adjacent to the neural tube, and in particular by chemical repulsive guidance cues expressed in the posterior half. Yet, knockout models for such repulsive cues still display initial segmentation of outgrowing motor axons, suggesting the existence of additional, yet unknown regulatory mechanisms of axon growth segmentation. As neuronal growth is not only regulated by chemical but also by mechanical signals, we here characterized the mechanical environment of outgrowing motor axons. Using atomic force microscopy-based indentation measurements on chick embryo somite strips, we identified stiffness gradients in each segment, which precedes motor axon growth. Axon growth was restricted to the anterior, softer tissue, which showed lower cell body densities than the repulsive stiffer posterior parts at later stages. As tissue stiffness is known to regulate axon growth during development, our results suggest that motor axons also respond to periodic stiffness gradients imposed by the intrinsic mechanical properties of somites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain development relies on dynamic morphogenesis and interactions of neurons. Filopodia are thin and highly dynamic membrane protrusions that are critically required for neuronal development and neuronal interactions with the environment. Filopodial interactions are typically characterized by non-deterministic dynamics, yet their involvement in developmental processes leads to stereotypic and robust outcomes. Here, we discuss recent advances in our understanding of how filopodial dynamics contribute to neuronal differentiation, migration, axonal and dendritic growth and synapse formation. Many of these advances are brought about by improved methods of live observation in intact developing brains. Recent findings integrate known and novel roles ranging from exploratory sensors and decision-making agents to pools for selection and mechanical functions. Different types of filopodial dynamics thereby reveal non-deterministic subcellular decision-making processes as part of genetically encoded brain development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of the nervous system is a time-ordered and multi-stepped process that includes neurogenesis and neuronal specification, axonal navigation, and circuits assembly. During axonal navigation, the growth cone, a dynamic structure located at the tip of the axon, senses environmental signals that guide axons towards their final targets. The expression of a specific repertoire of receptors on the cell surface of the growth cone together with the activation of a set of intracellular transducing molecules, outlines the response of each axon to specific guidance cues. This collection of axon guidance molecules is defined by the transcriptome of the cell which, in turn, depends on transcriptional and epigenetic regulators that modify the structure and DNA accessibility to determine what genes will be expressed to elicit specific axonal behaviors. Studies focused on understanding how axons navigate intermediate targets, such as the floor plate of vertebrates or the mammalian optic chiasm, have largely contributed to our knowledge of how neurons wire together during development. In fact, investigations on axon navigation at these midline structures led to the identification of many of the currently known families of proteins that act as guidance cues and their corresponding receptors. Although the transcription factors and the regulatory mechanisms that control the expression of these molecules are not well understood, important advances have been made in recent years in this regard. Here we provide an updated overview on the current knowledge about the transcriptional control of axon guidance and the selection of trajectories at midline structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies show that the main cannabinoid receptor in the brain-cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1R)-is required for establishment of axonal projections in developing neurons but questions remain regarding the cellular and molecular mechanisms, especially in neurons developing in their native environment. We assessed the effects of CB1R signalling on growth cone filopodia and axonal projections of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in whole mount brains from Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Our results indicate that growth cones of RGC axons in brains from tadpoles exposed to a CB1R agonist had fewer filopodial protrusions, whereas growth cones from tadpoles exposed to a CB1R inverse agonist had more filopodia than growth cones of RGC axons in whole brains from control tadpoles. However, application of both the CB1R agonist and inverse agonist resulted in RGC axons that were overly dispersed and undulatory in the optic tract in situ. In addition, expression of a mutant for cadherin adhesive factor, β-catenin, that disrupts its binding to α-catenin, and application of an inhibitor for actin regulator non-muscle Myosin II, phenocopied the effects of the CB1R agonist and inverse agonist on growth cone filopodia, respectively. These findings suggest that both destablization and stabilization of growth cone filopodia are required for RGC axonal fasciculation/defasciculation in the optic tract and that CB1R regulates growth cone filopodia and axon dispersion of RGCs by oppositely modulating β-catenin adhesive and Myosin II actin regulatory functions. This study extends and confirms our understanding of cannabinoid mechanisms in sculpting developing neuronal circuits in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most fascinating questions in the field of neurobiology is to understand how neuronal connections are properly wired to form functional circuits. During development, neurons extend axons that are guided along defined paths by attractive and repulsive cues to reach their brain target. Most of these guidance factors are regulated by heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), a family of cell surface and extracellular core proteins with attached heparan sulfate (HS) glycosaminoglycans. The unique diversity and structural complexity of HS sugar chains, as well as the variety of core proteins, have been proposed to generate a complex \"sugar code\" essential for brain wiring. While the functions of HSPGs have been well characterized in C. elegans or Drosophila, less is known about their roles in nervous system development in vertebrates. In this chapter, we describe the advantages and the different methods available to study the roles of HSPGs in axon guidance directly in vivo in zebrafish. We provide protocols for visualizing axons in vivo, including precise dye labeling and time-lapse imaging, and for disturbing the functions of HS-modifying enzymes and core proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loss-of-function mutations in chromatin remodeler gene ARID1A are a cause of Coffin-Siris syndrome, a developmental disorder characterized by dysgenesis of corpus callosum. Here, we characterize Arid1a function during cortical development and find unexpectedly selective roles for Arid1a in subplate neurons (SPNs). SPNs, strategically positioned at the interface of cortical gray and white matter, orchestrate multiple developmental processes indispensable for neural circuit wiring. We find that pancortical deletion of Arid1a leads to extensive mistargeting of intracortical axons and agenesis of corpus callosum. Sparse Arid1a deletion, however, does not autonomously misroute callosal axons, implicating noncell-autonomous Arid1a functions in axon guidance. Supporting this possibility, the ascending axons of thalamocortical neurons, which are not autonomously affected by cortical Arid1a deletion, are also disrupted in their pathfinding into cortex and innervation of whisker barrels. Coincident with these miswiring phenotypes, which are reminiscent of subplate ablation, we unbiasedly find a selective loss of SPN gene expression following Arid1a deletion. In addition, multiple characteristics of SPNs crucial to their wiring functions, including subplate organization, subplate axon-thalamocortical axon cofasciculation (\"handshake\"), and extracellular matrix, are severely disrupted. To empirically test Arid1a sufficiency in subplate, we generate a cortical plate deletion of Arid1a that spares SPNs. In this model, subplate Arid1a expression is sufficient for subplate organization, subplate axon-thalamocortical axon cofasciculation, and subplate extracellular matrix. Consistent with these wiring functions, subplate Arid1a sufficiently enables normal callosum formation, thalamocortical axon targeting, and whisker barrel development. Thus, Arid1a is a multifunctional regulator of subplate-dependent guidance mechanisms essential to cortical circuit wiring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neocortical heterotopia consist of ectopic neuronal clusters that are frequently found in individuals with cognitive disability and epilepsy. However, their pathogenesis remains poorly understood due in part to a lack of tractable animal models. We have developed an inducible model of focal cortical heterotopia that enables their precise spatiotemporal control and high-resolution optical imaging in live mice. Here, we report that heterotopia are associated with striking patterns of circumferentially projecting axons and increased myelination around neuronal clusters. Despite their aberrant axonal patterns, in vivo calcium imaging revealed that heterotopic neurons remain functionally connected to other brain regions, highlighting their potential to influence global neural networks. These aberrant patterns only form when heterotopia are induced during a critical embryonic temporal window, but not in early postnatal development. Our model provides a new way to investigate heterotopia formation in vivo and reveals features suggesting the existence of developmentally modulated, neuron-derived axon guidance and myelination factors.






