Atlantic Forest

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We provide updated diagnoses for the senex-, burtoni- and dimorphus-groups of Camponotus (Myrmobrachys). Dichotomous keys for the C. (Myrmobrachys) groups and species of the dimorphus-group, based on type-specimens are provided. Two new species of the dimorphus-group are described, Camponotus cameloides sp. nov. and Camponotus hyalus sp. nov. We classified C. dolabratus and C. lancifer as members of the dimorphus-group and C. crassicornis, C. subcircularis, and C. championi as members of the senex-group. Scanning Electron Microscopy was used to describe the branched pilosity of C. cameloides and this is the first description of it for adult workers of Camponotini tribe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The soil seed bank (SSB) is one of the key mechanisms that ensure the perpetuity of forests, but how will it behave in the scenarios projected for the future climate? Faced with this main question, still little explored in seasonal tropical forests, this study evaluated the germination, ecological attributes, and functional traits of the SSB in a seasonal forest in the Atlantic Forest. Forty-eight composite samples of the SSB were collected from 12 plots, distributed across four treatments, each with 12 replicates. The samples were placed in two climate-controlled greenhouses, establishing two environments of controlled climatic conditions, both with two levels of water, as follows: Cur: current scenario without water restriction; Cur_WR: current scenario with water restriction; RCP8.5: future scenario without water restriction; RCP8.5_WR: future scenario with water restriction. The germinants were identified, and their ecological attributes and functional traits were obtained. Leaf area and biomass production, differences in abundance, richness, and diversity were evaluated, along with analysis of variance to assess the interaction between water levels and scenarios. All ecological attributes and functional traits evaluated drastically decreased in the future projection with water restriction, with this restriction being the main component influencing this response. The increased temperature in the future scenario significantly raised water consumption compared to the current scenario. However, persistent water restrictions in the future could undermine the resilience of seasonal forests, hindering seed germination in the soil. Richness and abundance were also adversely affected by water scarcity in the future scenario, revealing a low tolerance to the projected prolonged drought. These changes found in the results could alter the overall structure of seasonal forests in the future, as well as result in the loss of the regeneration potential of the SSB due to decreased seed viability and increased seedling mortality.
    Resumo O banco de sementes do solo (SSB) é um dos principais mecanismos que garantem a perpetuidade das florestas, mas como ele se comportará nos cenários projetados para o clima futuro? Diante dessa questão principal, ainda pouco explorada em florestas tropicais sazonais, este estudo avaliou a germinação, atributos ecológicos e traços funcionais do SSB em uma floresta sazonal na Mata Atlântica. Quarenta e oito amostras compostas do SSB foram coletadas de 12 parcelas, distribuídas em quatro tratamentos, cada uma com 12 réplicas. As amostras foram colocadas em duas estufas com controle climático, estabelecendo dois ambientes de condições climáticas controladas, ambos com dois níveis de água, conforme segue: Cur: cenário atual sem restrição hídrica; Cur_WR: cenário atual com restrição hídrica; RCP8.5: cenário futuro sem restrição hídrica; RCP8.5_WR: cenário futuro com restrição hídrica. Os germinantes foram identificados e seus atributos ecológicos e traços funcionais foram obtidos. Área foliar e produção de biomassa, diferenças na abundância, riqueza e diversidade foram avaliadas, juntamente com análise de variância para avaliar a interação entre níveis de água e cenários. Todos os atributos ecológicos e traços funcionais avaliados diminuíram drasticamente na projeção futura com restrição hídrica, sendo essa restrição o principal componente influenciando essa resposta. O aumento da temperatura no cenário futuro elevou significativamente o consumo de água em comparação com o cenário atual. No entanto, a restrição hídrica persistente no futuro pode comprometer a resiliência das florestas sazonais, dificultando a germinação de sementes no solo. Riqueza e abundância também foram adversamente afetadas pela escassez de água no cenário futuro, revelando uma baixa tolerância à seca prolongada projetada. Essas mudanças encontradas nos resultados podem alterar a estrutura geral das florestas sazonais no futuro, além de resultar na perda do potencial de regeneração do SSB devido à diminuição da viabilidade das sementes e ao aumento da mortalidade das plântulas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have revealed atypical features in the plastomes of the family Cactaceae, the largest lineage of succulent species adapted to arid and semi-arid regions. Most plastomes sequenced to date are from short-globose and cylindrical cacti, while little is known about plastomes of epiphytic cacti. Published cactus plastomes reveal reduction and complete loss of IRs, loss of genes, pseudogenization, and even degeneration of tRNA structures. Aiming to contribute with new insights into the plastid evolution of Cactaceae, particularly within the tribe Rhipsalideae, we de novo assembled and analyzed the plastomes of Lepismium cruciforme and Schlumbergera truncata, two South American epiphytic cacti.
    RESULTS: Our data reveal many gene losses in both plastomes and the first loss of functionality of the trnT-GGU gene in Cactaceae. The trnT-GGU is a pseudogene in L. cruciforme plastome and appears to be degenerating in the tribe Rhipsalideae. Although the plastome structure is conserved among the species of the tribe Rhipsalideae, with tribe-specific rearrangements, we mapped around 200 simple sequence repeats and identified nine nucleotide polymorphism hotspots, useful to improve the phylogenetic resolutions of the Rhipsalideae. Furthermore, our analysis indicated high gene divergence and rapid evolution of RNA editing sites in plastid protein-coding genes in Cactaceae.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that some characteristics of the Rhipsalideae tribe are conserved, such as plastome structure with IRs containing only the ycf2 and two tRNA genes, structural degeneration of the trnT-GGU gene and ndh complex, and lastly, pseudogenization of rpl33 and rpl23 genes, both plastid translation-related genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ontogenetic sexual dimorphism is observed in different primate species, with ecological and evolutionary relationships explaining this pattern. Understanding the growth of the southern brown howler monkey elucidates not only the ecology and evolution but also contributes to conservation projects for this species. Throughout 20 years of the Centro de Pesquisas Biológicas de Indaial-Projeto Bugio, Brazil, we collected morphological data on 105 howlers of the Alouatta guariba species to identify the growth differences between ontogenetic categories and sexes and generate a growth curve to estimate the age of rescued individuals. Linear measurements were employed to obtain body length as well as the dimensions of the head and limbs. All individuals were also weighed to obtain body mass. We assessed growth rate and duration using allometric analysis based on the individuals\' ages. We compared growth rate and duration among infant, juvenile, and adult howlers and between sexes. We provide growth curves for body size for both sexes using the Von Bertalanffy model. Infants have accelerated growth rate in comparison to the juveniles and adults, with no differences between sexes in establishing body length at this ontogenetic stage. Males have a prolonged development duration from the juvenile stage, reaching adulthood later than females, which explains the body length differences found in this species. Variables of head and limbs analyzed also showed differences in growth rate and duration, but not so consistently among ontogenetic stages. Mass was not a good variable to understand the growth differences of the animals, since many arrived feeble in the project and may have lost mass due to different circumstances in old age. Therefore, growth curves were obtained only for body length, allowing the estimation of the age of these animals when rescued from the wild to more effectively provide needed care in captivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change can affect biological assemblages by shifting their species\' geographic range and changing species richness. Aquatic insects represent more than half of the freshwater animal species but have been neglected mainly in climate change assessments, particularly in tropical ecosystems. Among the aquatic insect taxa, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) are well-known bioindicators of environmental changes and encompass an essential metric for rivers and streams\' biomonitoring. Here, we use ecological niche models to project the impact of climate change on the distribution range and richness of EPT in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot. We found EPT to be at high risk from future climate change, with Plecoptera as the order of greatest concern. We projected range contraction of ca. 90 % of the analyzed EPT genera, resulting in a reduction in the richness of EPT genera under future climatic conditions. We projected >50 % contraction in the distribution of 50 % of Plecoptera, ≈14 % of Trichoptera, and ≈7 % of Ephemeroptera genera. The remaining climatically suitable regions in the Atlantic Forest are concentrated in the high-altitude areas, which may act as climate refuges for EPT biodiversity in the future. The projected changes in EPT\'s distribution range and richness may impact biomonitoring programs conducted in tropical ecosystems. Restricting EPT\'s geographic distribution may undermine its potential as a bioindicator and influence the composition of EPT assemblages at reference sites, which may lead to shifting baseline conditions. We reinforce the importance of considering future climatic conditions when planning long-term biomonitoring and priority areas for conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mountains in the Atlantic Forest domain are environments that harbor a high biodiversity, including species adapted to colder climates that were probably influenced by the climatic variations of the Pleistocene. To understand the phylogeographic pattern and assess the taxonomic boundaries between two sister montane species, a genomic study of the butterflies Actinote mantiqueira and A. alalia (Nymphalidae: Acraeini) was conducted. Analyses based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial gene COI (barcode region) failed to recover any phylogenetic or genetic structure discriminating the two species or sampling localities. However, single nucleotide polymorphisms gathered using Genotyping-by-Sequencing provided a strong isolation pattern in all analyses (genetic distance, phylogenetic hypothesis, clustering analyses, and F ST statistics) which is consistent with morphology, separating all individuals of A. alalia from all populations of A. mantiqueira. The three sampled mountain ranges where A. mantiqueira populations occur-Serra do Mar, Serra da Mantiqueira, and Poços de Caldas Plateau-were identified as three isolated clusters. Paleoclimate simulations indicate that both species\' distributions changed according to climatic oscillations in the Pleistocene period, with the two species potentially occurring in areas of lower altitude during glacial periods when compared to the interglacial periods (as the present). Besides, a potential path between their distribution through the Serra do Mar Mountain range was inferred. Therefore, the Pleistocene climatic fluctuation had a significant impact on the speciation process between A. alalia and A. mantiqueira, which was brought on by isolation at different mountain summits during interglacial periods, as shown by the modeled historical distribution and the observed genetic structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nycteribiidae encompasses a specialized group of wingless blood-sucking flies that parasitize bats worldwide. Such relationships are frequently species- or genus-specific, indicating unique eco-evolutionary processes. However, despite this significance, comprehensive studies on the relationships of these flies with their hosts, particularly in the New World, have been scarce. Here, we provide a detailed description of the parasitological patterns of nycteribiid flies infesting a population of Myotis lavali bats in the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil, considering the potential influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the establishment of nycteribiids on bat hosts. From July 2014 to June 2015, we captured 165 M. lavali bats and collected 390 Basilia travassosi flies. Notably, B. travassosi displayed a high prevalence and was the exclusive fly species parasitizing M. lavali in the surveyed area. Moreover, there was a significant predominance of female flies, indicating a female-biased pattern. The distribution pattern of the flies was aggregated; most hosts exhibited minimal or no parasitism, while a minority displayed heavy infestation. Sexually active male bats exhibited greater susceptibility to parasitism compared to their inactive counterparts, possibly due to behavioral changes during the peak reproductive period. We observed a greater prevalence and abundance of flies during the rainy season, coinciding with the peak reproductive phase of the host species. No obvious correlation was observed between the parasite load and bat body mass. Our findings shed light on the intricate dynamics of nycteribiid-bat interactions and emphasize the importance of considering various factors when exploring bat-parasite associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Under pollinator limitations, specialized pollination syndromes may evolve toward contrasting responses: a generalized syndrome with increased pollinator attraction, pollinator reward, and pollen transfer capacity; or the selfing syndrome with increased self-pollen deposition, but reduced pollinator attraction and pollen transfer capacity. The buzz-pollination syndrome is specialized to explore female vibrating bees as pollinators. However, vibrating bees become less-active pollinators at montane areas of the Atlantic Forest (AF) domain. This study investigated whether the specialized buzz-pollination syndrome would evolve toward an alternative floral syndrome in montane areas of the AF domain, considering a generalized and the selfing syndromes as alternative responses.
    METHODS: We utilized a lineage within the buzz-pollinated Miconia as study system, contrasting floral traits between montane AF-endemic and non-endemic species. We measured and validated floral traits that were proxies for pollinator attraction, reward access, pollen transfer capacity, and self-pollen deposition. We inferred the evolution of floral trait via phylogenetic comparative methods.
    RESULTS: AF-endemic species have selectively evolved greater reward access and more frequently had generalist pollination. Nonetheless, AF-endemic species also have selectively evolved toward lower pollen transfer capacity and greater self pollination. These patterns indicated a complex evolutionary process that has jointly favored a generalized and the selfing syndromes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The buzz pollination syndrome can undergo an evolutionary disruption in montane areas of the AF domain. This floral syndrome is likely more labile than often assumed, allowing buzz-pollinated plants to reproduce in environments where vibrating bees are less-reliable pollinators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aquatic bug family Naucoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) is currently represented in Brazil by 68 species. Although the diversity of the family has been the target of several recent studies, large areas of the country are still unexplored and several species that have been deposited in entomological collections are waiting for a formal description. Aiming to fill these knowledge gaps, a series of expeditions were carried out in six states of eastern Brazil between 2018 and 2023: Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Pernambuco, and Sergipe. The fieldwork targeted protected areas, but surrounding regions were also explored. The material obtained, in addition to specimens previously deposited in a national entomological collection, revealed the existence of Australambrysus margaritifer Jordão, Santos and Moreira, a new species herein described, and new records for other 11 species and two subspecies belonging to the genera Carvalhoiella De Carlo, 1963, Limnocoris Stål, 1876, Maculambrysus Reynoso-Velasco and Sites 2021, and Pelocoris Stål, 1876.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paepalanthus is a diverse genus characteristic of the campos rupestres, a megadiverse vegetation found on mountaintops of mainly quartzitic mountain ranges of central-eastern Brazil. Recent efforts on prospecting the biodiversity of Serra do Padre Ângelo, a small mountain complex in eastern Minas Gerais, yielded several new plant and animal species, highlighting the urgency of conservation actions towards this still unprotected area. Here, we describe yet another new species found in the campos rupestres of these mountains, Paepalanthusmagnus, a mountaintop microendemic species morphologically similar to taxa found in the Espinhaço Range, over 200 km distant, a biogeographic pattern shared by several other species. The affinities of the new species are discussed, and we provide illustrations, photographs, and SEM photomicrographs of the seed. We also discuss the conservation status of the species, which is preliminarily assessed as Critically Endangered, reinforcing the urgent need to address the conservation of the unique biodiversity of Serra do Padre Ângelo.
    ResumoPaepalanthus é um gênero característico dos campos rupestres, uma vegetação megadiversa encontrada no topo de montanhas de cadeias montanhosas, principalmente quartzíticas, do centro-leste do Brasil. Esforços recentes de inventariar a biodiversidade da Serra do Padre Ângelo, um pequeno complexo montanhoso no leste de Minas Gerais, resultaram na descoberta de várias novas espécies de plantas e animais, destacando a urgência de ações de conservação para esta área ainda não protegida. Aqui, descrevemos mais uma nova espécie encontrada nos campos rupestres dessas montanhas, Paepalanthusmagnus, uma espécie microendêmica, morfologicamente semelhante a táxons encontrados na Serra do Espinhaço, a mais de 200 km de distância, um padrão biogeográfico repetido por várias outras espécies. As afinidades da nova espécie são discutidas e fornecemos ilustrações, fotografias da planta e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) da semente. Também discutimos o status de conservação da espécie, que é preliminarmente avaliada como Criticamente Em Perigo, reforçando a necessidade urgente de abordar a conservação da biodiversidade única da Serra do Padre Ângelo.





