Arctic charr

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Toxoplasma gondii is a very common zoonotic parasite in humans and animals worldwide. Human seroprevalence is high in some regions of Canada\'s North and is thought to be associated with the consumption of traditionally prepared country foods, such as caribou, walrus, ringed seal and beluga. While numerous studies have reported on the prevalence of T. gondii in these animals, in the general absence of felid definitive hosts in the North there has been considerable debate regarding the source of infection, particularly in marine mammals. It has been proposed that fish could be involved in this transmission.
    OBJECTIVE: The objectives of the present study were to perform a targeted survey to determine the prevalence of T. gondii DNA in various tissues of anadromous Arctic charr sampled in Nunavik, Québec, and to investigate the possible role of this commonly consumed fish in the transmission of infection to humans and marine mammals in Canada\'s North.
    RESULTS: A total of 126 individual Arctic charr were sampled from several sites in Nunavik, and various tissues were tested for the presence of T. gondii DNA using PCR. Overall, 12 out of 126 (9.5%) Arctic charr tested in the present study were PCR-positive, as confirmed by DNA sequencing. Brain tissue was most commonly found to be positive, followed by heart tissue, while none of the dorsal muscle samples tested were positive.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although the presence of T. gondii DNA in brain and heart tissues of Arctic charr is very intriguing, infection in these fish, and their possible role in the transmission of this parasite to humans and marine mammals, will need to be confirmed using mouse bioassays. Arctic charr are likely exposed to T. gondii through the ingestion of oocysts transported by surface water and ocean currents from more southerly regions where the definitive felid hosts are more abundant. If infection in Arctic charr can be confirmed, it is possible that these fish could play an important role in the transmission of toxoplasmosis to Inuit, either directly through the consumption of raw fish or indirectly through the infection of fish-eating marine mammals harvested as country foods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Seasonal movements of animals often result in the transfer of large amounts of energy and nutrients across ecosystem boundaries, which may have large consequences on local food webs through various pathways. While this is known for both terrestrial- and aquatic organisms, quantitative estimates on its effects on food web structure and identification of key pathways are scarce, due to the difficulty in obtaining replication on ecosystem level with negative control, i.e. comparable systems without migration.
    METHODS: In this study, we estimate the impact of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) migration on riverine ecosystem structure, by comparing multiple streams with strictly resident populations above natural migration barriers with streams below those barriers harboring partially migratory populations. We compared density estimates and size structure between above and below populations. Diet differences were examined through the analysis of stomach contents, changes in trophic position were examined by using stable isotopes. To infer growth rate of resident individuals, back-growth calculation was performed using otoliths.
    RESULTS: We find higher densities of small juveniles in partially migratory populations, where juvenile Arctic charr show initially lower growth, likely due to higher intraspecific competition. After reaching a size, where they can start feeding on eggs and smaller juveniles, which are both more frequent in partially migratory populations, growth surpasses that of resident populations. Cannibalism induced by high juvenile densities occurred almost exclusively in populations with migration and represents an altered energy pathway to the food web. The presence of large cannibalistic charr feeding on smaller ones that have a similar trophic level as charr from strictly resident populations (based on stomach content) coupled with steeper δ15N-size regression slopes illustrate the general increase of food chain length in systems with migration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results thus suggest that the consumption of migration-derived resources may result in longer food chains through middle-up rather than bottom-up effects. Furthermore, by occupying the apex of the food chain and feeding on juvenile conspecifics, resident individuals experience reduced competition with their young counterparts, which potentially balances their fitness with migratory individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperature variation is affecting fish biodiversity worldwide, causing changes in geographic distribution, phenotypic structure, and even species extinction. Incubation is a critical stage for stenothermic species, which are vulnerable to large temperature fluctuations, and its effects on the phenotype at later developmental stages are understudied, despite the fact that the phenotype being essential for organism ecology and evolution. In this study, we tested the effects of heat shocks during the embryonic period on the phenotype of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). We repeatedly quantified multiple phenotypic traits, including morphology, development, and behavior, over a period of 4 months, from hatching to juvenile stage in individuals that had experienced heat shocks (+ 5°C on 24 h, seven times) during their embryonic stage and those that had not. We found that heat shocks led to smaller body size at hatching and a lower sociability. Interestingly, these effects weakened throughout the development of individuals and even reversed in the case of body size. We also found an accelerated growth rate and a higher body condition in the presence of heat shocks. Our study provides evidence that heat shocks experienced during incubation can have long-lasting effects on an individual\'s phenotype. This highlights the importance of the incubation phase for the development of ectothermic organisms and suggests that temperature fluctuations may have significant ecological and evolutionary implications for Arctic charr. Given the predicted increase in extreme events and the unpredictability of temperature fluctuations, it is critical to further investigate their effects on development by examining fluctuations that vary in frequency and intensity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal personality has been shown to be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors and shaped by natural selection. Currently, little is known about mechanisms influencing the development of personality traits. This study examines the extent to which personality development is genetically influenced and/or environmentally responsive (plastic). We also investigated the role of evolutionary history, assessing whether personality traits could be canalized along a genetic and ecological divergence gradient. We tested the plastic potential of boldness in juveniles of five Icelandic Arctic charr morphs (Salvelinus alpinus), including two pairs of sympatric morphs, displaying various degrees of genetic and ecological divergence from the ancestral anadromous charr, split between treatments mimicking benthic versus pelagic feeding modalities. We show that differences in mean boldness are mostly affected by genetics. While the benthic treatment led to bolder individuals overall, the environmental effect was rather weak, suggesting that boldness lies under strong genetic influence with reduced plastic potential. Finally, we found hints of differences by morphs in boldness canalization through reduced variance and plasticity, and higher consistency in boldness within morphs. These findings provide new insights on how behavioural development may impact adaptive diversification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Substantial variation in male fertility is regularly observed in farmed Arctic charr. However, detailed investigations of its fluctuation during a reproductive season and across years are lacking. Furthermore, information about the effect of underlying genetic factors influencing sperm quality is scarce. The current study focused on seasonal and age-related factors that may affect sperm quality characteristics in males reared in natural and delayed photoperiods. Animals were sampled three times for two consecutive years, and sperm quality parameters were recorded using a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system. Thereafter, high-throughput sequencing technologies were applied, aiming to identify genomic regions related to the variation of sperm quality throughout the reproductive season.
    RESULTS: An across-season variation in the recorded sperm quality parameters was evident. Overall, 29% and 42% of males from the natural and delayed spawning groups had a highly variable total progressive motility. Males at four years of age showed significantly higher sperm motility and velocities during the early October and November recordings compared to the following year when the same animals were five years of age. On the other hand, the opposite was observed regarding sperm concentration during the last sampling. A genome-wide FST scan detected SNP differentiation among males with high and low variability in total progressive motility (PM) on eight chromosomes (FST > 0.17), Genome wide windows with the highest FST contained SNPs in proximity (within 250 kb up- and downstream distance) to 16 genes with sperm quality biological functions in mammalian species.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide a detailed view of seasonal, age-related, and genetic effects on sperm quality and can be used to guide decisions on broodstock selection and hatchery management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) is a niche-market high-value species for Nordic aquaculture. Similar to other salmonids, both anadromous and landlocked populations are encountered. Whole-genome re-sequencing (22X coverage) was performed on two farmed populations of anadromous (Sigerfjord; n = 24) and landlocked (Arctic Superior; n = 24) origin from Norway and Sweden respectively. More than 5 million SNPs were used to study their genetic diversity and to scan for selection signatures. The two populations were clearly distinguished through principal component analysis, with the mean fixation index being ~0.12. Furthermore, the levels of genomic inbreeding estimated from runs of homozygosity were 6.23% and 8.66% for the Norwegian and the Swedish population respectively. Biological processes that could be linked to selection pressure associated primarily with the anadromous background and/or secondarily with domestication were suggested. Overall, our study provided insights regarding the genetic composition of two main strains of farmed Arctic charr from Scandinavia. At the same time, ample genomic resources were produced in the magnitude of millions of SNPs that could assist the transition of Nordic Arctic charr farming in the genomics era.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the welcome circumstance that species believed extinct are rediscovered, it is often the case that biological knowledge acquired before the presumed extinction is limited. Efforts to address these knowledge gaps, in particular to assess the taxonomic integrity and conservation status of such species, can be hampered by a lack of genetic data and scarcity of samples in museum collections. Here, we present a proof-of-concept case study based on a multidisciplinary data evaluation approach to tackle such problems. The approach was developed after the rediscovery, 40 years after its presumed extinction, of the enigmatic Lake Constance deep-water charr Salvelinus profundus. Targeted surveys led to the capture of further species and additional sympatric normal charr, Salvelinus cf. umbla. Since the lake had been subject to massive stocking in the past, an evaluation of the genetic integrity of both extant forms was called for in order to assess possible introgression. A two-step genomic approach was developed based on restriction site associated DNA (RAD). Diagnostic population genomic (single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP]) data were harvested from contemporary samples and used for RNA bait design to perform target capture in DNA libraries of archival scale material, enabling a comparison between extant and historic samples. Furthermore, life history traits and morphological data for both extant forms were gathered and compared with historical data from the past 60-120 years. While extant deep-water charr matched historical deep-water specimens in body shape, gill raker count, and growth rates, significant differences were discovered between historical and extant normal charr. These resulted were supported by genomic analyses of contemporary samples, revealing the two extant forms to be highly divergent. The results of population assignment tests suggest that the endemic deep-water charr persisted in Lake Constance during the eutrophic phase, but not one of the historical genomic samples could be assigned to the extant normal charr taxon. Stocking with non-endemic charr seems to be the most likely reason for these changes. This proof-of-concept study presents a multidisciplinary data evaluation approach that simultaneously tests population genomic integrity and addresses some of the conservation issues arising from rediscovery of a species characterized by limited data availability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We assayed fatty acids in the flesh of Arctic cisco Coregonus autumnalis (adult and juvenile), least cisco Coregonus sardinella, muksun Coregonus muksun, and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus inhabiting water bodies of the Gydan Peninsula, Siberia, Russia. The highest concentrations of total and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were found in Arctic charr (27.8 and 9.5 mg g-1) and adult Arctic cisco (20.2 and 7.6 mg g-1), while the lowest concentrations occurred in juvenile Arctic cisco (7.5 and 3.6 mg g-1). Multivariate analyses divided all studied fish into five distinct groups with the highest similarity between least cisco and muksun and the highest dissimilarity between juvenile Arctic cisco and Arctic charr. Coregonid fish from the study area had a higher content of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids than their conspecifics from subarctic and temperate habitats. The flesh of the studied fish is a source of a healthy diet for humans. Taking into account that all the studied fish are components of the traditional diet of indigenous peoples in northwestern Siberia, our data may be useful not only for local consumers and anglers but also for stakeholders focused on food policy and food security in the area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Routine implementation of genomic information for guiding selection decisions is not yet common in the majority of aquaculture species. Reduced representation sequencing approaches offer a cost-effective solution for obtaining genome-wide information in species with a limited availability of genomic resources. In the current study, we implemented double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-seq) on an Arctic charr strain with the longest known history of selection (approximately 40 years) aiming to improve selection decisions. In total, 1730 animals reared at four different farms in Sweden and spanning from year classes 2013-2017 were genotyped using ddRAD-seq. Approximately 5000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified, genetic diversity-related metrics were estimated, and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for body length at different time points and age of sexual maturation were conducted. Low genetic differentiation amongst animals from the different farms was observed based on both the results from pairwise F st values and principal component analysis (PCA). The existence of associations was investigated between the mean genome-wide heterozygosity of each full-sib family (year class 2017) and the corresponding inbreeding coefficient or survival to the eyed stage. A moderate correlation (-0.33) was estimated between the mean observed heterozygosity of each full-sib family and the corresponding inbreeding coefficient, while no linear association was obtained with the survival to the eyed stage. GWAS did not detect loci with major effect for any of the studied traits. However, genomic regions explaining more than 1% of the additive genetic variance for either studied traits were suggested across 14 different chromosomes. Overall, key insights valuable for future selection decisions of Arctic charr have been obtained, suggesting ddRAD as an attractive genotyping platform for obtaining genome-wide information in a cost-effective manner.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trait expression of natural populations often jointly depends on prevailing abiotic environmental conditions and predation risk. Copepods, for example, can vary their expression of compounds that confer protection against ultraviolet radiation (UVR), such as astaxanthin and mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), in relation to predation risk. Despite ample evidence that copepods accumulate less astaxanthin in the presence of predators, little is known about how the community composition of planktivorous fish can affect the overall expression of photoprotective compounds. Here, we investigate how the (co-)occurrence of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) affects the photoprotective phenotype of the copepod Leptodiaptomus minutus in lake ecosystems in southern Greenland. We found that average astaxanthin and MAA contents were lowest in lakes with stickleback, but we found no evidence that these photoprotective compounds were affected by the presence of charr. Furthermore, variance in astaxanthin among individual copepods was greatest in the presence of stickleback and the astaxanthin content of copepods was negatively correlated with increasing stickleback density. Overall, we show that the presence and density of stickleback jointly affect the content of photoprotective compounds by copepods, illustrating how the community composition of predators in an ecosystem can determine the expression of prey traits that are also influenced by abiotic stressors.





