Anesthesia, Dental

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Compare the efficacy of 2% lidocaine with adrenaline (1:200,000) and 4% articaine with adrenaline (1:100,000) in inferior alveolar nerve block prior to extraction of bilateral teeth posterior to canine in interval of one week.
    METHODS: Thirty-five patients were selected for the study. Patients were divided into two different groups: Group 1 - (2% lignocaine with adrenaline (1:200,000)) and Group 2 - (4% articaine with adrenaline (1:100,000)) solution. The study variables for each anaesthetic agent were: onset of action and depth of anaesthesia. A pulp tester was used to demonstrate quantitative values and a visual analogue scale (VAS) was used for qualitative evaluation of the two anaesthetic drugs in 2 min cycle for 10 min with respect to test canine. Anaesthesia was considered successful when pulp tester value 64 was achieved in 10 min for both the anaesthetic agent.
    METHODS: The difference in the efficacy of lignocaine and articaine was analysed using Student\'s t test. Within group comparison of the response to the pulp vitality test and VAS over various time periods was analysed using repeated measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with post-hoc Bonferroni test.
    RESULTS: Data analysis showed statistical differences in onset and depth of anaesthesia between the two groups (P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: 4% Articaine with adrenaline (1:100,000) onset of action is faster and depth of anaesthesia is better compared to 2% lignocaine with adrenaline (1:200,000). Many previous studies reported onset of anaesthesia, but this study evaluates onset and depth of both the anaesthetic agent quantitatively and qualitatively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: One of the main goals for pediatric dentists is to offer a painless anesthesia experience. Laser photobiomodulation is among the suggested strategies to decrease injection pain. So, this study aimed to assess the impact of laser photobiomodulation on local anesthesia (LA) injection pain in children and its effect on the efficacy of LA during pulpotomy and SSC procedures.
    METHODS: The research was carried out as a randomized controlled clinical trial with two parallel group design. It involved 64 cooperative healthy children, age range from 5 to 7 years, each having at least one maxillary molar indicated for pulpotomy. Children were randomly allocated to one of the two groups based on the pre-anesthetic tissue management technique used: test group received laser photobiomodulation, while control group received topical anesthetic gel. Pain during injection, pulpotomy, and SSC procedures was assessed using physiological measures (Heart Rate (HR)), subjective evaluation (modified Face-Pain-Scale (FPS), and objective analysis (Sound-Eye-Motor scale (SEM)).
    RESULTS: A total of 64 children with mean age 6.23 ± 0.78 participated in this research. The mean HR scores were significantly lower in the laser PBM group during buccal and palatal infiltration injections. The SEM mean scores were significantly lower in the laser PBM group during both injections. For the FPS scale, the number of children who recorded satisfaction during injection was significantly higher in laser PBM group. There was no statistically significant difference in mean HR as well as in SEM and FPS scores between the two groups during pulpotomy and SSC procedures. Comparisons between the two study groups were performed using independent samples t- and Mann-Whitney U tests. Significance was set at p value < 0.05.
    CONCLUSIONS: Laser photobiomodulation is a promising non-pharmacological pre-anesthetic tissue management technique in children that offered less painful injection compared to topical anesthetic gel without compromising the effectiveness of LA.
    BACKGROUND: Identifier: NCT05861154. Registered on 16/5/2023.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Was to improve the quality of treatment in pediatric outpatient dentistry with the effective use of oral sedation.
    METHODS: The study comprised 60 children aged 3-12 years who were undergoing therapeutic/surgical dental treatment. All children\'s somatic state was assessed as ASAI-II. All children met a number of psychological, anamnestic and procedural criteria. Midazolam and chloropyramine in a dose calculated for the patient\'s body weight were used as components of oral sedation. The estimated sedation depth was Ramsay II-III. The study included an analysis of objective (the time of comfortable treatment, the amount of treated or removed teeth per visit, the possibility of treatment without anesthesia during further visits) and subjective (the possibility of contact with the child during treatment, behavioral reactions at home and on further visits) criteria. Negative behavioral reactions and dental effects were also assessed.
    RESULTS: The treatment features correlated with the age category and gender of the patient. In the older age group of 7-12 years, the amount of comfortable treatment time was higher, the possibility of contact with the child reached 100% (which is twice as much as in the younger one), and also a larger number of patients were treated during further visits without an anesthetic aid. At the same time, in the younger age group of 3-6 years, the volume of treatment per visit was higher, since it takes less time to treat a primary tooth than for a permanent one. Side effects (visual hallucinations, diplopia, hyperactivity, tearfulness and aggressiveness) were more often recorded in the younger age group, but emotional instability was equally manifested in both groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: In order to maximize the effectiveness of using oral sedation as a method, it is necessary to take into account the duration and traumatism of the proposed procedure, the peculiarities of age psychology and the peculiarities of the psychological development of boys and girls.
    UNASSIGNED: Улучшить качество лечения детей в амбулаторной стоматологии путем эффективного применения пероральной седации.
    UNASSIGNED: В исследование вошли 60 детей в возрасте 3—12 лет, которым предстояло терапевтическое/хирургическое стоматологическое вмешательство. Все дети соответствовали по соматическому состоянию ASA I—II и отвечали ряду психологических, анамнестических и процедуральных критериев. В качестве компонентов пероральной седации использовались препараты мидазолам и хлоропирамин в дозе, рассчитанной на массу тела пациента. Предполагаемая глубина седации — Ramsay II—III. Анализировались объективные критерии: время комфортного лечения, объем лечения за один визит, возможность лечения без анестезиологического пособия при дальнейших визитах; а также субъективные: возможность контакта с ребенком в процессе лечения, поведенческие реакции в домашних условиях и на дальнейших визитах. Также оценивались негативные поведенческие реакции и стоматологические эффекты.
    UNASSIGNED: Особенности лечения коррелировали с возрастной категорией и полом пациента. В старшей возрастной категории 7—12 лет была больше величина комфортного времени лечения, возможность контакта с ребенком достигла 100% (что в два раза больше, чем в младшей), а также большее количество пациентов было пролечено при дальнейших визитах без анестезиологического пособия. При этом в младшей возрастной категории 3—6 лет был больше объем лечения за один визит, так как для лечения одного временного зуба необходимо меньше времени, чем для постоянного. Побочные эффекты (зрительные галлюцинации, диплопия, гиперактивность, плаксивость и агрессивность) чаще регистрировались в младшей возрастной категории, однако эмоциональная нестабильность была равно проявлена в обеих группах.
    UNASSIGNED: Для наибольшей эффективности использования пероральной седации необходимо учитывать длительность и травматичность предполагаемой процедуры, особенности возрастной психологии и особенности психологического развития мальчиков и девочек.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Surgical extraction of impacted third molars (ITM) often leads to postoperative discomfort including pain, swelling, and limited function. Steroids like dexamethasone (DXN) are commonly used in oral surgery to manage pain and inflammation. Various administration routes for DXN exist, including intravenous (IV), perineural (PN), and oral applications, each with its advantages. Previous studies have shown that adding DXN to local anesthetics can prolong anesthesia duration and reduce postoperative sequelae. However, comparative studies on IV and PN applications with inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) of DXN in ITM surgeries are limited.
    METHODS: This controlled, randomized observational study involved patients undergoing Class II position B ITM extraction. Patients were divided into three groups. IANB (1.8 ml of articaine hydrochloride + 1 ml of saline) was performed 1 h after IV-DXN (4 mg/ml DXN) was administered to the IV group. DXN along with IANB (1.8 ml of articaine hydrochloride + 1 ml of 4 mg/ml DXN) was applied to the PN group. Only IANB (1.8 ml of articaine hydrochloride + 1 ml of saline) was applied to the control group. Anesthesia duration was assessed as primary outcomes. Anesthesia duration was evaluated using a vitalometer from the molars. Secondary outcomes included postoperative pain and edema measured on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days after surgery. Pain was evaluated postoperatively by using a visual analog scale. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
    RESULTS: The study included 45 patients with similar demographic characteristics across groups. IV application significantly prolonged anesthesia duration compared to the control group. (p = 0.049) Both IV and PN administration of DXN reduced postoperative edema at 3rd (p = 0.048) and 7th day (p = 0.01). Post-procedure pain reduction was significant in the IV group (p = 0.011). On the other hand, it was observed that the pain did not decrease in the PN group at 3rd and 7th days compared to the control and IV groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: PN and IV DXN administration prolonged anesthesia duration and reduced postoperative edema in ITM surgeries. However, PN DXN administration was associated with increased postoperative pain compared to IV DXN and control groups. Further studies comparing different doses and administration routes of DXN are needed to determine optimal strategies for managing postoperative discomfort in ITM surgeries.
    BACKGROUND: This study was conducted at Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry with the permission of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Faculty of Medicine Ethics Committee (#04-2022/101). Trial registration is also available at (NCT06318013, 26/05/2024).






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Aim: To summarize the experience of providing dental medical care under general anesthesia to children from different regions of Ukraine during the martial law, taking into account the factors affecting the choice of optimal conditions for dental treatment.
    METHODS: Materials and Methods: Dental treatment under general anesthesia of 1,258 children from different regions of Ukraine has been performed since March 2022. The condition of the teeth (df, df+DMF, DMF) and hygienic state of the oral cavity (OHI-S) were determined. The level of awareness of parents regarding the preservation of children\'s dental health was studied through a questionnaire.
    RESULTS: Results: An unsatisfactory oral hygiene, a high level of caries were found in the vast majority of children. The highest df was observed in the group of children aged 3 to 6 years (7.14±0.33), which is significantly higher than in the group of children under 3 years of age (4.32±1.04, p≤0.05). The worst oral hygiene was observed in children aged 6-12 years (OHI-S 2.62±0.32). An insufficient level of awareness of parents and children regarding dental health was revealed. A total of 1,712 operations under general anesthesia were performed. The majority of patients could not regularly appear for follow-up examinations due to the forced departure from the country.
    CONCLUSIONS: Conclusions: The organization of dental treatment under general anesthesia allows solving a number of problems of dental care for children during the war.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study examined the impact of premedication with ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine and the influence of preoperative pain and anxiety on inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) efficacy in cases of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis.
    METHODS: The study involved 150 SIP patients who were randomly assigned to receive ibuprofen (600 mg), ibuprofen-arginine (1,155 mg), or a placebo 30 min before IANB. Preoperative anxiety and pain levels were assessed using the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale and the Heft-Parker visual scale. IANB efficacy was determined by the absence of or mild pain during the procedure. Statistical analysis included chi-square, z-tests, Analysis of Variance, and Student\'s t tests.
    RESULTS: The ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine groups exhibited significantly higher IANB success rates (62% and 78%, respectively) compared to the placebo group (34%). However, no significant difference was observed between the ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine groups. Patients with successful IANB in the ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine groups displayed lower median anxiety scores (8) than those with failed blocks (15) and lower mean preoperative pain scores (118.3).
    CONCLUSIONS: In cases of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis the preemptive medication with ibuprofen-arginine effectively increased the efficacy of the inferior alveolar nerve block The inferior alveolar nerve block efficacy was influenced by preoperative anxiety levels and the intensity of pain.
    CONCLUSIONS: This research underscores the potential benefits of oral premedication with ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine in improving anesthesia outcomes in cases of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In pediatric dentistry, complications arising from extended soft tissue anesthesia can negatively impact patient comfort and trust in dental care. This study evaluates the clinical efficacy of diode laser-based photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) in expediting the resolution of anesthesia in children aged 6-9 receiving inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) injections. In this split-mouth double-blind randomized clinical trial, 36 pediatric subjects aged 6-9, requiring pulpotomy procedures on both sides of the mandible, received IANBs (single cartridge of 2% lidocaine/1:100,000 epinephrine). PBMT and sham laser were alternately applied to each side of the mandible, in two separate sessions, with the envelope method determining treatment allocation and intervention side on the first treatment day. During the laser session, laser (808 nm, 250 mW, 23s continuous, 0.5 cm², 11.5 J/cm², direct contact) irradiated two points at the injection site, five intra-oral and five extra-oral points along the infra-alveolar nerve\'s pathway. Soft tissue anesthesia reversal was quantified through tactile assessment. Soft tissue trauma was also assessed by the researcher and reported by parents 24 h post-dental visit. All data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics v25.0 via Paired T-test, two-way repeated measures ANOVA, and McNemar\'s test. The laser group exhibited a mean lip anesthesia duration of 122.78 ± 2.26 min, while the sham laser group experienced 134.44 ± 21.8 min, indicating an 11.66-minute reduction in anesthesia duration for the laser group. (P < 0.001) Soft tissue trauma occurred in two sham laser group patients and one laser group patient, with no significant difference. (P = 1) The findings indicate that employing laser with defined parameters can reduce the length of IANB-induced anesthesia.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: To describe social determinants of health (SDOH) in a group of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) planned for dental procedures with general anesthesia (GA) at a pediatric hospital and explore associations between SDOH and completing this treatment in the recommended timeframe. Methods: SDOH were recorded for all patients planned for dental treatment with GA in 2019. Outcomes were treatment completed in the recommended timeframe or treatment not completed within two years of planning. Results: Dental surgery plans were made for 390 CSHCN: 190 were completed in the recommended timeframe, and 119 were not completed within two years. The SDOH associated with completing/not completing surgery were parents (guardian/caregiver)/household, and documentation of social work involvement with the family. Patients receiving optimally timed surgery more frequently had two parents/one household and/or an active social work plan on the record. Those not receiving surgery frequently had two parents/two households, single parents, and/or had no social work plan. Ethnicity, payer, and the need for an interpreter were not associated with receiving timely surgery. Conclusions: Multiple studies have found that social determinants of health contribute to disparate health outcomes. In this study, children with two parents in one household appear to be advantaged in receiving care in the recommended timeframe. Families with SDOH challenges who had a social work plan were frequently able to overcome SDOH barriers and receive dental treatment with general anesthesia in the timeframe recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anxiety is common preceding tooth extraction; hence, it is crucial to identify patients with dental anxiety (DA) and to manage DA. This study assessed the level of DA and influencing factors in tooth extraction patients in a dental hospital in China and changes in their blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) during the tooth-extraction procedure.
    METHODS: The study was a cohort study. The Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) was used to assess the level of DA of 120 patients before tooth extraction. A Demographics and Oral Health Self-Assessment Form was used to assess factors influencing DA. The correlations of DAS scores with HR and BP were measured. The effects of local anesthesia and general anesthesia on HR and BP were also compared using a Datex-Ohmeda anesthesia monitor to detect HR and BP continuously before and after anesthesia. Independent sample t-tests, OLS multiple regression model and one-way analysis of variance were applied to analysis the results.
    RESULTS: Based on the DAS score, 12.5% of the participants were identified as suffering from DA. DA was related to age, gender, and the self-assessment of oral health. The DAS score was correlated with increased BP (P < 0.05). BP showed an overall upward trend after local anesthesia, while it was generally stable after general anesthesia. The systolic BP at 4 and 5 min and the HR at 2 and 4 min increased remarkably (P < 0.05) after local anesthesia compared with those before anesthesia. The HR and BP of patients under local anesthesia were generally higher than those of patients under general anesthesia were during the operation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of DA in adults was 12.5% in this study population. DA was related to gender, age, and the self-assessment of oral health. The score of DAS was correlated with BP. Compare to local anesthesia, general anesthesia can make the vital signs of tooth extraction patients more stable.





