Analytic treatment interruption

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A heterologous Ad26/MVA vaccine was given prior to an analytic treatment interruption (ATI) in people living with HIV-1 (mainly CRF01_AE) who initiated antiretroviral treatment (ART) during acute HIV-1. We investigate the impact of Ad26/MVA vaccination on antibody (Ab)-mediated immune responses and their effect on time to viral rebound. The vaccine mainly triggers vaccine-matched binding Abs while, upon viral rebound post ATI, infection-specific CRF01_AE binding Abs increase in all participants. Binding Abs are not associated with time to viral rebound. The Ad26/MVA mosaic vaccine profile consists of correlated non-CRF01_AE binding Ab and Fc effector features, with strong Ab-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) responses. CRF01_AE-specific ADCP responses (measured either prior to or post ATI) are significantly higher in individuals with delayed viral rebound. Our results suggest that vaccines eliciting cross-reactive responses with circulating viruses in a target population could be beneficial and that ADCP responses may play a role in viral control post treatment interruption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early-phase HIV remission (\"cure\") trials aim to test interventions developed to eradicate HIV or to sustainably control HIV without antiretroviral treatment (ART). Many remission trials include analytic treatment interruption (ATI) to evaluate interventions, which increases the risk to participants and their sexual partners. We conducted an online questionnaire of international HIV remission trial investigators and other study team members to assess their expectations regarding the time to achieve long-term control of HIV replication without treatment (functional cure) or complete eradication of replication-competent HIV virus (sterilizing cure); attitudes toward HIV remission research and the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of six HIV transmission risk mitigation strategies during trials with ATI of fixed duration. Nearly half of respondents (47%) reported expecting a functional cure for HIV to be achieved in 5-10 years, and one-third (35%) reported 10-20 years for a sterilizing cure to be achieved. On a scale of -3 to 3, mean scores indicated greater respondent concern about the risk of HIV transmission to partners during ATI (Time to rebound Mean: 0.4 and Fixed duration Mean: 11), compared to participant health risks from ATI (Time to Rebound Mean: -.9 and Fixed duration Mean: 0.0). With regard to feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy respectively, mitigation efforts rated positively included: requiring counseling for potential participants (Means: 2.3; 2.1; and 1.1), providing partner referrals for PrEP (Means: 1.3; 1.3; 1.5), providing pre-exposure proxylaxis directly to partners (Means: 1.0; 1.5; 1.6), and monitoring participants for new sexually transmitted disease acquisition (Means: 1.9; 1.4; 1.0). Respondents were less positive about requiring that participants\' sexual partner(s) participate in risk counseling or limiting participation to those who commit to abstaining from sex during the entire ATI period. Our study demonstrates that HIV remission trial investigators and study team members are concerned about the risk of transmission to sexual partners during ATI. Separating the assessment of risk mitigation strategies for transmission risk into feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy allows the discovery of strategies that may best achieve all three outcomes. Additional research is needed to compare these more fine-grained assessments with views held by other investigators, people living with HIV, and trial participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analytic treatment interruption (ATI) is scientifically necessary in HIV-remission (\"cure\") studies to test the effects of new interventions. However, stopping antiretroviral treatment poses risks to research participants and their sexual partners. Ethical debate about whether and how to conduct such studies has largely centered on designing risk-mitigation strategies and identifying the responsibilities of research stakeholders. In this paper, we argue that because the possibility of HIV transmission from research participants to partners during ATI cannot practicably be eliminated-that is, it is ineliminable-the successful conduct of such trials ultimately depends on relationships of trust and trustworthiness. We describe our experiences with conducting and studying HIV-remission trials with ATI in Thailand to examine the strengths, complexities, and limitations of the risk-mitigation and responsibility approaches and to explore ways in which the building of trust-and trustworthiness-may help enhance the scientific, practical, and ethical dimensions of these trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Posttreatment controllers (PTCs) are rare HIV-infected individuals who can limit viral rebound after antiretroviral therapy interruption (ATI), but the mechanisms of this remain unclear. To investigate these mechanisms, we quantified various HIV RNA transcripts (via reverse transcription droplet digital PCR [RT-ddPCR]) and cellular transcriptomes (via RNA-seq) in blood cells from PTCs and noncontrollers (NCs) before and two time points after ATI. HIV transcription initiation did not significantly increase after ATI in PTCs or in NCs, whereas completed HIV transcripts increased at early ATI in both groups and multiply-spliced HIV transcripts increased only in NCs. Compared to NCs, PTCs showed lower levels of HIV DNA, more cell-associated HIV transcripts per total RNA at all times, no increase in multiply-spliced HIV RNA at early or late ATI, and a reduction in the ratio of completed/elongated HIV RNA after early ATI. NCs expressed higher levels of the IL-7 pathway before ATI and expressed higher levels of multiple cytokine, inflammation, HIV transcription, and cell death pathways after ATI. Compared to the baseline, the NCs upregulated interferon and cytokine (especially TNF) pathways during early and late ATI, whereas PTCs upregulated interferon and p53 pathways only at early ATI and downregulated gene translation during early and late ATI. In NCs, viral rebound after ATI is associated with increases in HIV transcriptional completion and splicing, rather than initiation. Differences in HIV and cellular transcription may contribute to posttreatment control, including an early limitation of spliced HIV RNA, a delayed reduction in completed HIV transcripts, and the differential expression of the IL-7, p53, and TNF pathways. IMPORTANCE The findings presented here provide new insights into how HIV and cellular gene expression change after stopping ART in both noncontrollers and posttreatment controllers. Posttreatment control is associated with an early ability to limit increases in multiply-spliced HIV RNA, a delayed (and presumably immune-mediated) ability to reverse an initial rise in processive/completed HIV transcripts, and multiple differences in cellular gene expression pathways. These differences may represent correlates or mechanisms of posttreatment control and may provide insight into the development and/or monitoring of therapeutic strategies that are aimed at a functional HIV cure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many studies that seek to cure HIV must ask participants to interrupt their antiretroviral treatment. In such circumstances, is it permissible to include a placebo group in the study? We explain why doing so is a scientific and an ethical necessity, and more benign than imagined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analytic treatment interruption (ATI) studies evaluate strategies to potentially induce remission in people living with HIV-1 but are often limited in sample size. We combined data from four studies that tested three interventions (vorinostat/hydroxychloroquine/maraviroc before ATI, Ad26/MVA vaccination before ATI, and VRC01 antibody infusion during ATI).
    The statistical validity of combining data from these participants was evaluated. Eleven variables, including HIV-1 viral load at diagnosis, Fiebig stage, and CD4+ T cell count were evaluated using pairwise correlations, statistical tests, and Cox survival models.
    Participants had homogeneous demographic and clinical characteristics. Because an antiviral effect was seen in participants who received VRC01 infusion post-ATI, these participants were excluded from the analysis, permitting a pooled analysis of 53 participants. Time to viral rebound was significantly associated with variables measured at the beginning of infection: pre-antiretroviral therapy (ART) viral load (HR = 1.34, p = 0.022), time to viral suppression post-ART initiation (HR = 1.07, p < 0.001), and area under the viral load curve (HR = 1.34, p = 0.026).
    We show that higher viral loads in acute HIV-1 infection were associated with faster viral rebound, demonstrating that the initial stage of HIV-1 infection before ART initiation has a strong impact on viral rebound post-ATI years later.
    This work was supported by a cooperative agreement between the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine and the US Department of the Army (W81XWH-18-2-0040). This research was funded, in part, by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (AAI20052001) and the I4C Martin Delaney Collaboratory (5UM1AI126603-05).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    HIV remission trials often require temporary stopping of antiretroviral therapy (ART)-an approach called analytic treatment interruption (ATI). Trial designs resulting in viremia raise risks for participants and sexual partners. We conducted a survey on attitudes about remission trials, comparing ART resumption criteria (lower-risk \"time to rebound\" and higher-risk \"sustained viremia\") among participants from an acute HIV cohort in Thailand. Analyses included Wilcoxon-Ranks and multivariate logistic analysis. Most of 408 respondents supported ATI trials, with slightly higher approval of, and willingness to participate in, trials using time to rebound versus sustained viremia criteria. Less than half of respondents anticipated disclosing trial participation to partners and over half indicated uncertainty or unwillingness about whether partners would be willing to use PrEP. Willingness to participate was higher among those who rated higher trial approval, lower anticipated burden, and those expecting to make the decision independently. Our findings support acceptability of ATI trials among most respondents. Participant attitudes and anticipated behaviors, especially related to transmission risk, have implications for future trial design and informed consent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central nervous system (CNS) is a likely reservoir of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), vulnerable to viral rebound, inflammation, and clinical changes upon stopping antiretroviral therapy (ART). It is critical to evaluate the CNS safety of studies using analytic treatment interruption (ATI) to assess HIV remission.
    Thirty participants who started ART during acute HIV infection underwent CNS assessments across 4 ATI remission trials. ART resumption occurred with plasma viral load >1000 copies/mL. CNS measures included paired pre- vs post-ATI measures of mood, cognitive performance, and neurologic examination, with elective cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampling, brain diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).
    Median participant age was 30 years old and 29/30 were male. Participants\' median time on ART before ATI was 3 years, and ATI lasted a median of 35 days. Post-ATI, there were no differences in median mood scores or neurologic findings and cognitive performance improved modestly. During ATI, a low level of CSF HIV-1 RNA was detectable in 6 of 20 participants with plasma viremia, with no group changes in CSF immune activation markers or brain DTI measures. Mild worsening was identified in post-ATI basal ganglia total choline MRS, suggesting an alteration in neuronal membranes.
    No adverse CNS effects were observed with brief, closely monitored ATI in participants with acutely treated HIV, except an MRS alteration in basal ganglia choline. Further studies are needed to assess CNS ATI safety in HIV remission trials, particularly for studies using higher thresholds to restart ART and longer ATI durations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) cannot eradicate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and a rapid rebound of virus replication follows analytical treatment interruption (ATI) in the vast majority of HIV-infected individuals. Sustained control of HIV replication without ART has been documented in a subset of individuals, defined as posttreatment controllers (PTCs). The key determinants of post-ART viral control remain largely unclear. Here, we identified 7 SIVmac239-infected rhesus macaques (RMs), defined as PTCs, who started ART 8 weeks postinfection, continued ART for >7 months, and controlled plasma viremia at <104 copies/ml for up to 8 months after ATI and <200 copies/ml at the latest time point. We characterized immunologic and virologic features associated with post-ART SIV control in blood, lymph node (LN), and colorectal (RB) biopsy samples compared to 15 noncontroller (NC) RMs. Before ART initiation, PTCs had higher CD4 T cell counts, lower plasma viremia, and SIV-DNA content in blood and LN compared to NCs, but had similar CD8 T cell function. While levels of intestinal CD4 T cells were similar, PTCs had higher frequencies of Th17 cells. On ART, PTCs had significantly lower levels of residual plasma viremia and SIV-DNA content in blood and tissues. After ATI, SIV-DNA content rapidly increased in NCs, while it remained stable or even decreased in PTCs. Finally, PTCs showed immunologic benefits of viral control after ATI, including higher CD4 T cell levels and reduced immune activation. Overall, lower plasma viremia, reduced cell-associated SIV-DNA, and preserved Th17 homeostasis, including at pre-ART, are the main features associated with sustained viral control after ATI in SIV-infected RMs.IMPORTANCE While effective, antiretroviral therapy is not a cure for HIV infection. Therefore, there is great interest in achieving viral remission in the absence of antiretroviral therapy. Posttreatment controllers represent a small subset of individuals who are able to control HIV after cessation of antiretroviral therapy, but characteristics associated with these individuals have been largely limited to peripheral blood analysis. Here, we identified 7 SIV-infected rhesus macaques that mirrored the human posttreatment controller phenotype and performed immunologic and virologic analysis of blood, lymph node, and colorectal biopsy samples to further understand the characteristics that distinguish them from noncontrollers. Lower viral burden and preservation of immune homeostasis, including intestinal Th17 cells, both before and after ART, were shown to be two major factors associated with the ability to achieve posttreatment control. Overall, these results move the field further toward understanding of important characteristics of viral control in the absence of antiretroviral therapy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some HIV remission studies include a treatment interruption that seriously risks infecting participants\' sex partners with HIV. What, ethically, is owed to these nonparticipants? Until greater certainty emerges on what protections should be afforded nonparticipants of research studies, what I call a \"low-hanging fruit\" approach may help researchers and review bodies determine how to address infection risks to nonparticipants in these studies.






