American lobster

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The salmon aquaculture industry is an important economic activity established on both the west and east coast of Canada. To control sea lice infestations, in-feed products like emamectin benzoate (EMB) are widely used. Due to its low solubility and persistence EMB can accumulate in marine sediments and be potentially bioavailable to non-target organisms from months to years. The American lobster (Homarus americanus) is a key species in the Northwest Atlantic with high economic and ecological value. It may be exposed to therapeutants considering lobster habitats overlap with aquaculture locations requiring a better understanding of the potential impact of these therapeutants through varied pathways of exposure. In this study, we investigated the exposure of gravid female lobsters to EMB spiked sediment to mimic the likely presence of these females at aquaculture sites for a 10-day period. We completed testing by assessing EMB effects on adult molting and quality, embryo hatching rates, and larval offspring quality and larval molting. Our results show that a single, 10-day exposure of ovigerous females to EMB concentrations higher than environmentally relevant values did not affect females or their offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    American lobster inhabit the unique, brackish Bras d\'Or Lake system, although densities are low compared to areas with similar habitats in the Atlantic Ocean. Nevertheless, lobsters are an important part of local First Nation (Mi\'kmaq) food and culture. We used acoustic telemetry and habitat mapping, combined with local Mi\'kmaw knowledge, to document the movements and habitat use of adult lobsters within a section of the Lake. Movement patterns of acoustically tagged individual lobsters were analyzed with both resource selection functions and integrated step selection functions using data obtained from a high-resolution VEMCO Positioning System within a restricted bay in the Bras d\'Or Lake. The resource selection function suggested stronger selections of substrates that contained a combination of soft and hard sediments. While the integrated step selection functions found substantial individual variability in habitat selections, there was a trend for lobsters to exhibit more resident behaviour on the combined soft/hard substrates despite the fact these sediments provided little in the way of obvious shelters for the animals. Adult lobsters at this site have very little risk of predation, which presumably allows them to freely exhibit exploratory behaviours and reduce their association with substrates that provide shelters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The American lobster, Homarus americanus, is not only of considerable economic importance but has also emerged as a premier model organism in neuroscience research. Neuropeptides, an important class of cell-to-cell signaling molecules, play crucial roles in a wide array of physiological and psychological processes. Leveraging the recently sequenced high-quality draft genome of the American lobster, our study sought to profile the neuropeptidome of this model organism. Employing advanced mass spectrometry techniques, we identified 24 neuropeptide precursors and 101 unique mature neuropeptides in Homarus americanus. Intriguingly, 67 of these neuropeptides were discovered for the first time. Our findings provide a comprehensive overview of the peptidomic attributes of the lobster\'s nervous system and highlight the tissue-specific distribution of these neuropeptides. Collectively, this research not only enriches our understanding of the neuronal complexities of the American lobster but also lays a foundation for future investigations into the functional roles that these peptides play in crustacean species. The mass spectrometry data have been deposited in the PRIDE repository with the identifier PXD047230.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Host-microbe dynamics are of increasing interest in marine research due to their role in host health and productivity. Changes in the shell microbiome of American lobsters have been associated with epizootic shell disease, a syndrome that is spreading northwards across the eastern U.S. and Canadian Atlantic coast. This study analyzed differences in alpha and beta diversity, as well as differentially abundant taxa, in the shell-associated bacterial community of apparently healthy lobsters from four lobster fishing areas (LFAs) in Atlantic Canada. Over 180 lobsters from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (PEI) were sampled during seven sampling events over four sampling months. The bacterial community was identified using novel PacBio long-read sequencing, while alpha and beta diversity parameters were analyzed using linear regression models and weighted UniFrac distances. The bacterial richness, diversity and evenness differed by sampling location, sampling month, and molt stage, but not by lobster sex or size, nor sampling depth. Similarly, based on LFA, sampling month, year and lobster molt stage, the shell microbiome differed in microbial community composition with up to 34 out of 162 taxa differing significantly in abundance between sampling groups. This large-scale microbial survey suggests that the shell microbial diversity of apparently healthy lobsters is influenced by spatial and temporal factors such as geographic location, as well as the length of time the carapace is exposed to the surrounding seawater.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal and estuarine ecosystems are environments heavily influenced by natural and anthropogenic activities. Chemicals used for pest control in agriculture and aquaculture may accumulate in natural coastal environments. Pyrethroids are common pesticides that are used on crops as well as applied to aquaculture pens and then may disperse in the surrounding ocean once treatment is complete. This study observed the sublethal effects of two pyrethroids, permethrin and deltamethrin (within commercially available formulations), on post-larval stage IV American lobster (Homarus americanus) using growth parameters and metabolic rate as indicators. Observed effects on growth parameters were a decrease in size increment and specific growth rate as well as an increase in intermolt period in stage IV lobsters exposed to 100 μg/kg permethrin. No significant differences were found for intermolt period, size increment, or specific growth rate in deltamethrin-exposed stage IV lobsters. Metabolic rates were not significantly different between deltamethrin-exposed and control lobsters, however, this sublethal effect warrants further investigation. Collectively, these results represent the first examination of the sublethal effects of exposure to pyrethroids formulations in post-larval lobsters, highlighting the potential for effects on non-target marine organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abandoned, lost, and discarded fishing gear (ALDFG), negatively impacts marine environments. Managing ALDFG in Atlantic Canada is challenging due to knowledge gaps on loss rates, locations, data availability/accuracy, impacts, and regulatory barriers for retrieval. This study removed ALDFG in Southwest Nova Scotia in collaboration with local fishers (with local knowledge and practical ALDFG removal expertise), government, non-profit organizations, and academia. A total of 29,298 kg of ALDFG was retrieved, including 24,630 kg using towed grapples covering ~3986 km of seafloor and 4668 kg from shorelines (comprising, 68 % lobster traps and 12 % dragger cable by weight). Traps ranged from <1 to 37 years old (median, 10 years). Traps continued to catch target and non-target species with 25 species released, including 652 individual lobsters (82 % were market-sized) and 57 fish (42 were species-at-risk). Based on estimated 2 % trap losses, annual commercial losses from ALDFG were $155,836 CAD in Lobster Fishing Area 34.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Southwest Nova Scotia (SWNS) is Canada\'s most productive lobster (Homarus americanus) fishing region. Abandoned, lost, and discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is widespread. This baseline study provides the first preliminary assessment of environmental and economic impacts of ALDFG on the commercial lobster industry in SWNS. Fishers conducted 60 retrieval trips, searched ~1523 km2 of the seafloor and removed 7064 kg of ALDFG (comprising 66% lobster traps and 22% dragger cable). Results showed that lost traps continued to capture target and non-target species until gear degraded. A total of 15 different species were released from retrieved ALDFG, including 239 lobsters (67% were market-sized) and seven groundfish (including five species-at-risk). The present findings, combined with information on regional fishing effort and market prices, estimate that commercial losses from ALDFG can exceed $175,000 CAD annually. This baseline assessment provides useful data for government and commercial fishing stakeholders to improve ALDFG management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Copy number variants (CNVs) are a major component of genotypic and phenotypic variation in genomes. To date, our knowledge of genotypic variation and evolution has largely been acquired by means of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) analyses. Until recently, the adaptive role of structural variants (SVs) and particularly that of CNVs has been overlooked in wild populations, partly due to their challenging identification. Here, we document the usefulness of Rapture, a derived reduced-representation shotgun sequencing approach, to detect and investigate copy number variants (CNVs) alongside SNPs in American lobster (Homarus americanus) populations. We conducted a comparative study to examine the potential role of SNPs and CNVs in local adaptation by sequencing 1,141 lobsters from 21 sampling sites within the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, which experiences the highest yearly thermal variance of the Canadian marine coastal waters. Our results demonstrated that CNVs account for higher genetic differentiation than SNP markers. Contrary to SNPs, for which no significant genetic-environment association was found, 48 CNV candidates were significantly associated with the annual variance of sea surface temperature, leading to the genetic clustering of sampling locations despite their geographic separation. Altogether, we provide a strong empirical case that CNVs putatively contribute to local adaptation in marine species and unveil stronger spatial signal of population structure than SNPs. Our study provides the means to study CNVs in nonmodel species and highlights the importance of considering structural variants alongside SNPs to enhance our understanding of ecological and evolutionary processes shaping adaptive population structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine species invasions pose a global threat to native biodiversity and commercial fisheries. The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is one of the most successful marine invaders worldwide and has, in the last decade, invaded the southern and western coastal waters of the island of Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Canada. Impacts of green crab on the American lobster (Homarus americanus), which are native to Newfoundland, are not well understood, particularly for interactions around deployed fishing gear. Declines in lobster catch rates in invaded systems (i.e., Placentia Bay, NL), have prompted concerns among lobster fishers that green crab are interfering with lobster catch. Here, we conducted a field experiment in a recently-invaded bay (2013) in which we deployed lobster traps pre-stocked with green crab, native rock crab (Cancer irroratus) (a procedural control), or empty (control). We compared catch per unit effort across each category, and used underwater cameras to directly observe trap performance in situ. In addition, we used SCUBA surveys to determine the correlation between ambient density of lobster and green crab in the ecosystem and the catch processes of lobster in traps. We found: (1) Regardless of the species of crab stocked, crab presence reduced the total number of lobster that attempted to enter the trap, and also reduced entry success rate, (2) lobster consumed green crab, rock crab and other lobster inside traps and (3) there was a positive association between lobster catch and ambient lobster density. Our results suggest that while there was a relationship between in-trap crab density and trap catch rates, it was not linked to the non-native/native status of the crab species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ocean warming can drive poleward shifts of commercially important species with potentially significant economic impacts. Nowhere are those impacts greater than in the Gulf of Maine where North America\'s most valuable marine species, the American lobster (Homarus americanus Milne Edwards), has thrived for decades. However, there are growing concerns that regional maritime economies will suffer as monitored shallow water young-of-year lobsters decline and landings shift to the northeast. We examine how the interplay of ocean warming, tidal mixing, and larval behavior results in a brighter side of climate change. Since the 1980s lobster stocks have increased fivefold. We suggest that this increase resulted from a complex interplay between lobster larvae settlement behavior, climate change, and local oceanographic conditions. Specifically, postlarval sounding behavior is confined to a thermal envelope above 12°C and below 20°C. Summer thermally stratified surface waters in southwestern regions have historically been well within the settlement thermal envelope. Although surface layers are warming fastest in this region, the steep depth-wise temperature gradient caused thermally suitable areas for larval settlement to expand only modestly. This contrasts with the northeast where strong tidal mixing prevents thermal stratification and recent ocean warming has made an expansive area of seabed more favorable for larval settlement. Recent declines in lobster settlement densities observed at shallow monitoring sites correlate with the expanded area of thermally suitable habitat associated with warmer summers. This leads us to hypothesize that the expanded area of suitable habitat may help explain strong lobster population increases in this region over the last decade and offset potential future declines. It also suggests that the fate of fisheries in a changing climate requires understanding local interaction between life stage-specific biological thresholds and finer scale oceanographic processes.






