
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Red panda amdoparvovirus (RPAV) was first described in captive red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) at a zoo in the United States in 2018. Subsequently, the prevalence of infection in zoos in the United States was reported to be 50%; however, RPAV prevalence outside the United States remains unstudied. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of RPAV in 134 red pandas from zoos in Europe. Overall, RPAV was detected with PCR in 21 of 62 zoos (33.9%), and the virus prevalence among individuals was estimated to be 24.2% (95% confidence interval, 17.4%-32.0%). Remarkably, adult females tested positive for RPAV more frequently than adult males. Zoos where RPAV was detected reported a significantly higher occurrence of alopecia (and clinical signs in general), whereas other commonly reported problems (fecal disorders and dental disease) showed no difference. A repeated pooled sampling of two positive individuals further showed that RPAV excretion in feces is intermittent, with the viral DNA being only detected on 8 out of 14 sampling days. The intermittent nature of excretion implies that RPAV prevalence may be higher than the estimated value.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The roster of amdoparvoviruses (APVs) in small carnivores is growing rapidly, but in most cases, the consequences of infection are poorly understood. Red panda amdoparvovirus (RPAV) is highly prevalent in zoo-housed red pandas and has been detected in both healthy and sick animals. Clarifying the clinical impact of RPAV in this endangered species is critical, and zoological collections offer a unique opportunity to examine viral disease association in carefully managed populations. We evaluated the potential impact of RPAV in captive red pandas with a combination of prospective and retrospective analyses. First, we collected feces from 2 healthy animals from one collection over a 6-year period and detected virus in 72/75 total samples, suggesting that RPAV can be a long-term subclinical infection. We next investigated the infections using a retrospective study of infection status and tissue distribution in a cohort of necropsied animals. We performed polymerase chain reaction and in situ hybridization on 43 necropsy cases from 4 zoo collections (3 from the United States, 1 from Europe, 1997-2022). RPAV was present in these populations for at least 2 decades before its discovery and is detectable in common and significant lesions of zoo-housed red pandas, including myocarditis (3/3 cases), nephritis (9/10), and interstitial pneumonia (2/4). RPAV is also detectable in sporadic lesions, including multisystemic pyogranulomatous inflammation, oral/pharyngeal mucosal inflammation, and dermatitis. The colocalization of virus with lesions supports a role in causation, suggesting that despite the apparently persistent and subclinical carriage of most infections, RPAV may have a significant impact in zoo collections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report the pathological and molecular findings in an adult male Himalayan red panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens) whose death was attributed to parenchymal brain haemorrhage (PBH) of the thalamus. Post-mortem examination revealed severe, acute PBH and intraventricular haemorrhage with major involvement of the thalamus, as well as scattered chronic microinfarctions. Vascular disease in the brain and other organs was suggestive of systemic hypertension. Histological lesions included arteriolar hyalinosis and varying degrees of arteriosclerosis, arterial tunica media hypertrophy and hyperplasia and infiltration of arterial walls by lipid-laden macrophages. Other relevant findings included marked myocardial fibrosis, lymphoplasmacytic tubulointerstitial nephritis, lymphoplasmacytic meningoencephalitis and chronic mitral valve degeneration. The changes in the cerebral vasculature were consistent with hypertensive encephalopathy and a cerebrovascular accident, specifically PBH, which has not been previously reported in this species. Additionally, polymerase chain reaction analysis for red panda amdoparvovirus (RPAV) was positive in the brain and kidneys. Preceded by hypertensive vascular changes and brain microinfarctions, sudden death in this animal likely resulted from fatal PBH with intraventricular haemorrhage. The clinicopathological role of RPAV infection is unknown in this case, although its contribution to the chronic renal disease is considered possible in the context of our current understanding of RPAV-associated pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disease caused by the archetypical amdoparvovirus (APV), Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV), has been well studied, but APV infections in other carnivores are poorly understood. Skunk amdoparvovirus (SKAV), one of a handful of newly discovered APVs, is apparently species-specific in striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) and has a high prevalence across North America. We have evaluated the infection status and viral tissue distribution in a cohort of 26 free-ranging California skunks from a single rehabilitation facility who were euthanized due to poor prognosis for recovery from neurologic disease. SKAV was detected in the majority of this cohort, and virus was associated with a spectrum of lesions including tubulointerstitial nephritis, meningoencephalitis, myocarditis, and arteritis. Affected tissue and patterns of inflammation were partially overlapping with those of AMDV infection but were notably distinct in the kidney.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Bat flies (Diptera: Hippoboscoidea: Nycteribiidae and Streblidae) are increasingly appreciated as hosts of \"bat-associated\" viruses. We studied straw-colored fruit bats (Eidolon helvum) and their nycteribiid bat flies (Cyclopodia greefi) in Nigeria to investigate the role of bat flies in vectoring or maintaining viruses. Methods: We captured bats and bat flies across northern Nigeria. We used metagenomics to identify viruses in 40 paired samples (20 flies from 20 bats). We characterized viruses using genomic and phylogenetic methods, and we compared infection frequencies in bats and their bat flies. Results: In 20 bats, we detected two individuals (10%) infected with eidolon helvum parvovirus 1 (BtPAR4) (Parvoviridae; Tetraparvovirus), previously described in Ghana, and 10 bats (50%) with a novel parvovirus in the genus Amdoparvovirus (Parvoviridae). The amdoparvoviruses include Aleutian disease virus of mink and viruses of other carnivores but have not previously been identified in bats or in Africa. In 20 paired bat flies (each fly from 1 bat) all (100%) were infected with a novel virus in the genus Sigmavirus (Rhabdoviridae). The sigmaviruses include vertically transmitted viruses of dipterans. We did not detect BtPAR4 in any bat flies, and we did not detect the novel sigmavirus in any bats. However, we did detect the novel amdoparvovirus in 3 out of 20 bat flies sampled (15%), including in 2 bat flies from bats in which we did not detect this virus. Discussion: Our results show that bats and their bat flies harbor some viruses that are specific to mammals and insects, respectively, and other viruses that may transmit between bats and arthropods. Our results also greatly expand the geographic and host range of the amdoparvoviruses and suggest that some could be transmitted by arthropods. Bat flies may serve as biological vectors, mechanical vectors, or maintenance hosts for \"bat-associated\" viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parvoviruses are small, single-stranded DNA viruses with non-enveloped capsids. Determining the capsid structures provides a framework for annotating regions important to the viral life cycle. Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV), a pathogen in minks, and human parvovirus 4 (PARV4), infecting humans, are parvoviruses belonging to the genera Amdoparvovirus and Tetraparvovirus, respectively. While Aleutian mink disease caused by AMDV is a major threat to mink farming, no clear clinical manifestations have been established following infection with PARV4 in humans. Here, the capsid structures of AMDV and PARV4 were determined via cryo-electron microscopy at 2.37 and 3.12 Å resolutions, respectively. Despite low amino acid sequence identities (10-30%) both viruses share the icosahedral nature of parvovirus capsids, with 60 viral proteins (VPs) assembling the capsid via two-, three-, and five-fold symmetry VP-related interactions, but display major structural variabilities in the surface loops when the capsid structures are superposed onto other parvoviruses. The capsid structures of AMDV and PARV4 will add to current knowledge of the structural platform for parvoviruses and permit future functional annotation of these viruses, which will help in understanding their infection mechanisms at a molecular level for the development of diagnostics and therapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amdoparvoviruses (family Parvoviridae) are ssDNA viruses that cause an immune complex-mediated wasting syndrome in carnivores. They are multi-host pathogens and cross-species infection is facilitated by the fact that viral entry is mediated by cellular Fc receptors recognizing antibody-coated viruses. We developed a pan-amdoparvovirus PCR and screened tissue samples from 666 wild carnivores (families Felidae, Canidae, and Mustelidae) from Newfoundland or Labrador (Canada) and molecularly characterized the identified strains. Fifty-four out of 666 (8.1%) animals were amdoparvovirus-positive. Infection rate was the highest in American mink (34/47, 72.3%), followed by foxes (Arctic and red foxes, 13/311, 4.2%), lynx (2/58, 3.5%), and American martens (5/156, 3.4%). No virus was detected in samples from 87 coyotes and 17 ermines. Viruses from Newfoundland were classified as Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV). Mink harvested near AMDV-affected fur farms had higher prevalence (24/24, 100%) than other mink (10/23, 43.5%; P < 0.001) and their viruses were phylogenetically closely related to those from farms, while most viruses from other mink were in other clades. Strains from three foxes and two lynx were highly related to mink strains. This proves that farms disperse AMDV that subsequently spreads among wild mink (maintenance host) and transmits to other spillover carnivore hosts. In Labrador two novel viruses were identified, Labrador amdoparvovirus 1 (LaAV-1) found in foxes (9/261, 3.5%) and martens (5/156, 3.4%), and LaAV-2 found in one fox (0.4%). LaAV-1 fulfills all requirements to be classified as a novel species. LaAV-1 was most similar to viruses of mink and skunks (AMDV and skunk amdoparvovirus (SKAV)) while LaAV-2 was more closely related to other viruses infecting canids. LaAV-1 capsid proteins were almost indistinguishable from those of AMDV in some regions, suggesting that LaAV-1 could be a virus of mustelids that can infect foxes. While intensive farming practices provide occasions for inter-species transmission in farms, niche overlap or predation could explain cross-species transmission in the wild, but competition among sympatric species reduces the chances of direct contacts, making this an infrequent event. Pan-amdoparvovirus detection methods in wide epidemiological investigations can play a crucial role in defining amdoparvoviral ecology and evolution and discovering novel viruses.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In line with the Latin expression \"sed parva forti\" meaning \"small but mighty,\" the family Parvoviridae contains many of the smallest known viruses, some of which result in fatal or debilitating infections. In recent years, advances in metagenomic viral discovery techniques have dramatically increased the identification of novel parvoviruses in both diseased and healthy individuals. While some of these discoveries have solved etiologic mysteries of well-described diseases in animals, many of the newly discovered parvoviruses appear to cause mild or no disease, or disease associations remain to be established. With the increased use of animal parvoviruses as vectors for gene therapy and oncolytic treatments in humans, it becomes all the more important to understand the diversity, pathogenic potential, and evolution of this diverse family of viruses. In this review, we discuss parvoviruses infecting vertebrate animals, with a special focus on pathogens of veterinary significance and viruses discovered within the last four years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amdoparvoviruses (family Parvoviridae: genus Amdoparvovirus) infect carnivores, and are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in farmed animals. In this study, we systematically screened animal genomes to identify endogenous parvoviral elements (EPVs) disclosing a high degree of similarity to amdoparvoviruses, and investigated their genomic, phylogenetic and protein structural features. We report the first examples of full-length, amdoparvovirus-derived EPVs in the genome of the Transcaucasian mole vole (Ellobius lutescens). We also identify four EPVs in mammal and reptile genomes that are intermediate between amdoparvoviruses and their sister genus (Protoparvovirus) in terms of their phylogenetic placement and genomic features. In particular, we identify a genome-length EPV in the genome of a pit viper (Protobothrops mucrosquamatus) that is more similar to a protoparvovirus than an amdoparvovirus in terms of its phylogenetic placement and the structural features of its capsid protein (as revealed by homology modeling), yet exhibits characteristically amdoparvovirus-like genome features including: (1) a putative middle ORF gene; (2) a capsid gene that lacks a phospholipase A2 domain; (3) a genome structure consistent with an amdoparvovirus-like mechanism of capsid gene expression. Our findings indicate that amdoparvovirus host range extends to rodents, and that parvovirus lineages possessing a mixture of proto- and amdoparvovirus-like characteristics have circulated in the past. In addition, we show that EPV sequences in the mole vole and pit viper encode intact, expressible replicase genes that have potentially been co-opted or exapted in these host species.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aleutian mink disease virus is the type species in the genus Amdoparvovirus, and in mink and other Mustelidae can cause either subclinical disease or fatal chronic immune stimulation and immune complex disease. The authors describe a novel amdoparvovirus in the endangered red panda ( Ailurus fulgens), discovered using viral metagenomics. The authors analyzed the prevalence, tissue distribution, and disease association by PCR, in situ hybridization, electron microscopy, and histology in a group of 6 red pandas from a single zoological collection. The study incorporates a fecal shedding survey and analysis of tissues from 4 necropsied animals over a 12-year span. The tentatively named red panda amdoparvovirus (RpAPV) was detected in the feces and/or tissues of all animals tested. At necropsy of 1 geriatric animal, infection was associated with pyogranulomatous peritonitis, pancreatitis, and myocarditis. Other animals had detectable low-level viral nucleic acid in lymph nodes and both oral and intestinal epithelium at the time of necropsy. Full-length genome sequences of RpAPV strains from 2 animals had 12% sequence divergence, demonstrating genetic diversity even among in-contact animals. RpAPV is a persistent infection in this cohort of red pandas, and has variable clinical expression.





