Ambroise Paré

  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Realistic images became available for the first time. The first major figure was Berengario da Carpi (1460-1530). He made contributions to knowledge. He stated the dura was attached all over the interior of the cranium not just at the sutures. He also noted that deterioration following traumatic hematomas was speedier the deeper within the brain the bleed had occurred and he noticed that post-traumatic neurological deficits were contralateral. Moreover, he introduced new instruments of a practical design. Specifically, he launched trepanation using a brace and bit handle. This instrument required two hands and rotated the trepan in the same direction all the time. In addition, he illustrated a crown trepan in which the bits could be interchanged. He also developed an improved elevator. He also provided the first drawing of a lenticular. The next illustrations came from Vidus Vidius (1509-1569). The illustrations in his text were elegant and realistic but some of them were impractical or unusable. Ambroise Paré (1510-1590) was a major surgeon. He designed an improved brace and bit trepan with a collar to control penetration. He also introduced instruments for expanding a cranial opening by biting up the bone and for depressing the dura to enable material to escape more easily.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the 1536 siege of Turin in northern Italy, a young French barber-surgeon abandoned the conventional treatment of battle-inflicted wounds, launching a revolution in military medicine and surgical techniques. Ambroise Paré (1510-1590) was born into a working-class Huguenot family in Laval, France, during an era when surgery was not considered a respectable profession. He rose from humble origins as a barber-surgeon, a low-ranked occupation in the French medical hierarchy, to become a royal surgeon (chirurgien ordinaire du Roi) serving 4 consecutive French monarchs. His innovative ideas and surgical practice were a response to the environment created by new military technology on 16th-century European battlefields. Gunpowder weapons caused unfamiliar, complicated injuries that challenged Paré to develop new techniques and surgical instruments. Although Paré\'s contributions to the treatment of wounds and functional prosthetics are documented, a deeper appreciation of his role in military neurosurgery is needed. This paper examines archives, primary texts, and written accounts by Paré that reveal specific patient cases highlighting his innovative contributions to neurotrauma and neurosurgery during demanding and harrowing circumstances, on and off the battlefield, in 16th-century France. Notably, trepanation indications increased because of battlefield head injuries, and Paré frequently described this technique and improved the design of the trepan tool. His contribution to neurologically related topics is extensive; there are more chapters devoted to the nervous system than to any other organ system in his compendium, Oeuvres. Regarding anatomical knowledge as fundamentally important and admiring the contemporary contributions of Andreas Vesalius, Paré reproduced many images from Vesalius\' works at his own great expense. The manner in which Paré\'s participation in military expeditions enabled collaboration with multidisciplinary artisans on devices, including surgical tools and prosthetics, to restore neurologically associated functionality is also discussed. Deeply religious, in a life filled with adventure, and serving in often horrendous conditions during a time when Galenic dogma still dominated medical practice, Paré developed a reputation for logic, empiricism, technology, and careful treatment. \"I have [had] the opportunity to praise God, for what he called me to do in medical operation, which is commonly called surgery, which could not be bought with gold or silver, but by only virtue and great experimentation.\"






  • 文章类型: Biography
    Ambroise Paré was celebrated surgeon of the 16th century whose practical accomplishments, books, and ideas transformed surgery and was a precursor for the later development of neurosurgery. He developed many surgical innovations related to wound management, arterial ligation for the prevention of hemorrhage during limb amputations, and the treatment of war-related head and spine injuries. He maintained that a surgeon should operate gently to reduce pain and improve outcome, and he dedicated his career to the wounded, sick, and poor. He also served 4 consecutive French monarchs-Henri II and his 3 sons François II, Charles IX, and Henri III. As a Huguenot (a Reformed Protestant) by faith, he lived in an environment dominated by Catholicism. Hence, his practice and life were sometimes hindered by political circumstances and religious prejudice. In this historical vignette, we will discuss the professional accomplishments of Ambroise Paré that influenced the future development of neurosurgery, including his descriptions of phantom-limb pain and peripheral nerve injury, his innovations in neurotraumatology, and the saws he invented for use in skull surgery. We will also highlight Paré\'s broad neurosurgical contributions to the field. Finally, we will discuss his personal life during the difficult and dangerous political circumstances of 16th century France.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    During the fifth century BC in ancient Greece during the eve of orthopaedics, the Hippocratic School of Medicine diagnosed a series of congenital limb deformities. Congenital dislocation of the arm, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, tarsotibial joint, apex leg, as well as talipes valgus (clubfoot), congenital clavicle fractures, and thumb malfunction were all discussed by Hippocrates and his followers. Ancient Greek medico-philosophers, fond of a \"perfect\" human body, proposed an immediate non-interventional approach, while archaic orthotics and specialized footwear were suggested. The Hippocratic methodology was once more re-emerged in the sixteenth century by Ambroise Paré and in the nineteenth century by Wilhelm Roser, becoming since then the main principle for the confrontation of congenital deformities. Various surgeons until nowadays are still being influenced by the Hippocratic doctrine.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    The correction of clubfoot as a subject of study is somewhat unusual, especially if one considers that up until the Renaissance only two authors dealt with the subject of this inherited disorder. On the one hand is Ambroise Paré, whose contributions to traumatology and orthopaedics are staggering, and on the other, Francisco Arceo de Fregenal, also known as the Ambroise Paré of Spain. Both men developed a method for treating this condition, and a special orthopaedic shoe. So, why is it that in the Spanish literature the French surgeon was considered the pioneer in the development of an orthopaedic boot from the start and not Arceo? Why was the work of the Spaniard not studied in depth, as it deserves to be? These questions troubled us and led us to write this paper, in which as the primary objective we decided to highlight Arceo\'s contributions to the field of orthopaedics. Concrete arguments and works exist today that have led to common agreement among scholars of the subject that the Spanish surgeon was a Jewish convert. The social, economic and political conditions in Europe at that time may give us some idea of the difficulties for a Jewish convert in the sixteenth century, and clearly, it was difficult for a scientist to have followers who would defend his methods and technical ideas. Nevertheless, we believe that Francisco Arceo de Fregenal deserves more recognition and his work should continue to be studied in more depth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This essay examines a challenge to common literary representations of female mental illness in the Early Modern period-the hysterical woman-in a collection of French short stories contemporary to Vesalius\'s De Fabrica: Jeanne Flore\'s Tales and Trials of Love (1542). Jeanne Flore\'s tales depict several mentally disturbed female protagonists, young women prone to paroxysms of madness and self-mutilation. This study maintains that while Tales and Trials of Love superficially participates in the literary tradition that grew out of those accepted social and medical beliefs, it also questions the long-accepted paradigm of female hysteria and points to a shift in the socio-medical climate. Jeanne Flore\'s fictional narratives suggest that mental illness no longer consists in the realignment of a uterine imbalance, but rather in the telling of personal stories, a precursor to psychoanalysis and narrative medicine.






  • 文章类型: Classical Article
    This article aims to summarize the treatment methods for shoulder dislocations supported by Ambroise Paré, and his clinical and academic contribution to this subject.
    Ambroise Paré (1510-1590) was one of the most prominent surgeons of his time, and one of the most significant innovators of the Renaissance in the fields of military operation, bandages, wound healing, bloodletting, close blood vessels techniques and cesarean section. For many, he is considered \"the Father of Modern Surgery\".
    In our search we went through the literature in Pubmed and Google Scholar as well as the works of Hippocrates and Galen and several other ancient and medieval authors.
    His work on shoulder injuries and dislocations is outstanding. In this work, he uses the classifications of Hippocrates (460-377 BC) and Galen (130-201 BC). He also uses the reduction techniques, ointments, bandages, cooling creams and treatment options described by the ancient medical authors.
    Paré is heavily based on the work of previous authors on shoulder dislocations. He uses the work of Hippocrates and Galen as well as the additions made in the Cannon of Medicne of Avicenna.
    Ambroise Paré in his excellent work on shoulder dislocations uses the classifications of Hippocrates and Galen and the reduction techniques, cooling ointments, bandages and post-reduction management options as previously described by Hippocrates himself.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In Europe, during the 16th century, there were a number of prominent general surgeons adventurous enough to consider operating on the brain for head injuries. From the time of Hippocrates, operating on the skull and brain was considered both treacherous and too dangerous to be undertaken except on rare occasions. Operating on a member of a royal court was considered even more exceptional because if the outcome was poor, the surgeon could lose a hand or limb, or, even worse, be beheaded. The authors present two interesting cases of royal family members who underwent surgery for head injuries that were quite severe. The surgeons involved, Ambroise Paré, Andreas Vesalius, and Berengario da Carpi, were among the most prominent surgeons in Europe. Despite very challenging political situations, all were willing to undertake a complex surgical intervention on the member of a prominent royal family. The individuals involved, both royal and medical, plus the neurosurgical injuries are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    Jousting was a popular pastime for royalty in the Renaissance era. Injuries were common, and the eye was particularly at risk from the splinters of the wooden lance. On June 30, 1559, Henry II of France participated in a jousting tournament to celebrate two royal weddings. In the third match, Gabriel de Montgomery struck Henry on the right shoulder and the lance splintered, sending wooden shards into his face and right orbit. Despite being cared for by the prominent physicians Ambroise Paré and Andreas Vesalius, the king died 10 days later and was found to have a cerebral abscess. The wound was not explored immediately after the injury; nevertheless, wooden foreign bodies were discovered in the orbit at the time of autopsy. The dura had not been violated, suggesting that an infection may have traveled from the orbit into the brain. Nostradamus and Luca Guarico, the astrologer to the Medici family, had prophesied the death of Henry II of France, but he ignored their warnings and thus changed the course of history in Renaissance Europe.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    The story of managing depressed fractures illustrates how knowledge of proven value does not always get handed down. Celsus was the first to describe sensible management for depressed fractures. As he wrote in Latin this was forgotten. Galen\'s Greek writings survived forming the basis of management until the sixteenth century. In 1517, Hans von Gersdorff published a formidable illustrated surgical text. One illustration depicts an instrument for elevating depressed bone fragments. It looked dramatic but could not work and its defects were finally defined in the eighteenth century. Ambroise Paré used a bone punch just as we do today, but no later surgeon mentions this, though the instrument was well known. Elements of chance, fashion, emotionally powerful illustrations, and perhaps stubbornness had a profound effect on management delaying rational treatment for centuries.





