Amblyseius swirskii

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amblyseius swirskii are predaceous mites that feed on phytophagous mites, pollens, and plant exudates and are known as one of the most potent biological pest management agents. Tetranychus urticae is a global mite that is difficult to manage because of its high population growth rates, necessitating alternative management measures like biological control. Regarding the functional response, the effects of temperature and prey density are some of the essential behaviors of natural enemies. This study investigates the effect of varying temperatures and prey densities on A. swirskii, a biological control agent for T. urticae. The present results demonstrated the change in the functional response estimates when A. swirskii was reared at various temperatures and different prey densities. The results of the estimates regarding the searching efficiency (a\') showed the highest value (a\' = 0.919) at 26 °C and the lowest value (a\' = 0.751) at 14 °C. The handling time per prey item (Th) for the predatory mites changed with the temperature and prey density, showing the shortest handling time at 26 °C (Th = 0.005) and the highest value at 14 °C (Th = 0.015). The functional response curves matched the type II functional response model, demonstrating the inverse dependence of temperatures and prey density with a positive quadratic coefficient. The predation curves for A. swirskii showed a significant difference between the mean numbers of T. urticae consumed at various prey densities and temperatures, illustrating a relationship between A. swirskii and T. urticae. Therefore, the results of this research may be utilized to forecast the behavior of A. swirskii and its usefulness in controlling T. urticae populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To enhance food security, food safety, and environmental health, a bio-based integrated pest management (BIPM) strategy was evaluated at two coastal locations in Lebanon as an alternative to toxic pesticide sprays in commercial high-arched plastic tunnels common in many countries. The evaluation occurred during two cucumber and pepper cropping seasons: spring and fall. At each site, two commercial tunnels were used; farmers\' conventional practices were applied in one tunnel, while the BIPM approach was followed in the second tunnel. In the farmers\' practices, a total of 14 sprays of insecticide/acaricide mixtures were applied during the spring growing season, and 6 sprays were applied during the fall. In the BIPM tunnels, hotspot releases of local strains of Amblyseius swirskii and Phytoseiulus persimilis were applied. By the end of the spring season, the number of whitefly nymphs (WFNs)/leaf and thrips/leaf in the pesticide treatment were 4.8 and 0.06, respectively, compared to 0.1 and 0.33, respectively, in the BIPM treatment. Similarly, at the end of the fall season, the WFNs reached 19.7/leaf in the pesticide control as compared to 1.2/leaf in the BIPM treatment, proving the efficacy of A. swirskii. Farmers using conventional acaricides during both cropping seasons failed to control Tetranychus urticae, the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM). However, hotspot releases of P. persimilis were successful in controlling TSSM. By the end of June, the number of TSSMs reached 7.8/leaf in the BIPM treatment compared to 53/leaf in the pesticide treatment. Likewise, in December, TSSM numbers reached 9/leaf in the BIPM treatment compared to 40/leaf in the pesticide treatment. Preliminary observations of pepper showed that both predatory mites (A. swirskii and P. persimilis) gave similar or better efficacy against the three pests. The two local predatory phytoseiid mites seem to be effective in controlling these three major pests and to be adapted to local environmental conditions. A rate of increase of 0.86 was observed for P. persimilis and 0.22 for A. swirskii, in June, when maximum temperatures were close to 40 °C. This also shows a compatibility between the two predators. In conclusion, our BIPM approach was efficient under a Mediterranean climate in arched plastic tunnels with relatively poor aeration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The generalist predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii is a widely used natural enemy of phytophagous pests. Due to the negative effects of conventional pesticides on non-target organisms, the development of selective natural and eco-friendly pesticides, such as essential plant oils, are useful pest control tools to use in synergy with biological control agents. Essential oils of Nepeta crispa, Satureja hortensis, and Anethum graveolens showed promising results to control Tetranychus urticae. Hence an experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of these essential oils on the biochemical and demographic parameters of A. swirskii. A significant reduction of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein contents of oil-treated predatory mites was observed. However, essential oils of S. hortensis and A. graveolens had no effect on lipid reserves. The glutathione S-transferase activity of A. swirskii was influenced by A. graveolens oil treatment. In addition, the enzyme activity of the α-esterases was elevated by all treatments. The essential oils showed no effect on β-esterases activity compared to the control treatment. None of the concentrations of the different tested oils affected the population growth parameters of A. swirskii. However, a significant reduction was observed in oviposition time and total fecundity of predatory mites. A population projection predicted the efficacy of predatory mites will likely be decreased when expose to the essential oils; however, population growth in the S. hortensis treatment was faster than in the other two treatments not including the control. The results presented in this study may have critical implications for integrated pest management (IPM) programs. However, our observations show that using the tested essential plant oils requires some caution when considered as alternatives to synthetic pesticides, and in combination with A. swirskii. Semi-field and field studies are still required to evaluate the effects on T. urticae and A. swirskii of the essential oils tested in this study, before incorporating them into IPM strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predatory mite species (Acari: Phytoseiidae) are essential tools in the biological control of greenhouses pests. The natural enemies can be released directly into a crop. A better, partly preventive system is to place slow-release sachets on the plants. Inside such sachets is a factitious prey\'s food substrate-which also acts as refuge-and the predator. The objective of this study was to develop a new methodology to evaluate the population dynamics of this sachet system, based on the factitious prey Carpoglyphus lactis and the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii. Through two tests carried out under laboratory conditions, the sachets were first compared to the traditional extraction method that uses Berlese-Tullgren funnels and an extraction method using flotation in hexane. The latter method proved more effective at sampling the motile states (larvae, nymphs, and adults), both for the predatory species and for the factitious prey, extracting up to 3.7 × more mites than the Berlese-Tullgren funnel. Second, the population dynamics of both mite species was studied in a laboratory test, both inside and outside the sachets. In this way, a positive correlation was demonstrated between the number of predatory mites and the number of prey mites inside the sachets. Conversely, no correlation was found between the interior population of predatory mites and the number that venture outside. We can conclude that hexane extraction is very useful both in quality control of predatory mites and in studying how the sachets behave when faced with various factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytoseiid mites are efficient predators of mites and small pest insects. Understanding the dispersion and distribution pattern of phytoseiid mites is essential to promote the conservation of these natural enemies and support their use in biological control. Population genetic studies using molecular markers such as microsatellites have proved to be extremely informative to address questions about population structure and dispersion patterns of predatory mites. The objective of this work was to develop specific microsatellite markers for the predatory mite Phytoseiulus macropilis, aiming at improving field dispersion studies. For this purpose, the genomic DNA was extracted from the whole body of a pool of 260 adult females and used to build the genomic microsatellites-enriched library, using biotinylated probes (CT)8 and (GT)8. In total 26 pairs of primers were synthesized and screened across 30 adult females of P. macropilis for characterization. Seven loci were polymorphic, revealing from two to six alleles per locus. Cross amplifications were successfully obtained in the species Phytoseiulus persimilis, Amblyseius swirskii and Proprioseiopsis sp. The molecular markers obtained are the first developed for P. macropilis-they are effective for the detection and quantification of genetic variation, and show high transferability, thus can be used in genetic and molecular studies of this and other species of the same genus and also of close genera.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diet is a critical component of the mass-rearing of biological control agents, but the impacts of diet are not always immediately obvious and can take several generations to manifest, resulting in poor survival, reproduction, and ability to kill prey under natural conditions. Our present study aimed to investigate the performance of a commercially-reared phytoseiid mite, Amblyseius swirskii, after four (G4) and six (G6) consecutive generations on pollen grains of two plant species, as well as its ability to find and kill its natural prey, Tetranychus urticae, after long-term rearing on each diet. We found no significant difference between the two diets in intrinsic and finite rates in G4. However, both diet and generation exerted a significant influence on the fecundity of A. swirskii. By G6, females reared on almond pollen had greater net reproductive and intrinsic rate compared to those reared on maize pollen. Conversely, A. swirskii fed on maize pollen consumed fewer prey than those reared on other diets, especially at higher prey densities. The findings have important implications for developing the mass-rearing program of A. swirskii on non-prey diets. Further research must explore the suitability of almond pollen in the large-scale culture of A. swirskii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful integrated pest management in protected crops implies an evaluation of the compatibility of pesticides and natural enemies (NE), as control strategies that only rely on one tactic can fail when pest populations exceed NE activity or pests become resistant to pesticides. Nowadays in Almería (Spain), growers release NE prior to transplanting or early in the crop cycle to favor their settlement before pest arrival because this improves biocontrol efficacy, although it extends pesticide exposure periods. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the compatibility of two applications of pesticides with key NE in 2-year trials inside tomato and sweet pepper commercial greenhouses: Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae), Orius laevigatus (Say) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) and Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae). In tomato, flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole (IOBC category 1) were compatible with N. tenuis, but chlorpyrifos-methyl and spinosad (IOBC categories 2-3), which effectively reduced Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) density, compromised its predatory activity. In sweet pepper, chlorantraniliprole (IOBC category 1) was the only pesticide compatible with O. laevigatus while chlorantraniliprole, emamectin benzoate, spirotetramat and pymetrozine were harmless (IOBC category 1) to Amblyseius swirskii, and sulfoxaflor slightly harmful (IOBC category 2) to this phytoseiid predator.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot is a well-known predator that is used for controlling the population of two-spotted spider mites (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae Koch, and greenhouse whitefly (GHWF), Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, in strawberry greenhouses. To find the effective factors that influence the efficiency of this predator, the predation rates of A. swirskii fed on (Ι) TSSM in the presence and absence of the pollen, webbing, and GHWF, as well as on (II) GHWF in the presence and absence of the pollen, and GHWF-produced honeydew were determined. Furthermore, developmental time, fecundity, and population growth rate of this predator under the same conditions were measured. Our results showed that A. swirskii was able to reduce TSSM population, while the spider mite webbing had an adverse effect on the performance of the predator. Therefore, the presence of the predator population at the time of the infestation is crucial to the success of biological control. It can be concluded that the alternative food sources such as pollen and GHWF-produced honeydew play an important role in maintaining the predator population in the absence of pests. Moreover, the results indicate that using the pollen and another pest along with the target pest can promote the predator density. A. swirskii consumed lower numbers of TSSM when concurrently offered with GHWF and/or maize pollen, and lower numbers of GHWF in the presence of pollen. On the other hand, in the presence of alternative food or alternative prey, the fecundity of the predator was much higher.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Several phytoseiid species can potentially control the citrus rust mite (CRM). Their effectiveness varies, however, as do their intraguild interactions. Under laboratory conditions, Euseius stipulatus, E. scutalis and Iphiseius degenerans preyed effectively on CRM, whereas Amblyseius swirskii and Typhlodromus athiasae had no effect on CRM. In combination with A. swirskii, Euseius numbers were reduced due to intraguild predation, and consequently CRM suppression was less effective. In the field, predatory mite species can be variably provisioned by windborne pollen released from cover crops such as Rhodes grass (RG). We aimed to determine the effects of RG on the phytoseiid community in two field experiments, on different cultivars (pomelo and Shamouti orange). We also tested these communities for negative interspecific abundance relationships that are expected if their respective laboratory-observed intraguild interactions are manifested in the field.
    RESULTS: Overall, on pomelo, we observed a dominance of A. swirskii, relatively low E. stipulatus and high CRM abundances. Amblyseius swirskii and E. stipulatus abundances were both elevated near RG, despite apparent intraguild predation by A. swirskii. Conversely, T. athiasae abundances were lower near RG, likely due to predation by A. swirskii. On Shamouti, E. stipulatus abundances were much higher than on pomelo and were not negatively related to A. swirskii abundances. There, RG increased E. stipulatus abundance, and CRM was reduced.
    CONCLUSIONS: RG cover cropping can enhance CRM control, depending on variation in intraguild interactions among phytoseiids, particularly between A. swirskii and E. stipulatus. These may be modulated by climatic and/or cultivar effects. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The poinsettia thrips, Echinothrips americanus Morgan, is an upcoming pest in greenhouse crops, causing serious damage in various vegetable and ornamental crops through extensive foliage feeding. We assessed which stages of E. americanus are attacked and killed by the phytoseiid predatory mites Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot), Amblydromalus limonicus (Garman and McGregor), Euseius gallicus Kreiter and Tixier and Euseius ovalis (Evans). Both the predation and oviposition rates were assessed in the laboratory to evaluate which mite species is potentially the most effective predator of E. americanus. In two greenhouse trials with non-flowering sweet pepper plants, we compared the efficacy of the predators E. gallicus and E. ovalis with A. swirskii and we assessed how this was affected by the application of cattail pollen. All stages of E. americanus, except adults, were consumed by all species of predatory mites. The highest predation and oviposition rates were recorded for A. limonicus followed by A. swirskii and E. ovalis when first and second larval stages were provided as prey, but E. ovalis appeared to be the best predator of thrips pupae. Euseius gallicus displayed very low predation and oviposition rates compared to the other species of predatory mites. Cattail pollen did not support the population growth of poinsettia thrips, but it strongly increased the predatory mite population densities, particularly those of E. ovalis. Both A. swirskii and E. ovalis significantly reduced thrips densities on plants. The application of pollen significantly enhanced the control of E. americanus by A. swirskii; this was not the case for E. ovalis. Euseius gallicus did not reduce densities of E. americanus on sweet pepper plants, not even at high densities in the presence of pollen.





