
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perkinsus, a parasitic pathogen of marine bivalves, is widely distributed among various mollusks in numerous countries. However, the prevalence and diversity of Perkinsus species in the two economically important mussels, Mytilus coruscus and M. galloprovincialis, in China remain unknown. The presence of the Perkinsus species was identified in the two mussels sampled along the coast of the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea, using both the alternative Ray\'s fluid thioglycolate medium (ARFTM) and conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The ARFTM test indicated the presence of Perkinsus-like hypnospores in the two mussels. The diameter of the hypnospores in M. coruscus was significantly smaller than that in M. galloprovincialis. The prevalence of Perkinsus in M. galloprovincialis and M. coruscus ranged from 0 to 37.5% and 0 to 25%, respectively. The mean intensity of Perkinsus in M. galloprovincialis and M. coruscus ranged from 0 to 5.14 and 0 to 4.92, respectively. The PCR assay showed that the prevalence of Perkinsus spp. in M. galloprovincialis and M. coruscus was 0 to 25.0% and 0 to 12.5%, respectively. The homology analysis of the newly obtained internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of Perkinsus revealed the highest identity of 100% with P. beihaiensis. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Perkinsus isolates from the two mussels were clustered with P. beihaiensis. The results of the molecular biology indicated that only P. beihaiensis was detected in the two mussels. The highest prevalence of P. beihaiensis was observed in Liaoning province (Dalian, 20.83%), followed by Shandong province, Zhejiang province and Fujian province. Consequently, it is recommended that surveillance should be conducted in Dalian, where the prevalence and mean intensity of P. beihaiensis in M. galloprovincialis are the highest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmodium species encode a unique set of six modular proteins named LCCL lectin domain adhesive-like proteins (LAPs) that operate as a complex and that are essential for malaria parasite transmission from mosquito to vertebrate. LAPs possess complex architectures obtained through unique assemblies of conserved domains associated with lipid, protein and carbohydrate interactions, including the name-defining LCCL domain. Here, we assessed the prevalence of Plasmodium LAP orthologues across eukaryotic life. Our findings show orthologous conservation in all apicomplexans, with lineage-specific repertoires acquired through differential lap gene loss and duplication. Besides Apicomplexa, LAPs are found in their closest relatives: the photosynthetic chromerids, which encode the broadest repertoire including a novel membrane-bound LCCL protein. LAPs are notably absent from other alveolate lineages (dinoflagellates, perkinsids and ciliates), but are encoded by predatory colponemids, a sister group to the alveolates. These results reveal that the LAPs are much older than previously thought and pre-date not only the Apicomplexa but the Alveolata altogether.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perkinsus olseni and P. marinus are classified as notifiable pathogens by the World Organisation for Animal Health and are known to cause perkinsosis in a variety of molluscs globally. Mass mortalities due to these parasites in farms and in the wild have been a recurrent issue. Diagnosis for these protozoans is currently done using Ray\'s fluid thioglycollate medium method followed by optical microscopy or molecular assays. Both require a high level of skill and are time-consuming. An immunoassay method would make the diagnosis of perkinsosis quicker and cheaper. The present study used mass spectrometry-based proteomics to investigate common hypothetical surface peptides between different geographical isolates of P. olseni, which could be used to develop immunoassays in the future. Two peptides were identified: POLS_08089, which is a 42.7 kDa peptide corresponding to the 60S ribosomal subunit protein L4; and POLS_15916, which is a conserved hypothetical protein of 55.6 kDa. The identification of peptides may allow the development of immunoassays through a more targeted approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study reports the occurrence of Perkinsus marinus associated with wild Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) specimens collected along the west coast of Korea. Confirmation of P. marinus presence was achieved by conventional PCR using World Organization of Animal Health (WOAH)-recommended primers that specifically targeted regions of the rDNA locus (ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2). Sequencing of 10 samples revealed two distinct sequences differing by a single base pair, indicating potential haplotype variability. One sequence closely resembled the P. marinus strain found in Maryland, USA, whereas the other exhibited divergence, indicative of species diversity in the Korean strain, as was evident from the haplotype network analysis. Further validation involved the Ray\'s Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (RFTM) assay, which initially yielded inconclusive results, possibly due to low infection intensity. Subsequently, RFTM and 2 M NaOH assays conducted on the isolates in the present study, cultured P. marinus cells in standard DMEM/F12 medium, and a positive P. marinus strain (ATCC 50509), revealed characteristic hypnospores of P. marinus upon Lugol\'s iodine staining. These comprehensive investigations underscore the conclusive confirmation of P. marinus in Korean waters and mark a significant milestone in our understanding of the distribution and characteristics of this parasite in previously unreported regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire, USA, Haplosporidium nelsoni and Perkinsus marinus are 2 active pathogens of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), that cause MSX (multinucleated sphere with unknown affinity \'X\') and dermo mortalities, respectively. Whereas studies have quantified infection intensities in oyster populations and determined whether these parasites exist in certain planktonic organisms, no studies thus far have examined both infectious agents simultaneously in water associated with areas that do and do not have oyster populations. As in other estuaries, both organisms are present in estuarine waters throughout the Bay, especially during June through November, when oysters are most active. Waters associated with oyster habitats had higher, more variable DNA concentrations from these pathogenic organisms than waters at a non-oyster site. This finding allows for enhanced understanding of disease-causing organisms in New England estuaries, where oyster restoration is a priority.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine mollusk production is increasing worldwide, and this trend is being evidenced in South American countries, where several species of bivalves are produced, exploited, and traded. This activity brings benefits either for the ecosystem, as it is a less impactful and polluting than other aquaculture practices, and to coastal human communities, as it provides food and income. However, emergence of outbreaks by pathogens is a major concern and can put an entire developing sector at risk. Perkinsosis is a disease caused by Perkinsus spp. protozoans that affect mollusks worldwide. In this review we provide information on Perkinsus spp. among bivalves from South America. Infections by these parasites were only reported to date among coastal Atlantic bivalves of Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. The vast majority of cases and studies are reported from Brazil. We comprehensively review those results here. Finally, we suggest some considerations for future investigations that may expand our knowledge of these parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: As unicellular eukaryotes, ciliates are an indispensable component of micro-ecosystems that play the role of intermediate nutrition link between bacteria or algae and meiofauna. Recent faunistic studies have revealed many new taxa of hypotrich ciliates, indicating their diversity is greater than previously thought. Here we document an undescribed form isolated from an artificial brackish water pond in East China. Examination of its morphology, ontogenesis and molecular phylogeny suggests that it represents a new species.
    RESULTS: The morphology and morphogenesis of the new brackish-water deviatid ciliate, Heterodeviata nantongensis nov. sp., isolated from Nantong, China, were investigated using live observations and protargol staining. The diagnostic traits of the new species include three frontal cirri, one buccal cirrus, one or two parabuccal cirri, an inconspicuous frontoventral cirral row of four to six frontoventral cirri derived from two anlagen, three left and two right marginal rows, two dorsal kineties, dorsal kinety 1 with 9-14 dikinetids and dorsal kinety 2 with only two dikinetids, and one to three caudal cirri at the rear end of dorsal kinety 1. Its main morphogenetic features are: (i) the old oral apparatus is completely inherited by the proter except undulating membranes, which are reorganized in situ; (ii) anlagen for marginal rows and the left dorsal kinety develop intrakinetally in both proter and opisthe; (iii) dorsal kinety 2 is generated dorsomarginally; (iv) five cirral anlagen are formed in both proter and opisthe; (v) in the proter, anlagen I and II very likely originate from the parental undulating membranes and the buccal cirrus, respectively, anlage III from anterior parabuccal cirrus, anlage IV originates from the parental frontoventral cirri and anlage V from the innermost parental right marginal row; and (vi) anlagen I-IV of the opisthe are all generated from oral primordium, anlage V from the innermost parental right marginal row. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA gene sequence data were performed to determine the systematic position of the new taxon.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study on the morphology, and ontogenesis of a new brackish-water taxon increases the overall knowledge about the biodiversity of this ciliate group. It also adds to the genetic data available and further provides a reliable reference for environmental monitoring and resource investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perkinsosis has been recognized as one of the major threats to natural and farmed bivalve populations, many of which are of commercial as well as environmental significance. Three Perkinsus species have been identified in China, and the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) was the most frequently infected species in northern China. Although the occurrence and seasonal variation of Perkinsus spp. have previously been examined, the pathological characteristics of these infections in wild Manila clams and sympatric species in China have seldom been reported. In the present study, the prevalence and intensity of Perkinsus infection in wild populations of Manila clams and 10 sympatric species from three sites were investigated by Ray\'s fluid thioglycolate medium (RFTM) assay seasonally across a single year. Perkinsus infection was only identified in Manila clams, with a high prevalence (274/284 = 96.48 %) and low intensity (89.8 % with a Mackin value ≤ 2, suggesting generally low-intensity infections) throughout the year. Heavily infected clams were mainly identified in Tianheng in January, which displayed no macroscopic signs of disease. An overview of the whole visceral mass section showed that the trophozoites mostly aggregated in gills and connective tissue of the digestive tract, to a lesser extent in the mantle and foot, and even less frequently in adductor muscle and connective tissues of the gonad. PCR and ITS-5.8S rRNA sequencing of 93 representative RFTM-positive samples revealed a 99.69 to 100 % DNA sequence identity to Perkinsus olseni. Unexpectedly, significantly higher infection intensities were usually identified in January and April when the Condition Index (CI) was relatively high. We propose that factors associated with the anthropogenic harvesting pressure and irregular disturbances should be responsible for the uncommon seasonal infection dynamics of perkinsosis observed in the present study.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Perkinsea constitutes a lineage within the Alveolata eukaryotic superphylum, mainly composed of parasitic organisms. Some described species represent significant ecological and economic threats due to their invasive ability and pathogenicity, which can lead to mortality events. However, the genetic diversity of these described species is just the tip of the iceberg. Environmental surveys targeting this lineage are still scarce and mainly limited to the Northern Hemisphere. Here, we aim to conduct an in depth exploration of the Perkinsea group, uncovering the diversity across a variety of environments, including those beyond freshwater and marine ecosystems. We seek to identify and describe putative novel organisms based on their genetic signatures. In this study, we conducted an extensive analysis of a metabarcoding dataset, focusing on the V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene (the EukBank dataset), to investigate the diversity, distribution and environmental preferences of the Perkinsea. Our results reveal a remarkable diversity within the Perkinsea, with 1568 Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) identified across thousands of environmental samples. Surprisingly, we showed a substantial diversity of Perkinsea within soil samples (269 ASVs), challenging the previous assumption that this group is confined to marine and freshwater environments. In addition, we revealed that a notable proportion of Perkinsea ASVs (428 ASVs) could correspond to putative new organisms, encompassing the well-established taxonomic group Perkinsidae. Finally, our study shed light on previously unveiled taxonomic groups, including the Xcellidae, and revealed their environmental distribution. These findings demonstrate that Perkinsea exhibits far greater diversity than previously detected and surprisingly extends beyond marine and freshwater environments. The meta-analysis conducted in this study has unveiled the existence of previously unknown clusters within the Perkinsea lineage, solely identified based on their genetic signatures. Considering the ecological and economic importance of described Perkinsea species, these results suggest that Perkinsea may play a significant, yet previously unrecognized, role across a wide range of environments, spanning from soil environments to the abyssal zone of the open ocean with important implications for ecosystem functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Strombidium is a species-rich genus of oligotrichid ciliates mainly inhabiting the marine pelagial. In molecular phylogenies, the genus emerged as non-monophyletic, and cladistic analyses suggest that it is largely characterized by plesiomorphies. A reliable split of the genus and the establishment of new genera necessitate, however, support by novel morphological and/or ultrastructural features. In the present study, the arrangement and ultrastructure of trichites are proposed as taxonomically relevant characters. Strombidium biarmatum Agatha et al., 2005 differs in the trichite pattern from the type species Strombidium sulcatum and most congeners. Aside from the trichites inserting anteriorly to the girdle kinety and generating the typical funnel-shaped complex in the posterior cell portion, the species displays additional trichites between the adoral membranelles even visible in live cells. Here, this exceptional trichite arrangement is detailed based on transmission electron microscopic investigations. In molecular phylogenies, S. biarmatum forms a monophylum with two congeners sharing its trichite arrangement. Therefore, the strombidiid genus Heteropilum nov. gen. is established with S. biarmatum as type species to also include H. paracapitatum (Song et al., 2015) nov. comb. and H. basimorphum (Martin & Montagnes, 1993) nov. comb. Further differences discovered in the trichite ultrastructure support the organelles\' taxonomic significance.





