Alpha band

Alpha 波段
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impaired visual target detection is a common finding in schizophrenia that is linked to poor functional outcomes. However, the neural mechanisms that contribute to this deficit remain unclear. Recent research in healthy samples has identified relationships between the phase of pre-stimulus electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in the alpha band (8-12 Hz) or theta band (4-7 Hz) and the likelihood of visual target detection with and without attentional cueing, but these effects have not yet been explored in schizophrenia. We performed a study to investigate such effects in schizophrenia (n = 19) and healthy participants (n = 14), using a visual target detection task with attentional cues. We found significant relationships between pre-stimulus EEG phase properties and visual target detection in both groups, but also clear differences in the effects as a function of frequency, group, and attentional cueing. Alpha-band phase effects were relatively uniform across groups and conditions. By contrast, theta-band phase effects showed differences by group and attentional condition which could be consistent with attentional hyperfocusing in the schizophrenia group. Thus, our results elucidate a novel neural mechanism that may help to explain known impairments affecting both visual target detection and attention in schizophrenia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Depression and concussion are highly prevalent neuropsychological disorders that often occur simultaneously. However, due to the high degree of symptom overlap between the two events, including but not limited to headache, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating, they may be treated in isolation. Thus, clinical awareness of additive symptom load may be missed. This study measures neuropsychological and electroencephalography (EEG) alpha band coherence differences in collegiate student-athletes with history of comorbid depression and concussion, in comparison to those with a single morbidity and healthy controls (HC). 35 collegiate athletes completed neuropsychological screenings and EEG measures. Participants were grouped by concussion and depression history. Differences in alpha band coherence were calculated using two-way ANOVA with post hoc correction for multiple comparisons. Comorbid participants scored significantly worse on neuropsychological screening, BDI-FS, and PCSS than those with a single morbidity and HC. Two-way ANOVA by group revealed significant main effects of alpha band coherence for concussion, depression, and their interaction term. Post-hoc analysis showed that comorbid participants had more abnormal alpha band coherence than single morbidity, when compared to HC. Comorbidity of concussion and depression increased symptom reporting and revealed more altered alpha band coherence than single morbidity, compared to HC. The abnormalities of the comorbid group exclusively showed decreased alpha band coherence in comparison to healthy controls. The comorbidity of depression and SRC has a compounding effect on depression symptoms, post-concussion symptoms, and brain functional connectivity. This research demonstrates a promising objective measure in comorbid individuals, previously only measured via subjective symptom reporting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subjective memory complaints (SMCs) are a memory disorder that often precedes mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). Both individual alpha rhythms and cognitive reserve (CR) represent key features of SMCs and provide useful tools to characterize and predict the course of the disorder. We studied whether older people with SMCs may also present some abnormal resting state electroencephalogram (rsEEG) alpha rhythms, and whether alpha rhythms are associated with CR. To do this, eyes-closed rsEEG were recorded in 68 older people with and without SMCs. The individual alpha indexes alpha/theta transition frequency (TF) and individual alpha frequency peak (IAFp) were computed. TF and IAFp were also used to determine the alpha1, alpha2, and alpha3 power frequency. Results indicated no differences in TF or IAFp between older people with SMCs and controls. The SMCs group showed a reduction in alpha3 power in comparison with controls. Specifically, women with SMCs were characterized by a significant decrease in alpha3 power compared to control women. Furthermore, only in SMCs group, greater CR was associated with slow IAFp. In sum, these results suggest that TF and IAFp are two stable indexes that are not influenced by the presence of SMCs. However, the reduction in alpha3, as observed in women with SMCs, shows an abnormal posterior rsEEG at alpha power. Finally, the compensatory mechanisms of CR appear to interact with the neurophysiological mechanisms that underlie the regulation of alpha rhythms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans are able to pay selective attention to music or speech in the presence of multiple sounds. It has been reported that in the speech domain, selective attention enhances the cross-correlation between the envelope of speech and electroencephalogram (EEG) while also affecting the spatial modulation of the alpha band. However, when multiple music pieces are performed at the same time, it is unclear how selective attention affects neural entrainment and spatial modulation. In this paper, we hypothesized that the entrainment to the attended music differs from that to the unattended music and that spatial modulation in the alpha band occurs in conjunction with attention. We conducted experiments in which we presented musical excerpts to 15 participants, each listening to two excerpts simultaneously but paying attention to one of the two. The results showed that the cross-correlation function between the EEG signal and the envelope of the unattended melody had a more prominent peak than that of the attended melody, contrary to the findings for speech. In addition, the spatial modulation in the alpha band was found with a data-driven approach called the common spatial pattern method. Classification of the EEG signal with a support vector machine identified attended melodies and achieved an accuracy of 100% for 11 of the 15 participants. These results suggest that selective attention to music suppresses entrainment to the melody and that spatial modulation of the alpha band occurs in conjunction with attention. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to detect attended music consisting of several types of music notes only with EEG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons within a neuronal network can be grouped by bottom-up and top-down influences using synchrony in neuronal oscillations. This creates the representation of perceptual objects from sensory features. Oscillatory activity can be differentiated into stimulus-phase-locked (evoked) and non-phase-locked (induced). The former is mainly determined by sensory input, the latter by higher-level (cortical) processing. Effects of auditory deprivation on cortical oscillations have been studied in congenitally deaf cats (CDCs) using cochlear implant (CI) stimulation. CI-induced alpha, beta, and gamma activity were compromised in the auditory cortex of CDCs. Furthermore, top-down information flow between secondary and primary auditory areas in hearing cats, conveyed by induced alpha oscillations, was lost in CDCs. Here we used the matching pursuit algorithm to assess components of such oscillatory activity in local field potentials recorded in primary field A1. Additionally to the loss of induced alpha oscillations, we also found a loss of evoked theta activity in CDCs. The loss of theta and alpha activity in CDCs can be directly related to reduced high-frequency (gamma-band) activity due to cross-frequency coupling. Here we quantified such cross-frequency coupling in adult 1) hearing-experienced, acoustically stimulated cats (aHCs), 2) hearing-experienced cats following acute pharmacological deafening and subsequent CIs, thus in electrically stimulated cats (eHCs), and 3) electrically stimulated CDCs. We found significant cross-frequency coupling in all animal groups in > 70% of auditory-responsive sites. The predominant coupling in aHCs and eHCs was between theta/alpha phase and gamma power. In CDCs such coupling was lost and replaced by alpha oscillations coupling to delta/theta phase. Thus, alpha/theta oscillations synchronize high-frequency gamma activity only in hearing-experienced cats. The absence of induced alpha and theta oscillations contributes to the loss of induced gamma power in CDCs, thereby signifying impaired local network activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current discussion on the neural correlates of the contents of consciousness (NCCc) focuses mainly on the post-stimulus period of task-related activity. This neglects the substantial impact of the spontaneous or ongoing activity of the brain as manifest in pre-stimulus activity. Does the interaction of pre- and post-stimulus activity shape the contents of consciousness? Addressing this gap in our knowledge, we review and converge two recent lines of findings, that is, pre-stimulus alpha power and pre- and post-stimulus alpha trial-to-trial variability (TTV). The data show that pre-stimulus alpha power modulates post-stimulus activity including specifically the subjective features of conscious contents like confidence and vividness. At the same time, alpha pre-stimulus variability shapes post-stimulus TTV reduction including the associated contents of consciousness. We propose that non-additive rather than merely additive interaction of the internal pre-stimulus activity with the external stimulus in the alpha band is key for contents to become conscious. This is mediated by mechanisms on different levels including neurophysiological, neurocomputational, neurodynamic, neuropsychological and neurophenomenal levels. Overall, considering the interplay of pre-stimulus intrinsic and post-stimulus extrinsic activity across wider timescales, not just evoked responses in the post-stimulus period, is critical for identifying neural correlates of consciousness. This is well in line with both processing and especially the Temporo-spatial theory of consciousness (TTC).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People tend to perceive the same information differently depending on whether it is expressed in an individual or a group frame. It has also been found that the individual (vs. group) frame of expression tends to lead to more charitable giving and greater tolerance of wealth inequality. However, little is known about whether the same resource allocation in social interactions elicits distinct responses depending on proposer type. Using the second-party punishment task, this study examined whether the same allocation from different proposers (individual vs. group) leads to differences in recipient behavior and the neural mechanisms. Behavioral results showed that reaction times were longer in the unfair (vs. fair) condition, and this difference was more pronounced when the proposer was the individual (vs. group). Neural results showed that proposer type (individual vs. group) influenced early automatic processing (indicated by AN1, P2, and central alpha band), middle processing (indicated by MFN and right frontal theta band), and late elaborative processing (indicated by P3 and parietal alpha band) of fairness in resource allocation. These results revealed more attentional resources were captured by the group proposer in the early stage of fairness processing, and more cognitive resources were consumed by processing group-proposed unfair allocations in the late stage, possibly because group proposers are less identifiable than individual proposers. The findings provide behavioral and neural evidence for the effects of \"individual/group\" framing leading to cognitive differences. They also deliver insights into social governance issues, such as punishing individual and/or group violations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the execution of movements, error correction processes have been inferred by EEG activation at oscillation frequencies in the theta (4-8 Hz) and alpha (8-12 Hz) bands. The current study examined whether evidence for error detection and correction could be found at the muscular level through the use of EMG-EMG coherence, which quantifies the amount of synchronous EMG activity between limbs in the frequency domain. Participants (n = 13) performed a bimanual force production task involving either wrist flexors or extensors under conditions in which the force was to be held constant or continuously modulated. As predicted, the modulation of changing force output resulted in significantly greater force variability and increased EMG-EMG coherence throughout the theta and alpha band for both flexor and extensor responses. These results are consistent with EEG activation frequencies associated with error correction, motor reprogramming and sustained attention and indicate that evidence for these cortical processes can also be observed at the muscular level in the form of correlated EMG frequency content between limbs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous researches state vision as a vital source of information for movement control and more precisely for accurate hand movement. Further, fine bimanual motor activity may be associated with various oscillatory activities within distinct brain areas and inter-hemispheric interactions. However, neural coordination among the distinct brain areas responsible to enhance motor accuracy is still not adequate. In the current study, we investigated task-dependent modulation by simultaneously measuring high time resolution electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG) and force along with bi-manual and unimanual motor tasks. The errors were controlled using visual feedback. To complete the unimanual tasks, the participant was asked to grip the strain gauge using the index finger and thumb of the right hand thereby exerting force on the connected visual feedback system. Whereas the bi-manual task involved finger abduction of the left index finger in two contractions along with visual feedback system and at the same time the right hand gripped using definite force on two conditions that whether visual feedback existed or not for the right hand. Primarily, the existence of visual feedback for the right hand significantly decreased brain network global and local efficiency in theta and alpha bands when compared with the elimination of visual feedback using twenty participants. Brain network activity in theta and alpha bands coordinates to facilitate fine hand movement. The findings may provide new neurological insight on virtual reality auxiliary equipment and participants with neurological disorders that cause movement errors requiring accurate motor training. The current study investigates task-dependent modulation by simultaneously measuring high time resolution electroencephalogram, electromyogram and force along with bi-manual and unimanual motor tasks. The findings show that visual feedback for right hand decreases the force root mean square error of right hand. Visual feedback for right hand decreases local and global efficiency of brain network in theta and alpha bands.





