Aliivibrio fischeri

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tire wear microrubber particles (TWMP) are a major source of environmental contamination. Degradation of TWMP is slow and leachates contain toxic constituents including heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organic additives. Few studies have addressed methods to mitigate the potential ecotoxicity of TWMP leachates. This study investigated the effects of UV-C (254 nm) and combined UV-C and vacuum UV (185 nm) treatment (VUV-UV-C) of TWMP leachates on degradation and ecotoxicity. VUV-UV-C treatment mitigated dissolved zinc and degraded the TWMP constituents fluoranthene, pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene by up to 90%, and the additives benzothiazole and phthalates by up to 70%. The potential ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of TWMP constituents were examined before and after UV treatment in bioassays with Escherichia coli, the luminescent bacterium Aliivibrio fischeri, the microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata and the crustacean Daphia magna. VUV-UV-C treatment decreased the potential ecotoxicity up to five-fold as indicated by changes in median effective concentrations (EC50). This was likely due to the formation of less toxic and less bioavailable transformation products. The VUV-UV-C treatment did not require the addition of oxidants or catalysts, and the study indicated a potential of VUV-UV-C as an advanced oxidation process to mitigate toxic compounds in TWMP leachates from urban or industrial sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) have been detected in several aquatic compartments, which has been of environmental concern since PhACs can cause adverse effects on the aquatic ecosystem at low concentrations. Despite the variety of PhACs detected in surface water, ecotoxicological studies are non-existent for many of them, mainly regarding their mixture. In addition, water bodies can continuously receive the discharge of raw or treated wastewater with micropollutants. Thus, PhACs are subject to mixture and interactions, potentiating or reducing their toxicity. Therefore, the present study evaluated the toxicity on Aliivibrio fischeri of seven PhACs, which still needs to be explored in the literature. The effects were evaluated for the PhACs individually and for their binary and tertiary mixture. Also, the experimental effects were compared with the concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) models. Finally, an environmental risk assessment was carried out. Fenofibrate (FEN), loratadine (LOR), and ketoprofen (KET) were the most toxic, with EC50 of 0.32 mg L-1, 6.15 mg L-1 and 36.8 mg L-1, respectively. Synergistic effects were observed for FEN + LOR, KET + LOR, and KET + FEN + LOR, showing that the CA and IA may underestimate the toxicity. Environmental risks for KET concerning algae, and LOR e 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) for crustaceans and fish were high for several locations. Besides, high removals by wastewater treatment technologies are required to achieve the concentrations necessary for reducing KET and LOR risk quotients. Thus, this study contributed to a better understanding of the toxic interactions and environmental risks of PhACs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The application of a battery of bioassays is widely recognized as a useful tool for assessing environmental hazard samples. However, the integration of different toxicity data is a key aspect of this assessment and remains a challenge. The evaluation of industrial waste leachates did not initially undergo any of the proposed integration procedures. This research addressed this knowledge gap. Twenty-five samples of waste foundry sands were subjected to a leaching test (UNI EN 12457-2) to evaluate waste recovery and landfill disposal. The leachates were evaluated using a battery of standardized toxicity bioassays composed of Aliivibrio fischeri (EN ISO 11348-3), Daphnia magna (UNI EN ISO 6341), and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (UNI EN ISO 8692), both undiluted and diluted. Daphnia magna and P. subcapitata were the most affected organisms, with significant effects caused by 68% and 64% of undiluted samples, respectively. The dilution of samples facilitates the calculation of EC50 values, which ranged from greater than the highest concentration tested to 2.5 g/L for P. subcapitata. The data on single-organism toxicity were integrated using three methods: the Toxicity Classification System, the toxicity test battery integrated index, and the EcoScore system. The three classifications were strongly similar. According to all applied systems, three samples were clearly nontoxic (from iron casting plants) and two were highly toxic (from steel casting plants). Moreover, the similar ranking between undiluted and diluted leachates suggests the possibility of using only undiluted leachates for a more cost-effective and time-efficient screening of waste materials. The findings of this study highlight the usefulness of integrating ecotoxicological waste assessment. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2024;00:1-18. © 2024 The Author(s). Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The management of produced water (PW) generated during oil and gas operations requires effective treatment and comprehensive chemical and toxicological assessment to reduce the environmental risks associated with reuse or discharge. This study evaluated a treatment train that included a low-temperature thermal distillation pilot system followed by granular activated carbon (GAC) and zeolite post-treatment for processing hypersaline Permian Basin PW. Our study provides a unique and comprehensive assessment of the treatment efficiency considering a targeted chemical scheme together with whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests across four trophic levels regarding aquatic critical receptors of concern (ROC): Raphidocelis subcapitata, Vibrio fischeri, Ceriodaphnia dubia, and Danio rerio. The distillate from the thermal distillation process met various numeric discharge standards for salinity and major ions. However, it did not meet toxicity requirements established by the United States National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program. Subsequent post-treatment using GAC and zeolite reduced the concentration of potential stressors, including volatile organics, NH3, Cd, Cr, Zn, and Mn in the final effluent to below detection limits. This resulted in a consistent toxicity reduction across all WET tests, with no observable adverse effects for R. subcapitata, C. dubia, and D. rerio (no observed effect concentration >100%), and V. fischeri effects reduced to 19%. This study realizes the feasibility of treating PW to non-toxic levels and meeting reuse and discharge requirements. It underscores the importance of implementing integrated treatment trains to remove the contaminants of concern and provides a systematic decision framework to predict and monitor environmental risks associated with PW reuse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Ulaanbaatar roughly 60 % of the population live in traditional Mongolian yurts in the so-called Ger districts of the city. Winter indoor air quality is a serious concern in these districts as about 98 % of households consume solid fossil fuel (mainly coal). In our study, indoor air quality was assessed based on PAHs analysis and ecotoxicity testing of 24-hour samples collected in 4 yurts. Three of the selected yurts were equipped with conventional while the fourth one with improved stoves. Analysis of PAHs profiles showed the prevalence of higher molecular weight PAHs in all yurts. Concentrations of the 5-ring benzo(b)fluoranthene and 6-ring benzo(g.h.i)perylene were extremely high in one yurt using conventional stove, 8430 µg g-1 and 6320 µg g-1, respectively. Ecotoxicity of the samples was assessed using the kinetic version of the Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence inhibition bioassay. In concordance with PAHs concentrations, ecotoxicity was also the highest in that yurt.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)和甲氧苄啶(TRIM)是过去50年中使用最多的两种抗生素,预防和治疗细菌感染;然而,关于对非靶标生物的毒性的现有文献是相当不一致和不完整的。本研究旨在评估标准物种的SMX和TRIM生态毒理学效应:费氏弧菌(生物发光抑制),大肠杆菌ATCC25922(生长抑制),小浮萍(生长抑制和生化生物标志物),大型水蚤(固定/死亡率,生活史特征,和生化生物标志物),和Daniorerio(生存,孵化,异常,和生化生物标志物)。测试的物种对SMX表现出不同的急性敏感性(A。fischeri Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and trimethoprim (TRIM) are two of the most used antibiotics in the last 50 years, to prevent and treat bacterial infections; however, the available literature about toxicity to non-target organisms is quite discrepant and incomplete. This study aims to assess the SMX and TRIM ecotoxicological effects in standard species: Aliivibrio fischeri (bioluminescence inhibition), Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (growth inhibition), Lemna minor (growth inhibition and biochemical biomarkers), Daphnia magna (immobilization/mortality, life history traits, and biochemical biomarkers), and Danio rerio (survival, hatching, abnormalities, and biochemical biomarkers). The species tested showed different acute sensitivities to SMX (A. fischeri < D. magna < E. coli < L. minor) and TRIM (L. minor < A. fischeri < D. magna < E. coli). Overall, TRIM reveals less toxicity than SMX, except for E. coli (Ecotoxicological approach based on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing - EcoAST procedure). Both antibiotics affect individually (e.g., growth and survival) and sub-individually (e.g., antioxidant defenses) L. minor, D. magna, and D. rerio. This study allowed us to generate relevant data and fill gaps in the literature regarding the effects of SMX and TRIM in aquatic organisms. The here-obtained results can be used to (i) complete and re-evaluate the Safety Data Sheet to improve the assessment of environmental safety and management of national and international entities; (ii) clarify the environmental risks of these antibiotics in aquatic ecosystems reinforcing the inclusion in the 4th Watch List of priority substances to be monitored in whole inland waters by the Water Framework Directive; and (iii) combat the development of antimicrobial resistance, as well as supporting the definition of environmental measurements in the context of European One Health Action Plan. However, it is essential to continue studying these antibiotics to better understand their toxicity at ecologically relevant concentrations and their long-term effects under different climatic change scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Garenoxacin (GRNX) is a novel des-F(6)-fluoroquinolone on the horizon; thus, its fate and risk in the aquatic environment deserve attention. This study systematically investigated, for the first time, the phototransformation of GRNX under simulated and natural sunlight and assessed the ecotoxicity of its photodegradation products. Phototransformation of GRNX was observed to depend strongly on its ionization state, with direct photolysis and self-sensitized photolysis having comparable contributions for the cationic and zwitterionic species, while the latter dominated for the anionic species. Singlet oxygen generated via the self-sensitized photolysis of GRNX was the major reactive oxygen species in its photodegradation. Phototransformation of GRNX in different ionization states followed distinct pathways, with defluorination of the difluoromethyl group occurring only for the zwitterionic and anionic species. GRNX photodegradation in natural water could be described by a simple kinetic model based on the measured steady-state concentrations of 1O2 and ·OH. Toxicity tests with Vibrio fischeri and Chlorella vulgaris consistently indicate that the generation of hydroxylation and decarboxylation products during photodegradation of GRNX increased the acute toxicity. These findings not only provide insights into the fate of GRNX in sunlit surface water but also reveal the potentially significant risk of its photodegradation products to the aquatic ecosystem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated whether cement pastes are a possible source of ecotoxicologically potent substances. For this purpose, leaching according to DIN EN 16637-2 was performed on portland cement pastes as well as blast furnace slag cement with and without an air entraining agent (AEA). The AEA, consisting of wood rosin and resin, contained the stabiliser drometrizole and the biocide octylisothiazolinone (OIT), which was confirmed by our non-target screening (NTS). Our ecotoxicological studies (Daphnia magna, Aliivibrio fischeri and Desmodesmus subspicatus) of the pure cement eluates showed no effects at all. In these samples, it was possible to attribute up to 85 % of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to acetate, formate and diethylene glycol (DiEG). Eluates from cement pastes with AEA contained up to 70 μg/L octylisothiazolinone (OIT), and no drometrizole was found. Around 90 % of the total OIT release happened within the first 6 h. It was possible to attribute the observed ecotoxicological effects mainly to the OIT concentrations. Additional leaching with elevated sulphate concentrations (800 mg/L) did not influence the release of DOC and OIT or increase the ecotoxicological effects. As a consequence, we advise curing the cement paste for 24 h prior to use, as this largely avoids the release of OIT and the observed ecotoxicological effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European Union\'s (EU) regulation for the waste classification based on their ecotoxicological hazard (hazardous property HP14) came into force on 5 July 2018. The regulation advocates the utilisation of computational formulae for the hazard classification of waste associated with hazardous property HP14. Concurrently, ecotoxicological testing remains an alternative. To date, the absence of a consensus regarding test organisms and methodologies has vested EU member states with autonomy in determining the approach for conducting ecotoxicity assessments. The discussions on waste classification are also ongoing globally, namely the discussions under the Basel Convention. This paper endeavours to elucidate whether the widely employed test organisms, Daphnia magna and Aliivibrio fischeri, may serve as suitable indicators for the evaluation of the ecotoxicity of waste. The research is grounded in the examination of ashes derived from a combustion process of calcium-rich fuel. Ecotoxicity testing was conducted on 14 ash samples with a liquid-to-solid ratio of 10:1. The results of the Aliivibrio fischeri testing indicated that all 14 ash samples were non-hazardous in terms of their ecotoxicity. However, the results of the Daphnia magna testing showed the opposite, suggesting that the ash samples may have the potential to be ecotoxic. This study offers valuable insights into ecotoxicity assessment and waste classification, emphasising the need for scientific rigour and comprehensive understanding before making regulatory decisions. It also situates its findings within the broader global context of waste management discussions, particularly those related to international agreements like the Basel Convention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to investigate the environmental fate of irbesartan when subjected to activated percarbonate treatment. The investigation delves into the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and evaluates their toxicity, and it seeks to draw comparisons with outcomes from treatment with sodium hypochlorite, already characterized in previous findings. The proposed treatment indicates the formation of at least 11 DBPs - eight identified for the first time - which have been isolated by various chromatographic techniques, identified by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry studies and for which a mechanism has been proposed to elucidate their formation. To evaluate irbesartan\'s biological impact during treatment with sodium percarbonate (SPC), a toxicity study of the DBPs was conducted using Daphnia magna, Aliivibrio fischeri, and Raphidocelis subcapitata, three model organisms. The ecotoxicity was evaluated using the Ecological Structure-Activity Relationships (ECOSAR) computer program and compared with experimental results. Compared to chlorination treatment, a lower mineralization percentage (-43 %) and amount of DBPs at least twice higher were observed. Toxicity assessment highlighted that DBPs formed during SPC treatment were more toxic than those from chlorination. ECOSAR predicted toxicity aligned with experimental findings. Additionally, the DBPs exhibited varying levels of toxicity, primarily attributable to the presence of aromatic and hydroxyl groups in their chemical structure, indicating that SPC treatment is not suitable for treatment of irbesartan polluted waters.





