
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, a harmful algal bloom species, is currently appearing in increasing frequency and abundance across Northern European waters, displacing other Alexandrium species. This mixotrophic alga produces goniodomins (GDs) and bioactive extracellular substances (BECs) that may pose a threat to coastal ecosystems and other marine resources. This study demonstrated the adverse effects of A. pseudogonyaulax on four marine trophic levels, including microalgae (Rhodomonas salina), microzooplankton (Polykrikos kofoidii) and mesozooplankton (Acartia tonsa), as well as fish gill cells (RTgill-W1, Oncorhynchus mykiss), ultimately leading to enhanced mortality and cell lysis. Furthermore, cell-free supernatants collected from A. pseudogonyaulax cultures caused complete loss of metabolic activity in the RTgill-W1 cell line, indicating ichthyotoxic properties, while all tested GDs were much less toxic. In addition, cell-free supernatants of A. pseudogonyaulax led to cell lysis of R. salina, while all tested GDs were non-lytic. Finally, reduced egg hatching rates of A. tonsa eggs exposed to cell-free supernatants of A. pseudogonyaulax and impaired mobility of P. kofoidii and A. tonsa exposed to A. pseudogonyaulax were also observed. Altogether, bioassay results suggest that the toxicity of A. pseudogonyaulax is mainly driven by BECs and not by GDs, although further research into factors modulating the lytic activity of Alexandrium spp. are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have had significant adverse impacts on the seafood industry along the Tasmanian east coast over the past 4 decades. To investigate the history of regional HABs, we performed analyses of sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) in coastal sediments up to ~9000 years old collected inshore and offshore of Maria Island, Tasmania. We used metagenomic shotgun sequencing and a hybridisation capture array (\"HABbaits1\") to target three harmful dinoflagellate genera, Alexandrium, Gymnodinium, and Noctiluca. Bioinformatic and DNA damage analyses verified the authenticity of the sedaDNA sequences. Our results show that dinoflagellates of Alexandrium genera have been present off eastern Tasmania during the last ~8300 years, and we sporadically detected and unambiguously verified sequences of Gymnodinium catenatum that were present offshore up to ~7600 years ago. We also recovered sedaDNA of the fragile, soft-bodied Noctiluca scintillans with increased relative abundance since 2010, consistent with plankton surveys. This study enabled us to identify challenges of sedaDNA sequence validation (in particular for G. catenatum, a microreticulate gymnodinoid species) and provided guidance for the development of tools to monitor past and present HAB species and improvement of future HAB event predictions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmful dinoflagellates and their resulting blooms pose a threat to marine life and human health. However, to date, global maps of marine life often overlook harmful microorganisms. As harmful algal blooms (HABs) increase in frequency, severity, and extent, understanding the distribution of harmful dinoflagellates and their drivers is crucial for their management. We used MaxEnt, random forest, and ensemble models to map the habitats of the representative HABs species in the genus Alexandrium, including A. catenella, A. minutum, and A. pacificum. Since species occurrence records used in previous studies were solely morphology-based, potentially leading to misidentifications, we corrected these species\' distribution records using molecular criteria. The results showed that the key environmental drivers included the distance to the coastline, bathymetry, sea surface temperature (SST), and dissolved oxygen. Alexandrium catenella thrives in temperate to cold zones and is driven by low SST and high oxygen levels. Alexandrium pacificum mainly inhabits the Temperate Northern Pacific and prefers warmer SST and lower oxygen levels. Alexandrium minutum thrives universally and adapts widely to SST and oxygen. By analyzing the habitat suitability of locations with recorded HAB occurrences, we found that high habitat suitability could serve as a reference indicator for bloom risk. Therefore, we have proposed a qualitative method to spatially assess the harmful algae risk according to the habitat suitability. On the global risk map, coastal temperate seas, such as the Mediterranean, Northwest Pacific, and Southern Australia, faced higher risks. Although HABs currently have restricted geographic distributions, our study found these harmful algae possess high environmental tolerance and can thrive across diverse habitats. HAB impacts could increase if climate changes or ocean conditions became more favorable. Marine transportation may also spread the harmful algae to new unaffected ecosystems. This study has pioneered the assessment of harmful algal risk based on habitat suitability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of interactions between copepods of the genus Acartia and toxic dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium has been an important topic during the last four decades. Feeding behavior and physiological responses of copepods have been studied in laboratory and field experiments, sometimes with contradictory results. More recently, an evolutionary adaptive mechanism leading to enhanced tolerance of Alexandrium toxins in a population of Acartia experiencing chronic exposure to these dinoflagellates has been reported. In the present work, we collected data from the existing studies on the effects of Alexandrium on feeding, reproduction and mortality of Acartia. With these data, we performed a systematic review consisting of a secondary analysis employing general or generalized linear models, weighting data from different studies by the reciprocal of their standard deviation. Our first aim was to overcome shortcomings of individual studies: limited ranges of the variables and overlooked variables (experiment length, population adaptation). These shortcomings could have led to inconsistent conclusions by missing heterogeneous patterns in copepod responses and in the interactions between variables. Our second aim was to test the enhanced physiological performance of chronically exposed relative to naïve copepod populations over a wide geographic range. We found that the feeding rate is enhanced by increased food biomass, irrespective of the food type. Toxins do not have a clear effect on egg production and have a bi-phasic effect on egg hatching success, which was negative above a specific threshold. Toxins also increased mortality. Experiment length had a positive effect on egg production and negative on egg hatching. Naïve copepod populations showed consistently lower ingestion of Alexandrium and egg hatching rates, thereby supporting the spread of the aforementioned mechanism across populations over a wide geographic range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine dinophyte Alexandrium tamiyavanichii is a toxigenic species that produces a group of neurotoxins that is responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning in humans. Early detection of the species is essential for efficient monitoring. Harmful microalgal monitoring systems have evolved over the years with the advent of environmental DNA (eDNA)-based species detection techniques. In this study, eDNA samples were collected from a large-scale sampling covering the southern South China Sea. The sensitivity and specificity of metabarcoding of the V4 and V9 18S ribosomal DNA barcodes by high-throughput sequencing (HTS) were compared to the species-specific real-time qPCR targeting the A. tamiyavanichii ITS2 region. Environmental samples were screened for A. tamiyavanichii by qPCR (n = 43) and analyzed with metabarcoding (n = 30). Our results revealed a high occupancy profile across samples for both methods; 88% by qPCR, and 80-83% by HTS. When comparing the consistency between the two approaches, only two samples out of 30 were discordant. The V4 and V9 molecular units detected in each sample were positively correlated with the qPCR ITS2 gene copies (V4, rs = 0.67, p < 0.0001; V9, rs = 0.65, p < 0.0001), indicating that metabarcoding could be used as a useful tool for early detection of the species. Our results also revealed that the estimation of A. tamiyavanichii cell abundances based on the HTS read abundances was comparable to that of the qPCR quantification. For long-term monitoring, metabarcoding could serve as a cost-effective screening of detecting not only single HAB species but also simultaneously detecting a multitude of potentially harmful species, which is valuable in informing the subsequent implementation of species-specific monitoring strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium is known to form harmful algal blooms (HABs) and produces saxitoxin (STX) and its derivatives (STXs) that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in humans. Cell growth and cellular metabolism are affected by environmental conditions, including nutrients, temperature, light, and the salinity of aquatic systems. Abiotic factors not only engage in photosynthesis, but also modulate the production of toxic secondary metabolites, such as STXs, in dinoflagellates. STXs production is influenced by a variety of abiotic factors; however, the relationship between the regulation of these abiotic variables and STXs accumulation seems not to be consistent, and sometimes it is controversial. Few studies have suggested that abiotic factors may influence toxicity and STXs-biosynthesis gene (sxt) regulation in toxic Alexandrium, particularly in A. catenella, A. minutum, and A. pacificum. Hence, in this review, we focused on STXs production in toxic Alexandrium with respect to the major abiotic factors, such as temperature, salinity, nutrients, and light intensity. This review informs future research on more sxt genes involved in STXs production in relation to the abiotic factors in toxic dinoflagellates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a concern that harmful algal bloom (HAB) species may increase under climate change. Yet, we lack understanding of how ecological interactions will be affected under ocean warming and acidification (OWA) conditions. We tested the antagonistic effects of three strains of the dinoflagellate HAB species Alexandrium catenella on three target species (the chlorophyte Tetraselmis sp., the cryptomonad Rhodomonas salina, and the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii) at various biomass ratios between species, at ambient (16 °C and 400 µatm CO2) and OWA (20 °C and 2000 µatm CO2) conditions. In these experiments the Alexandrium strains had been raised under OWA conditions for ∼100 generations. All three non-HAB species increased their growth rate under OWA relative to ambient conditions. Growth rate inhibition was evident for R. salina and Tetraselmis sp. under OWA conditions, but not under ambient conditions. These negative effects were exacerbated at higher concentrations of Alexandrium relative to non-HAB species. By contrast, T. weissflogii showed positive growth in the presence of two strains of Alexandrium under ambient conditions, whereas growth was unaffected under OWA. Contrary to our expectations, A. catenella had a slight negative response in the presence of the diatom. These results demonstrate that Alexandrium exerts higher antagonistic effects under OWA compared to ambient conditions, and these effects are species-specific and density dependent. These negative effects may shift phytoplankton community composition under OWA conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium is known to form harmful algal blooms, and at least 14 species within the genus can produce saxitoxins (STXs). STX biosynthesis genes (sxt) are individually revealed in toxic dinoflagellates; however, the evolutionary history remains controversial. Herein, we determined the transcriptome sequences of toxic Alexandrium (A. catenella and A. pacificum) and non-toxic Alexandrium (A. fraterculus and A. fragae) and characterized their sxt by focusing on evolutionary events and STX production. Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed higher homology of the sxt in toxic Alexandrium than in non-toxic species. Notably, non-toxic Alexandrium spp. were found to have lost two sxt core genes, namely sxtA4 and sxtG. Expression levels of 28 transcripts related to eight sxt core genes showed that sxtA, sxtG, and sxtI were relatively high (>1.5) in the toxic group compared to the non-toxic group. In contrast, the non-toxic group showed high expression levels in sxtU (1.9) and sxtD (1.7). Phylogenetic tree comparisons revealed distinct evolutionary patterns between 28S rDNA and sxtA, sxtB, sxtI, sxtD, and sxtU. However, similar topology was observed between 28S rDNA, sxtS, and sxtH/T. In the sxtB and sxtI phylogeny trees, toxic Alexandrium and cyanobacteria were clustered together, separating from non-toxic species. These suggest that Alexandrium may acquire sxt genes independently via horizontal gene transfer from toxic cyanobacteria and other multiple sources, demonstrating monocistronic transcripts of sxt in dinoflagellates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium can produce saxitoxins (STXs) and cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), and thus they are monitored for environmental safety management. Microscopic discrimination of dinoflagellates is difficult to distinguish between toxic and non-toxic species due to their similar morphology. Meanwhile, an alternative quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay is sensitive, rapid, and cost-effective for harmful species monitoring. Herein, we developed a novel qPCR assay to detect the STXs biosynthesis gene sxtB of Alexandrium catenella and A. pacificum, the leading cause of PSP outbreaks in Asian coasts and worldwide. The newly designed sxtB TaqMan probes target the species without any positive signal in other relative dinoflagellates. Deming regression analysis revealed that the sxtB copy number of A. catenella and A. pacificum was 3.6 and 4.1 copies per cell, respectively. During the blooming periods (April 13th-14th, 2020), only A. catenella cells were detected through the qPCR assay, ranging from 5.0 × 10 to 2.5 × 104 eq cells L-1. In addition, sxtB qPCR quantified more accurately compared to large subunit (LSU) rRNA targeting qPCR assay that overestimate cell density. Besides, the sensitivity of sxtB was higher compared to the microscope when the species were rarely present (5.0 × 102 cells L-1). These suggest that the sxtB qPCR assay can be applied to toxic Alexandrium monitoring in the Korean coast, even in the early stage of bloomings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dinoflagellates are known to possess an exceptionally large genome organized in permanently condensed chromosomes. Focusing on the contribution of satellite DNA (satDNA) to the whole DNA content of genomes and its potential role in the architecture of the chromosomes, we present the characterization of the satellitome of Alexandriun minutum strain VGO577. To achieve this, we analyzed Illumina reads using graph-based clustering and performed complementary bioinformatic analyses. In this way, we discovered 180 satDNAs occupying 17.38 % of the genome. The 12 most abundant satDNAs represent the half of the satellitome but no satDNA is overrepresented, with the most abundant contributing ∼1.56 % of the genome. The largest repeat unit is 517 bp long but more than the half of the satDNAs (101) have repeat units shorter than 20 bp. We used FISH to map a selected set of 26 satDNAs. Although some satDNAs generate discrete hybridization signals at specific chromosomal locations (hybridization sites, HS), our cytological analysis showed that most satDNAs are dispersed throughout the genome, probably forming short arrays. Two satDNAs co-localize with the 45S rDNA. With the exception of telomeric DNA, no other satDNA yields HS on all chromosomes. In addition, we analyzed nine satDNAs yielding HS in VGO577 in four other A. minutum strains. Polymorphism at the intraspecific level was found for the presence/absence and/or abundance of some satDNAs, suggesting the amplification/deletion of these satDNAs following geographic separation or during culture maintenance of the strains. We also discuss how these results contribute to the understanding of chromosome architecture and evolution of dinoflagellate genomes.





