Agonist therapy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consumption of ergot alkaloids from endophyte-infected tall fescue results in losses to the livestock industry in many countries and a means to mitigate these losses is needed. The objective of this study was to evaluate intra-abomasal infusion of the dopamine precursor, levodopa (L-DOPA), on dopamine metabolism, feed intake, and serum metabolites of steers exposed to ergot alkaloids. Twelve Holstein steers (344.9 ± 9.48 kg) fitted with ruminal cannula were housed with a cycle of heat challenge during the daytime (32 °C) and thermoneutral at night (25 °C). The steers received a basal diet of alfalfa cubes containing equal amounts of tall fescue seed composed of a mixture of endophyte-free (E-) or endophyte-infected tall fescue seeds (E+) equivalent to 15 µg ergovaline/kg body weight (BW) for 9 d followed by intra-abomasal infusion of water (L-DOPA-) or levodopa (L-DOPA+; 2 mg/kg BW) for an additional 9 d. Afterward, the steers were pair-fed for 5 d to conduct a glucose tolerance test. The E+ treatment decreased (P = 0.005) prolactin by approximately 50%. However, prolactin increased (P = 0.050) with L-DOPA+. Steers receiving E+ decreased (P < 0.001) dry matter intake (DMI); however, when supplemented with L-DOPA+ the decrease in DMI was less severe (L-DOPA × E, P = 0.003). Also, L-DOPA+ infusion increased eating duration (L-DOPA × E, P = 0.012) when steers were receiving E+. The number of meals, meal duration, and intake rate were not affected (P > 0.05) by E+ or L-DOPA+. The L-DOPA+ infusion increased (P < 0.05) free L-DOPA, free dopamine, total L-DOPA, and total dopamine. Conversely, free epinephrine and free norepinephrine decreased (P < 0.05) with L-DOPA+. Total epinephrine and total norepinephrine were not affected (P > 0.05) by L-DOPA+. Ergot alkaloids did not affect (P > 0.05) circulating free or total L-DOPA, dopamine, or epinephrine. However, free and total norepinephrine decreased (P = 0.046) with E+. Glucose clearance rates at 15 to 30 min after glucose infusion increased with L-DOPA+ (P < 0.001), but not with E+ (P = 0.280). Administration of L-DOPA as an agonist therapy to treat fescue toxicosis provided a moderate increase in DMI and eating time and increased plasma glucose clearance for cattle dosed with E+ seed.
    Fescue has become the dominant cool-season perennial grass in the southeastern region of the United States and is also found in other countries. Endophytes from a plant–fungus symbiotic relationship produce toxic alkaloids that have caused significant annual economic losses to the livestock industry. Treatments to alleviate this toxicosis are still demanded. This study evaluates the infusion of the dopamine precursor, levodopa (L-DOPA), to mitigate the toxicosis caused by ergot alkaloids. When L-DOPA was infused, eating duration increased and the decrease in feed intake caused by ergot alkaloids was less severe. Additionally, circulating dopamine and glucose clearance increased with L-DOPA. These results suggest that L-DOPA has the potential to aid in the mitigation of the toxicosis caused by ergot alkaloids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prognosis of patients with solid tumours has remarkably improved with the development of molecular-targeted drugs and immune checkpoint inhibitors. However, the improvements in the prognosis of pancreatic cancer and biliary tract cancer is delayed compared to other carcinomas, and the 5-year survival rates of distal-stage disease are approximately 10 and 20%, respectively. However, a comprehensive analysis of tumour cells using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project has led to the identification of various driver mutations. Evidently, few mutations exist across organs, and basket trials targeting driver mutations regardless of the primary organ are being actively conducted. Such basket trials not only focus on the gate keeper-type oncogene mutations, such as HER2 and BRAF, but also focus on the caretaker-type tumour suppressor genes, such as BRCA1/2, mismatch repair-related genes, which cause hereditary cancer syndrome. As oncogene panel testing is a vital approach in routine practice, clinicians should devise a strategy for improved understanding of the cancer genome. Here, the gene mutation profiles of pancreatic cancer and biliary tract cancer have been outlined and the current status of tumour-agnostic therapy in these cancers has been reported.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The United States of America is currently in an opioid epidemic. Heroin remains the most lethal opioid option with its death rate increasing by over 500% in the last decade. The rewarding and reinforcing effects of heroin are thought to be mediated by its ability to increase dopamine concentration in the nucleus accumbens shell. By activating Gi/o-coupled μ-opioid receptors, opioids are thought to indirectly excite midbrain dopamine neurons by removing an inhibitory GABAergic tone. The partial μ-opioid receptor agonist buprenorphine is a substitution-based therapy for heroin dependence that is thought to produce a steady-state level of μ-opioid receptor activation. But it remains unclear how buprenorphine alters dopamine release relative to heroin and how buprenorphine alters the dopamine-releasing effects of heroin. Because buprenorphine is a partial agonist at the μ-opioid receptor and heroin is a full agonist, we predicted that buprenorphine would function as a weak dopamine releaser relative to heroin, while functioning as a competitive antagonist if administered in advance of heroin.
    We performed fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in awake and behaving rats to measure how heroin, buprenorphine HCl, and their combination affect transient dopamine release events in the nucleus accumbens shell. We also performed a complimentary pharmacokinetic analysis comparing opioid plasma levels at time points correlated to our neurochemical findings.
    Both buprenorphine and heroin produced changes in the frequency of transient dopamine release events, although the effect of buprenorphine was weak and only observed at a low dose. In comparison with vehicle, the frequency of dopamine release events maximally increased by ~25% following buprenorphine treatment and by ~60% following heroin treatment. Distinct neuropharmacological effects were observed in the high-dose range. The frequency of dopamine release events increased linearly with heroin dose but biphasically with buprenorphine dose. We also found that buprenorphine pretreatment occluded the dopamine-releasing effects of heroin, but plasma levels of buprenorphine had returned to baseline at this time point.
    These findings support the notion that low-dose buprenorphine is a weak dopamine releaser relative to heroin and that buprenorphine pretreatment can block the dopamine-releasing effects of heroin. The finding that high-dose buprenorphine fails to increase dopamine release might explain its relatively low abuse potential among opioid-dependent populations. Because high-dose buprenorphine decreased dopamine release before occluding heroin-evoked dopamine release, and buprenorphine was no longer detected in plasma, we conclude that the mechanisms through which buprenorphine blocks heroin-evoked dopamine release involve multifaceted pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cocaine abuse disrupts dopamine system function, and reduces cocaine inhibition of the dopamine transporter (DAT), which results in tolerance. Although tolerance is a hallmark of cocaine addiction and a DSM-V criterion for substance abuse disorders, the molecular adaptations producing tolerance are unknown, and testing the impact of DAT changes on drug taking behaviors has proven difficult. In regard to treatment, amphetamine has shown efficacy in reducing cocaine intake; however, the mechanisms underlying these effects have not been explored. The goals of this study were twofold; we sought to (1) identify the molecular mechanisms by which cocaine exposure produces tolerance and (2) determine whether amphetamine-induced reductions in cocaine intake are connected to these mechanisms. Using cocaine self-administration and fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in male rats, we show that low-dose, continuous amphetamine treatment, during self-administration or abstinence, completely reversed cocaine tolerance. Amphetamine treatment also reversed escalated cocaine intake and decreased motivation to obtain cocaine as measured in a behavioral economics task, thereby linking tolerance to multiple facets of cocaine use. Finally, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging, we found that cocaine tolerance is associated with the formation of DAT-DAT complexes, and that amphetamine disperses these complexes. In addition to extending our basic understanding of DATs and their role in cocaine reinforcement, we serendipitously identified a novel therapeutic target: DAT oligomer complexes. We show that dispersion of oligomers is concomitant with reduced cocaine intake, and propose that pharmacotherapeutics aimed at these complexes may have potential for cocaine addiction treatment.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Tolerance to cocaine\'s subjective effects is a cardinal symptom of cocaine addiction and a DSM-V criterion for substance abuse disorders. However, elucidating the molecular adaptions that produce tolerance and determining its behavioral impact have proven difficult. Using cocaine self-administration in rats, we link tolerance to cocaine effects at the dopamine transporter (DAT) with aberrant cocaine-taking behaviors. Further, tolerance was associated with multi-DAT complexes, which formed after cocaine exposure. Treatment with amphetamine deconstructed DAT complexes, reversed tolerance, and decreased cocaine seeking. These data describe the behavioral consequence of cocaine tolerance, provide a putative mechanism for its development, and suggest that compounds that disperse DAT complexes may be efficacious treatments for cocaine addiction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Monoamine releasers with prominent dopaminergic actions, e.g., D-methamphetamine (D-MA), significantly reduce cocaine use and craving in clinical and preclinical laboratory studies. However, D-MA and related drugs also display high abuse potential, which limits their acceptability as agonist replacement medications for the management of Cocaine Use Disorder.
    OBJECTIVE: The L-isomer of methamphetamine (L-MA), unlike D-MA, has preferential noradrenergic actions and is used medicinally with low, if any, abuse liability. The present study was conducted to determine whether L-MA could serve as an agonist replacement medication by both mimicking interoceptive effects of cocaine and decreasing intravenous (IV) cocaine self-administration.
    METHODS: Separate groups (N = 4-5) of rhesus monkeys were studied to determine whether L-MA could (1) substitute for cocaine in subjects that discriminated intramuscular (IM) cocaine (0.4 mg/kg) from saline and (2) decrease IV cocaine self-administration under a second-order FR2(VR16:S) schedule of reinforcement.
    RESULTS: L-MA, like D-MA but with approximately 5-fold lesser potency, substituted for cocaine in drug discrimination experiments in a dose-dependent manner. In IV self-administration studies, 5-10-day treatments with continuously infused L-MA (0.032-0.32 mg/kg/h, IV) dose-dependently decreased cocaine-maintained responding; the highest dosage reduced cocaine intake to levels of saline self-administration without appreciable effects on food-maintained responding.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that L-MA both shares discriminative stimulus effects with cocaine and reduces cocaine self-administration in a behaviorally selective manner. L-MA and other compounds with a similar pharmacological profile deserve further evaluation for the management of Cocaine Use Disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Like other monoamine releasers such as D-amphetamine, chronic treatment with phenmetrazine can attenuate cocaine self-administration in monkeys.
    OBJECTIVE: The present studies extended this finding to rodents and to cocaine-primed reinstatement, a putative laboratory animal model of relapse.
    METHODS: In experiment 1, rats self-administered food pellets or injections of 0.19 mg/kg cocaine (i.v.) under a progressive-ratio schedule. When responding was stable, subcutaneous osmotic pumps were implanted containing saline or (+)-phenmetrazine (25 or 50 mg/kg per day). In experiment 2, rats self-administered injections of 0.75 mg/kg cocaine under a fixed-ratio 1 schedule in daily 6-h sessions. When responding was stable, rats were removed from the self-administration environment for 7 days and treated continuously with saline, 5 mg/kg per day D-amphetamine or phenmetrazine (25 or 50 mg/kg per day) via osmotic pumps. Rats were then returned to the self-administration context while treatment continued, and responding was extinguished by removing response-contingent stimulus changes and cocaine injections. Once responding was extinguished, reinstatement tests were conducted using cocaine injections (10 mg/kg i.p.).
    RESULTS: Phenmetrazine decreased self-administration of cocaine, but not food pellets, during the 14-day treatment period; effects persisted for several days after treatment was discontinued. Moreover, cocaine-induced increases in responding during the reinstatement test were attenuated by D-amphetamine and both phenmetrazine doses.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results extend the study of the effects of phenmetrazine on cocaine self-administration to a rodent model, and provide further support for the use of monoamine releasers as agonist medications for cocaine abuse.





