
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Optic Aphasia (OA) and Associative Visual Agnosia (AVA) are neuropsychological disorders characterized by impaired naming on visual presentation. From a cognitive point of view, while stimulus identification is largely unimpaired in OA (where access to semantic knowledge is still possible), in AVA it is not. OA has been linked with right hemianopia and disconnection of the occipital right-hemisphere (RH) visual processing from the left hemisphere (LH) language areas.In this paper, we describe the case of AA, an 81-year-old housewife suffering from a deficit in naming visually presented stimuli after left occipital lesion and damage to the interhemispheric splenial pathway. AA has been tested through a set of tasks assessing different levels of visual object processing. We discuss behavioral performance as well as the pattern of lesion and disconnection in relation to a neurocognitive model adapted from Luzzatti and colleagues (1998). Despite the complexity of the neuropsychological picture, behavioral data suggest that semantic access from visual input is possible, while a lesion-based structural disconnectome investigation demonstrated the splenial involvement.Altogether, neuropsychological and neuroanatomical findings support the assumption of visuo-verbal callosal disconnection compatible with a diagnosis of OA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new functional deficit caused by a stroke can be understood as a situation of uncertainty that has to prompt deficit discovery and subsequent incorporation into an altered self-perception. Anosognosia for visual field deficits is frequent after stroke. For hemiplegia, patients\' performance in a riddle test provided evidence that the inability to generate and adjust beliefs in face of uncertainty contributes to anosognosia for hemiplegia. In this prospective study, the same riddles are used in patients with homonymous hemianopia due to a first-ever stroke in the posterior cerebral artery territory and in an age-matched control cohort. The riddles create a situation of uncertainty that is resolved with five successive clues which progressively delimit the target word. After each clue, patients have to guess the target word and rate their confidence in the answer\'s correctness. Patients were tested once during the hospital stay. According to the Bisiach score for anosognosia, 12 out of 29 patients were unaware of their visual field deficits. All patients with anosognosia for hemianopia had right hemisphere lesions. Patients with and without anosognosia did not differ significantly in global cognitive impairment, mental flexibility or memory function. Importantly, patients with anosognosia showed higher confidence ratings than patients without anosognosia and controls in the first two clues (situations of uncertainty). This was demonstrated by a significant interaction effect in a mixed ANOVA with the factors group (anosognosia, nosognosia, controls) and riddle clues. An exploratory lesion subtraction analysis showed a high proportion of deficit unawareness in patients with lesions in the right fusiform and (para)hippocampal gyri. Our findings suggest that overconfidence in situations of uncertainty might contribute to the appearance of anosognosia for hemianopia. Because this has been demonstrated before in anosognosia for hemiplegia, we suggest that overconfidence is a supra-modal contributor to deficit unawareness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the narrated experiences of individuals with advanced stages of late-onset dementia, focusing on their diagnosis awareness. Such framing is motivated by 2 reasons. Firstly, there is a lack of consensus regarding the prevalence of anosognosia among people with dementia. Secondly, research on anosognosia often neglects to address the important issues of shame and stigma associated with receiving a dementia diagnosis.
    For this qualitative study, a total of 27 participants ranging in age from 66 to 94 were involved. The data collected were analyzed using textual-oriented discourse analysis.
    Our findings indicated that individuals with dementia struggled to comprehend the medical terminology used to describe their experiences within biomedical standards. The interviewees utilized 5 negative discourses on dementia, which shaped their attitudes toward the condition and people diagnosed with it. These discourses depicted dementia as an illness, negative aging, a devaluation, a burden, and a life tragedy. Moreover, study participants did not outright reject the diagnosis but rather negotiated its acceptance within the context of shame associated with dementia.
    The concept of anosognosia can serve as a mechanism of social control and stigmatization of people with dementia within the dominant biomedical discourse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual imagery has a close overlapping relationship with visual perception. Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome marked by early impairments in visuospatial processing and visual object recognition. We asked whether PCA would therefore also be marked by deficits in visual imagery, tested using objective forced-choice questionnaires, and whether imagery deficits would be selective for certain properties. We recruited four patients with PCA and a patient with integrative visual agnosia due to bilateral occipitotemporal strokes for comparison. We administered a test battery probing imagery for object shape, size, colour lightness, hue, upper-case letters, lower-case letters, word shape, letter construction, and faces. All subjects showed significant impairments in visual imagery, with imagery for lower-case letters most likely to be spared. We conclude that PCA subjects can show severe deficits in visual imagery. Further work is needed to establish how frequently this occurs and how early it can be found.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anosognosia, defined as reduced awareness of one\'s deficit or symptom, is common in Huntington\'s disease (HD) and detectable at each disease stage. The impact of anosognosia on self-reporting in HD populations is critical to understand given growing use of patient-reported outcomes in HD clinical care and research. We aimed to determine the influence of anosognosia on patient-reported outcome measures assessing psychiatric symptoms and quality of life in HD.
    METHODS: We enrolled HD patients to complete a battery of patient-reported and rater-administered measures, including the Anosognosia Scale, at baseline and 6 months later. Patient-reported outcome measures included NeuroQoL short forms for depression, anxiety, satisfaction with social roles and activities, and positive affect and well-being and Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System short forms for emotional distress-anger and sleep-related impairment. Anosognosia Scale-Difference Score indexed patient-clinician agreement on patient motor, cognitive, and behavioral abilities. We conducted multivariable linear regression analyses to quantify the association of baseline anosognosia with 6-month patient-reported outcomes.
    RESULTS: Of 79 patients with complete Anosognosia Scale data at baseline, 25 (31.6 %) met the scale\'s criterion for anosognosia. In the regression analyses, baseline Difference Score improved prediction of 6-month patient-reported outcomes for depression, anxiety, anger, and positive affect and well-being (χ2(1) value range for likelihood ratio tests contrasting models with and without Difference Score: 13.1-20.9, p-values <0.001). Patients with more anosognosia self-reported less severe psychiatric symptoms and more positive affect and well-being.
    CONCLUSIONS: Study results suggest that anosognosia influences patient-reported outcomes for psychiatric symptoms and quality of life in HD populations.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: Colonoscopy is a commonly performed gastroenterological procedure in patients associated with anxiety and pain. Various approaches have been used to provide sedation and analgesia during colonoscopy, including patient-controlled analgesia and sedation (PCAS). This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of PCAS administered with propofol and remifentanil for colonoscopy.
    METHODS: This randomized controlled trial was performed in an authorized and approved endoscopy center. A total of 80 outpatients were recruited for the colonoscopy studies. Patients were randomly allocated into PCAS and total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) groups. In the PCAS group, the dose of 0.1 ml/kg/min of the mixture was injected after an initial bolus of 3 ml mixture (1 ml containing 3 mg of propofol and 10 μg of remifentanil). Each 1 ml of bolus was delivered with a lockout time of 1 min. In the TIVA group, patients were administered fentanyl 1 μg/kg, midazolam 0.02 mg/kg, and propofol (dosage titrated). Cardiorespiratory parameters and auditory evoked response index were continuously monitored during the procedure. The recovery from anesthesia was assessed using the Aldrete scale and the Observer\'s Assessment of Alertness/Sedation Scale. The Visual Analogue Scale was used to assess the satisfaction of patients and endoscopists.
    RESULTS: No statistical differences were observed in the Visual Analogue Scale scores of the patients (9.58 vs 9.50) and the endoscopist (9.43 vs 9.30). A significant decline in the mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and auditory evoked response index parameters was recorded in the TIVA group (P < 0.05). The recovery time was significantly shorter in the PCAS group than in the TIVA group (P = 0.00).
    CONCLUSIONS: The combination of remifentanil and propofol could provide sufficient analgesia, better hemodynamic stability, lighter sedation, and faster recovery in the PCAS group of patients compared with the TIVA group.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The COVID-19 pandemic which is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has created a major global health crisis in recent years. Despite this, there have been few studies that have utilized reliable methods to assess changes in taste and smell perception. Therefore, our study aims at the number of fungiform papillae and objective measures of taste perception relationship among COVID-19 patients with olfactory and gustatory disorders.
    UNASSIGNED: This was a cross-sectional analytical study in which 57 COVID-19 patients were recruited who confirmed the dysfunction of taste and smell. Objective assessment of the sense of taste was evaluated using four different standardized solution preparations, and the scores were given according to the patient\'s statements. Digitalized quantification of fungiform papillae was counted. The data were analyzed with the Pearson\'s correlation coefficient using the SPSS version. 23 [Licensed JSSAHER, Mysuru, Karnataka, India], and the level of significance was set at <0.001.
    UNASSIGNED: In terms of altered or reduced taste and smell, male patients exhibited a higher incidence compared to females. Compared to the sour taste, a substantial number of COVID-19 patients have displayed a notable decrease in their ability to taste sweet, salty, and bitter flavors. However, a statistically significant positive correlation was observed between taste scores and fungiform papillae density (r = 0.518, P < 0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: Our Study demonstrated that the quantitative evaluation of taste perception and the count of fungiform papillae can serve as important indicators of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and could potentially help in the early detection and treatment of COVID-19 patients, as reduced taste function is a significant marker of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Two studies were performed to validate a brief measure of cognitive insight and compare it to an empirical model - the Cognitive Awareness Model (CAM).
    METHODS: A pilot study included 31 (52% male; Mage = 69.42) patients from an outpatient neuropsychological assessment clinic. Seven patients were diagnosed with likely Alzheimer\'s dementia (AD), 15 mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and 9 no diagnosis (i.e., cognitively normal; CN). The Cognitive Coding Form (CCF) and several other measures were administered. Study 2 entailed archival data extraction of 240 patients (80 CN, 80 MCI, and 80 AD; 53.3% female; Mage = 72.8) to examine whether the CCF predicts memory (Wechsler Memory Scale - IV) and executive functioning (Trail-Making Test B).
    RESULTS: The pilot study found preliminary evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for the 8-item CCF. Study 2 confirmed that both patient-reported cognitive concerns (F(2,237) = 10.40, p < .001, ω2 = .07, power = .99) and, more strongly, CCF informant-patient discrepancy scores (F(2,237) = 24.52, p < .001, ω2 = .16, power = .99) can distinguish CNs from those with MCI and AD. A regression indicated that depression (5.5%; β = -.38, p < .001) and TMT-B (13%; β = -.43, p < .001), together accounted for 18.5% of the variance in insight (R2 = .19, F(2,219) = 26.10, p < .001), supporting the CAM.
    CONCLUSIONS: These studies establish an efficient measure of insight with high clinical utility and inform the literature on the role of insight in predicting performance in those with Alzheimer\'s pathology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 58-year-old, right-handed man noticed difficulty in typing and speech. On day 3 after onset, the day of admission, he had frontal lobe dysfunction including verbal fluency impairment and impairment of recent memory, although he did not have apraxia or visual agnosia. Moreover, he had difficulty typing in romaji, especially words containing contracted or double consonant sounds, although he was able to do this before onset by visually checking the keyboard. He had mild dysgraphia. MRI showed an infarct in the genu and posterior limb of the left internal capsule. SPECT revealed low-uptake lesions in the left frontal lobe. In the present case, we consider that the subcortical infarction disrupted the network between the thalamus and frontal lobe, resulting in dystypia due to difficulty with recalling romaji spelling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Unilateral spatial neglect (neglect) poststroke is disabling. It is critical that people with neglect are identified so that treatment can be provided to maximize independence. However, there is some evidence to suggest that existing assessments may not adequately measure neglect. It is unclear whether assessments also fail to identify people with neglect entirely.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there are stroke survivors who self-report neglect symptoms that are not detected by therapist-rated assessments and to compare self-report and therapist-ratings.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional study.
    METHODS: U.S. university research center.
    METHODS: Unilateral stroke survivors (N = 133).
    METHODS: Not applicable.
    METHODS: The Catherine Bergego Scale (CBS) was administered to participants and scored by a trained occupational therapist. The parallel self-evaluation anosognosia form was also administered to participants to self-report and rate neglect symptoms.
    RESULTS: Forty-eight participants (36.1%) were classified as without neglect on the basis of therapist-rated total CBS scores, yet 30 (62.5%) of these 48 participants reported symptoms of neglect on the CBS self-evaluation anosognosia form. There was a significant difference (p < .001) between therapist-rated and self-rated total CBS scores.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that many stroke survivors report some level of disability associated with neglect yet do not meet the criteria to be classified as having neglect according to a commonly used therapist-rated performance-based measure. Plain-Language Summary: The findings of this study contribute to the evidence that existing assessments used by occupational therapists to measure performance-based neglect may not always detect neglect symptoms comprehensively in people poststroke. The finding also suggest that we may be missing neglect symptoms entirely. Occupational therapists should consider using various methods to assess for neglect, including patient self-report and comprehensive occupational profiles. Clinicians should also thoroughly screen all clients with stroke for neglect, regardless of lesion location.





