
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Trixacarus caviae is a sarcoptic mange mite infesting guinea pigs. Infestation in immunosuppressed animals produces severe dermatological problems, including alopecia, intense pruritus, hyperkeratosis and non-dermatological issues (e.g., seizures). Treatment options are limited and include topical application of macrocyclic lactones or amitraz or injectable administration of ivermectin or doramectin. Considering the severity of the disease and the challenging treatment, the present paper aimed to determine the efficacy of oral afoxolaner in a severe case of infestation with T. caviae in a pet guinea pig. One female guinea pig was referred to the New Companion Animal Clinic due to severe dermatological problems. A clinical evaluation was done, and skin scrapings were collected and examined under the microscope. Small mites were detected and morphologically identified as T. caviae. The animal was treated with a single oral dose of 2.50 mg/kg afoxolaner, and the lesions, presence/absence of mites and intensity of pruritus were evaluated periodically until 2 months post-treatment. A week after the medication, the lesions were milder, but pruritus was still present and was attributed to the healing process. Further examinations showed significant improvement with the complete remission of clinical signs and no mites at the microscopic examination after 4 weeks. Afoxolaner was safe and effective in this guinea pig for the treatment of T. caviae mange with no repetition needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Acaricide resistance in cattle ticks is a significant concern in (sub)tropical regions, particularly Brazil. The Larval Packet Test (LPT) is the standard laboratory bioassay for resistance diagnosis, which requires triplicates of seven acaricidal dilutions plus controls to cover larval mortalities ranging between 0 and 100%. The value of the LPT lies in providing resistance ratios based on the ratio between the LC50 calculated with potentially resistant and susceptible ticks. However, LC50 ratios are difficult to translate into practical advice for farmers. Moreover, LPT requires laboratory facilities to maintain susceptible tick colonies, and it takes 6 weeks to obtain the larvae to be tested by LPT derived from engorged female ticks collected from cattle in the field. Our novel approach was twofold: first, we upgraded the LPT to the Resistance Intensity Test (RIT) by adopting the latest WHO guidelines for resistance detection in mosquitoes, which combines a 1 × recommended dose with 5 × and 10 × concentrated doses to reveal low, moderate and high resistance intensity, respectively. This reduced the number of test papers and tick larvae and, more importantly, provided relevant information on the resistance level. Our second innovative step was to abolish testing larvae entirely and expose partly engorged adult ticks to the same acaricidal doses immediately after removing them from cattle in the field. This resulted in the Rapid Tick exposure Test (RaTexT®), wherein partly engorged adult ticks were exposed to an acaricide-impregnated, specially designed matrix providing test results within 24 h. This approach directly compared resistance detection in tick larvae in the RIT with resistance in adult ticks in RaTexT®.
    METHODS: Laboratory validation was conducted in Brazil with resistant and susceptible colonies of Rhipicephalus microplus ticks. For field validation, adult R. microplus ticks collected from different cattle farms in Brazil were evaluated for resistance to RaTexT®, and the results regarding their larval progenies were compared with those for the RIT. Partly engorged adult ticks derived from cattle infested with laboratory and field strains of R. microplus were exposed to deltamethrin in RaTexT® containers, which contained six rows of four interconnected compartments, accommodating five to eight semi-engorged female ticks with a preferred size ranging between 5 and 8 mm. The corresponding larvae of each strain were exposed in the RIT to the same deltamethrin concentrations in filter papers.
    RESULTS: In RaTexT®, mortality in adult ticks from a resistant strain of R. microplus from Seropédica in Brazil was 38.4%, 54.2% and 75.0% at the 1 ×, 5 × and 10 × doses of deltamethrin, respectively. In RIT, mortality of larvae from the same resistant strain was 2.0%, 4.9% and 19.5% at 1 ×, 5 × and 10 × doses, respectively. The results of RaTexT® and RIT agreed since both tests identified a high level of resistance based on a cut-off of 90% mortality. In RaTexT®, mortality of adult ticks from a susceptible strain originating from Porto Alegre was 73.8%, 92.9% and 97.6% at the 1 ×, 5 × and 10 × doses, respectively. In RIT, mortality of larvae from the susceptible strain was 95.2%, 95.2% and 96.8% at the 1 ×, 5 × and 10 × doses, respectively. Interestingly, both tests identified a low number of unexpected resistant individuals in the susceptible strain since the mortality of neither larvae nor adults reached 100%. This effect remained unnoticed in the LPT, wherein a resistance ratio of 159.5 was found based on the LC50 of the resistant strain divided by the LC50 of the susceptible strain. Next, RaTexT® was compared with RIT using adult and larval ticks derived from three field strains of R. microplus in Brazil. RaTexT® detected high levels of resistance to deltamethrin in adult ticks in all strains, which was confirmed in larvae tested by the RIT. Both tests agreed on the same resistance level with significantly lower mortality rates in larvae than in adult ticks.
    CONCLUSIONS: RaTexT® is a novel rapid pen-site test for detecting acaricide resistance in adult livestock ticks. It potentially replaces laborious tests using larval ticks and provides results within 24 h relevant to acaricide resistance management of livestock ticks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study has been conducted to evaluate the effect of two sprays of seven pesticides at recommended dose on citrus brown mite, Eutetranychus orientalis and the side effects on their predatory mites, Euseius scutalis, Amblyseius swirskii, Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) under field conditions at 2022 & 2023 seasons. The obtained results show that, all tested pesticides achieved high reduction % of E. orientalis ranged between (82.1-90.0%) and (81.6-87.1%) after the 1st and 2nd sprays of 2022 season, where it ranged between (84.9- 88.7%) and ( 79.7- 88.7%) after 1st and 2nd sprays of 2023 season. Abamectin recorded the highest reduction % against the citrus brown mite, whereas Congest pesticide recorded the lowest reduction % after the two sprays along 2022 & 2023 seasons. As for the side effects of tested pesticides on associated predatory mites, all pesticides were safely for E. scutalis numbers recording decrease % between (18.4-28.6%) and (16.2 -26.1%) after the 1st and 2nd spray at 2022 season , where it ranged between (15.3- 29.1%) and (19.6-32.0%) after the 1st and 2nd sprays of 2023 season. On contrary, imidacloprid was unsafely for E. scutalis numbers recording the highest mean decrease % after 1st and 2nd sprays during the two seasons. Also, all tested pesticides were safely for A. swirskii numbers, after the 1st and 2nd sprays of the two seasons recording decrease (from 10.9 to 28.1%) & (24.4 to 31.4%) for the 2022 season, and (19-38.9%) & (18.7-39.4%) at 2023 season. On contrary, imidacloprid was unsafely for A. swirskii numbers recorded the highest decrease % after 1st and 2nd sprays during the two seasons. As for, Ph. Persimilis numbers, all tested pesticides were safely, where it recorded low decrease % ranged between (17-33.8%) & (20.4-34.8%) after the 1st and 2nd sprays of 2022 season, and (24.3-39%) & (20.2-28.9%) after the 1st and 2nd sprays of 2023 season. On the other side, imidacloprid was unsafely for Ph. persimilis numbers recording the highest decrease % after the 1st and 2nd sprays during the two seasons. The present study proved that all tested pesticides were high effective against E. orientalis and appeared to be safely and selective for associated predatory mites except imidacloprid which was very harmful for all tested predatory mites, and it could be concluded that the tested pesticides, Fenpyroximate, Hexythiazox , Congest , Spirodiclofen, Abamectin, and Chlorfenapyr could be used in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs for E. orientalis at citrus orchards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Demodex species are associated with many dermatological diseases, so an acaricidal agent that is effective against them and safe for skin applications may benefit many diseases. This study aims to investigate the anti-demodex potential of spilanthol, a product obtained from the Spilanthes Acmella plant, by determining the minimal effective dose for the first time in the literature. Demodex mites were obtained from 70 patients with standard superficial skin biopsy. Spilanthol extract was used at 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%. Standard immersion oil was used for the negative control, and permethrin 5% was used for the positive control group. The dependent variable is the survival time of the mite. Comparisons with the negative control group, the anti-demodex effect demonstrated itself in all groups, creating a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). The positive control group, had 3%, 4%, and 5% spilanthol rates which were very similar to the results with 5% permethrin (p > 0.05). Higher concentrations than 3% did not make any additional contribution to survival times. This is the first attempt to show the dose-dependent acaricidal effect of spilanthol on demodex mites. Even the 3% dose shows similar results to 5% permethrin, and no additional effect increase was observed at higher doses. Therefore, in vivo, studies may be planned with a 3% spilanthol dose for further studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study investigated the effect of ivermectin and amitraz on the cellular architecture of vital organs of Rhipicephalus microplus. Adult female ticks were treated with lethal concentrations (LC95) of ivermectin and amitraz, and the ovaries, synganglion, and Gené\'s organ were processed 48 h post treatment. In both the treatment groups, the ultra-thin sections of ovary exhibited deformed oocytes, irregular plasmic membrane and chorion layer, extensive vacuolation in the cytoplasm mainly at periphery of the cell and oocyte-pedicel junction. Marked vacuolations in the cortex and neuropile region with significant structural disorganization of the neural fibers were common alterations observed in the synganglion of ticks exposed to ivermectin and amitraz. The tissue sections of Gené\'s organ revealed deformed tubular glands with severe loss of cellular limit of secretory epithelium and cytoplasmic vacuolations in the ivermectin treated ticks whereas, the alterations were comparatively less severe in amitraz exposed ticks. The cellular deformities in these vital organs probably impaired reproductive function, nerve signal transmission and metabolic activities and thus affected fecundity and survivability of the treated ticks. The findings suggested that the action of ivermectin and amitraz are not restricted to the nervous system of ticks, but also on other vital organs, ovary and Gené\'s organ affecting the oviposition. The study provided insights into the development of targeted interventions for tick control strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A newly developed pesticide, flupentiofenox, has a unique trifluoroethyl phenylsulfoxide structure, and it powerfully affects spider mites, including those with resistance to multiple commercial acaricides. To clarify the mode of action of flupentiofenox, we investigated its effect on mitochondrial energy generation. We observed that flupentiofenox decreased adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) at a practical dose. Flupentiofenox potently inhibited mitochondrial oxygen consumption under conditions of palmitoyl-carnitine or octanoic acid supply, but not under conditions of pyruvate supply. These results show that flupentiofenox inhibits the mitochondrial fatty acid metabolic pathway between the uptake of long-chain acylcarnitine or medium-chain fatty acid and the synthesis of acetyl-CoA by β-oxidation, resulting in suppressed mitochondrial energy generation. Our investigations have led us to conclude that flupentiofenox is a pesticide with a novel mode of action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amblyomma maculatum, the Gulf Coast tick, infests a wide range of vertebrate species including livestock, dogs, cats, and humans. It is a species of significant veterinary and public health importance, especially as a vector of diseases, for instance American canine hepatozoonosis or tidewater spotted fever. An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of NexGard® Combo, a topical endectoparasiticide product for cats combining eprinomectin, praziquantel and esafoxolaner, against induced infestations of A. maculatum in cats. This Good Clinical Practice (GCP) study used a randomized, negative controlled, masked design. Ten cats were allocated to an untreated group and ten to a treated group, dosed once on Day 0 at the minimum label dose. On Days -2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42, cats were infested with ~50 unfed adult A. maculatum. On Days 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, and 45, i.e., 72 h after treatment and subsequent infestations, ticks were removed, counted and the numbers of live attached tick in each group were used for efficacy calculations. At each time-point, all untreated cats were adequately infested, demonstrating a vigorous tick population and an adequate study model. The curative efficacy after a single application against existing tick infestation, 72 h after treatment, was 98.7%. The preventive efficacy, 72 h after weekly infestations, over the following five weeks ranged from 93.8% to 99.4%.
    UNASSIGNED: Efficacité d’une association topique d’esafoxolaner, d’éprinomectine et de praziquantel contre les infestations par Amblyomma maculatum chez le chat.
    UNASSIGNED: Amblyomma maculatum, la tique de la Gulf Coast, infeste un large éventail d’espèces de vertébrés, notamment le bétail, les chiens, les chats et les humains. Il s’agit d’une espèce d’importance significative en médecine vétérinaire et en santé publique, notamment en tant que vecteur de maladies, par exemple l’hépatozoonose canine américaine ou la fièvre pourprée des marées. Une étude expérimentale a été menée pour évaluer l’efficacité de NexGard® Combo, un produit endectoparasiticide topique pour chats associant éprinomectine, praziquantel et esafoxolaner, contre les infestations par A. maculatum provoquées chez le chat. Cette étude de bonnes pratiques cliniques (BPC) a utilisé une conception randomisée, contrôlée négativement et masquée. Dix chats ont été répartis dans un groupe non traité et dix chats dans un groupe traité, traités une fois au jour 0 à la dose minimale indiquée sur l’étiquette. Aux jours −2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 et 42, les chats ont été infestés par environ 50 A. maculatum adultes non nourris. Les jours 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38 et 45, c’est-à-dire 72 heures après le traitement et les infestations ultérieures, les tiques ont été retirées, comptées et le nombre de tiques vivantes attachées dans chaque groupe a été utilisé pour les calculs d’efficacité. À chaque instant, tous les chats non traités étaient correctement infestés, démontrant une population de tiques vigoureuse et un modèle d’étude adéquat. L’efficacité curative après une seule application contre une infestation de tiques existante, 72 heures après le traitement, était de 98,7%. L’efficacité préventive, 72 heures après les infestations hebdomadaires, au cours des cinq semaines suivantes, variait entre 93,8% et 99,4%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing resistance of agricultural pests to existing acaricides presents a significant challenge to sustainable agriculture. Therefore, this study introduced FM-1088, a novel isoindolinone-based phenyl trifluoroethyl thioether derivative generated through an innovative design strategy combining bioisosterism and novel cyclization methods. We synthesized several compounds and evaluated their acaricidal efficacy against Tetranychus cinnabarinus in greenhouses and Panonychus citri in field settings. FM-1088 emerged as a standout candidate, demonstrating a lower median lethal concentration (LC50) of 0.722 mg/L compared to the commercial acaricide, cyetpyrafen. Notably, 30 days after application, FM-1088 showed a field control efficacy of 96.4% against P. citri, highlighting its potential for broader applications. The results underscore the utility of the isoindolinone scaffold in pesticide development, offering a promising solution to combat pest resistance with implications for enhanced crop protection and agricultural productivity. Future studies should explore the detailed mode of action of FM-1088 and its potential applicability across diverse agricultural settings, further confirming its role as a sustainable solution for pest management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Haemaphysalis longicornis, which is widely distributed in China, can transmit various tick-borne diseases such as severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, babesiosis, rickettsia disease and so on, and do great harm to human health and the development of animal husbandry. Chemical acaricides are the most traditional tick control method, but because of its many shortcomings, there is an urgent need to find a substitute with high efficiency, environmental protection and low toxicity. It has been found that some plant essential oils (EOs) have good insecticidal activity and environmental safety. In this study, the components of EOs from Pimenta racemosa and Eugenia caryophyllata were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and their potential for application in the control of Haemaphysalis longicornis were studied. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed that the main components of P. racemosa EO were eugenol (64.07%), those of E. caryophyllata EO were Hexadecanoic acid, 2-methylpropyl ester (51.84%) and eugenol (39.76%). Larval packet test showed that the EOs of P. racemosa and E. caryophyllata had significant acaricidal activity against unfed larvae of H. longicornis, with LC50 values of 1.20 mg/mL and 0.47 mg/mL and LC90 values of 8.76 mg/mL and 2.91 mg/mL, respectively. The P. racemosa EO, E. caryophyllata EO and eugenol showed significant acaricidal activity against unfed nymph H. longicornis, with LC50 values of 1.65 mg/mL, 2.29 mg/mL and 0.93 mg/mL and LC90 values of 5.03 mg/mL, 11.01 mg/mL and 4.77 mg/mL, respectively. The P. racemosa EO, E. caryophyllata EO and eugenol showed significant acaricidal activity against unfed adults H. longicornis, with LC50 values of 0.51 mg/mL, 2.57 mg/mL and 1.83 mg/mL and LC90 values of 2.44 mg/mL, 11.44 mg/mL and 2.54 mg/mL, respectively. Enzyme assays revealed that the E. caryophyllata EO and eugenol significantly inhibited the activity of carboxylesterase (CarE), eugenol significantly inhibited the activity of catalase (CAT), and two EOs and eugenol had no significant effect on acetylcholinesterase (AchE) (p < 0.05). The above results suggest that the essential oils from P. racemosa and E. caryophyllata have great potential for use as alternatives to synthetic acaricides for tick control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The management of cattle ticks, particularly Rhipicephalus microplus, poses a global challenge in subtropical regions like Ecuador due to its impact on meat and milk productivity, leading to economic losses. Misuse of acaricides has resulted in resistance and multi-resistance, diminishing their effectiveness. This study evaluated resistance to amitraz, alpha-cypermethrin, and ivermectin using the Larval Packet test, laboratory-reared tick larvae collected from cattle were tested. Data on farm management and tick control practices were gathered via a questionnaire in Northwest Pichincha and Quijos River Valley over two years. Resistance rates in the first year (2020-2021) were 67.21% for amitraz, 57.38% for ivermectin, and 67.21% for alpha-cypermethrin. One year later (2021-2022), resistance levels were 59.57% for amitraz, 57.45% for ivermectin, and 68.09% for alpha-cypermethrin, with multi-resistance rates at 67.21% and 65.96% respectively. No significant differences were found between years or locations. Analysis of larval survival data determined lethal doses for tested acaricides. The study emphasizes the association between the lack of acaricide rotation, the incorrect dosage, and the absence of non-chemical measures in tick management could be associated with the development of resistances in ticks. Likewise, this study promotes the need for collaborative efforts to improve control practices and maintain acaricide efficacy.





