• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The definition of cell metabolic profile is essential to ensure skeletal muscle fiber heterogeneity and to achieve a proper equilibrium between the self-renewal and commitment of satellite stem cells. Heme sustains several biological functions, including processes profoundly implicated with cell metabolism. The skeletal muscle is a significant heme-producing body compartment, but the consequences of impaired heme homeostasis on this tissue have been poorly investigated. Here, we generate a skeletal-muscle-specific feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor 1a (FLVCR1a) knockout mouse model and show that, by sustaining heme synthesis, FLVCR1a contributes to determine the energy phenotype in skeletal muscle cells and to modulate satellite cell differentiation and muscle regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Feline leukemia virus C receptor 1a (FLVCR1a), initially identified as a retroviral receptor and localized on the plasma membrane, has emerged as a crucial regulator of heme homeostasis. Functioning as a positive regulator of δ-aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (ALAS1), the rate-limiting enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway, FLVCR1a influences TCA cycle cataplerosis, thus impacting TCA flux and interconnected metabolic pathways. This study reveals an unexplored link between FLVCR1a, heme synthesis, and cholesterol production in endothelial cells. Using cellular models with manipulated FLVCR1a expression and inducible endothelial-specific Flvcr1a-null mice, we demonstrate that FLVCR1a-mediated control of heme synthesis regulates citrate availability for cholesterol synthesis, thereby influencing cellular cholesterol levels. Moreover, alterations in FLVCR1a expression affect membrane cholesterol content and fluidity, supporting a role for FLVCR1a in the intricate regulation of processes crucial for vascular development and endothelial function. Our results underscore FLVCR1a as a positive regulator of heme synthesis, emphasizing its integration with metabolic pathways involved in cellular energy metabolism. Furthermore, this study suggests that the dysregulation of heme metabolism may have implications for modulating lipid metabolism. We discuss these findings in the context of FLVCR1a\'s potential heme-independent function as a choline importer, introducing additional complexity to the interplay between heme and lipid metabolism.






  • 血红素是几乎所有生物体必需的含铁分子。然而,过量的血红素是细胞毒性的,需要严格调节细胞内血红素浓度。急性肝卟啉病(AHP)是一组罕见的先天性血红素生物合成错误,其特征是由各种因素引起的偶发性急性神经内脏发作。AHP经常被误诊,因为急性发作症状是非特异性的,可以归因于其他更常见的原因。了解AHP患者血红素生物合成是如何失调的,以及急性发作的机制将有助于准确和快速的诊断。随后,适当治疗这些疾病。因此,本文将重点介绍急性发作期间发生的生化和分子变化,并介绍目前已知的急性发作的潜在发病机制。
    Heme is an iron-containing molecule essential for virtually all living organisms. However, excessive heme is cytotoxic, necessitating tight regulation of intracellular heme concentration. The acute hepatic porphyrias (AHPs) are a group of rare inborn errors of heme biosynthesis that are characterized by episodic acute neurovisceral attacks that are precipitated by various factors. The AHPs are often misdiagnosed, as the acute attack symptom are non-specific and can be attributed to other more common causes. Understanding how heme biosynthesis is dysregulated in AHP patients and the mechanism by which acute attacks are precipitated will aid in accurate and rapid diagnoses, and subsequently, appropriate treatment of these disorders. Therefore, this review article will focus on the biochemical and molecular changes that occur during an acute attack and present what is currently known regarding the underlying pathogenesis of acute attacks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Beyond standard therapeutic options, whose effectiveness is often reduced by drug resistance, repurposing of the antidiabetic drug metformin appears promising. Heme metabolism plays a pivotal role in the control of metabolic adaptations that sustain cancer cell proliferation. Recently, we demonstrated the existence of a functional axis between the heme synthetic enzyme ALAS1 and the heme exporter FLVCR1a exploited by cancer cells to down-modulate oxidative metabolism. In colorectal cancer cell lines, the inhibition of heme synthesis-export system was associated with reduced proliferation and survival. Here, we aim to assess whether the inhibition of the heme synthesis-export system affects the sensitivity of colorectal cancer cells to metformin. Our data demonstrate that the inhibition of this system, either by blocking heme efflux with a FLVCR1a specific shRNA or by inhibiting heme synthesis with 5-aminolevulinic acid, improves metformin anti-proliferative effect on colorectal cancer cell lines. In addition, we demonstrated that the same effect can be obtained in other kinds of cancer cell lines. Our study provides an in vitro proof of concept of the possibility to target heme metabolism in association with metformin to counteract cancer cell growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase chaperone subunit (ClpX) plays an important role in the heme-dependent regulation of 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS1), a key enzyme in heme biosynthesis. However, the mechanisms underlying the role of ClpX in this process remain unclear. In this in vitro study, we confirmed the direct binding between ALAS1 and ClpX in a heme-dependent manner. The substitution of C108 P109 [CP motif 3 (CP3)] with A108 A109 in ALAS1 resulted in a loss of ability to bind ClpX. Computational disorder analyses revealed that CP3 was located in a potential intrinsically disordered protein region (IDPR). Thus, we propose that conditional disorder-to-order transitions in the IDPRs of ALAS1 may represent key mechanisms underlying the heme-dependent recognition of ALAS1 by ClpX.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heme is an iron-containing porphyrin of vital importance for cell energetic metabolism. High rates of heme synthesis are commonly observed in proliferating cells. Moreover, the cell-surface heme exporter feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor 1a (FLVCR1a) is overexpressed in several tumor types. However, the reasons why heme synthesis and export are enhanced in highly proliferating cells remain unknown. Here, we illustrate a functional axis between heme synthesis and heme export: heme efflux through the plasma membrane sustains heme synthesis, and implementation of the two processes down-modulates the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle flux and oxidative phosphorylation. Conversely, inhibition of heme export reduces heme synthesis and promotes the TCA cycle fueling and flux as well as oxidative phosphorylation. These data indicate that the heme synthesis-export system modulates the TCA cycle and oxidative metabolism and provide a mechanistic basis for the observation that both processes are enhanced in cells with high-energy demand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artemisinin and its derivatives (ARTs) were reported to display heme-dependent antitumor activity. On the other hand, histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) were known to be able to promote heme synthesis in erythroid cells. Nevertheless, the effect of HDACi on heme homeostasis in non-erythrocytes remains unknown. We envisioned that the combination of HDACi and artesunate (ARS) might have synergistic antitumor activity through modulating heme synthesis. In vitro studies revealed that combination of ARS and HDACi exerted synergistic tumor inhibition by inducing cell death. Moreover, this combination exhibited more effective antitumor activity than either ARS or HDACi monotherapy in xenograft models without apparent toxicity. Importantly, mechanistic studies revealed that HDACi coordinated with ARS to increase 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS1) expression, and subsequent heme production, leading to enhanced cytotoxicity of ARS. Notably, knocking down ALAS1 significantly blunted the synergistic effect of ARS and HDACi on tumor inhibition, indicating a critical role of ALAS1 upregulation in mediating ARS cytotoxicity. Collectively, our study revealed the mechanism of synergistic antitumor action of ARS and HDACi. This finding indicates that modulation of heme synthesis pathway by the combination based on ARTs and other heme synthesis modulators represents a promising therapeutic approach to solid tumors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, new genes and molecular mechanisms have been identified in patients with porphyrias and sideroblastic anemias (SA). They all modulate either directly or indirectly the δ-aminolevulinic acid synthase (ALAS) activity. ALAS, is encoded by two genes: the erythroid-specific (ALAS2), and the ubiquitously expressed (ALAS1). In the liver, ALAS1 controls the rate-limiting step in the production of heme and hemoproteins that are rapidly turned over in response to metabolic needs. Several heme regulatory targets have been identified as regulators of ALAS1 activity: 1) transcriptional repression via a heme-responsive element, 2) post-transcriptional destabilization of ALAS1 mRNA, 3) post-translational inhibition via a heme regulatory motif, 4) direct inhibition of the activity of the enzyme and 5) breakdown of ALAS1 protein via heme-mediated induction of the protease Lon peptidase 1. In erythroid cells, ALAS2 is a gatekeeper of production of very large amounts of heme necessary for hemoglobin synthesis. The rate of ALAS2 synthesis is transiently increased during the period of active heme synthesis. Its gene expression is determined by trans-activation of nuclear factor GATA1, CACC box and NF-E2-binding sites in the promoter areas. ALAS2 mRNA translation is also regulated by the iron-responsive element (IRE)/iron regulatory proteins (IRP) binding system. In patients, ALAS enzyme activity is affected in most of the mutations causing non-syndromic SA and in several porphyrias. Decreased ALAS2 activity results either directly from loss-of-function ALAS2 mutations as seen in X-linked sideroblastic anemia (XLSA) or from defect in the availability of one of its two mitochondrial substrates: glycine in SLC25A38 mutations and succinyl CoA in GLRX5 mutations. Moreover, ALAS2 gain of function mutations is responsible for X-linked protoporphyria and increased ALAS1 activity lead to acute attacks of hepatic porphyrias. A missense dominant mutation in the Walker A motif of the ATPase binding site in the gene coding for the mitochondrial protein unfoldase CLPX also contributes to increasing ALAS and subsequently protoporphyrinemia. Altogether, these recent data on human ALAS have informed our understanding of porphyrias and sideroblastic anemias pathogeneses and may contribute to new therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The liver has one of the highest rates of heme synthesis of any organ. More than 50% of the heme synthesized in the liver is used for synthesis of P450 enzymes, which metabolize exogenous and endogenous compounds that include natural products, hormones, drugs, and carcinogens. Feline leukemia virus subgroup C cellular receptor 1a (FLVCR1a) is plasma membrane heme exporter that is ubiquitously expressed and controls intracellular heme content in hematopoietic lineages. We investigated the role of Flvcr1a in liver function in mice.
    METHODS: We created mice with conditional disruption of Mfsd7b, which encodes Flvcr1a, in hepatocytes (Flvcr1a(fl/fl);alb-cre mice). Mice were analyzed under basal conditions, after phenylhydrazine-induced hemolysis, and after induction of cytochromes P450 synthesis. Livers were collected and analyzed by histologic, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, and immunoblot analyses. Hepatic P450 enzymatic activities were measured.
    RESULTS: Flvcr1a(fl/fl);alb-cre mice accumulated heme and iron in liver despite up-regulation of heme oxygenase 1, ferroportin, and ferritins. Hepatic heme export activity of Flvcr1a was closely associated with heme biosynthesis, which is required to sustain cytochrome induction. Upon cytochromes P450 stimulation, Flvcr1a(fl/fl);alb-cre mice had reduced cytochrome activity, associated with accumulation of heme in hepatocytes. The expansion of the cytosolic heme pool in these mice was likely responsible for the early inhibition of heme synthesis and increased degradation of heme, which reduced expression and activity of cytochromes P450.
    CONCLUSIONS: In livers of mice, Flvcr1a maintains a free heme pool that regulates heme synthesis and degradation as well as cytochromes P450 expression and activity. These findings have important implications for drug metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Loss of quadriceps muscle oxidative phenotype (OXPHEN) is an evident and debilitating feature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We recently demonstrated involvement of the inflammatory classical NF-κB pathway in inflammation-induced impairments in muscle OXPHEN. The exact underlying mechanisms however are unclear. Interestingly, IκB kinase α (IKK-α: a key kinase in the alternative NF-κB pathway) was recently identified as a novel positive regulator of skeletal muscle OXPHEN. We hypothesised that inflammation-induced classical NF-κB activation contributes to loss of muscle OXPHEN in COPD by reducing IKK-α expression.
    METHODS: Classical NF-κB signalling was activated (molecularly or by tumour necrosis factor α: TNF-α) in cultured myotubes and the impact on muscle OXPHEN and IKK-α levels was investigated. Moreover, the alternative NF-κB pathway was modulated to investigate the impact on muscle OXPHEN in absence or presence of an inflammatory stimulus. As a proof of concept, quadriceps muscle biopsies of COPD patients and healthy controls were analysed for expression levels of IKK-α, OXPHEN markers and TNF-α.
    RESULTS: IKK-α knock-down in cultured myotubes decreased expression of OXPHEN markers and key OXPHEN regulators. Moreover, classical NF-κB activation (both by TNF-α and IKK-β over-expression) reduced IKK-α levels and IKK-α over-expression prevented TNF-α-induced impairments in muscle OXPHEN. Importantly, muscle IKK-α protein abundance and OXPHEN was reduced in COPD patients compared to controls, which was more pronounced in patients with increased muscle TNF-α mRNA levels.
    CONCLUSIONS: Classical NF-κB activation impairs skeletal muscle OXPHEN by reducing IKK-α expression. TNF-α-induced reductions in muscle IKK-α may accelerate muscle OXPHEN deterioration in COPD.





