
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 9p21.3 genomic locus is a hot spot for disease-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and its strongest associations are with coronary artery disease (CAD). The disease-associated SNPs are located within the sequence of a long noncoding RNA ANRIL, which potentially contributes to atherogenesis by regulating vascular cell stress and proliferation, but also affects pancreatic β-cell proliferation. Altered expression of a neighboring gene, CDKN2B, has been also recognized to correlate with obesity and hepatic steatosis in people carrying the risk SNPs. In the present study, we investigated the impact of 9p21.3 on obesity accompanied by hyperlipidemia in mice carrying a deletion of the murine ortholog for the 9p21.3 (Chr4Δ70/Δ70) risk locus in hyperlipidemic Ldlr-/-ApoB100/100 background. The Chr4Δ70/Δ70 mice showed decreased mRNA expression of insulin receptors in white adipose tissue already at a young age, which developed into insulin resistance and obesity by aging. In addition, the Sirt1-Ppargc1a-Ucp2 pathway was downregulated together with the expression of Cdkn2b, specifically in the white adipose tissue in Chr4Δ70/Δ70 mice. These results suggest that the 9p21.3 locus, ANRIL lncRNA, and their murine orthologues may regulate the key energy metabolism pathways in a white adipose tissue-specific manner in the presence of hypercholesterolemia, thus contributing to the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) and non-compressible artery disease (NCAD) constitute predictors of subclinical atherosclerosis easily assessed through the ankle brachial index (ABI). Although both diseases show substantial genetic influences, few genetic association studies have focused on the ABI and PAD, and none have focused on NCAD. To overcome these limitations, we assessed the role of several candidate genes on the ABI, both in its continuous distribution and in the clinical manifestations associated to its extreme values: PAD and NCAD. We examined 13 candidate genomic regions in 1606 participants from the ARTPER study, a prospective population-based cohort, with the ABI assessed through ultrasonography. Association analyses were conducted independently for individuals with PAD (ABI < 0.9) or with NCAD (ABI > 1.4) vs. healthy participants. After including potential covariates and correction for multiple testing, minor alleles in the genetic markers rs10757278 and rs1333049, both in the 9p21.3 region, were significantly associated with a decreased risk of NCAD. Associations with the ABI showed limited support to these results. No significant associations were detected for PAD. The locus 9p21.3 constitutes the first genetic locus associated with NCAD, an assessment of subclinical atherosclerosis feasible for implementation in primary healthcare settings that has been systematically neglected from genetic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antisense Noncoding RNA in the INK4 Locus (ANRIL) is the prime candidate gene at Chr9p21, the well-defined genetic risk locus associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). ANRIL and its transcript variants were investigated for the susceptibility to CAD in adipose tissues (AT) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of the study group and the impact of 9p21.3 locus mutations was further analysed. Expressions of ANRIL, circANRIL (hsa_circ_0008574), NR003529, EU741058 and DQ485454 were detected in epicardial AT (EAT) mediastinal AT (MAT), subcutaneous AT (SAT) and PBMCs of CAD patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting and non-CAD patients undergoing heart valve surgery. ANRIL expression was significantly upregulated, while the expression of circANRIL was significantly downregulated in CAD patients. Decreased circANRIL levels were significantly associated with the severity of CAD and correlated with aggressive clinical characteristics. rs10757278 and rs10811656 were significantly associated with ANRIL and circANRIL expressions in AT and PBMCs. The ROC-curve analysis suggested that circANRIL has high diagnostic accuracy (AUC: 0.9808, cut-off: 0.33, sensitivity: 1.0, specificity: 0.88). circANRIL has high diagnostic accuracy (AUC: 0.9808, cut-off: 0.33, sensitivity: 1.0, specificity: 0.88). We report the first data demonstrating the presence of ANRIL and its transcript variants expressions in the AT and PBMCs of CAD patients. circANRIL having a synergetic effect with ANRIL plays a protective role in CAD pathogenesis. Therefore, altered circANRIL expression may become a potential diagnostic transcriptional biomarker for early CAD diagnosis.






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    The present study is a part of the major project on coronary artery disease (CAD) carried out at Indian Statistical Institute, Hyderabad to investigate the pattern of association of SNPs selected from the CAD specific genomic loci. The study is expected to portray the genetic susceptibility profile of CAD specifically in the Southern Indian population of Hyderabad.
    The study was conducted in a cohort of 830 subjects comprising 350 CAD cases and 480 controls from Hyderabad. A prioritized set of 61 SNPs selected from the NHGRI GWAS catalogue were genotyped using FluidigmNanofluidic SNP Genotyping System and appropriate statistical analyses were used in interpreting the results.
    After data pruning, out of 45 SNPs qualified for the association analysis, four SNPs were found to be highly significantly associated with increased risk for CAD even after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing (p < 0.001). These results were also replicated in the random subsets of the pooled cohort (70, 50 and 30%) suggesting internal consistency. The ROC analysis of the risk scores of the significant SNPs suggested highly significant area under curve (AUC = 0.749; p < 0.0001) implying predictive utility of these risk variants.
    The rs10455872 of LP(A) gene in particular showed profound risk for CAD (OR 35.9; CI 16.7-77.2) in this regional Indian population. The other significant SNP associations observed with respect to the pooled CAD cohort and in different anatomical and phenotypic severity categories reflected on the role of genetic heterogeneity in the clinical heterogeneity of CAD. The SNP rs7582720 of WDR12 gene, albeit not individually associated with CAD, was found to be conferring significant risk through epistatic interaction with two SNPs (rs6589566, rs1263163 in ZPR1, APOA5-APOA4 genes) of the 11q23.3 region.






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    Genome-wide association studies have identified SNPs associated with glioma risk on 9p21.3, but biological mechanisms underlying this association are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that a functional SNP on 9p21.3 affects activity of an enhancer, causing altered expression of nearby genes. We considered all SNPs in linkage disequilibrium with the 9p21.3 sentinel SNP rs634537 that mapped to putative enhancers. An enhancer containing rs1537372 exhibited allele-specific effects on luciferase activity. Deletion of this enhancer in GBM cell lines correlated with decreased expression of CDKN2B-AS1. Expression quantitative trait loci analysis using non-diseased brain samples showed rs1537372 to be a consistently significant eQTL for CDKN2B-AS1. Additionally, our analysis of Hi-C data generated in neural progenitor cells showed that the bait region containing rs1537372 interacted with the CDKN2B-AS1 promoter. These data suggest rs1537372, a SNP at the 9p21.3 risk locus, is a functional variant that modulates expression of CDKN2B-AS1.







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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have recently confirmed a strong association of the 9p21.3 locus with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in different populations but no data has been reported for the Tanzanian population. This study aimed to investigate the 9p21.3 locus harboring the disease-causing hotspot variations in Tanzanian CAD patients and their associations with the risk factors. 135 patients with CAD and 140 non-CAD patients were enrolled into the study. Further the biochemical analysis, the genotyping assays were performed by the use of qRT-PCR. The genotype and allele frequencies of rs1333049, rs2383207, rs2383206, rs10757274, rs10757278, and rs10811656 were significantly different between the groups (p<0.005). The genotype distribution of rs1333049, rs10757278 and rs10811656 polymorphisms were significantly different among patients with one, two, three stenotic vessels (p<0.05). For rs10757274 and rs10757278, the GG genotype indicated a significant 3-fold and 4-fold increased risk of CAD (p<0.0001,respectively). Additionally, haplotype analysis revealed that AAGCAG, AAACAG, GGGTGC haplotypes of 9p21.3 locus polymorphisms are associated with CAD risk. The GGGTGC haplotype was over-represented while the other two underrepresented in patients as compared to controls (p<0.00001,respectively) suggesting the first one a high-risk and the other two low-risk haplotypes for Tanzanian population. The AUC of a risk model based on non-genetic risk factors was 0.954 (95% CI: 0.930-0.977) and the combination with genetic risk factors improved the AUC to 0.982 (95% CI: 0.954-0.985) (p<0.012), indicating good diagnostic accuracy. Our results are the first data reporting statistically significant associations between 9p21.3 polymorphisms and CAD, and the very first haplotype block harboring the disease-causing variations in Tanzanian population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 9p21.3 risk locus is the first locus to be associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD)-related events and many other phenotypes. This locus contains 59 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a region with multiple long range enhancers and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) that affect the expression of neighbouring genes, cyclin-dependent kinase 2A and 2B (CDKN2A and CDKN2B), which are required for controlling vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and ageing. Several studies have attempted to identify the precise mechanism by which this locus exerts its pathogenic effect to increase the risk of CAD-related events. In this review, we will highlight the major advances in our understanding of the genotype-phenotype correlation at the mechanistic and phenotypic levels. The high population attributable risk of the 9p21.3 risk locus, mechanistic knowledge acquired thus far, and ongoing research efforts could facilitate the design of novel therapeutic molecules to reduce the risk of CAD and its related events.
    يعتبرالموضع الخطر للقطعة رقم پ21.3 على كروموسوم رقم ٩ أول موضع يوصف لارتباطه بزيادة خطر الإصابة بالحوادث ذات الصلة بأمراض الشرايين التاجية، وعدد من الظواهر الأخرى. تحتوي هذه القطعة على ٥٩ من النوكليوتيدات المنفردة المتعددة الأشكال في منطقة، مع العديد من المحفزات بعيدة المدى، ومناطق طويلة من الحمض النووي الريبي بلا رموز، التي تؤثر على التعبير عن الجينات القريبة، والسيكلين المعتمد على الكيناز 2أ و2ب والمطلوبة للتحكم في تنظيم الانقسام المتسارع، وشيخوخة الخلايا العضلية الملساء الموجودة في الأوعية الدموية. أجريت عدة دراسات لتحديد الآلية الصحيحة بدقة لكيفية ممارسة هذا الموضع تأثيره المرضي لزيادة خطر الإصابة بالحوادث ذات الصلة بأمراض الشرايين التاجية. في هذه المراجعة، سوف نقوم بتسليط الضوء على أبرز ما تم إنجازه، ومعرفته فيما يتعلق بارتباط النمط الجيني-المظهري على الصعيدين الميكانيكي والمظهري. نظرا إلى الخطر العالي على السكان الذي يعزى للموضع الخطر للقطعة رقم پ21.3 على كروموسوم رقم ٩، وآلية المعرفة التي حصلنا عليها حتى الآن، بالإضافة إلى الجهود المستمرة، قد تساعد في تصميم جزيئات علاجية جديدة لتقليل خطر أمراض الشرايين التاجية والحوادث ذات الصلة.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    9p21.3 has been identified as an unexpected hot point in multiple diseases GWAS including cancers, and we performed a two-stage case-control studies integrating functional assay strategy to find the potential functional variants modified susceptibility to pancreatic cancer (PC). An expanded Illumina HumanExome Beadchip of PC including 943 cases and 3908 controls was used to examine 39 tagSNPs in 9p21.3 and the promising single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was validated in stage 2 comprising 624 cases and 1048 controls. The strongest signal was rs6475609 (Odds ratio, OR = 0.81, 95% confidence interval, CI = 0.72-0.91) maps to the long non-coding RNA ANRIL. Bioinformatics analysis revealed rs1537373 lies in the linkage disequilibrium (LD) block which the rs6475609 tagged might have potential function and was also associated with a decreased risk of PC in both stages (OR = 0.82, 95% CI = 0.75-0.90 in combined analysis). Dual luciferase reporter assay and the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) verified rs1537373 as the best candidate causative variant for influencing the activity of enhancer through differential binding to certain transcription factor. The expression quantitative trait loci (e-QTL) analysis indicated the genotypes of rs1537373 were associated with expression of CDKN2B gene (P dominant = 6.00 × 10-4 ). In conclusion, our study provided evidence that rs1537373 in ANRIL may influence transcription factor binding and regulate CDKN2B expression, thus confer the susceptibility to PC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Periodontitis (PD) is a common gingival infectious disease caused by an over-aggressive inflammatory reaction to dysbiosis of the oral microbiome. The disease induces a profound systemic inflammatory host response, that triggers endothelial dysfunction and pro-thrombosis and thus may aggravate atherosclerotic vascular disease and its clinical complications. Recently, a risk haplotype at the ANRIL/CDKN2B-AS1 locus on chromosome 9p21.3, that is not only associated with coronary artery disease / myocardial infarction (CAD/MI) but also with PD, could be identified by genome-wide association studies. The locus encodes ANRIL - a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) which, like other lncRNAs, regulates genome methylation via interacting with specific DNA sequences and proteins, such as DNA methyltranferases and polycomb proteins, thereby affecting expression of multiple genes by cis and trans mechanisms. Here, we describe ANRIL regulated genes and metabolic pathways and discuss implications of the findings for target identification of drugs with potentially anti-inflammatory activity in general.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: At current prognostication of low grade glioma remains suboptimal and might be improved with additional markers. These may guide treatment decisions, in particular on early adjuvant therapy versus wait and see after surgery.
    METHODS: We used a targeted Next-Generation Sequencing panel to assess mutational and copy number status of selected genes and chromosomes in a consecutive series of adult grade II supratentorial glioma, and assessed the impact of molecular markers of interest on overall survival.
    RESULTS: 207 IDH mutated grade II glioma samples were analyzed with a median follow-up of 6.9 years. Loss of region 9p21.3 did not show a correlation with outcome in IDH mutated 1p/19q-codeleted oligodendroglioma or IDH mutated astrocytoma. We found a significant shorter overall survival with univariable analysis in IDH mutated astrocytoma patients with trisomy of chromosome 7 (Log rank P = 0.044) and in IDH mutated 1p/19q-codeleted oligodendroglioma patients with a PTEN mutation (Log rank P = 0.033). We could not validate these findings in multivariate analysis or in the TCGA dataset.
    CONCLUSIONS: Loss of 9p21.3 is not associated with outcome in a molecularly defined cohort of grade II glioma and therefore it remains unclear if loss of 9p21.3 can be used as additional marker of anaplasia or to guide treatment decisions. Trisomy of chromosome 7 in IDH mutated astrocytoma and PTEN mutations in IDH mutated oligodendroglioma are potential markers of poor prognosis, but require confirmation in larger series.





