3D surgical planning

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Az ajak- és szájpadhasadékok a leggyakoribb, arcot érintő fejlődési rendellenességek. Gyakoriságuk 0,5–2‰ az élve születettekre vonatkoztatva. Az érintett gyermekek kezelése éveken át elhúzódó, műtéti beavatkozások sorozata, amelyhez elengedhetetlen egy multidiszciplináris csapat közreműködése. A hatékony terápia érdekében a legújabb műtéti trendek ismerete nélkülözhetetlen a szakorvosok számára. A sebészi és nem sebészi kezelések egymás utáni sorrendje jól ismert és elfogadott, de mindig egyéni mérlegelésre van szükség. A táplálási nehézségek miatt a gyermekek megfelelő kalóriaellátása és annak gyakorlata jelentősen hozzájárul a gyermekek optimális fejlődéséhez. A sikeres gyógyulás érdekében a következő beavatkozások és tanácsadások szükségesek: szoptatási tanácsadás, majd gyakorlatorientált segítés, az ajak és a lágy szájpad, majd a kemény szájpad zárása, fül-orr-gégészeti gondozás, logopédiai gondozás, végezetül szükség szerinti állcsont-ortopédiai és fogszabályozó kezelés. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(5): 163–170.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During secondary alveolar cleft grafting, the use of autogenous cancellous bone harvested from the iliac crest is still considered the gold standard. Due to the risk of donor-site morbidity and excessive graft resorption, alternative grafting materials (e.g. intraoral bone, xenografts) have been tested. Autogenous tooth bone graft (ATB) is a novel material derived from extracted teeth. ATB has successfully been used in pre-prosthetic and periodontal surgery for hard-tissue reconstruction. Seven patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate were treated with ATB, using their own deciduous teeth for grafting. Defects were accessed utilizing a novel split-thickness papilla curtain flap. Cone-beam computed tomography scans were taken prior to and 3 months following cleft surgery to assess graft integration, graft stability, and the volume of the newly formed hard tissues. Hard-tissue gain, as measured at the 3-month follow-up, averaged 0.65 cm3 ± 0.26 cm3. Results showed acceptable graft integration and stability at the 3-month follow-up, with no adverse effects or excessive resorption of the graft. The use of ATB might be a feasible alternative for alveolar cleft grafting. However, long-term studies using a large sample size are required to derive further conclusions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    3D preoperative planning for high tibial osteotomies (HTO) has increasingly replaced 2D planning but is complex, time-consuming and therefore expensive. Several interdependent clinical objectives and constraints have to be considered, which often requires multiple rounds of revisions between surgeons and biomedical engineers. We therefore developed an automated preoperative planning pipeline, which takes imaging data as an input to generate a ready-to-use, patient-specific planning solution. Deep-learning based segmentation and landmark localization was used to enable the fully automated 3D lower limb deformity assessment. A 2D-3D registration algorithm allowed the transformation of the 3D bone models into the weight-bearing state. Finally, an optimization framework was implemented to generate ready-to use preoperative plannings in a fully automated fashion, using a genetic algorithm to solve the multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem based on several clinical requirements and constraints. The entire pipeline was evaluated on a large clinical dataset of 53 patient cases who previously underwent a medial opening-wedge HTO. The pipeline was used to automatically generate preoperative solutions for these patients. Five experts blindly compared the automatically generated solutions to the previously generated manual plannings. The overall mean rating for the algorithm-generated solutions was better than for the manual solutions. In 90% of all comparisons, they were considered to be equally good or better than the manual solution. The combined use of deep learning approaches, registration methods and MOO can reliably produce ready-to-use preoperative solutions that significantly reduce human workload and related health costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Complex arthroplasties for periacetabular metastatic lesions can result in complications including infection and prosthesis loosening owing to poor bone quality. A new surgical protocol has been developed as a joint-sparing surgery to avoid complications after arthroplasties. The main surgical steps are: (a) conservative and accurate tumor resection with aid of 3D printing model-assisted preoperative resection simulation and preparation of pre-contour plate, (b) reconstruction with structural bone graft through the sandwich technique for augmentation of subchondral bone.
    METHODS: This retrospective study consisted of 6 patients (5 with metastatic bone tumors and one with multiple myeloma). The pelvic bone resection as defined by Enneking and Dunham were typed I + II in 2 patients and type II in 4 patients. The medical records, images, musculoskeletal tumor society (MSTS) score and visual analogue scale (VAS) were used for evaluation.
    RESULTS: The mean operative time was 234 minutes, and the average surgical blood loss was 1408 mL. The mean follow-up period was 21 months. The mean VAS significantly decreased at postoperative 1-week and 1-year follow-up. There were no intraoperative or early postoperative complications. The median MSTS score during the final follow-up was 26 points (range, 14-28 points). Except for one case who experienced severe joint destruction, all the other five cases were classified as excellent or good (>15).
    CONCLUSIONS: With precise tumor resection and reconstruction with sandwich procedure, the joint-sparing surgery can be performed in selected patients with metastatic periacetabular tumors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to describe our auxiliary surgical techniques in alveolar cleft reconstruction and evaluate the patients burden after 3 years of surgical experience.
    METHODS: At the Cleft center, Semmelweis University Budapest, 28 patients underwent alveolar bone grafting between September 2017 and September 2020. We have used CBCT scans and computer software to perform 3D simulation of the alveolar defect and planning of patient- and defect specific grafts. An individual graft mold was designed for each alveolar defect and 3D printed for intra-operative use. During the surgical intervention, the mold was used to harvest the most appropriate amount and precise shape of graft material. We used cancellous iliac crest graft. After performing a descriptive statistical analysis of our patient group, we used a quality-of-life questionnaire to measure the patient\'s self-perception.
    RESULTS: In all cases the treatment sequence could be applied, planning and surgery was successful and uneventful. Patients did not experience more pain, bleeding or any feeding impairment. No inflammatory or wound healing reactions were observed. There were no major adverse effects causing permanent problems.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our follow-up and patient satisfaction questionnaire showed that our treatment sequence with auxiliary techniques brought no further burden to the patients care and hospitalization, even though it is more complex. Efficacy of this treatment method and improvement in graft integration has yet to be determined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this observational, longitudinal and retrospective study was to evaluate the fidelity of virtual surgical planning (VSP) performed on Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions® 11.95 software on hard tissues, using the tools of the open-source software OrtogOnBlender - Blender3D. For this, linear, angular and 7-point anatomical measurements of the skeletal profile were used, and the discrepancies between the VSP and the result after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery were calculated. Pre- and postoperative cone beam CT (CBCT) scans of 43 consecutive patients with class II and III skeletal deformities were evaluated and the results of the VSP were compared to the 1-month postoperative results. All overlapping points presented values within the range considered clinically irrelevant (< 2 mm and < 4°) and differences were not significant (p > 0.05). The comparison of anatomical points showed lower values (≤ 2.11 mm) in point A of class II. For hard tissues, the comparison between VSP and 1-month postoperative tomography demonstrated the faithful results of virtual planning using this software.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is no consensus on how to perform acromioplasty, particularly regarding the level and extent of bone resection, which depend on scapular and humeral morphologies.
    We aimed to determine whether computer-assisted acromioplasty planning helps surgeons remove impinging bone, reduce unnecessary resections, and improve short-term outcomes of rotator cuff tears (RCR).
    We randomized 64 patients undergoing RCR of full-thickness supraspinatus tears into two groups: \'guided acromioplasty\' (GA) and \'freehand acromioplasty\' (FA). The pre- and post-operative scapula models were reconstructed using computed-tomography scans to quantify impinging bone removal, unnecessary bone resections, and identify zones of acromial bone removal. All patients were evaluated preoperatively and at 6 months to assess their range of motion (ROM), functional scores and tendon integrity using ultrasound.
    The two groups did not differ in demographics, clinical or morphologic characteristics. Compared to FA, GA tended to lower impinging bone removal (55±26% vs. 43±27%, p=0.087) and to increase unnecessary resection of the total bone removed (49±22% vs. 57±27%, p=0.248). GA resulted in significant anterior under-resection, while FA resulted in significant medial over-resection. Clinical outcomes and ROM improved significantly for all patients, except for internal rotation in the GA group. There were no other significant differences between the two groups, neither in terms of post-operative scores nor in terms of clinical net improvements, nor tendon repair integrity.
    This computer-assisted planning for acromioplasty during RCR proved no benefits in terms of bone removal, tendon healing, or clinical outcomes. Nonetheless such planning tools could help less experienced surgeons improve the efficacy of acromioplasty.
    I, Randomized controlled trial (Therapeutic study).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three-dimensional (3D) computer-assisted corrective osteotomy has become the state-of-the-art for surgical treatment of complex bone deformities. Despite available technologies, the automatic generation of clinically acceptable, ready-to-use preoperative planning solutions is currently not possible for such pathologies. Multiple contradicting and mutually dependent objectives have to be considered, as well as clinical and technical constraints, which generally require iterative manual adjustments. This leads to unnecessary surgeon efforts and unbearable clinical costs, hindering also the quality of patient treatment due to the reduced number of solutions that can be investigated in a clinically acceptable timeframe. In this paper, we propose an optimization framework for the generation of ready-to-use preoperative planning solutions in a fully automatic fashion. An automatic diagnostic assessment using patient-specific 3D models is performed for 3D malunion quantification and definition of the optimization parameters\' range. Afterward, clinical objectives are translated into the optimization module, and controlled through tailored fitness functions based on a weighted and multi-staged optimization approach. The optimization is based on a genetic algorithm capable of solving multi-objective optimization problems with non-linear constraints. The framework outputs a complete preoperative planning solution including position and orientation of the osteotomy plane, transformation to achieve the bone reduction, and position and orientation of the fixation plate and screws. A qualitative validation was performed on 36 consecutive cases of radius osteotomy where solutions generated by the optimization algorithm (OA) were compared against the gold standard solutions generated by experienced surgeons (Gold Standard; GS). Solutions were blinded and presented to 6 readers (4 surgeons, 2 planning engineers), who voted OA solutions to be better in 55% of the time. The quantitative evaluation was based on different error measurements, showing average improvements with respect to the GS from 20% for the reduction alignment and up to 106% for the position of the fixation screws. Notably, our algorithm was able to generate feasible clinical solutions which were not possible to obtain with the current state-of-the-art method.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Preoperative three-dimensional planning and intraoperative navigation by patient-specific instruments is a promising method for the exact correction of bone deformities. Nevertheless, disadvantages of current concepts are the missing options of adapting the surgical plan intraoperatively. By providing the surgeons with a controlled length adjustment through the patient-specific instruments, the application area can usefully be expanded in the treatment of clavicle osteosyntheses.
    METHODS: In three cases, preoperative three-dimensional surgical planning with the intraoperative use of patient-specific instruments was applied. The computer-assisted assessments of clavicle deformities, the preoperative plan, and the design of patient-specific instruments were created on the basis of computed tomography data. Reduction guides for restoring length and rotation according to the mirrored healthy contralateral side were enhanced with adaptable length adjustment functions. The screw thread of the reduction guides enabled temporary distraction of the clavicle fracture fragments and a controlled compression of the optionally used interposed bone block between clavicle fragments.
    RESULTS: Navigated clavicle osteosyntheses by enhanced patient-specific instruments was executed uneventful in all three cases. The surgeon was able to adapt clavicle length in a planned axis intraoperatively as clinically desired.
    CONCLUSIONS: Computer-assisted planning of clavicle osteosynthesis and surgical navigation with additional adaptable patient-specific instruments can usefully expand the previous application areas. By using guided length adjustments, the fragments and optionally the graft can be compressed along a planned axis as desired to ensure optimal bone healing.
    METHODS: Basic science study, Surgical technique.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We present a computer-assisted planning solution \"ArthroPlanner\" for acromioplasty based on 3D anatomical models, computed tomography and joint kinematic simulations.
    METHODS: In addition to a standard static clinical evaluation (anamnesis, radiological examination), the software provides a dynamic assessment of the shoulder joint by computing in real time the joint kinematics from a database of activities of daily living. During motion, the precise bone resection (location and amount) is computed based on detected subacromial impingements, providing surgeons with precise information about the surgical procedure. Moreover, to improve the subjective reading of medical images, the software provides 3D measurement tools based on anatomical models assisting in the analysis of shoulder morphological features.
    RESULTS: We performed an in vivo assessment of the software in a prospective randomized clinical study conducted with 27 patients beneficiating from the planning solution and a control group of 31 patients without planning. Postoperatively, patient\'s pain decreased, and the shoulder range of motion and the functional outcomes improved significantly and the rotator cuff healing rate was good for both groups without intergroup differences. The amount of bone resected at surgery was comparable between the groups. The percentage of remaining impingement after surgery was in average reduced to 51% without groups difference.
    CONCLUSIONS: ArthroPlanner software includes all required materials (images data, 3D models, motion, morphological measurements, etc.) to improve orthopedists\' performance in the surgical planning of acromioplasty. The solution offers a perfect analysis of the patient\'s anatomy and the ability to precisely analyze a dynamic mechanism to fully apprehend the patient\'s condition and to fulfill his/her expectations. The study however failed to detect any statistically significant difference in clinical outcomes and bone resection between the groups. Short-term clinical and radiological results were excellent in both groups.





