2D Monolayer

2D 单层
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive therapeutic modality that uses precise acoustic energy to ablate cancerous tissues through coagulative necrosis. In this context, we investigate the efficacy of HIFU ablation in two distinct cellular configurations, namely 2D monolayers and 3D spheroids of epithelial breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB 231 and MCF7). The primary objective is to compare the response of these two in vitro models to HIFU while measuring their ablation percentages and temperature elevation levels. HIFU was systematically applied to the cell cultures, varying ultrasound intensity and duty cycle during different sonication sessions. The results indicate that the degree of ablation is highly influenced by the duty cycle, with higher duty cycles resulting in greater ablation percentages, while sonication duration has a minimal impact. Numerical simulations validate experimental observations, highlighting a significant disparity in the response of 2D monolayers and 3D spheroids to HIFU treatment. Specifically, tumor spheroids require lower temperature elevations for effective ablation, and their ablation percentage significantly increases with elevated duty cycles. This study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of acoustic energy conversion within the biological system during HIFU treatment for 2D versus 3D ablation targets, holding potential implications for refining and personalizing breast cancer therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monolayers of quasi-binary transition metal dichalcogenides are a focus of attention as they are expected to exhibit many exciting physical properties, but not much is known about their thermodynamic stability. In this study, we use a combination of global energy landscape exploration, local minimization using density functional theory, and thermodynamic analysis, to compute the composition-temperature phase diagram of the quasi-binary V(Se,Te)2system, both for a 2H monolayer and for the analogous bulk material. We find that the phase diagram exhibits a miscibility gap, with a critical temperatureTc= 500 K andTc= 650 K for monolayer and bulk, respectively, indicating that the system prefers to form solid solution phases. In particular, at room temperature, the thermodynamically stable phase of the monolayer would correspond to a decomposition into two solid solution monolayers, with ca. 90% Se and Te content, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the advantages of quaternary two-dimensional (2D) materials, fewer studies have been done on them than binary 2D materials. Calculations of quaternary 2D monolayer Cu2Cl2Se2Hg2based on density functional theory and Green\'s function surface analysis provide insights into its structural, dynamic, and thermal stability. This material has a direct band gap of 0.91/2.0 eV (Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof/Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof) and demonstrates anisotropic carrier mobility. The electron mobility in theadirection is 1.2 × 103cm2V-1s-1, which is significantly higher than the hole mobility of 0.48 × 103cm2V-1s-1. In thebdirection, the electron mobility is 1.01 × 103cm2V-1s-1and is 8.9 times larger than the hole mobility of 0.11 × 103cm2V-1s-1. The light absorption coefficients of Cu2Cl2Se2Hg2are 1.0 × 105cm-1and 2.5 × 105cm-1in the visible and ultraviolet ranges, respectively. Uniaxial strain leads to an anisotropic alteration in the band gap and band edge position. By manipulating the strain direction and level in Cu2Cl2Se2Hg2, it is possible to increase the current ON/OFF ratio for field-effect transistors (FETs) and to facilitate photocatalytic water splitting through a redox reaction. The research reveals that Cu2Cl2Se2Hg2, a 2D monolayer in the quaternary form, has promising capabilities as an alternative for creating crystal-oriented FETs and photocatalytic water splitting systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybrid heterostructures (HSs) comprising organic and two-dimensional (2D) monolayer semiconductors hold great promise for optoelectronic applications. So far, research efforts on organic/2D HSs have exclusively focused on coupling directly photoexcited singlets to monolayer semiconductors. It remains unexplored whether and how the optically dark triplets in organic semiconductors with intriguing properties (e.g., long lifetime) can be implemented for modulating light-matter interactions of hybrid HSs. Herein, we investigate the triplet sensitization of monolayer semiconductors by time-resolved spectroscopic studies on Pd-octaethylporphyrin (PdOEP)/WSe2 and PdOEP/WS2 HSs with type I and type II band alignment, respectively. We show that PdOEP triplets formed in ∼5 ps from intersystem crossing can transfer energy or charge to WSe2 or WS2 monolayers, respectively, leading to a significant photoluminescence enhancement (180%) in WSe2 or long-lived charge separation (>2 ns) in WS2. The triplet transfer occurs in ∼100 ns, which is more than 3 orders of magnitude slower than singlet and can be attributed to its tightly localized nature. Further study of thickness dependence reveals the dictating role of triplet diffusion for triplet sensitization in organic/2D HSs. This study shows the great promise of much less explored molecular triplets on sensitizing 2D monolayer semiconductors and provides the guidance to achieve long-range light harvesting and energy migration in organic/2D HSs for enhanced optoelectronic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enteroid cultures are three-dimensional in vitro models that reflect the cellular composition and architecture of the small intestine. One limitation with the enteroid conformation is the enclosed lumen, making it difficult to expose the apical surface of the epithelium to experimental treatments. The present study was therefore conducted to generate cultures of equine enteroids and to develop methods for culture of enteroid-derived cells on a two-dimensional plane, enabling easy access to the apical surface of the epithelium. Equine enteroids were established from small intestinal crypts within 7-9 days of culture. Transcriptional analysis of cell type markers confirmed the presence of enterocytes, stem-, Paneth-, proliferative-, enteroendocrine-, goblet- and tuft cells. This cellular composition was maintained over multiple passages, showing that the enteroids can be kept for prolonged periods. The transfer from 3D enteroids to 2D monolayers slightly modified the relative expression levels of the cell type markers, indicating a decrease of goblet- and Paneth cells in the monolayers. Stimulation with the TLR2, 3 and 4 agonists Pam3CSK4, Poly I:C and LPS, respectively, induced the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-8, while the TLR5 agonist FliC only induced TNF-α. In addition, an up-regulation of TGF-β, IL-33 and IFN-β was recorded after exposure to lipofected Poly I:C that also affected the monolayer integrity. Thus, the equine enteroid-derived 2D monolayers described in the present study show both genetic and functional similarities with the equine intestine making it an interesting in vitro model for studies demanding access to the apical surface, e.g. in studies of host-microbe interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the greatest unmet needs hindering the successful treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPCs) is for representative physiological and cost-effective models. Although Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is consistently present in NPCs, most studies have focused on EBV-negative NPCs. For the first time, we established and analyzed three-dimensional (3D) spheroid models of EBV-positive and EBV-negative NPC cells and compared these to classical two-dimensional (2D) cultures in various aspects of tumor phenotype and drug responses. Compared to 2D monolayers, the 3D spheroids showed significant increases in migration capacity, stemness characteristics, hypoxia and drug resistance. Co-culture with endothelial cells, which mimics essential interactions in the tumor microenvironment, effectively enhanced spheroid dissemination. Furthermore, RNA sequencing revealed significant changes at the transcriptional level in 3D spheroids compared to expression in 2D monolayers. In particular, we identified known (VEGF, AKT and mTOR) and novel (Wnt-β-catenin and Eph-ephrin) cell signaling pathways that are activated in NPC spheroids. Targeting these pathways in 3D spheroids using FDA-approved drugs was effective in monoculture and co-culture. These findings provide the first demonstration of the establishment of EBV-positive and EBV-negative NPC 3D spheroids with features that resemble advanced and metastatic NPCs. Furthermore, we show that NPC spheroids have potential use in identifying new drug targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gas sensing properties of pristine Sn3C2monolayer and different transition metal adatom (TM-Sn3C2, where TM = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd and Ag) was investigated using van der Waals corrected density functional theory. The understanding and potential of use of Sn3C2monolayers as sensors or adsorbent for CO, CO2, NO, NO2and SO2gaseous molecules is evaluated by calculating the adsorption and desorption energetics. From the calculated adsorption energies, we found that the pristine Sn3C2monolayer and 3dTM has desirable properties for removal of the considered molecules based on their high adsorption energy, however the 4dTM is applicable as recoverable sensors. We applied an Arrhenius-type equation to evaluate the recovery time for the desorption of the molecules on the pristine and TM adatom on Sn3C2monolayer. We found that the negative adsorption energies from -1 to -2 eV of the molecules resulted in easier recovery of the adsorbed gases at reasonable temperatures compared to adsorption energies in between 0 and -1 eV (weakly physiosorbed) and below -2 eV (strongly chemisorbed). Hence, we obtained that the Rh-Sn3C2, Ru-Sn3C2, Pd-Sn3C2, Pd-Sn3C2, and Rh-Sn3C2monolayers are good recoverable scavengers for the CO, CO2, NO, NO2, and SO2molecules. The current theoretical calculations provide new insight on the effect of TM adatoms on the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the Sn3C2monolayer and different transition metal adatom as well as shed light on their application as gas sensors/scavengers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding in the inherent properties of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have made possible the development of differentiation procedures to generate three-dimensional tissue-like cultures, so-called organoids. Here we detail a stepwise methodology to generate kidney organoids from hPSCs. This is achieved through direct differentiation of hPSCs in two-dimensional monolayer culture toward the posterior primitive streak fate, followed by induction of intermediate mesoderm-committed cells, which are further aggregated and cultured in three-dimensions to generate kidney organoids containing segmented nephron-like structures in a process that lasts 20 days. We also provide a concise description on how to assess renal commitment during the time course of kidney organoid generation. This includes the use of flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry analyses for the detection of specific renal differentiation markers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on density functional theory investigation, we exposed the potential application of hexagonal Sb2C3 nanosheet as highly sensitive material for nitrogen-containing gases (NCGs) NH3, NO2 and NO molecules. Our rigorous simulations show that NH3, NO2 and NO molecules shows physisorption on the Sb2C3 nanosheet via vdW DFT-D3 interactions. The calculations were carried out by considering that the monolayer Sb2C3 as the sensor material modulated with its electrical conductivity when its surface adsorbs the gas molecules for their various orientations and positions. It is also found that the magnetic properties are induced in non-magnetic Sb2C3 nanosheet by adsorption of NO molecule. The interaction of the Sb2C3 nanosheet with the gas molecules is further analysed by the charge density difference (CDD), electrostatic potential (ESP) and Bader charge analysis. Our analysis indicates a strong possibility for the detection of NO2 and NO gas molecules by the Sb2C3 based sensor, due to the associated significant changes in the conductivity and reasonable adsorption energy. Also, in the visible region at T = 300 K, very low recovery times have been found as 431 μs, 785.01 s and 53.8 μs for NH3, NO2 and NO, respectively, which strongly suggest the Sb2C3 nanosheets as a better reversible multi-time gas sensor material towards the NCGs adsorption. We also explored the humidity effect on the NCGs based 2D Sb2C3 sensor material. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics also confirmed the suitability of 2D Sb2C3 in real-time applications. Overall, present work reveals that the 2D Sb2C3 nanosheets as a promising material for semiconductor-based nano sensors for environmentally hazard pollutants like NCG molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Curcumin (CUR) is a Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class IV drug with poor aqueous solubility and low permeability. The dissolution of CUR can be enhanced through the cocrystallization approach. In this work, we report a new cocrystal phase of CUR with trimesic acid (TMA) with the enhanced dissolution of CUR. Cytotoxicity and cell invasion assays were conducted on (2D) monolayers and three-dimensional (3D) tumor models of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells, MDA-MB-231 using the new CUR-TMA cocrystal phase along with different CUR solid forms prepared in our previous works. The cytotoxicity and internalization assays conducted on 2D monolayers indicated that all CUR multicomponent solid forms except Curcumin-Folic Acid Dihydrate (CUR-FAD) (1:1) coamorphous solid exhibited enhanced bioavailability than unprocessed CUR. Cell invasion assay conducted on 3D tumor spheroid models showed that Curcumin-Hydroxyquinol (CUR-HXQ) cocrystal completely inhibited cell invasion whereas CUR-FAD (1:1) coamorphous solid induced enhanced invasion of cells from spheroid models.





