
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    First-generation polyploids often suffer from more meiotic errors and lower fertility than established wild polyploid populations. One such example is the allopolyploid model species Arabidopsis suecica which originated c. 16 000 generations ago. We present here a comparison of meiosis and its outcomes in naturally evolved and first-generation \'synthetic\' A. suecica using a combination of cytological and genomic approaches. We show that while meiosis in natural lines is largely diploid-like, synthetic lines have high levels of meiotic errors including incomplete synapsis and nonhomologous crossover formation. Whole-genome re-sequencing of progeny revealed 20-fold higher levels of homoeologous exchange and eightfold higher aneuploidy originating from synthetic parents. Homoeologous exchanges showed a strong distal bias and occurred predominantly in genes, regularly generating novel protein variants. We also observed that homoeologous exchanges can generate megabase scale INDELs when occurring in regions of inverted synteny. Finally, we observed evidence of sex-specific differences in adaptation to polyploidy with higher success in reciprocal crosses to natural lines when synthetic plants were used as the female parent. Our results directly link cytological phenotypes in A. suecica with their genomic outcomes, demonstrating that homoeologous crossovers underlie genomic instability in neo-allopolyploids and are more distally biased than homologous crossovers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How do economic geographers determine where to begin their research projects, where to locate and delimit their case studies, where and how to \"cut in\" to problems? In the absence of self-evident or pregiven answers to these questions, the problem-cum-choice of where and how to start is inescapably tangled up with issues of preliminary conceptualization and indeed theorization, since cases are not so much found as made, being in various ways coproduced with different \"theory-method packages.\" There is (and can be) no singular or universal answer to these questions. Instead, this brief intervention outlines one rationale for getting \"started,\" founded as such rationales should be with reference a particular approach or mode of theorization. The approach here centers on the problematic of recombinant development, on the role of extended case-study designs, and on the still sparsely realized potential of conjunctural modes of analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meiotic recombination is initiated by DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) created by Spo11, a type-II topoisomerase-like protein that becomes covalently linked to DSB ends. Whilst Spo11 oligos-the products of nucleolytic removal by Mre11-have been detected in several organisms, the lifetime of the covalent Spo11-DSB precursor has not been determined and may be subject to alternative processing. Here, we explore the activity of human Tyrosyl DNA Phosphodiesterase, TDP2-a protein known to repair DNA ends arising from abortive topoisomerase activity-on Spo11 DSBs isolated from S. cerevisiae cells. We demonstrate that TDP2 can remove Spo11 peptides from ssDNA oligos and dsDNA ends even in the presence of competitor genomic DNA. Interestingly, TDP2-processed DSB ends are refractory to resection by Exo1, suggesting that ssDNA generated by Mre11 may be essential in vivo to facilitate HR at Spo11 DSBs even if TDP2 were active. Moreover, although TDP2 can remove Spo11 peptides in vitro, TDP2 expression in meiotic cells was unable to remove Spo11 in vivo-contrasting its ability to aid repair of topoisomerase-induced DNA lesions. These results suggest that Spo11-DNA, but not topoisomerase-DNA cleavage complexes, are inaccessible to the TDP2 enzyme, perhaps due to occlusion by higher-order protein complexes at sites of meiotic recombination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germline cells produce gametes, which are specialized cells essential for sexual reproduction. Germline cells first amplify through several rounds of mitosis before switching to the meiotic program, which requires specific sets of proteins for DNA recombination, chromosome pairing, and segregation. Surprisingly, we previously found that some proteins of the synaptonemal complex, a prophase I meiotic structure, are already expressed and required in the mitotic region of Drosophila females. Here, to assess if additional meiotic genes were expressed earlier than expected, we isolated mitotic and meiotic cell populations to compare their RNA content. Our transcriptomic analysis reveals that all known meiosis I genes are already expressed in the mitotic region; however, only some of them are translated. As a case study, we focused on mei-W68, the Drosophila homolog of Spo11, to assess its expression at both the mRNA and protein levels and used different mutant alleles to assay for a premeiotic function. We could not detect any functional role for Mei-W68 during homologous chromosome pairing in dividing germ cells. Our study paves the way for further functional analysis of meiotic genes expressed in the mitotic region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recombination breaks down genetic linkage by reshuffling existing variants onto new genetic backgrounds. These dynamics are traditionally quantified by examining the correlations between alleles, and how they decay as a function of the recombination rate. However, the magnitudes of these correlations are strongly influenced by other evolutionary forces like natural selection and genetic drift, making it difficult to tease out the effects of recombination. Here we introduce a theoretical framework for analyzing an alternative family of statistics that measure the homoplasy produced by recombination. We derive analytical expressions that predict how these statistics depend on the rates of recombination and recurrent mutation, the strength of negative selection and genetic drift, and the present-day frequencies of the mutant alleles. We find that the degree of homoplasy can strongly depend on this frequency scale, which reflects the underlying timescales over which these mutations occurred. We show how these scaling properties can be used to isolate the effects of recombination, and discuss their implications for the rates of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astroviruses are single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses capable of infecting humans as well as a wide range of mammalian and avian species, with a length of approximately 6.6-7.7 kb. In this study, 139 goat fecal samples collected from the Guangxi province were used for the RT-PCR detection, and two of these were positive for goat astrovirus, with a positivity rate of 1.44% (2/139). The complete genome sequence of an astrovirus strain and the partial genome sequence of a strain astrovirus, named GX WZ 2023 and GX HC 2023, were amplified and sequenced, and their sequence lengths were 6284 nt and 6213 nt, respectively. Among them, the capsid protein of goat astrovirus GX HC 2023 showed the highest amino acid identity of 95.9% with ovine astrovirus GX, which belonged to the MAstV-2 genotype. However, the closest relative of the GX WZ 2023 strain was found to be the caprine astrovirus Sichuan, with a nucleotide sequence identity of 76.8%. The ORF1ab nonstructural protein of this strain showed the highest amino acid identities of 89.2 and 95.8% with the ovine astrovirus S5.1 and caprine astrovirus G5.1 strains, respectively. However, its ORF2 capsid protein has 68.4% amino acid identity with the bovine astrovirus (BAstV) 16 2021 CHN strain and only 21.9-64% amino acid identity with all available strains of goat astrovirus. The GX WZ 2023 strain was recombined with the Chinese (BAstV 16 2021 CHN) and Japanese bovine strains (BAstV JPN 2015) in the ORF2 region. Therefore, the goat astrovirus GX WZ 2023 is proposed as a new member of the family goat astroviridae based on the species classification criteria of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. These findings enhance our understanding of the prevalence and genetic evolution of goat astrovirus and provide a scientific basis for future studies of these viruses in other animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The detection, characterization, and monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 recombinant variants constitute a challenge for public health authorities worldwide. Recombinant variants, composed of two or more SARS-CoV-2 lineages, often have unknown impacts on transmission, immune escape, and virulence in the early stages of emergence. We examined 4213 SARS-CoV-2 recombinant SARS-CoV-2 genomes collected between 2020 and 2022 in California to describe regional and statewide trends in prevalence. Many of these recombinant genomes, such as those belonging to the XZ lineage or novel recombinant lineages, likely originated within the state of California. We discuss the challenges and limitations surrounding Pango lineage assignments, the use of publicly available sequence data, and adequate sample sizes for epidemiologic analyses. Although these challenges will continue as SARS-CoV-2 sequencing volumes decrease globally, this study enhances our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 recombinant genomes to date while providing a foundation for future insights into emerging recombinant lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungal genetic systems ideally combine molecular tools for genome manipulation and a sexual reproduction system to create an informative assortment of combinations of genomic modifications. When employing the sexual cycle to generate multi-mutants, the background genotype variations in the parents may result in progeny phenotypic variation obscuring the effects of combined mutations. Here, to mitigate this variation in Fusarium verticillioides, we generated a MAT1-2 strain that was near isogenic to the sequenced wild-type MAT1-1 strain, FGSC7600. This was accomplished by crossing FGSC7600 with the divergent wild-type MAT1-2 strain FGSC7603 followed by six sequential backcrosses (e.g., six generations) of MAT1-2 progeny to FGSC7600. We sequenced each generation and mapped recombination events. The parental cross involved twenty-six crossovers on nine of the eleven chromosomes. The dispensable chromosome 12, found in FGSC7603 but lacking in FGSC7600, was not present in the progeny post generation five. Inheritance of complete chromosomes without crossover was frequently observed. A deletion of approximately 140 kilobases, containing 54 predicted genes on chromosome 4, occurred in generation 4 and was retained in generation 5 indicating that these genes are dispensable for growth and both asexual and sexual reproduction. The final MAT1-2 strain TMRU10/35 is about 93% identical to FGSC7600. TMRU10/35 is available from the Fungal Genetics Stock Center as FGSC27326 and from the ARS Culture Collection as NRRL64809.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a significant threat to the global swine industry, and its prevalence in Thailand spans over two decades.
    UNASSIGNED: To understand the genetic variation and recombination of the PRRS virus (PRRSV) GP5 gene in Thailand, we retrieved 726 GP5 gene sequences from the NCBI database. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods, and recombination analysis was performed.
    UNASSIGNED: Homology analysis was conducted on 83 PRRSV-1 and 83 PRRSV-2 strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the prevalence of both PRRSV-1 and PRRSV-2 strains in Thailand, with the latter exhibiting wider distribution. PRRSV-1 strains clustered into clades A, D, and H, while PRRSV-2 strains grouped into lineages 1, 5, and sublineage 8.7, further divided into 8.7/HP and 8.7/NA sublineages. Sublineage 8.7/NA strains accounted for a significant proportion of circulating PRRSV-2 strains. Homology analysis showed nucleotide and amino acid similarities ranging from 75.4 to 100.0% and 41.3 to 100.0% for PRRSV-1, and 78.6 to 100.0% and 70.8 to 100.0% for PRRSV-2 strains. Amino acid sequence alignments revealed mutations, insertions, and deletions in PRRSV-1 GP5, and key residue mutations in PRRSV-2 GP5 associated with biological functions. Recombination analysis identified two recombination events within PRRSV-2 sublineage 8.7 strains.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings confirm the variability of the GP5 protein. This study enhances our understanding of PRRSV prevalence and genetic variation in Thailand, contributing valuable insights for PRRS prevention and control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meiosis is the developmental program that generates gametes. To produce healthy gametes, meiotic recombination creates reciprocal exchanges between each pair of homologous chromosomes that facilitate faithful chromosome segregation. Using fission yeast and biochemical, genetic, and cytological approaches, we have studied the role of CDK (cyclin-dependent kinase) in the control of Swi5-Sfr1, a Rad51-recombinase auxiliary factor involved in homolog invasion during recombination. We show that Sfr1 is a CDK target, and its phosphorylation downregulates Swi5-Sfr1 function in the meiotic prophase. Expression of a phospho-mimetic sfr1-7D mutant inhibits Rad51 binding, its robust chromosome loading, and subsequently decreases interhomolog recombination. On the other hand, the non-phosphorylatable sfr1-7A mutant alters Rad51 dynamics at late prophase, and exacerbates chromatin segregation defects and Rad51 retention observed in dbl2 deletion mutants when combined with them. We propose Sfr1 phospho-inhibition as a novel cell-cycle-dependent mechanism, which ensures timely resolution of recombination intermediates and successful chromosome distribution into the gametes. Furthermore, the N-terminal disordered part of Sfr1, an evolutionarily conserved feature, serves as a regulatory platform coordinating this phospho-regulation, protein localization and stability, with several CDK sites and regulatory sequences being conserved.





