neural development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nutritional fluctuations that occur early in life dictate metabolic adaptations that will affect susceptibility to weight gain and obesity later in life. The postnatal period in mice represents a time of dynamic changes in hypothalamic development and maternal consumption of a high fat diet during the lactation period (MHFD) changes the composition of milk and leads to enhanced susceptibility to obesity in offspring. Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH) react to changes in multiple metabolic signals and distribute neuroendocrine information to other brain regions, such as the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVH), which is known to integrate a variety of signals that regulate body weight. Development of neural projections from AgRP neurons to the PVH occurs during the lactation period and these projections are reduced in MHFD offspring, but underlying developmental mechanisms remain largely unknown. Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system and are involved in refinement of neural connections and modulation of synaptic transmission. Because high fat diet exposure causes activation of microglia in adults, a similar activation may occur in offspring exposed to MHFD and play a role in sculpting hypothalamic feeding circuitry. Genetically targeted axonal labeling and immunohistochemistry were used to visualize AgRP axons and microglia in postnatal mice derived from MHFD dams and morphological changes quantified. The results demonstrate regionally localized changes to microglial morphology in the PVH of MHFD offspring that suggest enhanced surveillance activity and are temporally restricted to the period when AgRP neurons innervate the PVH. In addition, axon labeling experiments confirm a significant decrease in AgRP innervation of the PVH in MHFD offspring and provide direct evidence of synaptic pruning of AgRP inputs to the PVH. Microglial depletion with the Colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor inhibitor PLX5622 determined that the decrease in AgRP innervation observed in MHFD offspring is dependent on microglia, and that microglia are required for weight gain that emerges as early as weaning in offspring of MHFD dams. However, these changes do not appear to be dependent on the degree of microglial mediated synaptic pruning. Together, these findings suggest that microglia are activated by exposure to MHFD and interact directly with AgRP axons during development to permanently alter their density, with implications for developmental programming of metabolic phenotype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The exon junction complex (EJC), nucleated by EIF4A3, is indispensable for mRNA fate and function throughout eukaryotes. We discover that EIF4A3 directly controls microtubules, independent of RNA, which is critical for neural wiring. While neuronal survival in the developing mouse cerebral cortex depends upon an intact EJC, axonal tract development requires only Eif4a3. Using human cortical organoids, we show that EIF4A3 disease mutations also impair neuronal growth, highlighting conserved functions relevant for neurodevelopmental pathology. Live imaging of growing neurons shows that EIF4A3 is essential for microtubule dynamics. Employing biochemistry and competition experiments, we demonstrate that EIF4A3 directly binds to microtubules, mutually exclusive of the EJC. Finally, in vitro reconstitution assays and rescue experiments demonstrate that EIF4A3 is sufficient to promote microtubule polymerization and that EIF4A3-microtubule association is a major contributor to axon growth. This reveals a fundamental mechanism by which neurons re-utilize core gene expression machinery to directly control the cytoskeleton.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of disease-associated mutations occur in enhancers, regions of non-coding DNA essential to gene regulation. Understanding the structures and mechanisms of the regulatory programs this variation affects can shed light on the apparatuses of human diseases.
    RESULTS: We collect epigenetic and gene expression datasets from seven early time points during neural differentiation. Focusing on this model system, we construct networks of enhancer-promoter interactions, each at an individual stage of neural induction. These networks serve as the base for a rich series of analyses, through which we demonstrate their temporal dynamics and enrichment for various disease-associated variants. We apply the Girvan-Newman clustering algorithm to these networks to reveal biologically relevant substructures of regulation. Additionally, we demonstrate methods to validate predicted enhancer-promoter interactions using transcription factor overexpression and massively parallel reporter assays.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest a generalizable framework for exploring gene regulatory programs and their dynamics across developmental processes; this includes a comprehensive approach to studying the effects of disease-associated variation on transcriptional networks. The techniques applied to our networks have been published alongside our findings as a computational tool, E-P-INAnalyzer. Our procedure can be utilized across different cellular contexts and disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The maturation of cerebral cortical networks during early life involves a major reorganization of long-range axonal connections. In a recent study, Bragg-Gonzalo, Aguilera, et al. discovered that in mice, the interhemispheric connections sent by S1L4 callosal projection neurons are pruned via the tight control of their ipsilateral synaptic integration, which relies on the early activity of specific interneurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrical excitability-the ability to fire and propagate action potentials-is a signature feature of neurons. How neurons become excitable during development and whether excitability is an intrinsic property of neurons remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that Schwann cells, the most abundant glia in the peripheral nervous system, promote somatosensory neuron excitability during development. We find that Schwann cells secrete prostaglandin E2, which is necessary and sufficient to induce developing somatosensory neurons to express normal levels of genes required for neuronal function, including voltage-gated sodium channels, and to fire action potential trains. Inactivating this signaling pathway in Schwann cells impairs somatosensory neuron maturation, causing multimodal sensory defects that persist into adulthood. Collectively, our studies uncover a neurodevelopmental role for prostaglandin E2 distinct from its established role in inflammation, revealing a cell non-autonomous mechanism by which glia regulate neuronal excitability to enable the development of normal sensory functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vertebrate retina, individual neurons of the same type are distributed regularly across the tissue in a pattern known as a mosaic. Establishment of mosaics during development requires cell-cell repulsion among homotypic neurons, but the mechanisms underlying this repulsion remain unknown. Here, we show that two mouse retinal cell types, OFF and ON starburst amacrine cells, establish mosaic spacing by using their dendritic arbors to repel neighboring homotypic somata. Using transgenic tools and single-cell labeling, we identify a developmental period when starburst somata are contacted by neighboring starburst dendrites; these serve to exclude somata from settling within the neighbor\'s dendritic territory. Dendrite-soma exclusion is mediated by MEGF10, a cell-surface molecule required for starburst mosaic patterning. Our results implicate dendrite-soma exclusion as a key mechanism underlying starburst mosaic spacing and raise the possibility that this could be a general mechanism for mosaic patterning across many cell types and species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estrogens and estrogenic chemicals are endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The potential toxicity of EDCs to humans and aquatic organisms has become increasingly concerning. However, at present, the potential toxic mechanisms of EDCs on neural and vascular development are still being fully investigated. During the study, we utilized zebrafish to assess the developmental neural and vascular toxicity of different estrogens. The results indicated that zebrafish treated with different estrogens, especially E2, exhibit developmental malformations, including increased mortality, decreased body length, decreased heart rate, aberrant swimming behavior, and increased developmental malformations, including spinal curvature (SC), yolk edema (YE) and pericaidial edema (PE), in a dose-dependent manner with 72 h-treated. Further morphological evaluation revealed that E2 exposure significantly induced motor neural abnormalities in zebrafish embryos. In addition, treated with these three estrogens also impaired the vascular development in the early stage of zebrafish embryos. Mechanistically, the identification of downstream factors revealed that several key neural and vascular development-related genes, including syn2a, gfap, gap43, shha, kdr, flt1 and flt4, were transcriptionally downregulated after estrogen exposure in zebrafish, suggesting that estrogen exposure might cause neural and vascular toxicity by interfering the mRNA levels of genes relevant to neural and vascular development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The somatosensory system detects peripheral stimuli that are translated into behaviors necessary for survival. Fishes and amphibians possess two somatosensory systems in the trunk: the primary somatosensory system, formed by the Rohon-Beard neurons, and the secondary somatosensory system, formed by the neural crest cell-derived neurons of the Dorsal Root Ganglia. Rohon-Beard neurons have been characterized as a transient population that mostly disappears during the first days of life and is functionally replaced by the Dorsal Root Ganglia. Here, I follow Rohon-Beard neurons in vivo and show that the entire repertoire remains present in zebrafish from 1-day post-fertilization until the juvenile stage, 15-days post-fertilization. These data indicate that zebrafish retain two complete somatosensory systems until at least a developmental stage when the animals display complex behavioral repertoires.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) in specific brain regions require precisely regulated metabolite production during critical development periods. Purines-vital components of DNA, RNA, and energy carriers like ATP and GTP-are crucial metabolites in brain development. Purine levels are tightly controlled through two pathways: de novo synthesis and salvage synthesis. Enzymes driving de novo pathway are assembled into a large multienzyme complex termed the \"purinosome.\" Here, we review purine metabolism and purinosomes as spatiotemporal regulators of neural development. Notably, around postnatal day 0 (P0) during mouse cortical development, purine synthesis transitions from the de novo pathway to the salvage pathway. Inhibiting the de novo pathway affects mTORC1 pathway and leads to specific forebrain malformations. In this review, we also explore the importance of protein-protein interactions of a newly identified NSPC protein-NACHT and WD repeat domain-containing 1 (Nwd1)-in purinosome formation. Reduced Nwd1 expression disrupts purinosome formation, impacting NSPC proliferation and neuronal migration, resulting in periventricular heterotopia. Nwd1 interacts directly with phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthetase (PAICS), an enzyme involved in de novo purine synthesis. We anticipate this review will be valuable for researchers investigating neural development, purine metabolism, and protein-protein interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During neural development, sculpting of early formed circuits by cell death and synaptic pruning is necessary to generate a functional and efficient nervous system. This allows for the establishment of rudimentary circuits which necessitate early organism survival to later undergo subsequent refinement. These changes facilitate additional specificity to stimuli which can lead to increased behavioral complexity. In multiple species, Rohon-Beard neurons (RBs) are the earliest mechanosensory neurons specified and are critical in establishing a rudimentary motor response circuit. Sensory input from RBs gradually becomes redundant as dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons develop and integrate into motor circuits. Previous studies demonstrate that RBs undergo a dramatic wave of cell death concurrent with development of the DRG. However, contrary to these studies, we show that neurogenin1+ (ngn1) RBs do not undergo a widespread wave of programmed cell death during early zebrafish development and instead persist until at least 15 days post fertilization (dpf). Starting at 2 dpf, we also observed a dramatic medialization and shrinkage of ngn1+ RB somas along with a gradual downregulation of ngn1 in RBs. This alters a fundamental premise of early zebrafish neural development and opens new avenues to explore mechanisms of RB function, persistence, and circuit refinement.





