neural development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nutritional fluctuations that occur early in life dictate metabolic adaptations that will affect susceptibility to weight gain and obesity later in life. The postnatal period in mice represents a time of dynamic changes in hypothalamic development and maternal consumption of a high fat diet during the lactation period (MHFD) changes the composition of milk and leads to enhanced susceptibility to obesity in offspring. Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH) react to changes in multiple metabolic signals and distribute neuroendocrine information to other brain regions, such as the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVH), which is known to integrate a variety of signals that regulate body weight. Development of neural projections from AgRP neurons to the PVH occurs during the lactation period and these projections are reduced in MHFD offspring, but underlying developmental mechanisms remain largely unknown. Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system and are involved in refinement of neural connections and modulation of synaptic transmission. Because high fat diet exposure causes activation of microglia in adults, a similar activation may occur in offspring exposed to MHFD and play a role in sculpting hypothalamic feeding circuitry. Genetically targeted axonal labeling and immunohistochemistry were used to visualize AgRP axons and microglia in postnatal mice derived from MHFD dams and morphological changes quantified. The results demonstrate regionally localized changes to microglial morphology in the PVH of MHFD offspring that suggest enhanced surveillance activity and are temporally restricted to the period when AgRP neurons innervate the PVH. In addition, axon labeling experiments confirm a significant decrease in AgRP innervation of the PVH in MHFD offspring and provide direct evidence of synaptic pruning of AgRP inputs to the PVH. Microglial depletion with the Colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor inhibitor PLX5622 determined that the decrease in AgRP innervation observed in MHFD offspring is dependent on microglia, and that microglia are required for weight gain that emerges as early as weaning in offspring of MHFD dams. However, these changes do not appear to be dependent on the degree of microglial mediated synaptic pruning. Together, these findings suggest that microglia are activated by exposure to MHFD and interact directly with AgRP axons during development to permanently alter their density, with implications for developmental programming of metabolic phenotype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of disease-associated mutations occur in enhancers, regions of non-coding DNA essential to gene regulation. Understanding the structures and mechanisms of the regulatory programs this variation affects can shed light on the apparatuses of human diseases.
    RESULTS: We collect epigenetic and gene expression datasets from seven early time points during neural differentiation. Focusing on this model system, we construct networks of enhancer-promoter interactions, each at an individual stage of neural induction. These networks serve as the base for a rich series of analyses, through which we demonstrate their temporal dynamics and enrichment for various disease-associated variants. We apply the Girvan-Newman clustering algorithm to these networks to reveal biologically relevant substructures of regulation. Additionally, we demonstrate methods to validate predicted enhancer-promoter interactions using transcription factor overexpression and massively parallel reporter assays.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest a generalizable framework for exploring gene regulatory programs and their dynamics across developmental processes; this includes a comprehensive approach to studying the effects of disease-associated variation on transcriptional networks. The techniques applied to our networks have been published alongside our findings as a computational tool, E-P-INAnalyzer. Our procedure can be utilized across different cellular contexts and disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) in specific brain regions require precisely regulated metabolite production during critical development periods. Purines-vital components of DNA, RNA, and energy carriers like ATP and GTP-are crucial metabolites in brain development. Purine levels are tightly controlled through two pathways: de novo synthesis and salvage synthesis. Enzymes driving de novo pathway are assembled into a large multienzyme complex termed the \"purinosome.\" Here, we review purine metabolism and purinosomes as spatiotemporal regulators of neural development. Notably, around postnatal day 0 (P0) during mouse cortical development, purine synthesis transitions from the de novo pathway to the salvage pathway. Inhibiting the de novo pathway affects mTORC1 pathway and leads to specific forebrain malformations. In this review, we also explore the importance of protein-protein interactions of a newly identified NSPC protein-NACHT and WD repeat domain-containing 1 (Nwd1)-in purinosome formation. Reduced Nwd1 expression disrupts purinosome formation, impacting NSPC proliferation and neuronal migration, resulting in periventricular heterotopia. Nwd1 interacts directly with phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthetase (PAICS), an enzyme involved in de novo purine synthesis. We anticipate this review will be valuable for researchers investigating neural development, purine metabolism, and protein-protein interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During neural development, sculpting of early formed circuits by cell death and synaptic pruning is necessary to generate a functional and efficient nervous system. This allows for the establishment of rudimentary circuits which necessitate early organism survival to later undergo subsequent refinement. These changes facilitate additional specificity to stimuli which can lead to increased behavioral complexity. In multiple species, Rohon-Beard neurons (RBs) are the earliest mechanosensory neurons specified and are critical in establishing a rudimentary motor response circuit. Sensory input from RBs gradually becomes redundant as dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons develop and integrate into motor circuits. Previous studies demonstrate that RBs undergo a dramatic wave of cell death concurrent with development of the DRG. However, contrary to these studies, we show that neurogenin1+ (ngn1) RBs do not undergo a widespread wave of programmed cell death during early zebrafish development and instead persist until at least 15 days post fertilization (dpf). Starting at 2 dpf, we also observed a dramatic medialization and shrinkage of ngn1+ RB somas along with a gradual downregulation of ngn1 in RBs. This alters a fundamental premise of early zebrafish neural development and opens new avenues to explore mechanisms of RB function, persistence, and circuit refinement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The placenta is the largest fetal organ, which connects the mother to the fetus and supports most aspects of organogenesis through the transport of nutrients and gases. However, further studies are needed to assess placental pathology as a reliable predictor of long-term physical growth or neural development in newborns. The Consensus Statement of the Amsterdam Placental Workshop Group (APWGCS) on the sampling and definition of placental lesions has resulted in diagnostic uniformity in describing the most common pathological lesions of the placenta and contributed to the international standardization of descriptions of placental pathology. In this narrative review, we reclassified descriptions of placental pathology from previously published papers according to the APWGCS criteria and comparatively assessed the relationship with infantile physical and/or neural development. After reclassification and reevaluation, placental pathology of maternal vascular malperfusion, one of the APWGCS criteria, emerged as a promising candidate as a universal predictor of negative infantile neurodevelopmental outcomes, not only in term and preterm deliveries but also in high-risk groups of very low birthweight newborns. However, there are few studies that examined placental pathology according to the full categories of APWGCS and also included low-risk general infants. It is necessary to incorporate the assessment of placental pathology utilizing APWGCS in the design of future birth cohort studies as well as in follow-up investigations of high-risk infants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brain constructs spatially organized sensory maps to represent sensory information. The formation of sensory maps has traditionally been thought to depend on synchronous neuronal activity. However, recent evidence from the olfactory system suggests that cell type-specific temporal patterns of spontaneous activity play an instructive role in shaping the olfactory glomerular map. These findings challenge traditional views and highlight the importance of investigating the spatiotemporal dynamics of neural activity to understand the development of complex neural circuits. This review discusses the implications of new findings in the olfactory system and outlines future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quiescent adult neural stem cells (NSCs) in the mammalian brain arise from proliferating NSCs during development. Beyond acquisition of quiescence, an adult NSC hallmark, little is known about the process, milestones, and mechanisms underlying the transition of developmental NSCs to an adult NSC state. Here, we performed targeted single-cell RNA-seq analysis to reveal the molecular cascade underlying NSC development in the early postnatal mouse dentate gyrus. We identified two sequential steps, first a transition to quiescence followed by further maturation, each of which involved distinct changes in metabolic gene expression. Direct metabolic analysis uncovered distinct milestones, including an autophagy burst before NSC quiescence acquisition and cellular reactive oxygen species level elevation along NSC maturation. Functionally, autophagy is important for the NSC transition to quiescence during early postnatal development. Together, our study reveals a multi-step process with defined milestones underlying establishment of the adult NSC pool in the mammalian brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Increasing evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of disease-associated mutations occur in enhancers, regions of non-coding DNA essential to gene regulation. Understanding the structures and mechanisms of regulatory programs this variation affects can shed light on the apparatuses of human diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: We collected epigenetic and gene expression datasets from seven early time points during neural differentiation. Focusing on this model system, we constructed networks of enhancer-promoter interactions, each at an individual stage of neural induction. These networks served as the base for a rich series of analyses, through which we demonstrated their temporal dynamics and enrichment for various disease-associated variants. We applied the Girvan-Newman clustering algorithm to these networks to reveal biologically relevant substructures of regulation. Additionally, we demonstrated methods to validate predicted enhancer-promoter interactions using transcription factor overexpression and massively parallel reporter assays.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings suggest a generalizable framework for exploring gene regulatory programs and their dynamics across developmental processes. This includes a comprehensive approach to studying the effects of disease-associated variation on transcriptional networks. The techniques applied to our networks have been published alongside our findings as a computational tool, E-P-INAnalyzer. Our procedure can be utilized across different cellular contexts and disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Every species\' brain, body and behavior is shaped by the contingencies of their evolutionary history; these exert pressures that change their developmental trajectories. There is, however, another set of contingencies that shape us and other animals: those that occur during a lifetime. In this perspective piece, we show how these two histories are intertwined by focusing on the individual. We suggest that organisms--their brains and behaviors--are not solely the developmental products of genes and neural circuitry but individual centers of action unfolding in time. To unpack this idea, we first emphasize the importance of variation and the central role of the individual in biology. We then go over \"errors in time\" that we often make when comparing development across species. Next, we reveal how an individual\'s development is a process rather than a product by presenting a set of case studies. These show developmental trajectories as emerging in the contexts of the \"the actual now\" and \"the presence of the past\". Our consideration reveals that individuals are slippery-they are never static; they are a set of on-going, creative activities. In light of this, it seems that taking individual development seriously is essential if we aspire to make meaningful comparisons of neural circuits and behavior within and across species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Macronutrient intake can be one of the most influential factors in cognitive and neural development in adolescents. Adolescence is a specific period of cognitive and neural development, and nutritional effects during this period could be life-long. Therefore, understanding the effects of macronutrient intake on cognitive and neural development in adolescents is crucially important. We thus examined the association across macronutrient intake, intelligence, and neural development using population-based cohort data.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted two studies. In study 1, we included a total of 1,734 participants (boys, 907, age [mean ± standard deviation] 171.9 ± 3.44 months; range 163.0-186.0 months) from the Tokyo TEEN Cohort (TTC) to examine the association between macronutrient intake and intelligence quotient (IQ). In study 2, we included a total of 63 participants (boys, 38, age 174.4 ± 7.7 months; range 160.7-191.6 months) to investigate the effect of nutrition intake on neural development using graph theory analysis for resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) derived from a subset of the TTC.
    UNASSIGNED: TTC data revealed that a higher IQ was associated in boys with increased protein intake (β = 0.068, p = 0.031), and in girls, with reduced carbohydrate intake (β = -0.076, p = 0.024). Graph theory analysis for rs-fMRI at approximately age 12 has shown that impaired local efficiency in the left inferior frontal gyrus was associated with higher carbohydrate and fat intake ([x, y, z] = [-51, 23, 8], pFDR-corrected = 0.00018 and 0.02290, respectively), whereas increased betweenness centrality in the left middle temporal gyrus was associated with higher carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake ([x, y, z] = [-61, -43, -13], pFDR-corrected = 0.0027, 0.0029, and 0.00075, respectively). Moreover, we identified a significant moderating effect of fat and protein intake on the relationship between change in betweenness centrality over a 2-year measurement gap in the left middle temporal gyrus and intelligence (β = 12.41, p = 0.0457; β = 12.12, p = 0.0401, respectively).
    UNASSIGNED: Our study showed the association between macronutrient intake and neural development related to intelligence in early adolescents. Appropriate nutritional intake would be a key factor for healthy cognitive and neural development.





