
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stem cell niche is critical for regulating the behavior of stem cells. Drosophila neural stem cells (Neuroblasts, NBs) are encased by glial niche cells closely, but it still remains unclear whether glial niche cells can regulate the self-renewal and differentiation of NBs. Here, we show that ferritin produced by glia, cooperates with Zip13 to transport iron into NBs for the energy production, which is essential to the self-renewal and proliferation of NBs. The knockdown of glial ferritin encoding genes causes energy shortage in NBs via downregulating aconitase activity and NAD+ level, which leads to the low proliferation and premature differentiation of NBs mediated by Prospero entering nuclei. More importantly, ferritin is a potential target for tumor suppression. In addition, the level of glial ferritin production is affected by the status of NBs, establishing a bicellular iron homeostasis. In this study, we demonstrate that glial cells are indispensable to maintain the self-renewal of NBs, unveiling a novel role of the NB glial niche during brain development.
    Iron is an essential nutrient for almost all living organisms. For example, iron contributes to the replication of DNA, the generation of energy inside cells, and the transport of oxygen around the body. Iron deficiency is the most common of all nutrient deficiencies, affecting over 40% of children worldwide. This can lead to anemia and also impair how the brain and nervous system develop, potentially resulting in long-lasting cognitive damage, even after the deficiency has been treated. It is poorly understood how iron contributes to the development of the brain and nervous system. In particular, whether and how it supports nerve stem cells (or NSCs for short) which give rise to the various neural types in the mature brain. To investigate, Ma et al. experimentally reduced the levels of ferritin (a protein which stores iron) in the developing brains of fruit fly larvae. This reduction in ferritin led to lower numbers of NSCs and a smaller brain. Unexpectedly, this effect was largest when ferritin levels were reduced in glial cells which support and send signals to NSCs, rather than in the stem cells themselves. Ma et al. then used fluorescence microscopy to confirm that glial cells make and contain a lot of ferritin which can be transported to NSCs. Adding iron supplements to the diet of flies lacking ferritin did not lead to normal numbers of stem cells in the brains of the developing fruit flies, whereas adding compounds that reduce the amount of iron led to lower numbers of stem cells. Together, this suggests that ferritin transports iron from glial cells to the NSCs. Without ferritin and iron, the NSCs could not produce enough energy to divide and make new stem cells. This caused the NSCs to lose the characteristics of stem cells and prematurely turn into other types of neurons or glial cells. Together, these findings show that when iron cannot move from glial cells to NSCs this leads to defects in brain development. Future experiments will have to test whether a similar transport of iron from supporting cells to NSCs also occurs in the developing brains of mammals, and whether this mechanism applies to stem cells in other parts of the body.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a significant role in toxicity to the retina in a variety of diseases. N-acetylcysteine (NAC), N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA) and the dimeric di-N-acetylcysteine amide (diNACA) were evaluated in terms of protecting retinal cells, in vitro, in a variety of stress models. Three types of rat retinal cell cultures were utilized in the study: macroglial-only cell cultures, neuron-only retinal ganglion cell (RGC) cultures, and mixed cultures containing retinal glia and neurons. Ability of test agents to attenuate oxidative stress in all cultures was ascertained. In addition, capability of agents to protect against a variety of alternate clinically-relevant stressors, including excitotoxins and mitochondrial electron transport chain inhibitors, was also evaluated. Capacity of test agents to elevate cellular levels of reduced glutathione under normal and compromised conditions was also determined. NAC, NACA and diNACA demonstrated concentration-dependent cytoprotection against oxidative stress in all cultures. These three compounds, however, had differing effects against a variety of alternate insults to retinal cells. The most protective agent was NACA, which was most potent against the most stressors (including oxidative stress, mitochondrial impairment by antimycin A and azide, and glutamate-induced excitotoxicity). Similar to NAC, NACA increased glutathione levels in non-injured cells, although diNACA did not, suggesting a different, unknown mechanism of antioxidant activity for the latter. In support of this, diNACA was the only agent to attenuate rotenone-induced toxicity in mitochondria. NAC, NACA and diNACA exhibited varying degrees of antioxidant activity, i.e., protected cultured rat retinal cells from a variety of stressors which were designed to mimic aspects of the pathology of different retinal diseases. A general rank order of activity was observed: NACA ≥ diNACA > NAC. These results warrant further exploration of NACA and diNACA as antioxidant therapeutics for the treatment of retinal diseases, particularly those involving oxidative stress. Furthermore, we have defined the battery of tests carried out as the \"Wood, Chidlow, Wall and Casson (WCWC) Retinal Antioxidant Indices\"; we believe that these are of great value for screening molecules for potential to reduce retinal oxidative stress in a range of retinal diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The functionality of the central nervous system (CNS) relies on the connection, integration, and the exchange of information among neural cells. The crosstalk among glial cells and neurons is pivotal for a series of neural functions, such as development of the nervous system, electric conduction, synaptic transmission, neural circuit establishment, and brain homeostasis. Glial cells are crucial players in the maintenance of brain functionality in physiological and disease conditions. Neuroinflammation is a common pathological process in various brain disorders, such as neurodegenerative diseases, and infections. Glial cells, including astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes, are the main mediators of neuroinflammation, as they can sense and respond to brain insults by releasing pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory factors. Recent evidence indicates that extracellular vesicles (EVs) are pivotal players in the intercellular communication that underlies physiological and pathological processes. In particular, glia-derived EVs play relevant roles in modulating neuroinflammation, either by promoting or inhibiting the activation of glial cells and neurons, or by facilitating the clearance or propagation of pathogenic proteins. The involvement of EVs in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer\'s Disease (AD), Parkinson\'s Disease (PD), Huntington\'s Disease (HD), and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)- which share hallmarks such as neuroinflammation and oxidative stress to DNA damage, alterations in neurotrophin levels, mitochondrial impairment, and altered protein dynamics- will be dissected, showing how EVs act as pivotal cell-cell mediators of toxic stimuli, thereby propagating degeneration and cell death signaling. Thus, this review focuses on the EVs secreted by microglia, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and in neuroinflammatory conditions, emphasizing on their effects on neurons and on central nervous system functions, considering both their beneficial and detrimental effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the sequence of cellular responses and their contributions to pathomorphogical changes in spinal white matter injuries is a prerequisite for developing efficient therapeutic strategies for spinal cord injury (SCI) as well as neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis. We have developed several types of surgical procedures suitable for acute one-time and chronic recurrent in vivo multiphoton microscopy of spinal white matter [1]. Sophisticated surgical procedures were combined with transgenic mouse technology to image spinal tissue labeled with up to four fluorescent proteins (FPs) in axons, astrocytes, microglia, and blood vessels. To clearly separate the simultaneously excited FPs, spectral unmixing including iterative procedures was performed after imaging the diversely labeled spinal white matter with a custom-made 4-channel two-photon laser-scanning microscope. In our longitudinal multicellular studies of injured spinal white matter, we imaged axonal dynamics and invasion of microglia and astrocytes for a time course of over 200 days after SCI. Our methods offer ideal platforms for investigating acute and chronic cellular dynamics, cell-cell interactions, and metabolite fluctuations in health and disease as well as pharmacological manipulations in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microglia, the resident immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS) play a key role in regulating and maintaining homeostasis in the brain. However, the CNS is also vulnerable to infections and inflammatory processes. In response to CNS perturbations, microglia become reactive, notably with expression of the translocator protein (TSPO), primarily on their outer mitochondrial membrane. Despite TSPO being commonly used as a marker for microglia, it is also present in other cell types such as astrocytes. Positron emission tomography (PET) ligands that target the TSPO enable the noninvasive detection and quantification of glial reactivity. While some limitations were raised, TSPO PET remains an attractive biomarker of CNS infection and inflammation. This book chapter delves into the development and application of microglial PET imaging with a focus on the TSPO PET. First, we provide an overview of the evolution of TSPO PET radioligands from first-generation to second-generation ligands and their applications in studying neuroinflammation (or CNS inflammation). Subsequently, we discuss the limitations and challenges associated with TSPO PET. Then we go on to explore non-TSPO targets for microglial PET imaging. Finally, we conclude with future directions for research and clinical practice in this field.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myelin-forming oligodendrocytes in the vertebrate nervous system co-express the transcription factor Sox10 and its paralog Sox8. While Sox10 plays crucial roles throughout all stages of oligodendrocyte development, including terminal differentiation, the loss of Sox8 results in only mild and transient perturbations. Here, we aimed to elucidate the roles and interrelationships of these transcription factors in fully differentiated oligodendrocytes and myelin maintenance in adults. For that purpose, we conducted targeted deletions of Sox10, Sox8, or both in the brains of two-month-old mice. Three weeks post-deletion, none of the resulting mouse mutants exhibited significant alterations in oligodendrocyte numbers, myelin sheath counts, myelin ultrastructure, or myelin protein levels in the corpus callosum, despite efficient gene inactivation. However, differences were observed in the myelin gene expression in mice with Sox10 or combined Sox8/Sox10 deletion. RNA-sequencing analysis on dissected corpus callosum confirmed substantial alterations in the oligodendrocyte expression profile in mice with combined deletion and more subtle changes in mice with Sox10 deletion alone. Notably, Sox8 deletion did not affect any aspects of the expression profile related to the differentiated state of oligodendrocytes or myelin integrity. These findings extend our understanding of the roles of Sox8 and Sox10 in oligodendrocytes into adulthood and have important implications for the functional relationship between the paralogs and the underlying molecular mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS), resulting in neurological disability that worsens over time. While progress has been made in defining the immune system\'s role in MS pathophysiology, the contribution of intrinsic CNS cell dysfunction remains unclear. Here, we generated a collection of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from people with MS spanning diverse clinical subtypes and differentiated them into glia-enriched cultures. Using single-cell transcriptomic profiling and orthogonal analyses, we observed several distinguishing characteristics of MS cultures pointing to glia-intrinsic disease mechanisms. We found that primary progressive MS-derived cultures contained fewer oligodendrocytes. Moreover, MS-derived oligodendrocyte lineage cells and astrocytes showed increased expression of immune and inflammatory genes, matching those of glia from MS postmortem brains. Thus, iPSC-derived MS models provide a unique platform for dissecting glial contributions to disease phenotypes independent of the peripheral immune system and identify potential glia-specific targets for therapeutic intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the intricate landscape of neurophysiology, astrocytes have been traditionally cast as homeostatic cells; however, their mechanistic involvement in allostasis-particularly how they modulate the adaptive response to stress and its accumulative impact that disrupts cognitive functions and precipitates psychiatric disorders-is now starting to be unraveled. Here, we address the gap by positing astrocytes as crucial allostatic players whose molecular adaptations underlie cognitive flexibility in stress-related neuropsychiatric conditions. We review how astrocytes, responding to stress mediators such as glucocorticoid and epinephrine/norepinephrine, undergo morphological and functional transformations that parallel the maladaptive changes. Our synthesis of recent findings reveals that these glial changes, especially in the metabolically demanding prefrontal cortex, may underlie some of the neuropsychiatric mechanisms characterized by the disruption of energy metabolism and astrocytic networks, compromised glutamate clearance, and diminished synaptic support. We argue that astrocytes extend beyond their homeostatic role, actively participating in the brain\'s allostatic response, especially by modulating energy substrates critical for cognitive functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astrocytes have gained increasing recognition as key elements of a broad array of nervous system functions. These include essential roles in synapse formation and elimination, synaptic modulation, maintenance of the blood-brain barrier, energetic support, and neural repair after injury or disease of the nervous system. Nevertheless, our understanding of mechanisms underlying astrocyte development and maturation remains far behind that of neurons and oligodendrocytes. Early efforts to understand astrocyte development focused primarily on their specification from embryonic progenitors and the molecular mechanisms driving the switch from neuron to glial production. Considerably, less is known about postnatal stages of astrocyte development, the period during which they are predominantly generated and mature. Notably, this period is coincident with synapse formation and the emergence of nascent neural circuits. Thus, a greater understanding of astrocyte development is likely to shed new light on the formation and maturation of synapses and circuits. Here, we highlight key foundational principles of embryonic and postnatal astrocyte development, focusing largely on what is known from rodent studies.





