
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge of predator-prey interactions is key in ecological studies and understanding ecosystem function, yet this is still poorly explored in the deep-sea environment. Carbon (δ13C: 13C/12C) and nitrogen (δ15N: 15N/14N) stable isotope ratios of a deep-diving species, the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), were used to explore knowledge gaps on its ecological niche and foraging habitats in the Webbnesia marine ecoregion (Tenerife Island, n = 27 animals vs. Madeira, n = 31; 500 km apart) where animals display distinct levels of site fidelity. Specifically, we tested whether intraspecific isotopic variation results from differences between geographic areas (due to possible foraging plasticity between regions), sexes, and/or years (2015-2020) using Generalized Linear Models. In general, significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in the stable isotope profiles of pilot whales between the two archipelagos, which were also reflected in their isotopic niche. The higher mean and wider range of δ15N values in Tenerife suggest that pilot whales consume prey of higher trophic levels and more diverse than Madeira. The higher mean and wider range of δ13C values in Madeira suggest that in that island, pilot whales rely on prey from more diverse habitats. There was significant variation between some years, but not between sexes. Finally, we discuss pilot whales\' foraging strategies worldwide and infer the reliance on benthic or benthopelagic food sources in the Webbnesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Animal movement arises from complex interactions between animals and their heterogeneous environment. To better understand the movement process, it can be divided into behavioural, temporal and spatial components. Although methods exist to address those various components, it remains challenging to integrate them in a single movement analysis.
    METHODS: We present an analytic workflow that integrates the behavioural, temporal and spatial components of the movement process and their interactions, which also allows for the assessment of the relative importance of those components. We construct a daily cyclic covariate to represent temporally cyclic movement patterns, such as diel variation in activity, and combine the three components in a multi-modal Hidden Markov Model framework using existing methods and R functions. We compare the trends and statistical fits of models that include or exclude any of the behavioural, spatial and temporal components, and perform variance partitioning on the model predictions that included all components to assess their relative importance to the movement process, both in isolation and in interaction.
    RESULTS: We apply our workflow to a case study on the movements of plains zebra, blue wildebeest and eland antelope in a South African reserve. Behavioural modes impacted movement the most, followed by diel rhythms and then the spatial environment (viz. tree cover and terrain slope). Interactions between the components often explained more of the movement variation than the marginal effect of the spatial environment did on its own. Omitting components from the analysis led either to the inability to detect relationships between input and response variables, resulting in overgeneralisations when drawing conclusions about the movement process, or to detections of questionable relationships that appeared to be spurious.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our analytic workflow can be used to integrate the behavioural, temporal and spatial components of the movement process and quantify their relative contributions, thereby preventing incomplete or overly generic ecological interpretations. We demonstrate that understanding the drivers of animal movement, and ultimately the ecological phenomena that emerge from it, critically depends on considering the various components of the movement process, and especially the interactions between them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As global heating and other anthropogenic influences alter tropical marine environments, it is unclear how marine bird populations will be impacted and whether their current roles in tropical marine ecosystems will change. Although marine birds roost and breed on tropical islands in large numbers, the direct trophic interactions between these birds and their prey across the tropics are poorly documented. We present a first framework for evaluating the dependence on and contributions of marine birds to tropical coral reef ecosystems and use it to examine the evidence for different kinds of interaction, focusing primarily on avian diets. We found 34 publications between 1967 and 2023 that presented a total of 111 data sets with enough detail for quantitative dietary analysis of tropical marine birds. Only two bird species out of 37 (5.4%) had diets of >50% coral reef fishes and only one, the Pacific Reef Egret, appeared to depend almost entirely on reef-based production. Marine birds are also prey for other marine organisms, but insufficient data are available for quantitative analysis. Evidence for indirect effects of birds in tropical marine environments is stronger than for direct dependence on coral reefs, particularly in relation to nutrient concentration and the fertilisation impacts of guano on corals. Dispersal of propagules (e.g. seeds, spores, invertebrate eggs) by bathing, drinking, resting or foraging birds is under-studied and poorly documented. Although the degradation of coral reefs appears unlikely to have a significant direct impact on food availability for most marine bird populations, indirect effects involving marine birds may be disrupted by global environmental change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Eurasian woodcock prefers habitats where its main prey, earthworms, can be found in higher densities. Although they are forest-dwelling birds, they regularly visit pastures and natural grasslands at night, where earthworm abundance is generally higher. However, there is little information on fine-scale habitat use in relation to variation in habitat characteristics and prey availability, particularly beyond the breeding season. In our study, we investigated if the nocturnal occurrence of woodcocks during migratory stopover periods differed between two neighbouring fields, or management units, with similar vegetation structure, and if within-field variation in the spatial patterns of woodcock sightings were associated with fine-scale earthworm densities and soil parameters. Specifically, we used GPS tracking data of two tagged woodcocks and direct observation data to study patterns of occurrence of birds in a mixed forest-pasture landscape in Hungary during pre- and post-breeding periods. We compared these patterns with fine-scale soil characteristics and earthworm abundance, acquired by field sampling. We found that the field with higher earthworm abundance was visited by woodcocks more frequently, and this correlation was similarly observed at the intra-field level. Our results demonstrate that woodcocks select foraging sites with higher earthworm densities at multiple spatial scales, both between fields (coarse scale), and within fields (fine-scale). Considering that woodcocks tended to return to the same field to forage at night, the strong associations between occupancy and resources provide a basis for developing habitat management strategies at the field level for conservation. As earthworm densities and soil parameters are good indicators of woodcock foraging habitat, measuring those variables, at least at a coarse scale, could aid in predicting important habitats for the species across the landscape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using a selection of native grass and forb seeds commonly seeded in local restoration projects, we conducted a field experiment to evaluate the effects of seed species, distance of seed patches from nests, and distance between patches on patterns of seed removal by Owyhee harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex salinus (Olsen) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). To provide context for ants\' seed preferences, we evaluated differences in handling time among seed species. In addition, we assessed the influences of cheatgrass, Bromus tectorum (L.) (Poales: Poaceae), and Sandberg bluegrass, Poa secunda (J. Presl) (Poales: Poaceae), cover on seed removal. We found significant differences in removal rates among seed species. In general, seeds placed closer to nests were more vulnerable to predation than those placed farther away, and seeds in closely spaced patches were more vulnerable than seeds in widely spaced patches. However, the strength of these effects differed by seed species. Differences in handling time among seed species may help to explain these findings; the protective effect of from-nest distance was weaker for species that required less time to transport. For 2 of the seed species, there was an interaction between the distance of seed patches from nests and the distance between patches such that the protective effect of distance between patches decreased as the distance from nests increased. Cheatgrass and bluegrass cover both had small protective effects on seeds. Taken together, these results offer insight into the spatial ecology of harvester ant foraging and may provide context for the successful implementation of restoration efforts where harvester ants are present.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bumblebee activity typically decreases during rainfall, putting them under the threat of the increased frequency of precipitation due to climate change. A novel rain machine was used within a flight arena to observe the behavioural responses of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) to simulated rain at both a colony and individual level. During rainfall, a greater proportion of workers left the arena than entered, the opposite of which was seen during dry periods, implying that they compensate for their lack of activity when conditions improve. The proportion of workers flying and foraging decreased while resting increased in rain. This pattern reversed during dry periods, providing further evidence for compensatory activity. The increase in resting behaviour during rain is thought to evade the high energetic costs of flying while wet without unnecessarily returning to the nest. This effect was not repeated in individual time budgets, measured with lone workers, suggesting that the presence of conspecifics accelerates the decision of their behavioural response, perhaps via local enhancement. Bumblebees probably use social cues to strategize their energetic expenditure during precipitation, allowing them to compensate for the reduced foraging activity during rainfall when conditions improve.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The activity of many animals follows recurrent patterns and foraging is one of the most important processes in their daily activity. Determining movement in the search for resources and understanding temporal and spatial patterns in foraging has therefore long been central in behavioural ecology. However, identifying and monitoring animal movements is often challenging. In this study we assess the use of camera traps to track a very specific and small-scale interactions focused on the foraging behaviour of Heliconiini butterflies. Data on floral visitation was recorded using marked individuals of three pollen-feeding species of Heliconius (H. erato, H. melpomene and H. sara), and two closely related, non-pollen feeding species (Dryas iulia and Dryadula phaetusa) in a large outdoor insectary. We demonstrate that camera traps efficiently capture individual flower visitation over multiple times and locations and use our experiments to describe some features of their spatial and temporal foraging patterns. Heliconiini butterflies showed higher activity in the morning with strong temporal niche overlap. Differences in foraging activity between males and females was observed with females foraging earlier than males, mirroring published field studies. Some flowers were more explored than others, which may be explained by butterflies foraging simultaneously affecting each other\'s flower choices. Feeding was grouped in short periods of intense visits to the same flower, which we refer to as feeding bouts. Heliconius also consistently visits the same flower, while non-Heliconius visited a greater number of flowers per day and their feeding bouts were shorter compared with Heliconius. This is consistent with Heliconius having more stable long-term spatial memory and foraging preferences than outgroup genera. More broadly, our study demonstrates that camera traps can provide a powerful tool to gather information about foraging behaviour in small insects such as butterflies. © 2024 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social learning is a mechanism used by many species to efficiently gain information about their environment. Although many animals live in an environment where members of other species are present, little is known about interspecific social learning. Domesticated and urbanized species provide the opportunity to investigate whether nonhuman animals can learn from heterospecifics such as humans, who are integral parts of their social landscape. Although domestic dogs Canis familiaris have been intensively researched for their ability to learn from humans, most studies have focused on dogs living as pets. However, free-ranging dogs represent the majority of the world\'s dog population, they live alongside humans, scavenge on human refuse, and are subject to natural and sexual selection. Thus, free-ranging dogs with extensive exposure to humans and their artifacts provide the opportunity to investigate interspecific social learning in a naturalistic setting, where learning from humans might be a benefit for them. Here we tested individual free-ranging dogs in a between-subject design: Dogs in the control group could spontaneously choose between two novel and differently patterned food-delivering boxes. In the experimental group, instead, dogs could first observe an unfamiliar human approaching and eating from 1 of the 2 boxes. We provide the first evidence that free-ranging dogs match the choice of an unfamiliar human. These results show that at least simple forms of interspecific social learning might be involved in dogs\' success in living alongside humans in a complex urbanized environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquatic birds are notable among the global avifauna for living in environments exposed to large amounts of light. Despite growing evidence that visual adaptations to light underly the ecology and evolution of the avian tree of life, no comprehensive comparative analysis of visual acuity as approximated by eyes size exists for the global aquatic avifauna. Here, I use Stanley Ritland\'s unpublished dataset of measurements for axial length collected from museum specimens to explore the ecology and evolution of eye size variation for half of the aquatic avifauna (N = 464 species). After correcting for body mass allometry and incorporating phylogenetic relationships, aquatic species had significantly smaller eyes compared to terrestrial species. Furthermore, species using hyperopic foraging manoeuvres, exhibiting carnivorous and insectivorous diets, and displaying nocturnal behaviour had larger eyes. Plunge-divers (e.g. boobies and tropic birds) and stalkers (e.g. herons) had the largest relative eye sizes, especially species identifying prey at higher altitudes or longer distances. Underwater pursuit-divers foraging at greater depths had larger eyes, likely due to the dramatic attenuation of light in the deep ocean. Overall, residual eye size was phylogenetically conserved (l = 0.94), with phylogeny alone explaining 62% of residual eye size variation. Collectively, these results suggest that the relatively bright environments found in aquatic ecosystems negate the adaptive benefits of costly metabolic investments associated with developing and maintaining larger eyes, while also reducing the potential occurrence of disability glare. Strong correlations between eye size and foraging ecology in different aquatic environments corroborate similar comparative studies of terrestrial birds and underscore the central role that vision has played in driving the ecology and evolution of the global avifauna.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The optimal foraging theory posits that animals aim to maximize energy intake while minimizing predation and handling costs during foraging. Most observed animal behaviour supports this theory, but occasional deviations provide insights into the ecological factors that shape foraging decisions. We tested prey-size preference using a two-choice test between different prey sizes in tokay geckos. We expected geckos to prefer larger prey and decision latencies to be longer when discrimination was more difficult and when small prey was offered. Geckos preferred larger prey when the size difference was large, although decision latency remained consistent. This aligns with prior research on sit-and-wait predators. Together with previous findings showing freezing behaviour after prey capture in tokay geckos, our findings suggest a strong influence of predator avoidance on foraging decisions opening up a new avenue for future research investigating the link between decision making and predator avoidance in tokay geckos.





