complementary therapy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incidence of diabetes, including type 2 diabetes (T2DM), is increasing sharply worldwide. To reverse this, more effective approaches in prevention and treatment are needed. In our review, we sought to summarize normal insulin action and the pathways that primarily influence the development of T2DM. Normal insulin action involves mitogenic and metabolic pathways, as both are important in normal metabolic processes, regeneration, etc. However, through excess energy, both can be hyperactive or attenuated/inactive leading to disturbances in the cellular and systemic regulation with the consequence of cellular stress and systemic inflammation. In this review, we detailed the beneficial molecular changes caused by some important components of nutrition and by exercise, which act in the same molecular targets as the developed drugs, and can revert the damaged pathways. Moreover, these induce entire networks of regulatory mechanisms and proteins to restore unbalanced homeostasis, proving their effectiveness as preventive and complementary therapies. These are the main steps for success in prevention and treatment of developed diseases to rid the body of excess energy, both from stored fats and from overnutrition, while facilitating fat burning with adequate, regular exercise in healthy people, and together with necessary drug treatment as required in patients with insulin resistance and T2DM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to limited studies, we systematically reviewed evidence on the impact of physical exercise on intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucoma patients, adhering to PRISMA guidelines. Using MEDLINE/Web of Science, PubMed, and Scopus, we selected English, Portuguese, or Spanish studies excluding case reports and yoga-based interventions. From 1001 records, 15 studies were independently evaluated. Evaluated through the MMAT scoring system, two quantitative randomised controlled studies scored 100% while 13 non-randomised studies averaged 84.62%. Our findings indicated that both aerobic and resistance training led to an immediate IOP reduction post-exercise. However, these findings were largely from single-session experiments. In contrast, the effects of longer-term exercise programmes on IOP varied. Although our review underscores the potential utility of exercise in IOP management, the evidence remains inconclusive due to variations in study design, participant demographics, and exercise parameters. This lack of consistency in the research highlights the necessity for larger, standardised, and longer-term studies to robustly corroborate these preliminary findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The use of herbal medicine is widespread among oncology patients, with potentially negative interactions with anticancer drugs. This study identified herbal products being used among a cohort of oncology patients, assessing the risk for an herb-drug interaction.
    METHODS: Herbal medicine use was examined among 42 oncology patients, identifying potential herb-drug interactions using four online sites. The risk for an interaction was scored using the Working Group on Pharmacotherapy and Drug Information of the Royal Dutch Association for the Advancement of Pharmacy (KNMP).
    RESULTS: Most patients (62%) reported herbal medicine use, with 70 products identified; 8 herbs and 13 herbal formulas with unidentified components; and 24 anticancer drugs. Herbal medicine use was more prevalent among female patients (p=0.038), with only nine potential herb-drug interactions identified on at least one site. A maximal KNMP Score of 1 (ie, incomplete published case report) was found with only one interaction.
    CONCLUSIONS: The risk for interactions between herbal products and anticancer drugs is difficult to predict, with online search engines providing limited and inconsistent information. Clinical implications of herb-antitumor drug interactions need to be better understood, enabling patients and their oncology healthcare providers to make informed decisions regarding their care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health care about traditional and complementary medicine practices. Evaluating the attitudes of physiotherapy-rehabilitation students and nursing students toward conventional and complementary practices holds significant importance in healthcare education and practice. However, it is worth noting that a limited body of research focuses explicitly on these student groups.
    UNASSIGNED: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 446 students in the departments of physiotherapy-rehabilitation and nursing in a university\'s faculty of health sciences. The data were collected using the Complementary, Alternative, and Conventional Medicine Attitude Scale (CACMAS) and the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approaches Scale (CAMAS). The analyses used percentages, averages, standard deviation, Student\'s t, Mann-Whitney U, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis analysis, the Scheffe post hoc test, and Pearson correlation.
    UNASSIGNED: 95.5 % of the students did not use complementary therapy previously; the education process of 89.7 % did not cover complementary treatment; 73.3 % stated that complementary therapy education should be given at schools; 74.2 % wanted to use complementary therapy. However, 94.2 % reported that the Ministry of Health did not know about complementary therapy regulations. The average total score was 25.44 ± 8.953 for the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approaches Scale and 111.29 ± 16.092 for the Complementary, Alternative, and Conventional Medicine Attitude Scale.
    UNASSIGNED: The students believed conventional and complementary therapy methods should be used for patients, and they expressed a keen interest in their professional practice after graduation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Integrative oncology combines conventional and complementary, or integrative, therapies for a holistic treatment of cancer patients. Yoga is increasingly used as a complementary therapy for cancer patients, but there is no direct evidence for its effect on cancer pathophysiology like tumor response, or patient outcome like overall survival.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this narrative review, we present in detail published studies from randomized clinical trials on complementary yoga therapy for cancer patients, including details about the biochemical mechanisms involved. Medicinal hatha yoga with breathing, postures, meditation, and relaxation enhances the quality of life of cancer patients by providing both psychological and physiological health benefits, highlighting the interconnectedness of mind and body. Yoga therapy reduces stress levels improving heart rate variability, leading to changes in hormonal regulation (e.g., cortisol), reduced oxidative stress, and improved immune function with reduced inflammation. Still, the biochemical effects of yoga on the cancer disease itself are unrevealed.
    CONCLUSIONS: More clinical and basic research is needed for further establishment of yoga as complementary therapy in oncology.
    Hintergrund Die integrative Onkologie verbindet konventionelle und komplementäre, oder integrative, Therapien zu einem ganzheitlichen Behandlungsansatz für Menschen mit Krebs. Yoga findet zunehmend Verbreitung als Komplementärtherapie bei Krebs, doch es liegt keine direkte Evidenz für seine Wirkung auf den Verlauf der Krebserkrankung, zum Beispiel das Tumoransprechen, oder auf Patienten-Outcomes wie das Gesamtüberleben vor.Zusammenfassung In dieser narrativen Übersichtsarbeit stellen wir ausführlich Publikationen über randomisierte klinische Studien zu komplementärer Yogatherapie bei Krebspatienten vor und gehen dabei auch auf die beteiligten biochemischen Mechanismen ein. Medizinisches Hatha-Yoga mit Atmung, Stellungen, Meditation und Entspannung erhöht die Lebensqualität von Krebspatienten durch sowohl psychische als auch physische gesundheitliche Vorteile, was die Verbundenheit von Geist und Körper unterstreicht. Yogatherapie verringert die Stressbelastung und verbessert die Herzfrequenzvariabilität und führt so zu Veränderungen der hormonellen Regulation (z. B. von Cortisol), geringerem oxidativem Stress und verbesserter Immunfunktion mit vermindertem Entzündungsgeschehen. Die biochemischen Effekte von Yoga auf die Krebserkrankung selbst bleiben jedoch weiterhin ungeklärt.Kernaussagen Weitere klinische und Grundlagenforschung ist erforderlich, um den Platz von Yoga als Komplementärtherapie in der Onkologie weiter zu festigen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To compare the efficacy of foot reflexology and Benson\'s relaxation on anxiety and physiologic parameters after cesarean surgery.
    Randomized controlled trial with three parallel arms.
    Gynecologic ward of the Persian Gulf Martyrs Hospital in Bushehr, Iran, in 2020.
    Women undergoing cesarean surgery (n = 135) were selected by convenience sampling and divided via block randomization into three groups of foot reflexology, Benson\'s relaxation interventions, and control group (n = 45 in each group). Interventions were performed 2 hours after cesarean surgery.
    Spielberger\'s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, mercury sphygmomanometer, and pulse oximeter were used to collect the data. Anxiety was measured before and 30 minutes after the intervention. Physiologic parameters were measured before the intervention and immediately, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes after the intervention. Data were analyzed using inferential statistics.
    The mean score of situational anxiety after the intervention was significantly lower than before the intervention in the reflexology (t = 6.171; 95% confidence interval [CI] [5.66, 11.14]) and Benson\'s relaxation groups (t = 7.362; 95% CI [5.91, 9.85]). However, changes in the control group were not significant (t = 1.674; 95% CI [-0.24, 2.55]). Decreases in anxiety scores were similar in the two intervention groups. After intervention, in most measurement times, respiratory rate and pulse rate decreased in the two intervention groups compared to the control group, and arterial oxygen saturation and systolic blood pressure increased.
    Considering the effect of both interventions on decreasing anxiety and improving most physiologic parameters, it seems that foot reflexology and Benson\'s relaxation can be recommended after cesarean surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A novel Oregon Medicaid policy guiding back pain management combined opioid restrictions with emphasis on non-opioid and non-pharmacologic therapies.
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of the policy on prescribing, health outcomes, and health service utilization.
    METHODS: Using Medicaid enrollment, medical and prescription claims, prescription drug monitoring program, and vital statistics files, we analyzed the policy\'s association with selected outcomes using interrupted time series models.
    METHODS: Adult Medicaid patients with back pain enrolled between 2014 and 2018.
    METHODS: The Oregon Medicaid back pain policy.
    METHODS: Opioid and non-opioid medication prescribing, procedural care, substance use and mental health conditions, and outpatient and inpatient healthcare utilization.
    RESULTS: The policy was associated with decreases in the percentage of Medicaid enrollees with back pain receiving any opioids (- 2.68 percentage points [95% CI - 3.14, - 2.23] level, - 1.01 pp [95% CI - 1.1, - 0.92] slope), days of short-acting opioid use (- 0.4 days [95% CI - 0.53, - 0.26] slope), receipt of more than 7 days of short-acting opioids (- 2.36 pp [95% CI - 2.76, - 1.95] level, - 0.91 pp [95% CI - 1, - 0.83] slope), chronic opioid use (- 1.27 pp [95% CI - 1.59, - 0.94] level, - 0.46 [95% CI - 0.53, - 0.39 slope), and spinal surgeries and procedures. Among secondary outcomes, we found no increase in opioid overdose and a small, statistically significant trend decrease in opioid use disorders. There were small increases in non-opioid substance use and mental health diagnoses and visits but no increase in self-harm.
    CONCLUSIONS: A state Medicaid policy emphasizing evidence-based back pain management was associated with decreases in opioid prescribing, spinal surgeries, and opioid use disorder trends, but also short-term increases in mental health encounters and an increase in non-opioid substance use disorder trends. Such policies may help reinforce evidence-based care, but must be designed with consideration of potential harms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There is minimal research on the duration of biofield experiences. This preliminary study used the experiential learning practice of Master Choa Kok Sui\'s hands sensitisation to determine the duration to experience biofield sensations in between hands and to find the relationship between learning style preferences and biofield sensations.
    UNASSIGNED: This randomized placebo controlled, single blinded trial included 88 male and female pre-service teachers, aged 22.8±1.2 years. Participants completed a ruler drop test for reaction time, and Six Letter Cancellation test for measuring attention, learning style questionnaire for preferred method of learning, before randomization. The experimental (hands facing each other as introduced by Master Choa Kok Sui) and sham (hands facing opposite) groups practiced hands sensitisation. A semi-structured questionnaire was provided to gather information about biofield sensations and the time it took to experience these sensations between the hands.
    UNASSIGNED: All (N=44) the participants in the experimental group and 13 participants in the sham group reported experiencing biofield sensations. A significant difference was noticed in experiencing magnetic (X 2 = 38.247, p ≤ .001), physical sensations of energy (X 2 = 12.02, p ≤ .001) and pain (X 2 = 62.259, p ≤ .001) among the experimental and sham group . In the experimental group, the average time taken to first experience magnetic sensation, other biofield sensations and temperature variation was 34.84±12.97seconds, 40.28±20.96 seconds and 42.50±19.79 seconds, respectively. Minimum time taken to first experience biofield sensation was 5 seconds and lasted up to study duration of 120 seconds. There was no correlation found between reaction time, sustained attention, and the time needed to experience biofield sensations.
    UNASSIGNED: This study highlights importance of Master Choa Kok Sui hand sensitization in controlled setting revealing differences in experiences of various biofield sensations, showing valuable time-related insights and variability of sensation based on preferred learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The services defined as complementary and alternative medicine/healthcare (CAM) are used to varying degrees according to the nature of the health problem, and musculoskeletal disorders, in particular, often lead to the use of CAM. Chronic pain is often cited as a reason for using CAM, and it is also the cardinal symptom of patients with back pain referred for specialist care. However, previous studies do not consider the heterogeneity of back pain when examining the use of CAM. Thus, this study aimed to explore the associations between CAM use and clinical findings incl. ICD-10 diagnostic codes in such a context.
    METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, a logistic regression analysis examined associations between CAM use and clinical findings at a public outpatient spine department. Chi-squared test examined the association between self-reported reasons for CAM use and the diagnostic groups.
    RESULTS: Of the 432 patients in the study population, 23.8% reported using CAM within 12 months prior to clinical assessment. CAM use was associated with being female and of younger age. Seeking CAM was not associated with clinical findings nor diagnosis, and no statistically significant association between the reasons for seeking CAM and the diagnostic groups was described.
    CONCLUSIONS: Among patients referred to specialist care for back pain, this study provides no evidence that the spinal condition should be expected to lead to the use of CAM. Only the individual demographic findings, specifically age and gender, were associated with CAM use.





