Vertebral Artery Dissection

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In young patients, ischemic stroke is an uncommon result of vertebral artery dissection (VAD). Damage to the vertebrae can occur suddenly or as a result of trauma. There are no generally recognized recommendations for diagnosis and treatment, and the majority of vague symptoms and delayed presentation provide a significant diagnostic problem. While medical management with anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy is advised, no successful dual therapy has been documented. Although traumatic dissection is a more frequent cause of posterior cerebral circulation stroke in people under 45 years of age than spontaneous dissection, spontaneous VAD is well-reported and usually treated with anticoagulation. VAD can result in fatal complications such as basilar area infarction, even though it is often asymptomatic. Here is a case of a 37-year-old male who presented with a posterior circulation stroke after bilateral VAD with no evidence of trauma to the neck and no detectable cause suggesting spontaneous etiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Prompt diagnosis and treatment of vertebral artery dissection (VAD) is critical for preventing stroke. The use of emboli detection studies (EDS) using Doppler ultrasonography is an emerging method that has been proposed to predict stroke risk and guide subsequent treatment. Limited data exists on the predictive value of this emerging modality in the posterior circulation. This study aims to assess the predictive value of emboli detection studies (EDS) in forecasting inpatient stroke in VAD patients and identify associated risk factors. Patients were recruited between January 2009 and January 2018.
    METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of 104 consecutive patients with VAD who underwent EDS at our institution. Patients underwent transcranial ultrasonography for detection of microemboli and were followed clinically and radiographically thereafter for evidence of stroke.
    RESULTS: A total of 104 patients with spontaneous (58 %), traumatic (39 %) or iatrogenic (4 %) VAD were included in our analysis. Stroke occurred more frequently in patients with spontaneous VAD compared to traumatic VAD (p < 0.001). Microemboli were detected in 17 patients (16 %), including 18.3 % of spontaneous VAD, 12.5 % of traumatic VAD, and 25 % of iatrogenic VAD. 61 patients (59 %) suffered a posterior circulation stroke, however there was no significant association between detection of microemboli and stroke events (60 % of patients without microemboli vs. 53 % of patients with ≥ 1 HITS during EDS; p = 0.6). Similarly, no microemboli were detected in any of the patients who went on to develop a delayed stroke.
    CONCLUSIONS: In our single-institution retrospective analysis of patients with VAD, the detection of microemboli on EDS was not associated with stroke nor was it predictive of delayed stroke. Additionally, patients with spontaneous VAD may be at higher risk for stroke compared to traumatic VAD.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Cervical artery dissections (CAD) are the leading cause of ischemic stroke (CVA) in young people. The risk factors for stroke and the temporal relationship with CAD are not well characterized. Nor do we have a clinical-radiological classification that allows knowing the risk of stroke.
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the associated factors and temporality of ACVi in patients with CAD.
    METHODS: We performed a prospective study that included patients over 18 years of age, hospitalized for carotid and/or vertebral CAD between August 2009 and June 2017. CAD cases were diagnosed clinically and radiologically; ACVi was diagnosed when the imaging study demonstrated infarction. The Borgess Classification was used to characterize the CAD radiologically. For correlation studies, we used univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses.
    RESULTS: We analyzed 163 patients with 182 CAD (60% vertebral and 40% carotid). 28 of 68 patients (41.2%) simultaneously had symptoms of dissection and ischemia. 60 of 68 patients (88%) presented symptoms of ischemia during the first week. CAD: Borgess type IB (p = 0.001; OR: 4.1; CI: 1.8-9.3), male (p < 0.001; OR: 0.2; CI: 0.06- 0.8) were significantly associated with ischemic strokes and oral contraceptives (p = 0.02; OR: 0.2; CI: 0.06-0.8).
    CONCLUSIONS: Stroke associated with CAD has a relatively low frequency. It is not related to the type of dissected artery. It mainly occurs not simultaneously with CAD and within the first week. The main associated factor for developing a stroke is arterial occlusion (Borgess type IB).1,8-9,3), male sex (p < 0.001; OR: 0.2; CI: 0.06-0.8) and oral contraceptives (p = 0.02; OR: 0.2; CI: 0.06-0.8).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports



    If severe cervical spinal cord injury or severe cervical vertebral fracture, subluxation or luxation is confirmed, 20-40% of the cases have vertebral artery dissection or occlusion. These can be asymptomatic, but can cause additional neurological damage in addition to cervical myelon and cervical nerve root symptoms. Vertebral artery dissection can be caused by direct injuries, stab wounds or gunshot wounds. Indirect vertebral artery dissection can occur at the same time as subluxation, luxation, or complex fractures of the cervical vertebra. CTA is the examination procedure of choice. In many cases, digital subtaction angiography examination and, if necessary, neurointerventional treatment must precede open neurosurgery. In our report, in the first patient, complete luxation of the C.VI vertebra caused unilateral vertebral artery 2-segment dissection-occlusion, while in our second patient, a stab injury caused direct vertebral artery compression and dissection. The occlusion of the vertebral artery did not cause neurological symptoms in any of the cases. In both of our cases, parent vessel occlusion was performed at the level of the vertebral artery injury before the neurosurgical operation.


    Ha súlyos nyaki gerincvelő-sérülést vagy súlyos nyaki csigolyatörést, subluxatiót vagy luxatiót igazolunk, akkor 20–40%-ban arteria vertebralis dissectio vagy okklúzió áll fenn. Ez lehet tünetmentes, de okozhat a nyaki myelon- és nyaki ideggyöktünetek mellett további neurológiai károsodásokat is. Az arteria vertebralis dissectio kialakulhat direkt sérülés által, szúrásos vagy lőtt sérülések esetén. Indirekt arteria vertebralis dissectio jöhet létre nyaki csigolya-subluxatióval, luxatióval vagy komplex csigolyatöréssel egy időben. CT-angiográfia az elsőként választandó vizsgálóeljárás. Számos esetben digitális szubsztrakciós angiográfia vizsgálatnak, illetve szükség esetén neurointervenciós beavatkozásnak kell megelőznie a nyílt idegsebészeti műtétet. Közleményünkben első betegünknél a C.VI. csigolya teljes luxálódása okozta az egyoldali arteria vertebralis kétszegmensnyi dissectiós elzáródását, míg második betegünknél szúrásos sérülés okozott direkt arteria vertebralis kompressziót és dissectiót. Az arteria vertebralis elzáródása egyik esetben sem okozott neurológiai tüneteket. Mindkét esetünkben az arteria vertebralis sérülésének magasságában szülőérelzárást végeztünk az idegsebészeti műtét előtt.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The vertebrobasilar system is made up of the two vertebral arteries that unite to form the basilar artery near the base of the skull. Aneurysms in the vertebrobasilar system are distinct from other cerebral aneurysms due to their unique morphologic characteristics. They can be large and bulging (massive), pressing on the brainstem. Alternatively, they might be weak and splitting apart (dissecting) or have an elongated shape (fusiform). On the other end of the spectrum, Vertebral artery aneurysms (VAAs) can also be small and rounded (saccular). These aneurysms can occur at the vertebral artery itself or where it joins the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA). Anatomically, they are situated near the brainstem and cranial nerves, deep within the posterior fossa. The cerebrospinal fluid is kept in transit and flux by the ventricular system\'s chambers circulating the fluid within themselves. An intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) can occasionally result from vertebral artery aneurysmal ruptures that result in bleeding into the subarachnoid space and then extravasate into the ventricles. Persistent and poorly controlled hypertension affects about 50% of individuals with IVH. In this case report, we study a 74-year-old woman who complained of a sudden onset headache that had been bothering her for three days at the medical emergency room. She had been diagnosed with systemic hypertension eight years prior and had not taken her medicines as prescribed. She was discovered to have rigidity in her neck and a blood pressure reading of 170/100 mmHg, which had been followed by an episode of vomiting. Radiological investigations revealed a VAA that had a high risk of rupturing and causing an IVH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The reported actual risk of rupture for vertebral artery dissection (VAD) in patients presenting with headache is very low, ranging from 0.4% to 1.0%. The authors report a case in which the dissection site dilated rapidly within several hours after the dissection occurred resulting in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).
    METHODS: A 49-year-old healthy man who had participated in a marathon noticed a headache while running. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed 2 days later revealed no findings suspicious for right VAD, but a string sign was observed in the left side, suggesting left VAD. Three hours following MRI, he developed severe headaches and became unconscious at home, prompting emergency services to rush him to the hospital. A computed tomography scan showed diffuse SAH and a rapidly enlarged aneurysmal dilatation in the right vertebral artery. He underwent endovascular internal trapping to prevent rebleeding. He was discharged without any neurological symptoms. No recurrence or new dissection occurred after 2 years of follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Even in the absence of typical imaging findings, strict management, such as blood pressure control, is required when clinical findings strongly suggest VAD, and differentiation of VAD from primary headache is important.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cervical arterial dissection (CAD) is a common cause of stroke in young people which can be classified as either spontaneous or traumatic. The primary initial symptoms are headache, neck pain, and dizziness. Recently, a 57-year-old woman experienced a severe headache after using a cervical neck traction device. Radiological examination of the head and neck revealed right vertebral artery dissection, which emphasizes the importance of recognizing that using cervical neck traction devices increases the risk of traumatic vertebral artery dissection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The vertebral artery\'s morphological characteristics are crucial in spontaneous vertebral artery dissection (sVAD). We aimed to investigate morphologic features related to ischemic stroke (IS) and develop a novel prediction model. Out of 126 patients, 93 were finally analyzed. We constructed 3D models and morphological analyses. Patients were randomly classified into training and validation cohorts (3:1 ratio). Variables selected by LASSO - including five morphological features and five clinical characteristics - were used to develop prediction model in the training cohort. The model exhibited a high area under the curve (AUC) of 0.944 (95%CI, 0.862-0.984), with internal validation confirming its consistency (AUC = 0.818, 95%CI, 0.597-0.948). Decision curve analysis (DCA) indicated clinical usefulness. Morphological features significantly contribute to risk stratification in sVAD patients. Our novel developed model, combining interdisciplinary parameters, is clinically useful for predicting IS risk. Further validation and in-depth research into the hemodynamics related to sVAD are necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cervicocerebral artery dissection stands out as a significant contributor to ischemic stroke in young adults. Several studies have shown that arterial tortuosity is associated with dissection. We searched Pubmed and Embase to identify studies on the association between arterial tortuosity and cervicocerebral artery dissection, and to perform a review on the epidemiology of cervicocerebral artery tortuosity and dissection, pathophysiology, measurement of vessels tortuosity, strength of association between tortuosity and dissection, clinical manifestation and management strategies. The prevalence of tortuosity in dissected cervical arteries was reported to be around 22%-65% while it is only around 8%-22% in non-dissected arteries. In tortuous cervical arteries elastin and tunica media degradation, increased wall stiffness, changes in hemodynamics as well as arterial wall inflammation might be associated with dissection. Arterial tortuosity index and vertebrobasilar artery deviation is used to measure the level of vessel tortuosity. Studies have shown an independent association between these two measurements and cervicocerebral artery dissection. Different anatomical variants of tortuosity such as loops, coils and kinks may have a different level of association with cervicocerebral artery dissection. Symptomatic patients with extracranial cervical artery dissection are often treated with anticoagulant or antiplatelet agents, while patients with intracranial arterial dissection were often treated with antiplatelets only due to concerns of developing subarachnoid hemorrhage. Patients with recurrent ischemia, compromised cerebral blood flow or contraindications for antithrombotic agents are usually treated with open surgery or endovascular technique. Those with subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracranial artery dissection are often managed with surgical intervention due to high risk of re-hemorrhage.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Craniocervical dissections are among the most common causes of stroke in people aged under 50 years, which is why it is essential to clarify, diagnose, and treat them as quickly as possible. Dissections usually occur spontaneously due to bleeding into the vessel wall. The affected segments are usually the motion segments of the internal cerebral artery (C1 segment) and the vertebral artery (V3 segment). Clinically, there is head and/or neck pain and neurologic symptoms, which can vary according to the localization of the dissection.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pathognomonic is the detection of an intramural hematoma due to bleeding into the vessel wall. This can best be detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in native, fat-saturated T1 sequences (black-blood sequence). In addition, contrast-enhanced angiography should be performed using MRI or, alternatively, computed tomography (CT). As there is an increased risk of embolic or hemodynamically induced strokes, prophylactic treatment should be initiated immediately; it remains a case-by-case decision whether antiplatelet agents or oral anticoagulants are chosen for this purpose.
    UNASSIGNED: KLINISCHES PROBLEM: Dissektionen der hirnzuführenden Gefäße gehören zu den häufigsten Ursachen eines Schlaganfalls bei Personen unter 50 Jahren, weswegen eine schnellstmögliche Abklärung, Diagnostik und Therapie essenziell sind. Sie entstehen meistens spontan durch Einblutung in die Gefäßwand. Betroffen sind in der Regel die Bewegungssegmente an der A. cerebri interna (C1-Segment) und an der A. vertebralis (V3-Segment). Klinisch kommt es zu Kopf- und/oder Nackenschmerzen sowie neurologischen Symptomen, die sich entsprechend der Lokalisation der Dissektion unterscheiden können. EMPFEHLUNG FüR DIE PRAXIS: Pathognomisch ist der Nachweis eines intramuralen Hämatoms durch Einblutung in die Gefäßwand. Dieses lässt sich am besten in der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) in nativen, fettgesättigten T1-Sequenzen (Black-Blood-Sequenz) nachweisen. Zusätzlich sollte eine kontrastmittelgestützte Angiographie am besten in der MRT, alternativ in der Computertomographie (CT), erfolgen. Da ein erhöhtes Risiko für embolisch oder hämodynamisch bedingte Schlaganfälle besteht, sollte unmittelbar eine prophylaktische Therapie eingeleitet werden; dabei bleibt es eine Einzelfallentscheidung, ob hierfür Thrombozytenfunktionshemmer oder orale Antikoagulanzien gewählt werden.





