
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How did the complex structure of the telencephalon evolve? Existing explanations are based on phenomena and lack a first-principles account. The Darwinian dynamics and endogenous network theory-established decades ago-provides a mathematical and theoretical framework and a general constitutive structure for theory-experiment coupling for answering this question from a first-principles perspective. By revisiting a gene network that explains the anterior-posterior patterning of the vertebrate telencephalon, we found that upon increasing the cooperative effect within this network, fixed points gradually evolve, accompanied by the occurrence of two bifurcations. The dynamic behavior of this network is informed by the knowledge obtained from experiments on telencephalic evolution. Our work provides a quantitative explanation for how telencephalon anterior-posterior patterning evolved from the pre-vertebrate chordate to the vertebrate and provides a series of verifiable predictions from a first-principles perspective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2) has been widely distributed over surface water. However, there are few reports on its effects on the central nervous system of fish. In this study, we investigated whether nano-TiO2 enters the medaka brain after exposure and its effect on the brain. Marine medaka brains were examined after exposure to 0.01 g/L nano-TiO2 for 3, 10, and 20 d. Nano-TiO2-like particles were found in the telencephalon of treated fish. There was no obvious brain histopathological injury. The number of irregular mitochondria with absent cristae increased. Gene expression of the apoptosis-related genes, casp8, bcl2b, and bax, decreased significantly in the nano-TiO2 group at 3 d. In contrast, the pyroptosis-related genes, gsdmeb and casp1, and inflammation-related factor, il18, increased significantly. As an activated microglia marker, mRNA expression of cd68 increased significantly in the nano-TiO2 treated group. Moreover, CD68 protein expression also increased significantly at 10 d. Altogether, we show that nano-TiO2 can alter mitochondrial morphology in the telencephalon of medaka, leading to microglial activation and pyroptosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s disease (HD) causes selective degeneration of striatal and cortical neurons, resulting in cell mosaicism of coexisting still functional and dysfunctional cells. The impact of non-cell autonomous mechanisms between these cellular states is poorly understood. Here we generated telencephalic organoids with healthy or HD cells, grown separately or as mosaics of the two genotypes. Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed neurodevelopmental abnormalities in the ventral fate acquisition of HD organoids, confirmed by cytoarchitectural and transcriptional defects leading to fewer GABAergic neurons, while dorsal populations showed milder phenotypes mainly in maturation trajectory. Healthy cells in mosaic organoids restored HD cell identity, trajectories, synaptic density, and communication pathways upon cell-cell contact, while showing no significant alterations when grown with HD cells. These findings highlight cell-type-specific alterations in HD and beneficial non-cell autonomous effects of healthy cells, emphasizing the therapeutic potential of modulating cell-cell communication in disease progression and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sexual differentiation of the brain occurs in all major vertebrate lineages but is not well understood at a molecular and cellular level. Unlike most vertebrates, sex-changing fishes have the remarkable ability to change reproductive sex during adulthood in response to social stimuli, offering a unique opportunity to understand mechanisms by which the nervous system can initiate and coordinate sexual differentiation.
    METHODS: This study explores sexual differentiation of the forebrain using single nucleus RNA-sequencing in the anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris, producing the first cellular atlas of a sex-changing brain.
    RESULTS: We uncover extensive sex differences in cell type-specific gene expression, relative proportions of cells, baseline neuronal excitation, and predicted inter-neuronal communication. Additionally, we identify the cholecystokinin, galanin, and estrogen systems as central molecular axes of sexual differentiation. Supported by these findings, we propose a model of sexual differentiation in the conserved vertebrate social decision-making network spanning multiple subtypes of neurons and glia, including neuronal subpopulations within the preoptic area that are positioned to regulate gonadal differentiation.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work deepens our understanding of sexual differentiation in the vertebrate brain and defines a rich suite of molecular and cellular pathways that differentiate during adult sex change in anemonefish.
    This study provides key insights into brain sex differences in sex-changing anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris), a species that changes sex in adulthood in response to the social environment. Using single nucleus RNA-sequencing, the study provides the first brain cellular atlas showing sex differences in two crucial reproductive areas: the preoptic area and telencephalon. The research identifies notable sex-differences in cell-type proportions and gene expression, particularly in radial glia and glutamatergic neurons that co-express the neuropeptide cholecystokinin. It also highlights differences in preoptic area neurons likely involved in gonadal regulation. This work deepens our understanding of sexual differentiation of the brain in vertebrates, especially those capable of adult sex change, and illuminates key molecular and cellular beginning and endpoints of the process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The telencephalon of reptiles has been suggested to be the key to understanding the evolution of the forebrain. Nevertheless, a meaningful framework to organize the telencephalon in any reptile has, with rare exception, yet to be presented. To address this gap in knowledge, the telencephalon was investigated in two species of crocodiles. A variety of morphological stains were used to examine tissue in transverse, horizontal, and sagittal planes of sections. Besides providing a description of individual nuclei, brain parts were organized based on two features. One was related to two fixed, internal structures: the lateral ventricle and the dorsal medullary lamina. The other was the alignment of neurons into either layers, cortex, or not, nucleus. Viewed from this perspective, all structures, with limited exceptions, could be accurately placed within the telencephalon regardless of the plane of section. Furthermore, this framework can be applied to other reptiles. A further extension of this scheme suggests that all structures in the telencephalon could be grouped into one of two categories: pallial or basal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The African turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri) combines a short lifespan with spontaneous age-associated loss of neuro-regenerative capacity, an intriguing trait atypical for a teleost. The impact of aging on the cellular composition of the adult stem cell niches, leading to this dramatic decline in the postnatal neuro- and gliogenesis, remains elusive. Single-cell RNA sequencing of the telencephalon of young adult female killifish of the short-lived GRZ-AD strain unveiled progenitors of glial and non-glial nature, different excitatory and inhibitory neuron subtypes, as well as non-neural cell types. Sub-clustering of the progenitors identified four radial glia (RG) cell types, two non-glial progenitor (NGP) and four intermediate (intercell) cell states. Two astroglia-like, one ependymal, and one neuroepithelial-like (NE) RG subtype were found at different locations in the forebrain in line with their role, while proliferative, active NGPs were spread throughout. Lineage inference pointed to NE-RG and NGPs as start and intercessor populations for glio- and neurogenesis. Upon aging, single-cell RNA sequencing revealed major perturbations in the proportions of the astroglia and intercell states, and in the molecular signatures of specific subtypes, including altered MAPK, mTOR, Notch, and Wnt pathways. This cell catalog of the young regeneration-competent killifish telencephalon, combined with the evidence for aging-related transcriptomic changes, presents a useful resource to understand the molecular basis of age-dependent neuroplasticity. This data is also available through an online database (killifishbrain_scseq).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chlorpyrifos (CPF) is a widely used organophosphate insecticide, though its excessive use causes environmental contamination, raising concerns about its adverse effects on human health. In this regard, Urtica dioica stands out as a promising candidate for counteracting chemical \'contaminant\' toxicity thanks to its therapeutic properties. Therefore, our study aimed to investigate the potential of an Urtica dioica ethanolic extract (UDE) to mitigate chlorpyrifos-induced toxicity. Eight compounds in the Urtica dioica ethanolic extract have been identified, most of which present significant potential as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective agents. Chlorpyrifos exposure altered hatching rates, increased the incidence of teratogenic effects, and upregulated the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) in zebrafish larvae telencephalon. On the other hand, UDE demonstrated a preventive effect against CPF-induced teratogenicity, which is expressed by a lower morphological deformity rate. Moreover, the UDE showed a rather protective effect, maintaining the physiological condition of the telencephalon. Additionally, CPF altered the locomotor behavior of larvae, which was characterized by irregular swimming and increased activity. This defective behavioral pattern was slightly attenuated by the UDE. Our findings suggest that the UDE possesses significant protective properties against CPF-induced toxicity, probably conferred by its natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory contents. Still, further research is needed to elucidate the recruited mechanisms and implicated pathways on UDE\'s protective effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DARPP-32 (dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein Mr. 32 kDa) is a phosphoprotein that is modulated by multiple receptors integrating intracellular pathways and playing roles in various physiological functions. It is regulated by dopaminergic receptors through the cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway, which modulates the phosphorylation of threonine 34 (Thr34). When phosphorylated at Thr34, DARPP-32 becomes a potent protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) inhibitor. Since dopamine is involved in the development of GABAergic neurons and DARPP-32 is expressed in the developing brain, it is possible that DARPP-32 has a role in GABAergic neuronal development. We cloned the zebrafish darpp-32 gene (ppp1r1b) gene and observed that it is evolutionarily conserved in its inhibitory domain (Thr34 and surrounding residues) and the docking motif (residues 7-11 (KKIQF)). We also characterized darpp-32 protein expression throughout the 5 days post-fertilization (dpf) zebrafish larval brain by immunofluorescence and demonstrated that darpp-32 is mainly expressed in regions that receive dopaminergic projections (pallium, subpallium, preoptic region, and hypothalamus). We demonstrated that dopamine acutely suppressed darpp-32 activity by reducing the levels of p-darpp-32 in the 5dpf zebrafish larval brain. In addition, the knockdown of darpp-32 resulted in a decrease in the number of GABAergic neurons in the subpallium of the 5dpf larval brain, with a concomitant increase in the number of DAergic neurons. Finally, we demonstrated that darpp-32 downregulation during development reduced the motor behavior of 5dpf zebrafish larvae. Thus, our observations suggest that darpp-32 is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of dopamine receptor signaling and is required for the formation of GABAergic neurons in the developing telencephalon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A complex brain is central to the success of backboned animals. However, direct evidence bearing on vertebrate brain evolution comes almost exclusively from extant species, leaving substantial knowledge gaps. Although rare, soft-tissue preservation in fossils can yield unique insights on patterns of neuroanatomical evolution. Paleontological evidence from an exceptionally preserved Pennsylvanian (∼318 Ma) actinopterygian, Coccocephalus, calls into question prior interpretations of ancestral actinopterygian brain conditions. However, the ordering and timing of major evolutionary innovations, such as an everted telencephalon, modified meningeal tissues, and hypothalamic inferior lobes, remain unclear. Here, we report two distinct actinopterygian morphotypes from the latest Carboniferous-earliest Permian (∼299 Ma) of Brazil that show extensive soft-tissue preservation of brains, cranial nerves, eyes, and potential cardiovascular tissues. These fossils corroborate inferences drawn from ✝Coccocephalus, while adding new information about neuroanatomical evolution. Skeletal features indicate that one of these Brazilian morphotypes is more closely related to living actinopterygians than the other, which is also reflected in soft-tissue features. Significantly, the more crownward morphotype shows a key neuroanatomical feature of extant actinopterygians-an everted telencephalon-that is absent in the other morphotype and ✝Coccocephalus. All preserved Paleozoic actinopterygian brains show broad similarities, including an invaginated cerebellum, hypothalamus inferior lobes, and a small forebrain. In each case, preserved brains are substantially smaller than the enclosing cranial chamber. The neuroanatomical similarities shared by this grade of Permo-Carboniferous actinopterygians reflect probable primitive conditions for actinopterygians, providing a revised model for interpreting brain evolution in a major branch of the vertebrate tree of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula can cause cerebral edema and hemorrhage due to cortical venous reflux and congestion. Understanding complex venous reflux and drainage routes is crucial for treatment planning. Here, we present a case of a cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula with cortical venous reflux via two separate terminations of the telencephalic veins caused by an aplastic basal vein of Rosenthal. The patient presented with diplopia and eye redness and was diagnosed with a Cognard type IIa + b cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula. The shunt was supplied by the dural branches of the internal and external carotid arteries. Multiple shunt points involving the intercavernous sinus and the medial aspect of the left cavernous sinus were identified, with drainage into the supraorbital and intracranial veins, including two separate terminations of the telencephalic veins, one leading to the laterocavernous sinus via the superficial middle cerebral vein and the other to the cavernous sinus via the uncal vein, resulting in basal ganglia venous congestion in the absence of the basal vein of Rosenthal. During transvenous embolization, the intracranial veins, cavernous sinus, and intercavernous sinus were obliterated using a double-catheter technique with a combination of coils and liquid embolics. Telencephalic venous variations can lead to cavernous sinus drainage into the basal ganglia and orbitofrontal brain. This unique drainage pattern underscores the importance of recognizing anatomical variations when managing cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula.





