
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic lead (Pb) poisoning is one of the greatest public health risks. The nervous system is the primary and most vulnerable target of Pb poisoning. Selenium (Se) has been shown to be a potential protection against heavy metal toxicity through anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Therefore, the present study aimed to elucidate the possible protective role of Se in ameliorating the effects of Pb on rat cerebral structure by examining oxidative stress and markers of apoptosis. The rats were divided into 6 groups: control group, Se group, low Pb group, high Pb group, low Pb + Se group, high Pb + Se group. After the 4-week experiment period, cerebral samples were examined using biochemical and histological techniques. Pb ingestion especially when administered in high doses resulted in cerebral injury manifested by a significant increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein, malondialdehyde (MDA) marker of brain oxidation and DNA fragmentation. Moreover, Pb produced alteration of the normal cerebral structure and cellular degeneration with a significant reduction in the total number of neurons and thickness of the frontal cortex with separation of meninges from the cerebral surface. There was also a decrease in total antioxidant capacity. All these changes are greatly improved by adding Se especially in the low Pb + Se group. The cerebral structure showed a relatively normal histological appearance with normally attached pia and an improvement in neuronal structure. There was also a decrease in MDA and DNA fragmentation and an increase TAC. Selenium is suggested to reduce Pb-induced neurotoxicity due to its modulation of oxidative stress and apoptosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aging population (people >60 yr old) is steadily increasing worldwide, resulting in an increased prevalence of age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Despite intensive research efforts in the past decades, there are still no therapies available to stop, cure, or prevent these diseases. Induction of successful neuroregeneration (i.e., the production of new neurons that can functionally integrate into the existing neural circuitry) could represent a therapy to replace neurons lost by injury or disease in the aged central nervous system. The African turquoise killifish, with its particularly short life span, has emerged as a useful model to study how aging influences neuroregeneration. Here, we describe a robust and reproducible stab-injury protocol to study regeneration in the telencephalon of the African turquoise killifish. After the injury, newborn cells are traced by conducting a BrdU pulse-chase experiment. To identify newborn neurons, a double immunohistochemical staining for BrdU and HuCD is carried out. Techniques such as bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling, intracardial perfusion, cryosectioning, and immunofluorescence staining are described as separate sections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androgens and their receptors are present throughout the body. Various structures such as muscles, genitals, and prostate express androgen receptors. The central nervous system also expresses androgen receptors. Androgens cross the blood-brain barrier to reach these central areas. In the central nervous system, androgens are involved in multiple functions. The current study investigated in which forebrain areas androgens are expressed in the male cat. Androgen receptor immunoreactive (AR-IR) nuclei were plotted and the results were quantified with a Heidelberg Topaz II + scanner and Linocolor 5.0 software. The density and intensity of the labeled cells were the main outcomes of interest. The analysis revealed a dense distribution of AR-IR nuclei in the preoptic area, periventricular complex of the hypothalamus, posterior hypothalamic area, ventromedial hypothalamic, parvocellular hypothalamic, infundibular, and supramammillary nucleus. Numerous AR-IR cells were also observed in the dorsal division of the anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral septal nucleus, medial and lateral divisions of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral olfactory tract nucleus, anterior amygdaloid area, and the central and medial amygdaloid nuclei. AR-IR nuclei were predominantly observed in areas involved in autonomic and neuroendocrinergic responses which are important for many physiological processes and behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The telencephalon refers to the most highly developed and anterior part of the forebrain, consisting mainly of the cerebral hemispheres. The study determined Neuroglobin (Ngb) and Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1α) expression in the telencephalon of yak and cattle, and compare the expression and distribution pattern of Ngb and HIF-1α in the two animals. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR), and Western blot (WB) were employed to investigate Ngb and Hif-1α expression in the telencephalon of yak and cattle. mRNA and protein expressions of Ngb and HIF-1α showed positive in different tissues of the yak and cattle telencephalon. Ngb expression in tissues of the yak recorded higher as compare to cattle while HIF-1α expression was found higher in cattle than yak. The HIF-1α expression in some tissues of yak telencephalon was consistent with the cattle. The results documented that HIF-1α may have a direct or indirect synergistic effect on Ngb expression in the yak telencephalon to improve hypoxia adaptation. It is suggested that yak may need more Ngb expression for adaptation, but the expression of HIF-1α seems to be down-regulated during long-term adaptation, and the specific causes of this phenomenon needs to be further verified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence has shown that a variety of vertebrates, including fish, can discriminate collections of visual items on the basis of their numerousness using an evolutionarily conserved system for approximating numerical magnitude (the so-called Approximate Number System, ANS). Here we combine a habituation/dishabituation behavioural task with molecular biology assays to start investigating the neural bases of the ANS in zebrafish. Separate groups of zebrafish underwent a habituation phase with a set of 3 or 9 small red dots, associated with a food reward. The dots changed in size, position and density from trial to trial but maintained their numerousness, and the overall areas of the stimuli was kept constant. During the subsequent dishabituation test, zebrafish faced a change (i) in number (from 3 to 9 or vice versa with the same overall surface), or (ii) in shape (with the same overall surface and number), or (iii) in size (with the same shape and number). A control group of zebrafish was shown the same stimuli as during the habituation. RT-qPCR revealed that the telencephalon and thalamus were characterized by the most consistent modulation of the expression of the immediate early genes c-fos and egr-1 upon change in numerousness; in contrast, the retina and optic tectum responded mainly to changes in stimulus size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carassius auratus is a teleost fish that has been largely used in behavioral studies. However, little is known about potential environmental influences on its performance of learning and memory tasks. Here, we investigated this question in C. auratus, and searched for potential correlation between exercise and visuospatial enrichment with the total number of telencephalic glia and neurons. To that end, males and females were housed for 183 days in either an enriched (EE) or impoverished environment (IE) aquarium. EE contained toys, natural plants, and a 12-hour/day water stream for voluntary exercise, whereas the IE had none of the above. A third plus-maze aquarium was used for spatial and object recognition tests. Different visual clues in 2 of its 4 arms were used to guide fish to reach the criteria to complete the task. The test consisted of 30 sessions and was concluded when each animal performed three consecutive correct choices or seven alternated, each ten trials. Learning rates revealed significant differences between EE and IE fish. The optical fractionator was used to estimate the total number of telencephalic cells that were stained with cresyl violet. On average, the total number of cells in the subjects from EE was higher than those from subjects maintained in IE (P=0.0202). We suggest that environmental enrichment significantly influenced goldfish spatial learning and memory abilities, and this may be associated with an increase in the total number of telencephalic cells.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The identity of higher-order neurons and circuits playing an associative role to control renal function is not well understood. We identified specific neural populations of rostral elements of brain regions that project multisynaptically to the kidneys in 3-6 days after injecting a retrograde tracer pseudorabies virus (PRV)-614 into kidney of 13 adult male C57BL/6J strain mice. PRV-614 infected neurons were detected in a number of mesencephalic (e.g. central amygdala nucleus), telencephalic regions and motor cortex. These divisions included the preoptic area (POA), dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH), lateral hypothalamus, arcuate nucleus (Arc), suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), periventricular hypothalamus (PeH), and rostral and caudal subdivision of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN). PRV-614/Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) double-labeled cells were found within DMH, Arc, SCN, PeH, PVN, the anterodorsal and medial POA. A subset of neurons in PVN that participated in regulating sympathetic outflow to kidney was catecholaminergic or serotonergic. PRV-614 infected neurons within the PVN also contained arginine vasopressin or oxytocin. These data demonstrate the rostral elements of brain innervate the kidney by the neuroanatomical circuitry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neuronal representation of luminance contrast has not been thoroughly studied in birds. Here we present a detailed quantitative analysis of the contrast response of 120 individual neurons recorded from the visual wulst of awake burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia). Stimuli were sine-wave gratings presented within the cell classical receptive field and optimized in terms of eye preference, direction of drift, and spatiotemporal frequency. As contrast intensity was increased from zero to near 100%, most cells exhibited a monotonic response profile with a compressive, at times saturating, nonlinearity at higher contrasts. However, contrast response functions were found to have a highly variable shape across cells. With the view to capture a systematic trend in the data, we assessed the performance of four plausible models (linear, power, logarithmic, and hyperbolic ratio) using classical goodness-of-fit measures and more rigorous statistical tools for multimodel inferences based on the Akaike information criterion. From this analysis, we conclude that a high degree of model uncertainty is present in our data, meaning that no single descriptor is able on its own to capture the heterogeneous nature of single-unit contrast responses in the wulst. We further show that the generalizability of the hyperbolic ratio model established, for example, in the primary visual cortex of cats and monkeys is not tenable in the owl wulst mainly because most neurons in this area have a much wider dynamic range that starts at low contrast. The challenge for future research will be to understand the functional implications of these findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central connections of the gustatory/general visceral system of the adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) were examined by means of carbocyanine dye tracing. Main primary gustatory centers (facial and vagal lobes) received sensory projections from the facial and vagal nerves, respectively. The vagal nerve also projects to the commissural nucleus of Cajal, a general visceral sensory center. These primary centers mainly project on a prominent secondary gustatory and general visceral nucleus (SGN/V) located in the isthmic region. Secondary projections on the SGN/V were topographically organized, those of the facial lobe mainly ending medially to those of the vagal lobe, and those from the commissural nucleus ventrolaterally. Descending facial lobe projections to the medial funicular nucleus were also noted. Ascending fibers originating from the SGN/V mainly projected to the posterior thalamic nucleus and the lateral hypothalamus (lateral torus, lateral recess nucleus, hypothalamic inferior lobe diffuse nucleus) and an intermediate cell- and fiber-rich region termed here the tertiary gustatory nucleus proper, but not to a nucleus formerly considered as the zebrafish tertiary gustatory nucleus. The posterior thalamic nucleus, tertiary gustatory nucleus proper, and nucleus of the lateral recess gave rise to descending projections to the SGN/V and the vagal lobe. The connectivity between diencephalic gustatory centers and the telencephalon was also investigated. The present results showed that the gustatory connections of the adult zebrafish are rather similar to those reported in other cyprinids, excepting the tertiary gustatory nucleus. Similarities between the gustatory systems of zebrafish and other fishes are also discussed. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:333-362, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Various aspects of social behavior are influenced by the highly conserved corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) family of peptides and receptors in the mammalian telencephalon. This study has mapped and compared the telencephalic distribution of the CRF receptors, CRF1 and CRF2 , and two of their ligands, CRF and urocortin 3, respectively, in African mole-rat species with diametrically opposed social behavior. Naked mole-rats live in large eusocial colonies that are characterized by exceptional levels of social cohesion, tolerance, and cooperation in burrowing, foraging, defense, and alloparental care for the offspring of the single reproductive female. Cape mole-rats are solitary; they tolerate conspecifics only fleetingly during the breeding season. The telencephalic sites at which the level of CRF1 binding in naked mole-rats exceeds that in Cape mole-rats include the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, hippocampal CA3 subfield, and dentate gyrus; in contrast, the level is greater in Cape mole-rats in the shell of the nucleus accumbens and medial habenular nucleus. For CRF2 binding, the sites with a greater level in naked mole-rats include the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus and dentate gyrus, but the septohippocampal nucleus, lateral septal nuclei, amygdalostriatal transition area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and medial habenular nucleus display a greater level in Cape mole-rats. The results are discussed with reference to neuroanatomical and behavioral studies of various species, including monogamous and promiscuous voles. By analogy with findings in those species, we speculate that the abundance of CRF1 binding in the nucleus accumbens of Cape mole-rats reflects their lack of affiliative behavior.





