
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is detected in both normal and oncological developmental tissues. Among ALK-related tumors, superficial ALK-rearranged myxoid spindle cell neoplasm (SAMS) is a rare, soft tissue tumor characterized by the immunophenotypical co-expression of CD34 and S100. Here, we describe a patient with this rare tumor and outline its clinical and radiological characteristics. A 28-year-old woman with diabetes, hypertension, and panic disorder presented with discomfort caused by a rubbery mass on the left buttock that had persisted for 10 years. Computed tomography revealed a multilobulated hypodense mass with small internal enhancing foci, posing challenges for the exact diagnosis of the lesion. The entire lesion was excised with clear resection margins. An 8.0 × 6.0 cm, well-circumscribed tumor with a lobular growth pattern was observed in the deep subcutaneous tissue. Light microscopy revealed epithelioid, ovoid, and spindle-shaped cells with a reticular cordlike pattern. Immunohistochemistry results were positive for S100, CD34, and vimentin. Break-apart fluorescence in situ hybridization assay results for ALK were also positive. These findings were consistent with those of SAMS. This case suggests that SAMS should be considered when identifying large nonspecific masses during clinical and imaging evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Schwannoma is a rare mesenchymal tumor. In this study, we analyzed clinicopathologically 99 schwannomas.This retrospective study delves into the clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical dimensions of abdominal schwannomas.
    RESULTS: A cohort of 99 cases, comprising 4 malignant and 95 benign schwannomas, was meticulously examined. Clinical analysis revealed a notable gender distribution (1:1.7, male to female) and an average age of 58.5 years. The majority of cases were asymptomatic. A cohort of 99 cases, comprising 4 malignant and 95 benign schwannomas, was meticulously examined. Clinical analysis revealed a notable gender distribution (1:1.7, male to female) and an average age of 58.5 years. The majority of cases were asymptomatic. Tumor sizes ranged from 0.5 to 30 cm, with distinct locations in the stomach for most benign cases and the abdomen/small intestine for malignancies. Initial misdiagnoses were frequent. Pathological evaluations revealed distinct features, including Antoni A and B patterns, spindle cells, and lymphatic sheath structures in benign schwannomas. Malignant cases exhibited atypical cells, ulcers, and invasive growth. Immunohistochemical markers, such as S100, SOX10, and vimentin, consistently demonstrated positivity by contributing to accurate diagnoses. Treatment outcomes indicated a poor prognosis in malignant cases, with overall survival ranging from 10 to 41 months. Conversely, benign cases displayed no recurrence or metastasis during follow-up, despite atypical behaviors.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study underscores the rarity of abdominal schwannomas and underscores the need for a comprehensive diagnostic morphology and immunohistochemistry. SOX10 emerges as a crucial and specific marker for accurate diagnosis. Further research is imperative to refine diagnostic protocols and enhance our understanding of the clinical behavior of abdominal schwannomas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schwannomas are benign peripheral nerve sheath neoplasms that grow slowly and arise from Schwann cells. Here we report a case of an intraosseous schwannoma, with recent updates of molecular characterization and immunohistochemical data, affecting the left mandibular ramus featuring multilocular well-defined radiolucency making it difficult to diagnose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    S100 proteins comprise a family of structurally related proteins that are calcium-sensitive. S100 proteins have been found to play various roles in regulation of cell apoptosis, cell proliferation and differentiation, cell migration and invasion, energy metabolism, calcium homeostasis, protein phosphorylation, anti-microbial activity and inflammation in a variety of cell types. While the specific function of many S100 proteins remains unknown, some of the S100 proteins serve as disease biomarkers as well as possible therapeutic targets in skin diseases. Interface dermatitis (ID) is a histopathological term that covers many different skin conditions including cutaneous lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, and dermatomyositis. These pathologies share similar histological features, which include basal cell vacuolization and lymphocytic infiltration at the dermal-epidermal junction. In this review, we summarize how the S100 protein family contributes to both homeostatic and inflammatory processes in the skin. We also highlight the role of S100 proteins in neuronal signalling, describing how this might contribute to neuroimmune interactions in ID and other skin pathologies. Last, we discuss what is known about the S100 family proteins as both biomarkers and potential treatment targets in specific pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Schwannomas (SCHs) are benign neural tumors originating from Schwann cells of the peripheral nerve sheaths. These neoplasms typically exhibit hyalinized vessels with impaired vascular permeability; however, angioma-like features are rare. We report an intriguing case of a cutaneous SCH with unusual vascular changes in a 60-year-old female who presented with a tender nodular lesion on her lower back. Histopathological examination of the excised lesion revealed a schwannoma with a central area of thrombosis and a vascular proliferative lesion consistent with Masson\'s hemangioma (MH). MH, also known as intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (IPEH), is a rare benign vascular lesion characterized by papillary endothelial hyperplasia and obliterative changes within vascular lumens. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed S100 positivity in the SCH component and highlighted the papillary endothelial lining by ERG (erythroblast transformation-specific regulated gene 1). To our knowledge, this is the first report of a schwannoma harboring MH. This unique case underscores the potential for rare vascular proliferation to arise within otherwise typical SCHs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (PLCH) is a rare interstitial lung disease characterized by the accumulation of Langerhans cells within the lung tissue. The diagnosis of PLCH traditionally involves clinical, radiological, and lung biopsy histopathological evaluations.
    METHODS: We present 2 cases where the diagnosis of PLCH was confirmed through the analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid cytology using immunoperoxidase technique, highlighting the significance of this minimally invasive technique in the diagnostic process. Clinical and radiological examination suggested advanced interstitial lung disease characterized by a fibrocystic pattern in both cases. The cytologic analysis of the BAL fluid revealed typical histiocytes with longitudinal grooves and eosinophils, which was better seen on liquid-based cytology (LBC) smears. ICC with CD1a, Langerin, and S-100 confirmed the diagnosis of PLCH.
    CONCLUSIONS: Detecting PLCH through the examination of BAL cytology poses challenges, yet it is achievable, particularly with the assistance of LBC and ICC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    6-Cyanodopamine is a novel catecholamine released from rabbit isolated heart. However, it is not known whether this catecholamine presents any biological activity. Here, it was evaluated whether 6-cyanodopamine (6-CYD) is released from rat vas deferens and its effect on this tissue contractility. Basal release of 6-CYD, 6-nitrodopamine (6-ND), 6-bromodopamine, 6-nitrodopa, and 6-nitroadrenaline from vas deferens were quantified by LC-MS/MS. Electric-field stimulation (EFS) and concentration-response curves to noradrenaline, adrenaline, and dopamine of the rat isolated epididymal vas deferens (RIEVD) were performed in the absence and presence of 6-CYD and /or 6-ND. Expression of tyrosine hydroxylase was assessed by immunohistochemistry. The rat isolated vas deferens released significant amounts of both 6-CYD and 6-ND. The voltage-gated sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin had no effect on the release of 6-CYD, but it virtually abolished 6-ND release. 6-CYD alone exhibited a negligible RIEVD contractile activity; however, at 10 nM, 6-CYD significantly potentiated the noradrenaline- and EFS-induced RIEVD contractions, whereas at 10 and 100 nM, it also significantly potentiated the adrenaline- and dopamine-induced contractions. The potentiation of noradrenaline- and adrenaline-induced contractions by 6-CYD was unaffected by tetrodotoxin. Co-incubation of 6-CYD (100 pM) with 6-ND (10 pM) caused a significant leftward shift and increased the maximal contractile responses to noradrenaline, even in the presence of tetrodotoxin. Immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of tyrosine hydroxylase in both epithelial cell cytoplasm of the mucosae and nerve fibers of RIEVD. The identification of epithelium-derived 6-CYD and its remarkable synergism with catecholamines indicate that epithelial cells may regulate vas deferens smooth muscle contractility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) comprises a heterogeneous group of conditions that can cause marked disability and diminished quality of life. Data on predictors of clinical response are insufficient to guide selection of the appropriate biologic agent for individual patients. This study aimed to investigate the propensity of S100A8/9 and S100A12 as predictive biomarkers of abatacept response in polyarticular-course juvenile idiopathic arthritis (pJIA).
    METHODS: Data from a phase 3 trial (NCT01844518) of subcutaneous abatacept in patients with active pJIA (n = 219) were used in this exploratory analysis. Association between biomarker levels at baseline and improvements in JIA-American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria responses or baseline disease activity (measured by Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score in 27 joints using C-reactive protein [JADAS27-CRP]) were assessed. Biomarker level changes from baseline to month 4 were assessed for disease outcome prediction up to 21 months.
    RESULTS: At baseline, 158 patients had available biomarker samples. Lower baseline S100A8/9 levels (≤ 3295 ng/mL) were associated with greater odds of achieving JIA-ACR90 (odds ratio [OR]: 2.54 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.25-5.18]), JIA-ACR100 (OR: 3.72 [95% CI: 1.48-9.37]), JIA-ACR inactive disease (ID; OR: 4.25 [95% CI: 2.03-8.92]), JADAS27-CRP ID (OR: 2.34 [95% CI: 1.02-5.39]) at month 4, and JIA-ACR ID (OR: 3.01 [95% CI: 1.57-5.78]) at month 16. Lower baseline S100A12 levels (≤ 176 ng/mL) were associated with greater odds of achieving JIA-ACR90 (OR: 2.52 [95% CI: 1.23-5.13]), JIA-ACR100 (OR: 3.68 [95% CI: 1.46-9.28]), JIA-ACR ID (OR: 3.66 [95% CI: 1.76-7.61]), JIA-ACR90 (OR: 2.03 [95% CI: 1.07-3.87]), JIA-ACR100 (OR: 2.14 [95% CI: 1.10-4.17]), and JIA-ACR ID (OR: 4.22 [95% CI: 2.15-8.29]) at month 16. From baseline to month 4, decreases in S100A8/9 and S100A12 generally exceeded 50% among JIA-ACR90/100/ID responders.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lower baseline levels of S100A8/9 and S100A12 proteins predicted better response to abatacept treatment than higher levels and may serve as early predictive biomarkers in pJIA. Decreases in these biomarker levels may also predict longer-term response to abatacept in pJIA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A challenging task in routine practice is finding the distinction between benign and malignant paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas. The aim of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of angiogenesis by assessing intratumoral microvascular density (MVD) with immunohistochemical (IHC) markers (CD31, CD34, CD105, ERG), and S100 immunoreactivity, Ki67 proliferative index, succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB) expressiveness, tumor size with one the most utilized score Pheochromocytoma of Adrenal Gland Scales Score (PASS), using tissue microarray (TMA) with 115 tumor samples, 61 benign (PASS < 4) and 54 potentially malignant (PASS ≥ 4). We found no notable difference between intratumoral MVD and potentially malignant behavior. The group of potentially malignant tumors is significantly larger in size, has lower intratumoral MVD, and a decreased number of S100 labeled sustentacular cells. Both groups have low proliferative activity (mean Ki67 is 1.02 and 1.22, respectively). Most tumors maintain SDHB expression, only 6 cases (5.2%) showed a loss of expression (4 of them in PASS < 4 group and 2 in PASS ≥ 4). PASS score is easily available for assessment and complemented with markers of biological behavior to complete the risk stratification algorithm. Size is directly related to PASS score and malignancy. Intratumoral MVD is extensively developed but it is not crucial in evaluating the malignant potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium-binding S100A8 and S100A9 proteins play a significant role in various disorders due to their pro-inflammatory functions. Substantially, they are also relevant in neurodegenerative disorders via the delivery of signals for the immune response. However, at the same time, they can aggregate and accelerate the progression of diseases. Natively, S100A8 and S100A9 exist as homo- and heterodimers, but upon aggregation, they form amyloid-like oligomers, fibrils, or amorphous aggregates. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the aggregation propensities of S100A8, S100A9, and their heterodimer calprotectin by investigating aggregation kinetics, secondary structures, and morphologies of the aggregates. For the first time, we followed the in vitro aggregation of S100A8, which formed spherical aggregates, unlike the fibrillar structures of S100A9 under the same conditions. The aggregates were sensitive to amyloid-specific ThT and ThS dyes and had a secondary structure composed of β-sheets. Similarly to S100A9, S100A8 protein was stabilized by calcium ions, resulting in aggregation inhibition. Finally, the formation of S100A8 and S100A9 heterodimers stabilized the proteins in the absence of calcium ions and prevented their aggregation.





