
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The first small scale cultivation of potatoes in the Nordic countries began roughly 300 years ago, and later became an important staple food in the region. Organized conservation efforts began in the 1980s, and today, potato landraces, improved varieties, and breeding lines are conserved in genebanks at the Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen), Sweden, and the Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre (NGS), Norway, as well as at potato breeding companies across Nordic countries. All these collections house a diverse array of genotypes with local names and local growing histories from the whole region. However, the presence of duplicates, and inconsistent naming has led to confusion.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, 198 accessions of cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) have been genotyped with 62 microsatellite (SSR) markers. The analyzed accessions came from three collections: 43 accessions from the Danish Potato Breeding Foundation in Vandel (LKF-Vandel), 90 from NordGen and 65 from NGS.
    UNASSIGNED: The genetic analysis revealed 140 unique potato genotypes and 31 groups/clusters of duplicates, most of which contained duplicate pairs and the others three to ten accessions. Several accessions with distinct names were genetically identical or very similar, suggesting historical sharing, and regional distribution of seed potatoes, leading to the emergence of diverse local names. Moreover, many improved varieties from early potato breeding were revealed to have duplicates that have been considered Nordic landraces. Furthermore, potato accessions with identical names but originating from different collections were confirmed to be duplicates. These findings have already influenced management decisions and will further improve management practices for Nordic potato collections. Additionally, this new knowledge will benefit Nordic potato breeding efforts and allow for the dissemination of more accurate information to other users of potato diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sustainable management of transboundary fish stocks hinges on accurate delineation of population structure. Genetic analysis offers a powerful tool to identify potential subpopulations within a seemingly homogenous stock, facilitating the development of effective, coordinated management strategies across international borders. Along the West African coast, the Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) is a commercially important and ecologically significant species, yet little is known about its genetic population structure and connectivity. Currently, the stock is managed as a single unit in West African waters despite new research suggesting morphological and adaptive differences. Here, eight microsatellite loci were genotyped on 1,169 individuals distributed across 33 sampling sites from Morocco (27.39°N) to Namibia (22.21°S). Bayesian clustering analysis depicts one homogeneous population across the studied area with null overall differentiation (F ST = 0.0001ns), which suggests panmixia and aligns with the migratory potential of this species. This finding has significant implications for the effective conservation and management of S. colias within a wide scope of its distribution across West African waters from the South of Morocco to the North-Centre of Namibia and underscores the need for increased regional cooperation in fisheries management and conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Geoffroy\'s cat (Leopardus geoffroyi) is a small-sized felid native to South America. Given the species\' distribution covering a wide variety of habitats, and the presence of high levels of anthropization in part of its range, it is possible that genetically differentiated groups exist and that they occupy different climatic niches. We assessed patterns of contemporary genetic diversity and structure in the species across most of its range, characterizing each inferred genetic group based on ecological niche models. We genotyped 11 microsatellites for 142 samples covering most of Geoffroy\'s cat distribution, and investigated patterns of genetic structure and diversity, applying spatial and nonspatial Bayesian clustering methods and a spatial principal component analysis. We created ecological niche models for each genetic cluster, evaluating whether these clusters occupy different climatic spaces and display differences in the suitability of different values of the climatic variables analyzed. We identified two genetic clusters, one in the north-northeast and the other in the south-southwest of the species\' distribution. These clusters showed moderate FST values between them and differences in dispersal/genetic diversity. We found isolation-by-distance patterns globally and within each cluster. We observed lower expected heterozygosity compared with other studies and a north-south gradient in allelic richness. The southern cluster showed lower genetic variability and a more restricted climatic niche suggesting that this group is more vulnerable to the effects of the current context of climate change. Individuals from the southern genetic cluster are under different pressures, likely a product of the particularly dry habitat they occupy. Climatic variables associated with habitat suitability suggest the southern cluster has affinity for the arid and semiarid conditions present in its distribution. Conservation measures should consider the genetic structure observed and differences in climatic spaces to maintain the evolutionary potential of the species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Cape Verde palm tree, Phoenix atlantica, holds significant ecological and cultural importance within the Cape Verde archipelago. However, its genetic distinctiveness has been questioned due to its close relationship and morphological similarity to the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). In this study, we used an expanded sample set, 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, and a plastid minisatellite to characterize P. atlantica in Cape Verde and investigate its relationship with other Phoenix species. Our findings identify genetic markers that differentiate the P. atlantica genetic pool, including a unique fixed allele. We also provide evidence of the recent divergence of P. atlantica from Northern African date palm populations, suggesting a relatively recent colonization of Cape Verde by palm trees. Additionally, we characterized the genetic composition of palm tree populations across three Cape Verde islands, concluding that wild samples from certain populations in Boavista and Sal are best suited for establishing a seed and/or germplasm bank for replantation efforts, representing a crucial step for the conservation of Cape Verde\'s natural heritage. Overall, our results enhance the understanding of the historical trajectories and genetic characterization of palm trees in Africa, offering valuable insights for conservation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pink river dolphin, or bufeo, is one of the dolphins which lives in the rivers of the Orinoco and Amazon basins in South America. The Bolivian bufeo population is considered a differentiated species (Inia boliviensis) from the Amazon and Orinoco species (Inia geoffrensis). Until now, no study has completed an extensive population genetics analysis of the bufeo in Bolivian rivers. We analyzed 82 bufeos from different rivers from the Mamoré and Iténez (Guaporé) river basins for the mt control region (CR), nuclear microsatellites, and DQB-1 gene sequences to determine if the inner rapids of these Bolivian river basins have some influence on the genetic structure of this species. The first relevant result was that the genetic diversity for CR, and the microsatellites were substantially lower in the Bolivian bufeos than in the dolphins studied in other areas of the Amazon and Orinoco. However, the DQB-1 gene sequences yielded similar genetic diversity to those found in other areas. The second relevant result is the existence of some significant genetic heterogeneity among the bufeo populations within Bolivia, although in a small degree, but this differentiation is independent of the inner rapids of the Bolivian rivers we sampled. The third relevant result was the existence of significant isolation by distance for the CR, but not for microsatellites and DQB-1 gene sequences. This was related to differential gene flow capacity of females (philopatric) and males (less philopatric and more migrants) and, possibly, to different selective patterns affecting the molecular markers studied. The fourth relevant result was related to diverse demographic changes of these bufeos. At least two or three bottleneck events and one or two population expansions have occurred in the Bolivian bufeo population. The major part of these events occurred during the Pleistocene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conservation biology field underscores the importance of understanding genetic diversity and gene flow within plant populations and the factors that influence them. This study employs Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) molecular markers to investigate the genetic diversity of the endangered plant species Saussurea involucrata, offering a theoretical foundation for its conservation efforts. Utilizing sequencing results to screen SSR loci, we designed and scrutinized 18 polymorphic microsatellite primers across 112 samples from 11 populations in the Bayinbuluke region. Our findings reveal high genetic diversity (I = 0.837, He = 0.470) and substantial gene flow (Nm = 1.390) among S. involucrata populations (China, Xinjiang), potentially attributed to efficient pollen and seed dispersal mechanisms. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) indicates a lack of distinct genetic structuring within the Bayinbuluke populations. The cluster analysis using STRUCTURE reflected the genetic structure of S. involucrata to a certain extent compared with PCoA. The results showed that all samples were divided into four groups. To safeguard this species, we advocate for the in situ conservation of all S. involucrata populations in the area. The SSR markers developed in this study provide a valuable resource for future genetic research on S. involucrata.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Botryosphaeriaceae species are the major causal agents of walnut dieback worldwide, along with Diaporthe species. Botryosphaeria dothidea and Neofusicoccum parvum are the only two Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with this recently emergent disease in France, and little is known about their diversity, structure, origin and dispersion in French walnut orchards. A total of 381 isolates of both species were genetically typed using a sequence-based microsatellite genotyping (SSR-seq) method. This analysis revealed a low genetic diversity and a high clonality of these populations, in agreement with their clonal mode of reproduction. The genetic similarity among populations, regardless of the tissue type and the presence of symptoms, supports the hypothesis that these pathogens can move between fruits and twigs and display latent pathogen lifestyles. Contrasting genetic patterns between N. parvum populations from Californian and Spanish walnut orchards and the French ones suggested no conclusive evidence for pathogen transmission from infected materials. The high genetic similarity with French vineyards populations suggested instead putative transmission between these hosts, which was also observed with B. dothidea populations. Overall, this study provides critical insight into the epidemiology of two important pathogens involved in the emerging dieback of French walnut orchards, including their distribution, potential to mate, putative origin and disease pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chlorella sorokiniana green microalga offers many environmentally friendly applications, including wastewater treatment, biofertilizers, animal feed, and biofuel production. Different strains of C. sorokiniana have unique properties that may suit one application but not another. There is a need to distinguish between the many available strains of C. sorokiniana to choose the one that best fits the application. Consequently, our research goal was to develop strain-specific simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to differentiate between the different strains. Seventeen markers spanning ten out of the twelve chromosomes of the C. sorokiniana genome were developed and validated on eight different strains from culture collections and our lab, and were then analyzed by fragment analysis. The results demonstrate the potential of these polymorphic markers to detect the genetic differences between the strains of C. sorokiniana, and to serve as useful tools for the intra-species population genetic analysis and conservation genetics studies of C. sorokiniana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plant family Zingiberaceae consists of many medicinally important tropical herbs. Here, we provide a contig level genome assembly for Hedychium spicatum, one of the medicinally utilized species in this family. We used genome assembly to identify candidate Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers in the nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial compartments. We identified a total of 60,695 SSRs, which consisted of di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and complex repeat types, and primers were designed for 14,851 SSR loci from both coding and non-coding parts of the genome. A total of 62 sets of candidate SSR primers were tested, out of which a final set of 20 SSR markers were characterized and they met the criteria of amplification success and retention of the repeat motif and homology. Out of these 20 markers, we genotyped 11 markers by amplifying and sizing 99 accessions of H. spicatum from 13 different geographic locations. The 11 markers were also characterised for four congeneric species, H. ellipticum, H. gomezianum, H. venustum, and H. yunnanense. All 11 SSR markers were found to be polymorphic and showed cross-species amplification. The total number of alleles per locus varied from 5 to 25. SSR markers continue to be a valuable tool for researchers because of their cost-effectiveness and simplicity. The cross-species amplification and variability of the SSR markers generated here further extend the utility of the markers to other Hedychium spp. The markers presented in this dataset can be used for a variety of studies, such as population genetics of invasive Hedychium species, QTL mapping, DNA fingerprinting, parentage analysis and genetic diversity assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glacial periods have been considered inhospitable environments that consisted of treeless vegetation at higher latitudes. The fossil record suggests many species survived the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) within refugia, usually at lower latitudes. However, phylogeographic studies have given support to the existence of previously unknown high-latitude refugia not detected in the fossil record. Here we test the hypothesis that cold-tolerant trees of Patagonia survived cold periods in microclimatically favourable locales where hybridisation occurred between sister taxa. To study local presence through glacial periods in multiple refugia we used pollen records and genetic information (isozymes, microsatellites, and combined nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences) of population pairs of Nothofagus antarctica and N. pumilio, that belong to the ancient subgenus Nothofagus which can potentially hybridize in nature, along their entire latitudinal range in Patagonia. Studied species share the N. dombeyi type pollen which was abundant >20% at the northern-most latitudinal bands (35-43°S), even during the LGM. Mid- and southern latitudinal records (44-55°S) yielded lower abundances of ~10% that increased after c. 15.0 cal. ka BP. Therefore, fossil pollen evidence suggests a long-lasting local presence of Nothofagus throughout glacial-interglacial cycles but mostly as small populations between 44-51°S. We found species-specific and shared genetic variants, the latter of which attained relatively high frequencies thus providing evidence of ancestral polymorphisms. Populations of each species were similarly diverse suggesting survival throughout the latitudinal range. Estimates of coalescent divergence times were broadly synchronous across latitudes suggesting that regional climates similarly affected populations and species that hybridized through climate cycles fostering local persistence.





