
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evaluating intraspecific genetic structure and diversity is fundamental to assessing a species\' conservation status, but direct incorporation of such information into legal frameworks such as the EU\'s Habitats Directive is surprisingly rare. How genetic structure aligns with EU member state boundaries or biogeographic regions may be very important in designing management plans or achieving legislative goals. The Eurasian fish otter experienced a sharp population decline during the 20th century but is currently re-expanding in several countries. The species is listed under Annex II and IV of the European Habitats Directive, and member states are obliged to assess the species separately across different biogeographic regions. We genotyped 2492 otter spraints across four provinces in Austria, collected between 2017 and 2021. A total of 384 different genotypes were identified, supporting densities along river habitats from 0.1 to 0.47 otters per river km (mean: 0.306), with a resampling-based simulation supporting limited density overestimation at survey lengths of 20 km or more. Three distinct genetic clusters were revealed, two of them presumably reflecting two relict populations whereas the source of the third cluster is unknown. The geographic extent of the three clusters does not coincide with provincial or biogeographic boundaries, both relevant for assessment and management within existing national or European legislative frameworks. We advocate more consideration of genetic structure in the assessment and conservation management planning of species listed in the European Habitats Directive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microsatellites (or short-tandem repeats (STRs)) are widely used in anthropology and evolutionary studies. Their extensive polymorphism and rapid evolution make them the ideal genetic marker for dating events, such as the age of a gene or a population. This usage requires the estimation of mutation rates, which are usually estimated by counting the observed Mendelian incompatibilities in one-generation familial configurations (typically parent(s)-child duos or trios). Underestimations are inevitable when using this approach, due to the occurrence of mutational events that do not lead to incompatibilities with the parental genotypes (\'hidden\' or \'covert\' mutations). It is known that the likelihood that one mutation event leads to a Mendelian incompatibility depends on the mode of genetic transmission considered, the type of familial configuration (duos or trios) considered, and the genotype(s) of the progenitor(s). In this work, we show how the magnitude of the underestimation of autosomal microsatellite mutation rates varies with the populations\' allele frequency distribution spectrum. The Mendelian incompatibilities approach (MIA) was applied to simulated parent(s)/offspring duos and trios in different populational scenarios. The results showed that the magnitude and type of biases depend on the population allele frequency distribution, whatever the type of familial data considered, and are greater when duos, instead of trios, are used to obtain the estimates. The implications for molecular anthropology are discussed and a simple framework is presented to correct the naïf estimates, along with an informatics tool for the correction of incompatibility rates obtained through the MIA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diversification of island flora has been widely studied. However, the role of environmental niches in insular radiation processes has been less investigated. We combined population genetic analyses with species distribution modelling to clarify the genetic relationships, diversification patterns, species niche requirements, and conservation of Thesium sect. Kunkeliella, a clade of rare hemiparasitic plants endemic to the Canaries.
    We studied the three extant Thesium species and a new taxon from La Palma Island. We developed 12 microsatellites and performed population genetic analysis and studied the demographic history of the group. To evaluate the role of niche conservatism in the diversification of the group, we performed species distribution modelling (ESM) with four algorithms.
    All species presented moderate genetic diversity values for rare endemics. Thesium canariense (Gran Canaria) showed high differentiation, whereas T. subsucculentum, T. retamoides (Tenerife), and La Palma populations are closely related. The lineage may have undergone a recent diversification with colonization proceeding east to west, with T. canariense as sister to the others. We detected a climatic niche shift, as taxa showed different distributions across the temperature gradient. There is enough evidence to describe La Palma populations as a new species.
    We characterized the evolutionary history of Thesium sect. Kunkeliella by integrating genetic and ecological assessments. Our results indicate that this clade has undergone a recent radiation process with niche differentiation among species. The results increase our knowledge about insular radiations and will inform the conservation management of the study species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Poaching is one of the major types of wildlife crime in Russia. Remnants of goats (presumably the wild endemic species, the Caucasian tur) were found in an area of the Caucasian mountains. The case study involves a suspected poacher whose vehicle was found to have two duffel bags containing pieces of a carcass, which he claimed was that of a goat from his flock. The aim of the forensic genetic analysis for this case was to (i) establish individual identity and (ii) perform species identification. DNA typing based on fourteen microsatellites revealed that STR-genotypes generated from pieces of evidence found at crime scene fully matched those obtained from the evidence seized from the suspect. The results of genome-wide SNP-genotyping, using Illumina Goat SNP50 BeadChip, provided evidence that the poached animal was a wild Caucasian tur (Capra caucasica). Thus, based on comprehensive molecular genetic analysis, evidence of poaching was obtained and sent to local authorities. To our knowledge, this case study is the first to attempt to use DNA chips in wildlife forensics of ungulates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macaronesia has been considered a refuge region of the formerly widespread subtropical lauroid flora that lived in Southern Europe during the Tertiary. The study of relict angiosperms has shown that Macaronesian relict taxa preserve genetic variation and revealed general patterns of colonization and dispersal. However, information on the conservation of genetic diversity and range dynamics rapidly diminishes when referring to pteridophytes, despite their dominance of the herbaceous stratum in the European tropical palaeoflora. Here we aim to elucidate the pattern of genetic diversity and phylogeography of Diplazium caudatum, a hypothesized species of the Tertiary Palaeotropical flora and currently with its populations restricted across Macaronesia and disjunctly in the Sierras de Algeciras (Andalusia, southern Iberian Peninsula). We analysed 12 populations across the species range using eight microsatellite loci, sequences of a region of plastid DNA, and carry out species-distribution modelling analyses. Our dating results confirm the Tertiary origin of this species. The Macaronesian archipelagos served as a refuge during at least the Quaternary glacial cycles, where populations of D. caudatum preserved higher levels of genetic variation than mainland populations. Our data suggest the disappearance of the species in the continent and the subsequent recolonization from Macaronesia. The results of the AMOVA analysis and the indices of clonal diversity and linkage disequilibrium suggest that D. caudatum is a species in which inter-gametophytic outcrossing predominates, and that in the Andalusian populations there was a shift in mating system toward increased inbreeding and/or clonality. The model that best explains the genetic diversity distribution pattern observed in Macaronesia is, the initial and recurrent colonization between islands and archipelagos and the relatively recent diversification of restricted area lineages, probably due to the decrease of favorable habitats and competition with lineages previously established. This study extends to ferns the concept of Macaronesia archipelagos as refugia for genetic variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduced representation genome sequencing has popularized the application of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to address evolutionary and conservation questions in nonmodel organisms. Patterns of genetic structure and diversity based on SNPs often diverge from those obtained with microsatellites to different degrees, but few studies have explicitly compared their performance under similar sampling regimes in a shared analytical framework. We compared range-wide patterns of genetic structure and diversity in two amphibians endemic to the Iberian Peninsula: Hyla molleri and Pelobates cultripes, based on microsatellite (18 and 14 loci) and SNP (15,412 and 33,140 loci) datasets of comparable sample size and spatial extent. Model-based clustering analyses with STRUCTURE revealed minor differences in genetic structure between marker types, but inconsistent values of the optimal number of populations (K) inferred. SNPs yielded more repeatable and less admixed ancestries with increasing K compared to microsatellites. Genetic diversity was weakly correlated between marker types, with SNPs providing a better representation of southern refugia and of gradients of genetic diversity congruent with the demographic history of both species. Our results suggest that the larger number of loci in a SNP dataset can provide more reliable inferences of patterns of genetic structure and diversity than a typical microsatellite dataset, at least at the spatial and temporal scales investigated.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytogenetic data showed a variation in diploid chromosome number in the genus Hyphessobrycon ranging from 2n = 46 to 52, and studies involving repetitive DNA sequences are scarce in representatives of this genus. The purpose of this paper was the chromosomal mapping of repetitive sequences (rDNA, histone genes, U snDNA and microsatellites) and investigation of the amplification of 5S rDNA clusters in the Hyphessobrycon eques genome. Two H. eques populations displayed 2n = 52 chromosomes, with the acrocentric pair No. 24 bearing Ag-NORs corresponding with CMA3+/DAPI-. FISH with a 18S rDNA probe identified the NORs on the short (p) arms of the acrocentric pairs Nos. 22 and 24. The 5S rDNA probe visualized signals on almost all chromosomes in genomes of individuals from both populations (40 signals); FISH with H3 histone probe identified two chromosome pairs, with the pericentromeric location of signals; FISH with a U2 snDNA probe identified one chromosome pair bearing signals, on the interstitial chromosomal region. The mononucleotide (A), dinucleotide (CA) and tetranucleotide (GATA) repeats were observed on the centromeric/pericentromeric and/or terminal positions of all chromosomes, while the trinucleotide (CAG) repeat showed signals on few chromosomes. Molecular analysis of 5S rDNA and non-transcribed spacers (NTS) showed microsatellites (GATA and A repeats) and a fragment of retrotransposon (SINE3/5S-Sauria) inside the sequences. This study expanded the available cytogenetic data for H. eques and demonstrated to the dispersion of the 5S rDNA sequences on almost all chromosomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the past 50 years, Fennoscandian populations of spring-spawning Baltic cisco (Coregonus albula), sympatric to common autumn-spawners, have declined or disappeared; for example, three out of four known spring-spawning populations in Sweden are regarded as extinct. Over the same period, the climate has changed and populations have been subject to other anthropogenic stressors. We compared historic (1960s) and recent (1990-2000s) morphological data from the still-existent sympatric cisco populations in Lake Fegen, Sweden. Phenotypic changes were found for spring-spawners making them more similar to the sympatric autumn-spawners that had remained virtually unchanged. Based on results for other salmoniform fishes, a phenotypically plastic response to increased temperature during early development appears unlikely. The recent material was also analyzed with microsatellite markers; long-term effective population size in spring-spawners was estimated to be about 20 times lower than autumn-spawners, with signs of long-term gene flow in both directions and a recent genetic bottleneck in spring-spawners. We suggest the change toward a less distinct phenotype in spring-spawners to reflect a recent increase in gene flow from autumn-spawners. Time since divergence was estimated to only c. 1,900 years (95% CI: 400-5,900), but still the Fegen populations represent the most morphologically and genetically distinct sympatric populations studied. Consequently, we hypothesize that less distinct population pairs can be even younger and that spring-spawning may have repeatedly evolved and disappeared in several lakes since the end of the last glaciation, concurrent with changed environmental conditions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic diversity is essential for populations to adapt to changing environments. Measures of genetic diversity are often based on selectively neutral markers, such as microsatellites. Genetic diversity to guide conservation management, however, is better reflected by adaptive markers, including genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Our aim was to assess MHC and neutral genetic diversity in two contrasting bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) populations in Western Australia-one apparently viable population with high reproductive output (Shark Bay) and one with lower reproductive output that was forecast to decline (Bunbury). We assessed genetic variation in the two populations by sequencing the MHC class II DQB, which encompasses the functionally important peptide binding regions (PBR). Neutral genetic diversity was assessed by genotyping twenty-three microsatellite loci. We confirmed that MHC is an adaptive marker in both populations. Overall, the Shark Bay population exhibited greater MHC diversity than the Bunbury population-for example, it displayed greater MHC nucleotide diversity. In contrast, the difference in microsatellite diversity between the two populations was comparatively low. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that viable populations typically display greater genetic diversity than less viable populations. The results also suggest that MHC variation is more closely associated with population viability than neutral genetic variation. Although the inferences from our findings are limited, because we only compared two populations, our results add to a growing number of studies that highlight the usefulness of MHC as a potentially suitable genetic marker for animal conservation. The Shark Bay population, which carries greater adaptive genetic diversity than the Bunbury population, is thus likely more robust to natural or human-induced changes to the coastal ecosystem it inhabits.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge about the introduction history (source(s), number and size of introduction events) of an invasive species is a crucial prerequisite to understand invasion success and to facilitate effective and sustainable management approaches, especially for effective biological control. We investigated the introduction history of the Australian legume tree Acacia dealbata in South Africa. Results of this study will not only provide critical information for the management of this species in South Africa, but will also broaden our overall knowledge on the invasion ecology of this globally important invasive tree.
    We used nuclear microsatellite markers to compare the genetic diversity and structure between 42 native Australian and 18 invasive South African populations and to test different and competing introduction scenarios using Approximate Bayesian Computation analyses.
    Australian populations were characterized by two distinct genetic clusters, while South African populations lacked any clear genetic structure and showed significantly lower levels of genetic diversity compared to native range populations. South African populations were also genetically divergent from native populations and the most likely introduction scenario indicated an unknown source population.
    Although we cannot definitely prove the cause of the observed genetic novelty/diversification in South African Acacia dealbata populations, it cannot be attributable to insufficient sampling of native populations. Our study highlights the complexity of unravelling the introduction histories of commercially important alien species.





