
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Uncertainty is a common challenge for nurses in clinical decision-making, which can compromise patient care quality and safety. To address this issue, it is essential to understand how nurses perceive and cope with uncertainty in their practice.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to explore nurses\' perceptions of uncertainty in clinical decision-making using a qualitative approach.
    UNASSIGNED: This study was conducted with a qualitative approach and conventional content analysis in 2020. Participants consisted of 17 nurses from different wards of teaching hospitals in Northwestern Iran, recruited using the purposive sampling method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed simultaneously with data collection (June to December 2020). The data were analyzed using the content analysis approach suggested by Wildemuth. Data were managed with MAXQDA10 software. The analysis revealed four main themes and ten subthemes that described the nurses\' experiences of uncertainty in clinical decision-making.
    UNASSIGNED: The main themes were: difficult choice, difficult situation, insufficient judgment, and emotional burden.
    UNASSIGNED: The study participants defined uncertainty in clinical decision-making as a difficult choice that occurs in difficult situations, which influenced their clinical judgment and emotional well-being. These findings provide valuable insights for developing interventions to help nurses manage uncertainty and improve their decision-making skills and safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Art research has long aimed to unravel the complex associations between specific attributes, such as color, complexity, and emotional expressiveness, and art judgments, including beauty, creativity, and liking. However, the fundamental distinction between attributes as inherent characteristics or features of the artwork and judgments as subjective evaluations remains an exciting topic. This paper reviews the literature of the last half century, to identify key attributes, and employs machine learning, specifically Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT), to predict 13 art judgments along 17 attributes. Ratings from 78 art novice participants were collected for 54 Western artworks. Our GBDT models successfully predicted 13 judgments significantly. Notably, judged creativity and disturbing/irritating judgments showed the highest predictability, with the models explaining 31% and 32% of the variance, respectively. The attributes emotional expressiveness, valence, symbolism, as well as complexity emerged as consistent and significant contributors to the models\' performance. Content-representational attributes played a more prominent role than formal-perceptual attributes. Moreover, we found in some cases non-linear relationships between attributes and judgments with sudden inclines or declines around medium levels of the rating scales. By uncovering these underlying patterns and dynamics in art judgment behavior, our research provides valuable insights to advance the understanding of aesthetic experiences considering visual art, inform cultural practices, and inspire future research in the field of art appreciation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We introduce the concept of \"metajudgment\" to provide a framework for understanding folk standards people use to navigate everyday decisions. Defined as a set of metatheories and beliefs about different types of judgment, metajudgment serves as the guiding principle behind the selection and application of reasoning strategies in various contexts. We review emerging studies on metajudgment to identify common dimensions, such as intuition versus deliberative reasoning and rationality versus reasonableness. These dimensions are examined across multiple societies. The reviewed findings illuminate an apparent paradox: Universal adaptive challenges produce largely consistent folk standards of judgment across cultures, whereas situational demands drive systematic within-person variability. Metajudgment offers a comprehensive framework for understanding diverse reasoning patterns in individual and cross-cultural contexts, calling for greater attention to the ecologically sensitive study of within-person judgmental variability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in our lives, attention is increasingly turning to the way that humans and AI work together. A key aspect of human-AI collaboration is how people integrate judgements or recommendations from machine agents, when they differ from their own judgements. We investigated trust in human-machine teaming using a perceptual judgement task based on the judge-advisor system. Participants ( n = 89 ) estimated a perceptual quantity, then received a recommendation from a machine agent. The participants then made a second response which combined their first estimate and the machine\'s recommendation. The degree to which participants shifted their second response in the direction of the recommendations provided a measure of their trust in the machine agent. We analysed the role of advice distance in people\'s willingness to change their judgements. When a recommendation falls a long way from their initial judgement, do people come to doubt their own judgement, trusting the recommendation more, or do they doubt the machine agent, trusting the recommendation less? We found that although some participants exhibited these behaviours, the most common response was neither of these tendencies, and a simple model based on averaging accounted best for participants\' trust behaviour. We discuss implications for theories of trust, and human-machine teaming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The visual word form area in the occipitotemporal sulcus (here OTS-words) is crucial for reading and shows a preference for text stimuli. We hypothesized that this text preference may be driven by lexical processing. Hence, we performed three fMRI experiments (n = 15), systematically varying participants\' task and stimulus, and separately evaluated middle mOTS-words and posterior pOTS-words. Experiment 1 contrasted text with other visual stimuli to identify both OTS-words subregions. Experiment 2 utilized an fMRI adaptation paradigm, presenting compound words as texts or emojis. In experiment 3, participants performed a lexical or color judgment task on compound words in text or emoji format. In experiment 2, pOTS-words, but not mOTS-words, showed fMRI adaptation for compound words in both formats. In experiment 3, both subregions showed higher responses to compound words in emoji format. Moreover, mOTS-words showed higher responses during the lexical judgment task and a task-stimulus interaction. Multivariate analyses revealed that distributed responses in pOTS-words encode stimulus and distributed responses in mOTS-words encode stimulus and task. Together, our findings suggest that the function of the OTS-words subregions goes beyond the specific visual processing of text and that these regions are flexibly recruited whenever semantic meaning needs to be assigned to visual input.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies have emphasized the association between action and perceptual awareness, suggesting that action-related information can contribute to perceptual awareness. Given that the Level of Processing (LoP) hypothesis proposes that the emergence of awareness depends on the level of stimulus processing, the current study examines whether action impacts perceptual awareness across different processing levels. In Experiment 1, participants identified target stimuli\'s color (low-level task) or category (high-level task) via mouse clicks, followed by visual awareness ratings. Experiment 2 replicated the tasks using hand-grip dynamometers. Results from Experiment 1 support the LoP theory, showing a more gradual emergence of awareness for low-level features and a more dichotomous emergence for high-level features. In Experiment 2, higher reported visual awareness ratings were observed at greater physical effort, regardless of task type. These results suggest that action-related information influences reported awareness of stimuli in the same way at low- and high-level stimulus processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traditional philosophical inquiry, and more recently neuroscientific studies, have investigated the sources of artworks\' aesthetic appeal. A substantial effort has been made to isolate the objective features contributing to aesthetic appreciation. While variables such as contrast or symmetry have been shown to robustly impact aesthetic judgment, they only account for a small portion of the intersubjective variability in aesthetic ratings. Recent multiprocess model of aesthetic appreciation could accommodate this finding by proposing that evaluative processes based on self-reference underpin the idiosyncrasy of aesthetic judgment. We tested this hypothesis in two behavioral studies, that were basically conceptual replications of our previous work, in which we took advantage of the self-reference effect on memory. We also tried to disentangle the role of self-reference and emotional reaction to artworks in guiding aesthetic judgments, by comparing an aesthetic judgment encoding condition to a self-reference condition (Study 1), and an emotional evaluation condition (Study 2). We show that artworks encoded in an aesthetic judgment condition exhibit a similar mnesic advantage compared to both the self-reference and the emotional evaluation encoding conditions. Moreover, retrospective emotional judgment correlates with both self-reference and aesthetic judgments ratings. These results suggest that a basic mechanism, appraisal of self-relevance, could ground aesthetic judgments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive scientists differentiate the \"minimal self\" - subjective experiences of agency and ownership in our sensorimotor interactions with the world - from declarative beliefs about the self that are sustained over time. However, it remains an open question how individual sensory experiences of agency are integrated into the belief ofbeing an agent.We administered a sensorimotor task to measure subjects\' (n = 195) propensity to classify stimuli as self-caused and metacognitive monitoring of such judgements, and we compared these behavioral metrics to declarative beliefs about their agency. Subjects who were less sensitive to control cues also reported more negative agency beliefs, though positive beliefs were not clearly correlated with any sensorimotor measure. Importantly, this relationship between first-order sensitivity and declarative beliefs essentially disappears when controlling for metacognitive sensitivity. Results suggest agency beliefs are not related directly to the propensity to make positive agency judgements but are connected through introspective access.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this research, we examine whether moral judgments sometimes violate the normative principle of procedure invariance - that is, whether normatively equivalent elicitation tasks can result in different judgment patterns. Specifically, we show that the relative morality of two actions can reverse across evaluation modes and elicitation tasks, mirroring preference reversals in consumer behavior. Across six studies (five preregistered, total N = 719), we provide evidence of three reversals of moral judgments of sacrificial dilemmas. First, directly killing one person to save many others was rated as morally worse than indirectly killing one person via an intervening mechanism in order to save a few others in separate evaluation, but this difference reversed in joint evaluation, in both between-subjects (Studies 1a and 1b) and within-subjects (Study 2) designs. Next, directly killing one person to save many others was judged as morally better than indirectly killing one person to save a few others more often in matching than in choice (Study 3) and rating (Study 4), between-subjects. Lastly, we replicate the results of Studies 3 and 4 within-subjects and show that susceptibility to these moral preference reversals is correlated with Faith in Intuition (Study 5). The present research introduces a new methodological approach to moral psychology, demonstrates that moral judgments can fully reverse across tasks, and supports an emerging view that moral judgments, like consumer preferences, are at least sometimes constructed in the moment, relative to the context and task at hand.





