
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyergus kidnapper ants are widely distributed, but relatively uncommon, throughout the Holarctic, spanning an elevational range from sea level to over 3000 m. These species are well known for their obligate social parasitism with various Formica ant species, which they kidnap in dramatic, highly coordinated raids. Kidnapped Formica larvae and pupae become integrated into the Polyergus colony where they develop into adults and perform nearly all of the necessary colony tasks for the benefit of their captors. In California, Polyergus mexicanus is the most widely distributed Polyergus, but recent evidence has identified substantial genetic polymorphism within this species, including genetically divergent lineages associated with the use of different Formica host species. Given its unique behavior and genetic diversity, Polyergus mexicanus plays a critical role in maintaining ecosystem balance by influencing the population dynamics and genetic diversity of its host ant species, Formica, highlighting its conservation value and importance in the context of biodiversity preservation. Here, we present a high-quality genome assembly of P. mexicanus from a sample collected in Plumas County, CA, USA, in the foothills of the central Sierra Nevada. This genome assembly consists of 364 scaffolds spanning 252.31 Mb, with contig N50 of 481,250 kb, scaffold N50 of 10.36 Mb, and BUSCO completeness of 95.4%. We also assembled the genome of the Wolbachia endosymbiont of P. mexicanus - a single, circular contig spanning 1.23 Mb. These genome sequences provide essential resources for future studies of conservation genetics, population genetics, speciation, and behavioral ecology in this charismatic social insect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphometric analyses of male genitalia are routinely used to distinguish genera and species in beetles, butterflies, and flies, but are rarely used in ants, where most morphometric analyses focus on the external morphology of the worker caste. In this work, we performed linear morphometric analysis of the male genitalia to distinguish Monomorium and Syllophopsis in Madagascar. For 80 specimens, we measured 10 morphometric characters, especially on the paramere, volsella, and penisvalvae. Three datasets were made from linear measurements: mean (raw data), the ratios of characters (ratio data), and the Removal of Allometric Variance (RAV data). The following quantitative methods were applied to these datasets: hierarchical clustering (Ward\'s method), unconstrained ordination methods including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling analyses (NMDS), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Conditional Inference Trees (CITs). The results from statistical analysis show that the ratios proved to be the most effective approach for genus-level differentiation. However, the RAV method exhibited overlap between the genera. Meanwhile, the raw data facilitated more nuanced distinctions at the species level compared with the ratios and RAV approaches. The CITs revealed that the ratios of denticle length of the valviceps (SeL) to the paramere height (PaH) effectively distinguished between genera and identified key variables for species-level differentiation. Overall, this study shows that linear morphometric analysis of male genitalia is a useful data source for taxonomic delimitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge of viral biodiversity within insects, particularly within ants, is extremely limited with only a few environmental viruses from invasive ant species identified to date. This study documents and explores the viral communities in ants. We comprehensively profile the metagenomes of a phylogenetically broad group of 35 ant species with varied ecological traits and report the discovery of 3710 novel and unique ant-associated viral genomes. These previously unknown viruses discovered within this study constitute over 95% of all currently described ant viruses, significantly increasing our knowledge of the ant virosphere. The identified RNA and DNA viruses fill gaps in insect-associated viral phylogenies and uncover evolutionary histories characterized by both frequent host switching and co-divergence. Many ants also host diverse bacterial communities, and we discovered that approximately one-third of these new ant-associated viruses are bacteriophages. Two ecological categories, bacterial abundance in the host and habitat degradation are both correlated with ant viral diversity and help to structure viral communities within ants. These data demonstrate that the ant virosphere is remarkably diverse phylogenetically and genomically and provide a substantial foundation for studies in virus ecology and evolution within eukaryotes. We highlight the importance of studying insect-associated viruses in natural ecosystems in order to more thoroughly and effectively understand host-microbe evolutionary dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fire is a powerful tool for conservation management at a landscape scale, but a rigorous evidence base is often lacking for understanding its impacts on biodiversity in different biomes. Fire-induced changes to habitat openness have been identified as an underlying driver of responses of faunal communities, including for ants. However, most studies of the impacts of fire on ant communities consider only epigeic (foraging on the soil surface) species, which may not reflect the responses of species inhabiting other vertical strata. Here, we examine how the responses of ant communities vary among vertical strata in a highly fire-prone biome. We use a long-term field experiment to quantify the effects of fire on the abundance, richness, and composition of ant assemblages of four vertical strata (subterranean, leaf litter, epigeic, and arboreal) in an Australian tropical savanna. We first document the extent to which each stratum harbors distinct assemblages. We then assess how the assemblage of each stratum responds to three fire-related predictors: fire frequency, fire activity, and vegetation cover. Each stratum harbored a distinct ant assemblage and showed different responses to fire. Leaf litter and epigeic ants were most sensitive to fire because it directly affects their microhabitats, but they showed contrasting negative and positive responses, respectively. Subterranean ants were the least sensitive because of the insulating effects of soil. Our results show that co-occurring species of the same taxonomic group differ in the strength and direction of their response to fire depending on the stratum they inhabit. As such, effective fire management for biodiversity conservation should consider species in all vertical strata.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most described Mesozoic ants belong to stem groups that existed only during the Cretaceous period. Previously, the earliest known crown ants were dated to the Turonian (Late Cretaceous, ca. 94-90 million years ago (Ma)) deposits found in the USA, Kazakhstan, and Botswana. However, the recent discovery of an alate male ant in Kachin amber from the earliest Cenomanian (ca. 99 Ma), representing a new genus and species, Antiquiformica alata, revises the narrative on ant diversification. Antiquiformica can be distinctly differentiated from all known male stem ants by its geniculate antennae with elongated scape, extending far beyond the occipital margin of the head and half the length of the funiculus, as well as its partly reduced forewing venation. Furthermore, the combination of a one-segmented waist with a well-developed node, elongated scape extending beyond the occipital margin, and reduced forewing venation, particularly the completely reduced m-cu and rs-m crossveins and absence of rm and mcu closed cells, firmly places the fossil within the extant subfamily Formicinae. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirmed that the amber containing Antiquiformica alata originated from the Kachin mines in Myanmar. This discovery significantly revises our understanding of the early evolution of Formicinae. The presence of Antiquiformica in Cenomanian amber indicates that the subfamily Formicinae emerged at least by the start of the Late Cretaceous, with crown ants likely originating earlier during the earliest Cretaceous or possibly the Late Jurassic, although paleontological evidence is lacking to support the latter hypothesis.
    大多数被描述的中生代蚂蚁属于仅生存在白垩纪的基干类群。目前已知最古老的冠群蚂蚁发现于美国、哈萨克斯坦和博茨瓦纳的土仑阶沉积中(晚白垩纪,约94–90 Ma)。然而,在克钦琥珀中发现的一个森诺曼阶早期的有翅雄蚁新种(约99 Ma)——翼古老蚁( Antiquiformica alata)改变了对蚂蚁类群分化的认识。古老蚁属( Antiquiformica)与所有已知的雄性蚂蚁明显不同:触角呈膝状;柄节较长,延伸远超过后头边缘,长度约为鞭小节的一半;前翅翅脉部分减少。此外,古老蚁属( Antiquiformica)具有一个发育良好的腹结节、延伸超过后头边缘的细长柄节、简化的前翅翅脉,尤其是前翅横脉m-cu和rs-m完全消失、翅室rm和mcu不闭合,这些特征都表明翼古老蚁属于现存的蚁亚科。傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)结果表明这件琥珀来自缅甸克钦矿区。新化石的发现极大地改变了我们对蚁亚科早期演化的认识。在克钦琥珀(森诺曼阶)中发现的古老蚁属( Antiquiformica)证实蚁亚科至少在晚白垩的早期就已经出现,而冠群蚂蚁出现时间肯定更早。冠群蚂蚁可能起源于白垩纪早期甚至侏罗纪晚期,尽管这一假设还未得到古生物学证据的支持。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, hypotheses regarding the evolutionary patterns of ribosomal genes in ant chromosomes have been under discussion. One of these hypotheses proposes a relationship between chromosomal location and the number of rDNA sites, suggesting that terminal locations facilitate the dispersion of rDNA clusters through ectopic recombination during meiosis, while intrachromosomal locations restrict them to a single chromosome pair. Another hypothesis suggests that the multiplication of rDNA sites could be associated with an increase in the chromosome number in Hymenoptera due to chromosomal fissions. In this study, we physically mapped rDNA sites in 15 new ant species and also reviewed data on rDNA available since the revision by Teixeira et al. (2021a). Our objectives were to investigate whether the new data confirm the relationship between chromosomal location and the number of rDNA sites, and whether the increase in the chromosome number is significant in the dispersion of rDNA clusters in ant karyotypes. Combining our new data with all information on ant cytogenetics published after 2021, 40 new species and nine new genera were assembled. Most species exhibited intrachromosomal rDNA sites on a single chromosome pair, while three species showed these genes in terminal regions of multiple chromosome pairs. On one hand, the hypothesis that the chromosomal location of rDNA clusters may facilitate the dispersion of rDNA sites in the ant genome, as previously discussed, was strengthened, but, on the other hand, the hypothesis of chromosomal fission as the main mechanism for dispersion of ribosomal genes in ants is likely to be refuted. Furthermore, in certain genera, the location of rDNA sites remained similar among the species studied, whereas in others, the distribution of these genes showed significant variation between species, suggesting a more dynamic chromosomal evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clonal raider ant, Ooceraeabiroi, is a queenless species that reproduces asexually, and these traits make it an attractive model system for laboratory research. However, it is unclear where on the ant phylogeny these traits evolved, partly because few closely related species have been described and studied. Here, we describe a new raider ant species, Ooceraeahainingensis sp. nov., from Zhejiang, China. This species is closely related to O.biroi but can be distinguished by the following features: 1) workers of O.hainingensis sp. nov. have an obvious promesonotal suture and a metanotal groove, whereas these characters are ambiguous in O.biroi; and 2) the subpetiolar process of O.hainingensis is prominent and anteroventrally directed like a thumb with sublinear posteroventral margin, while in O.biroi, it is anteroventrally directed but slightly backward-bent. Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm that O.hainingensis is genetically distinct from O.biroi. Importantly, unlike O.biroi, O.hainingensis has a queen caste with wings and well-developed eyes. This suggests that the loss of the queen caste and transition to asexual reproduction by workers is specific to O.biroi and occurred after that species diverged from closely related congeneric species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some parasitic fungi can increase fitness by modifying the behavior of their hosts. These behaviors are known as extended phenotypes because they favor parasitic gene propagation. Here, we studied three lineages of Ophiocordyceps, a fungus that infects ants, altering their conduct before death. According to fungal strategy, ants may die in leaf litter, with entwined legs in branches, under the moss mat, or biting plant tissue. It is critical for parasites that the corpses stay at these places because Ophiocordyceps exhibit iteroparity, possibly releasing spores in multiple life cycles. Thus, we assumed substrate cadaver permanence as a fungi reproductive proxy and corpse height as a proxy of cadaver removal. We hypothesize that biting vegetation and dying in higher places may increase the permanence of ant corpses while avoiding possible corpse predation on the forest floor. We monitored over a year more than 4000 zombie ants in approximately 15 km2 of undisturbed tropical forest in central Amazonia. Our results show a longer permanence of corpses with increasing ground height, suggesting that the parasites may have better chances of releasing spores and infecting new hosts at these places. We found that the zombie ants that last longer on the substrate die under the moss mat in tree trunks, not necessarily biting vegetation. The biting behavior appears to be the most derived and complex mechanism among Ophiocordyceps syndromes. Our results put these findings under a new perspective, proposing that seemingly less complex behavioral changes are ecologically equivalent and adaptative for other parasite lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Various animal taxa have specialized to living with social hosts. Depending on their level of specialization, these symbiotic animals are characterized by distinct behavioural, chemical, and morphological traits that enable close heterospecific interactions. Despite its functional importance, our understanding of the feeding ecology of animals living with social hosts remains limited. We examined how host specialization of silverfish co-habiting with ants affects several components of their feeding ecology. We combined stable isotope profiling, feeding assays, phylogenetic reconstruction, and microbial community characterization of the Neoasterolepisma silverfish genus and a wider nicoletiid and lepismatid silverfish panel where divergent myrmecophilous lifestyles are observed.
    RESULTS: Stable isotope profiling (δ13C and δ15N) showed that the isotopic niches of granivorous Messor ants and Messor-specialized Neoasterolepisma exhibit a remarkable overlap within an ant nest. Trophic experiments and gut dissections further supported that these specialized Neoasterolepisma silverfish transitioned to a diet that includes plant seeds. In contrast, the isotopic niches of generalist Neoasterolepisma silverfish and generalist nicoletiid silverfish were clearly different from their ant hosts within the shared nest environment. The impact of the myrmecophilous lifestyle on feeding ecology was also evident in the internal silverfish microbiome. Compared to generalists, Messor-specialists exhibited a higher bacterial density and a higher proportion of heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria. Moreover, the nest environment explained the infection profile (or the 16S rRNA genotypes) of Weissella bacteria in Messor-specialized silverfish and the ant hosts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Together, we show that social hosts are important determinants for the feeding ecology of symbiotic animals and can induce diet convergence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Four new inquiline social parasites are described in the dolichoderine ant genus Tapinoma from the Nearctic region, and keys are provided for queens and males of the Nearctic Tapinoma species. The new social parasite species represent the first inquiline species in the genus Tapinoma and the first confirmed inquilines known from the ant subfamily Dolichoderinae. The four new species appear to be workerless inquilines that exploit a single host, Tapinomasessile (Say), and they represent at least two distinct life history syndromes. Tapinomaincognitum Cover & Rabeling, sp. nov. is highly derived morphologically and is a host-queen-tolerant inquiline. In contrast, T.inflatiscapus Cover & Rabeling, sp. nov. shows a lesser degree of morphological modification and appears to be a host-queen-intolerant social parasite. The life history of T.pulchellum Cover & Rabeling, sp. nov. is presently unknown, but its close similarity to T.incognitum suggests that it is also a host-queen-tolerant inquiline. The life history of T.shattucki Cover & Rabeling, sp. nov. is still uncertain. Our findings provide novel insights into the complex biology of ant inquiline life history syndromes.





