
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphometric analyses of male genitalia are routinely used to distinguish genera and species in beetles, butterflies, and flies, but are rarely used in ants, where most morphometric analyses focus on the external morphology of the worker caste. In this work, we performed linear morphometric analysis of the male genitalia to distinguish Monomorium and Syllophopsis in Madagascar. For 80 specimens, we measured 10 morphometric characters, especially on the paramere, volsella, and penisvalvae. Three datasets were made from linear measurements: mean (raw data), the ratios of characters (ratio data), and the Removal of Allometric Variance (RAV data). The following quantitative methods were applied to these datasets: hierarchical clustering (Ward\'s method), unconstrained ordination methods including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling analyses (NMDS), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Conditional Inference Trees (CITs). The results from statistical analysis show that the ratios proved to be the most effective approach for genus-level differentiation. However, the RAV method exhibited overlap between the genera. Meanwhile, the raw data facilitated more nuanced distinctions at the species level compared with the ratios and RAV approaches. The CITs revealed that the ratios of denticle length of the valviceps (SeL) to the paramere height (PaH) effectively distinguished between genera and identified key variables for species-level differentiation. Overall, this study shows that linear morphometric analysis of male genitalia is a useful data source for taxonomic delimitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, hypotheses regarding the evolutionary patterns of ribosomal genes in ant chromosomes have been under discussion. One of these hypotheses proposes a relationship between chromosomal location and the number of rDNA sites, suggesting that terminal locations facilitate the dispersion of rDNA clusters through ectopic recombination during meiosis, while intrachromosomal locations restrict them to a single chromosome pair. Another hypothesis suggests that the multiplication of rDNA sites could be associated with an increase in the chromosome number in Hymenoptera due to chromosomal fissions. In this study, we physically mapped rDNA sites in 15 new ant species and also reviewed data on rDNA available since the revision by Teixeira et al. (2021a). Our objectives were to investigate whether the new data confirm the relationship between chromosomal location and the number of rDNA sites, and whether the increase in the chromosome number is significant in the dispersion of rDNA clusters in ant karyotypes. Combining our new data with all information on ant cytogenetics published after 2021, 40 new species and nine new genera were assembled. Most species exhibited intrachromosomal rDNA sites on a single chromosome pair, while three species showed these genes in terminal regions of multiple chromosome pairs. On one hand, the hypothesis that the chromosomal location of rDNA clusters may facilitate the dispersion of rDNA sites in the ant genome, as previously discussed, was strengthened, but, on the other hand, the hypothesis of chromosomal fission as the main mechanism for dispersion of ribosomal genes in ants is likely to be refuted. Furthermore, in certain genera, the location of rDNA sites remained similar among the species studied, whereas in others, the distribution of these genes showed significant variation between species, suggesting a more dynamic chromosomal evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clonal raider ant, Ooceraeabiroi, is a queenless species that reproduces asexually, and these traits make it an attractive model system for laboratory research. However, it is unclear where on the ant phylogeny these traits evolved, partly because few closely related species have been described and studied. Here, we describe a new raider ant species, Ooceraeahainingensis sp. nov., from Zhejiang, China. This species is closely related to O.biroi but can be distinguished by the following features: 1) workers of O.hainingensis sp. nov. have an obvious promesonotal suture and a metanotal groove, whereas these characters are ambiguous in O.biroi; and 2) the subpetiolar process of O.hainingensis is prominent and anteroventrally directed like a thumb with sublinear posteroventral margin, while in O.biroi, it is anteroventrally directed but slightly backward-bent. Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm that O.hainingensis is genetically distinct from O.biroi. Importantly, unlike O.biroi, O.hainingensis has a queen caste with wings and well-developed eyes. This suggests that the loss of the queen caste and transition to asexual reproduction by workers is specific to O.biroi and occurred after that species diverged from closely related congeneric species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Various animal taxa have specialized to living with social hosts. Depending on their level of specialization, these symbiotic animals are characterized by distinct behavioural, chemical, and morphological traits that enable close heterospecific interactions. Despite its functional importance, our understanding of the feeding ecology of animals living with social hosts remains limited. We examined how host specialization of silverfish co-habiting with ants affects several components of their feeding ecology. We combined stable isotope profiling, feeding assays, phylogenetic reconstruction, and microbial community characterization of the Neoasterolepisma silverfish genus and a wider nicoletiid and lepismatid silverfish panel where divergent myrmecophilous lifestyles are observed.
    RESULTS: Stable isotope profiling (δ13C and δ15N) showed that the isotopic niches of granivorous Messor ants and Messor-specialized Neoasterolepisma exhibit a remarkable overlap within an ant nest. Trophic experiments and gut dissections further supported that these specialized Neoasterolepisma silverfish transitioned to a diet that includes plant seeds. In contrast, the isotopic niches of generalist Neoasterolepisma silverfish and generalist nicoletiid silverfish were clearly different from their ant hosts within the shared nest environment. The impact of the myrmecophilous lifestyle on feeding ecology was also evident in the internal silverfish microbiome. Compared to generalists, Messor-specialists exhibited a higher bacterial density and a higher proportion of heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria. Moreover, the nest environment explained the infection profile (or the 16S rRNA genotypes) of Weissella bacteria in Messor-specialized silverfish and the ant hosts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Together, we show that social hosts are important determinants for the feeding ecology of symbiotic animals and can induce diet convergence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Four new inquiline social parasites are described in the dolichoderine ant genus Tapinoma from the Nearctic region, and keys are provided for queens and males of the Nearctic Tapinoma species. The new social parasite species represent the first inquiline species in the genus Tapinoma and the first confirmed inquilines known from the ant subfamily Dolichoderinae. The four new species appear to be workerless inquilines that exploit a single host, Tapinomasessile (Say), and they represent at least two distinct life history syndromes. Tapinomaincognitum Cover & Rabeling, sp. nov. is highly derived morphologically and is a host-queen-tolerant inquiline. In contrast, T.inflatiscapus Cover & Rabeling, sp. nov. shows a lesser degree of morphological modification and appears to be a host-queen-intolerant social parasite. The life history of T.pulchellum Cover & Rabeling, sp. nov. is presently unknown, but its close similarity to T.incognitum suggests that it is also a host-queen-tolerant inquiline. The life history of T.shattucki Cover & Rabeling, sp. nov. is still uncertain. Our findings provide novel insights into the complex biology of ant inquiline life history syndromes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) poses a significant threat to ecosystem stability worldwide. In Mediterranean citrus ecosystems, its spread may be limited by interactions with dominant native ant species. We conducted laboratory experiments to investigate the competitive dynamics between Argentine ants and two major native species, Tapinoma nigerrimum and Lasius grandis. At the individual level, both native species exhibited superior competitive performance, attributed to their larger body sizes and potential differences in chemical defences. At the colony level, T. nigerrimum demonstrated efficiency in interference competition, successfully defending food resources from Argentine ants. However, the Argentine ant exhibited higher recruitment capacity, albeit it was density-dependent. Our findings support the hypothesis that dominant native ants can serve as barriers against Argentine ant invasion in citrus ecosystems, highlighting the importance of interspecific competition in shaping community dynamics and invasive species management. This study underscores the potential role of native ant species in mitigating the impacts of invasive ants on ecosystem functioning and biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes, offering valuable insights for invasive species management strategies in Mediterranean citrus ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ground-dwelling invertebrates are vital for soil biodiversity and function maintenance. Contemporary biodiversity assessment necessitates novel and automatic monitoring methods because of the threat of sharp reductions in soil biodiversity in farmlands worldwide. Using infrared camera traps (ICTs) is an effective method for assessing richness and abundance of ground-dwelling invertebrates. However, the influence that the shooting area of ICTs has on the diversity of ground-dwelling invertebrates has not been strongly considered during survey design. In this study, data from six ICTs with two shooting areas (A1, 38.48 cm2; A2, 400 cm2) were used to investigate ground-dwelling invertebrates in a farm in a city on the Eastern Coast of China from 20: 00 on July 31 to 00:00 on September 29, 2022. Over the course of 59 days and 1420 h, invertebrates within 9 taxa, 2447 individuals, and 112,909 ind./m2 were observed from 222,912 images. Our results show that ICTs with relatively large shooting areas recorded relatively high taxonomic richness and abundance of total ground-dwelling invertebrates, relatively high abundance of the dominant taxon, and relatively high daily and hourly abundance of most taxa. The shooting areas of ICTs significantly affected the recorded taxonomic richness and abundance of ground-dwelling invertebrates throughout the experimental period and at fine temporal resolutions. Overall, these results suggest that the shooting areas of ICTs should be considered when designing experiments, and ICTs with relatively large shooting areas are more favorable for monitoring the diversity of ground-dwelling invertebrates. This study further provides an automatic tool and high-quality data for biodiversity monitoring and protection in farmlands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ant rescue behaviour belongs to the most interesting subcategories of prosocial and altruistic behaviour encountered in the animal world. Several studies suggested that ants are able to identify what exactly restrains the movements of another individual and to direct their rescue behaviour precisely to that object. To shed more light on the question of how precise the identification of the source of restraint of another ant is, we investigated rescue behaviour of red wood ant Formica polyctena workers, using a new version of an artificial snare bioassay in which a nestmate victim bore two wire loops on its body, one (acting as a snare) placed on its petiole and an additional one on its leg. The tested ants did not preferentially direct their rescue behaviour towards the snare. Moreover, the overall strategy adopted by the most active rescuers was not limited to precisely targeted rescue attempts directed towards the snare, but consisted of frequent switching between various subcategories of rescue behaviour. These findings highlight the importance of precise identification of cognitive processes and overall behavioural strategies for better understanding of causal factors underlying animal helping behaviour in light of new facts discovered by testing of various successive research hypotheses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-native ants can cause ecosystem-wide ecological change, and these changes are generally assumed to be negative. Despite this, the evidence base has never been holistically synthesised to quantify whether and to what degree non-native ants impact native species diversity.In this study, we performed a meta-analysis of the effects of ant invasion on animal communities. We extracted data from 46 published articles investigating abundance (156 effect sizes) and richness (53 effect sizes) responses of animal taxa to ant invasion in locations relatively unimpacted by other stressors (e.g. human disturbance, other non-native species) to help isolate the effects of invasion.Overall, local animal diversity declined severely, with species abundance and richness lower by 42.79% and 53.56%, respectively, in areas with non-native ants compared with intact uninvaded sites. We then combined responses of individual animal taxa extracted from an article into a single response to represent the \'community\' abundance (40 effect sizes) or richness (28 effect sizes) response to non-native ants represented in each article. Local communities decreased substantially in total abundance (52.67%) and species richness (53.47%) in invaded sites.These results highlight non-native ants as the drivers, rather than passengers, of large net-negative reductions to animal community diversity in relatively undisturbed systems around the world, approximately halving local species abundance and richness in invaded areas. Improved international prevention processes, early detection systems harnessing emerging technologies, and well-designed control measures deployable by conservation practitioners are urgently needed if these effects are to be mitigated, prevented or reversed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Few studies have investigated the relative contribution of specific nutrients to momentary and season-long foraging responses by ants. Using western carpenter ants, Camponotus modoc, and European fire ants, Myrmica rubra, as model species, we: (1) tested preferential consumption of various macro- and micro-nutrients; (2) compared consumption of preferred macro-nutrients; (3) investigated seasonal shifts (late May to mid-September) in nutrient preferences; and (4) tested whether nutrient preferences of C. modoc and M. rubra pertain to black garden ants, Lasius niger, and thatching ants, Formica aserva. In laboratory and field experiments, we measured nutrient consumption by weighing Eppendorf tubes containing aqueous nutrient solutions before and after feeding by ants. Laboratory colonies of C. modoc favored nitrogenous urea and essential amino acids (EAAs), whereas M. rubra colonies favored sucrose. Field colonies of C. modoc and M. rubra preferentially consumed EAAs and sucrose, respectively, with no sustained shift in preferred macro-nutrient over the course of the foraging season. The presence of a less preferred macro-nutrient in a nutrient blend did not diminish the blend\'s \'appeal\' to foraging ants. Sucrose and EAAs singly and in combination were equally consumed by L. niger, whereas F. aserva preferred EAAs. Baits containing both sucrose and EAAs were consistently consumed by the ants studied in this project and should be considered for pest ant control.





