Form Perception

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motion can produce large changes in the apparent locations of briefly flashed tests presented on or near the motion. These motion-induced position shifts may have a variety of sources. They may be due to a frame effect where the moving pattern provides a frame of reference for the locations of events within it. The motion of the background may act through high-level mechanisms that track its explicit contours or the motion may act on position through the signals from low-level motion detectors. Here we isolate the contribution of low-level motion by eliminating explicit contours and trackable features. In this case, motion still supports a robust shift in probe locations with the shift being in the direction of the motion that follows the probe. Although robust, the magnitude of the shift in our first experiment is about 20% of the shift seen in a previous study with explicit frames and, in the second, about 45% of that found with explicit frames. Clearly, low-level motion alone can produce position shifts although the magnitude is much reduced compared to that seen when high-level mechanisms can contribute.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Super recognizers (SRs) are people that exhibit a naturally occurring superiority for processing facial identity. Despite the increase of SR research, the mechanisms underlying their exceptional abilities remain unclear. Here, we investigated whether the enhanced facial identity processing of SRs could be attributed to the lack of sequential effects, such as serial dependence. In serial dependence, perception of stimulus features is assimilated toward stimuli presented in previous trials. This constant error in visual perception has been proposed as a mechanism that promotes perceptual stability in everyday life. We hypothesized that an absence of this constant source of error in SRs could account for their superior processing-potentially in a domain-general fashion. We tested SRs (n = 17) identified via a recently proposed diagnostic framework (Ramon, 2021) and age-matched controls (n = 20) with two experiments probing serial dependence in the face and shape domains. In each experiment, observers were presented with randomly morphed face identities or shapes and were asked to adjust a face\'s identity or a shape to match the stimulus they saw. We found serial dependence in controls and SRs alike, with no difference in its magnitude across groups. Interestingly, we found that serial dependence impacted the performance of SRs more than that of controls. Taken together, our results show that enhanced face identity processing skills in SRs cannot be attributed to the lack of serial dependence. Rather, serial dependence, a beneficial nested error in our visual system, may in fact further stabilize the perception of SRs and thus enhance their visual processing proficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perceiving verticality is crucial for accurate spatial orientation. Previous research has revealed that tilted scenes can bias verticality perception. Verticality perception bias can be represented as the sum of multiple periodic functions that play a role in the perception of visual orientation, where the specific factors affecting each periodicity remain uncertain. This study investigated the influence of the width and depth of an indoor scene on each periodic component of the bias. The participants were presented with an indoor scene showing a rectangular checkerboard room (Experiment 1), a rectangular aperture on the wall (Experiment 2), or a rectangular dotted room (Experiment 3), with various aspect ratios. The stimuli were presented with roll orientations ranging from 90° clockwise to 90° counterclockwise. The participants were asked to report their subjective visual vertical (SVV) perceptions. The contributions of 45°, 90°, and 180° periodicities to the SVV error were assessed by the weighted vector sum model. In Experiment 1, the periodic components of the SVV error increased with the aspect ratio. In Experiments 2 and 3, only the 90° component increased with the aspect ratio. These findings suggest that extended transverse surfaces may modulate the periodic components of verticality perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans rely on predictive and integrative mechanisms during visual processing to efficiently resolve incomplete or ambiguous sensory signals. Although initial low-level sensory data are conveyed by feedforward connections, feedback connections are believed to shape sensory processing through automatic conveyance of statistical probabilities based on prior exposure to stimulus configurations. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show biases in stimulus processing toward parts rather than wholes, suggesting their sensory processing may be less shaped by statistical predictions acquired through prior exposure to global stimulus properties. Investigations of illusory contour (IC) processing in neurotypical (NT) adults have established a well-tested marker of contour integration characterized by a robust modulation of the visually evoked potential (VEP)-the IC-effect-that occurs over lateral occipital scalp during the timeframe of the visual N1 component. Converging evidence strongly supports the notion that this IC-effect indexes a signal with significant feedback contributions. Using high-density VEPs, we compared the IC-effect in 6- to 17-yr-old children with ASD (n = 32) or NT development (n = 53). Both groups of children generated an IC-effect that was equivalent in amplitude. However, the IC-effect notably onset 21 ms later in ASD, even though initial VEP afference was identical across groups. This suggests that feedforward information predominated during perceptual processing for 15% longer in ASD compared with NT children. This delay in the feedback-dependent IC-effect, in the context of known developmental differences between feedforward and feedback fibers, suggests a potential pathophysiological mechanism of visual processing in ASD, whereby ongoing stimulus processing is less shaped by visual feedback.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Children with autism often present with an atypical visual perceptual style that emphasizes parts or details over the whole. Using electroencephalography (EEG), this study identifies delays in the visual feedback from higher-order sensory brain areas to primary sensory regions. Because this type of visual feedback is thought to carry information about prior sensory experiences, individuals with autism may have difficulty efficiently using prior experience or putting together parts into a whole to help make sense of incoming new visual information. This provides empirical neural evidence to support theories of disrupted sensory perception mechanisms in autism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The watercolor effect (WCE) is a striking visual illusion elicited by a bichromatic double contour, such as a light orange and a dark purple, hugging each other on a white background. Color assimilation, emanating from the lighter contour, spreads onto the enclosed surface area, thereby tinting it with a chromatic veil, not unlike a weak but real color. Map makers in the 17th century utilized the WCE to better demarcate the shape of adjoining states, while 20th-century artist Bridget Riley created illusory watercolor as part of her op-art. Today\'s visual scientists study the WCE for its filling-in properties and strong figure-ground segregation. This review emphasizes the superior strength of the WCE for grouping and figure-ground organization vis-à-vis the classical Gestalt factors of Max Wertheimer (1923), thereby inspiring a notion of form from induced color. It also demonstrates that a thin chromatic line, flanking the inside of a black Mondrian-type pattern, induces the WCE across a large white surface area. Phenomenological, psychophysical, and neurophysiological approaches are reviewed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments revealed similar neural representations across different types of two-dimensional (2-D) visual stimuli; however, real three-dimensional (3-D) objects affording action differentially affect neural activation and behavioral results relative to 2-D objects. Recruitment of multiple sensory regions during unisensory (visual, haptic, and auditory) object shape tasks suggests that shape representation may be modality invariant. This mini-review explores the overlapping neural regions involved in object shape representation, across 2-D, 3-D, visual, and haptic experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Four experiments were conducted to gain a better understanding of the visual mechanisms related to how integration of partial shape cues provides for recognition of the full shape. In each experiment, letters formed as outline contours were displayed as a sequence of adjacent segments (fragments), each visible during a 17-ms time frame. The first experiment varied the contrast of the fragments. There were substantial individual differences in contrast sensitivity, so stimulus displays in the masking experiments that followed were calibrated to the sensitivity of each participant. Masks were displayed either as patterns that filled the entire screen (full field) or as successive strips that were sliced from the pattern, each strip lying across the location of the letter fragment that had been shown a moment before. Contrast of masks were varied to be lighter or darker than the letter fragments. Full-field masks, whether light or dark, provided relatively little impairment of recognition, as was the case for mask strips that were lighter than the letter fragments. However, dark strip masks proved to be very effective, with the degree of recognition impairment becoming larger as mask contrast was increased. A final experiment found the strip masks to be most effective when they overlapped the location where the letter fragments had been shown a moment before. They became progressively less effective with increased spatial separation from that location. Results are discussed with extensive reference to potential brain mechanisms for integrating shape cues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infant primates see poorly, and most perceptual functions mature steadily beyond early infancy. Behavioral studies on human and macaque infants show that global form perception, as measured by the ability to integrate contour information into a coherent percept, improves dramatically throughout the first several years after birth. However, it is unknown when sensitivity to curvature and shape emerges in early life or how it develops. We studied the development of shape sensitivity in 18 macaques, aged 2 months to 10 years. Using radial frequency stimuli, circular targets whose radii are modulated sinusoidally, we tested monkeys\' ability to radial frequency stimuli from circles as a function of the depth and frequency of sinusoidal modulation. We implemented a new four-choice oddity task and compared the resulting data with that from a traditional two-alternative forced choice task. We found that radial frequency pattern perception was measurable at the youngest age tested (2 months). Behavioral performance at all radial frequencies improved with age. Performance was better for higher radial frequencies, suggesting the developing visual system prioritizes processing of fine visual details that are ecologically relevant. By using two complementary methods, we were able to capture a comprehensive developmental trajectory for shape perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ensemble processing allows the visual system to condense visual information into useful summary statistics (e.g., average size), thereby overcoming capacity limitations to visual working memory and attention. To examine the role of attention in ensemble processing, we conducted three experiments using a novel paradigm that merged the action effect (a manipulation of attention) and ensemble processing. Participants were instructed to make a simple action if the feature of a cue word corresponded to a subsequent shape. Immediately after, they were shown an ensemble display of eight ovals of varying sizes and were asked to report either the average size of all ovals or the size of a single oval from the set. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants were cued with a task-relevant feature, and in Experiment 3, participants were cued with a task-irrelevant feature. Overall, the task-relevant cues that elicited an action influenced reports of average size in the ensemble phase more than the cues that were passively viewed, whereas task-irrelevant cues did not bias the reports of average size. The results of this study suggest that attention influences ensemble processing only when it is directed toward a task-relevant feature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The two visual pathways model posits that visual information is processed through two distinct cortical systems: The ventral pathway promotes visual recognition, while the dorsal pathway supports visuomotor control. Recent evidence suggests the dorsal pathway is also involved in shape processing and may contribute to object perception, but it remains unclear whether this sensitivity is independent of attentional mechanisms that were localized to overlapping cortical regions. To address this question, we conducted two fMRI experiments that utilized different parametric scrambling manipulations in which human participants viewed novel objects in different levels of scrambling and were instructed to attend to either the object or to another aspect of the image (e.g. color of the background). Univariate and multivariate analyses revealed that the large-scale organization of shape selectivity along the dorsal and ventral pathways was preserved regardless of the focus of attention. Attention did modulate shape sensitivity, but these effects were similar across the two pathways. These findings support the idea that shape processing is at least partially dissociable from attentional processes and relies on a distributed set of cortical regions across the visual pathways.





