Form Perception

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Human visual experience of objects comprises a combination of visual features, such as color, position, and shape. Spatial attention is thought to play a role in creating a coherent perceptual experience, integrating visual information coming from a given location, but the mechanisms underlying this process are not fully understood. Deficits of spatial attention in which this integration process does not occur normally, such as neglect, can provide insights regarding the mechanisms of spatial attention in visual object recognition. In this study, we describe a series of experiments conducted with an individual with neglect, DH. DH presents characteristic lack of awareness of the left side of individual objects, evidenced by poor object and face recognition, and impaired word reading. However, he exhibits intact recognition of color within the boundaries of the same objects he fails to recognize. Furthermore, he can also report the orientation and location of a colored region on the neglected left side despite lack of awareness of the shape of the region. Overall, DH shows selective lack of awareness of shape despite intact processing of basic visual features in the same spatial location. DH\'s performance raises intriguing questions and challenges about the role of spatial attention in the formation of coherent object percepts and visual awareness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A reoccurring question in cognitive science concerns the way the world is represented. Cognitive scientists quantify the contribution of a physical attribute to a sensation and try to characterize the underlying mechanism. In numerical cognition, the contribution of physical properties to quantity perception in comparison tasks was widely demonstrated albeit leaving the underlying mechanism unclear. Furthermore, it is unclear whether this contribution is related solely to comparison tasks or to a core, general ability. Here we demonstrate that the shape of the convex hull, the smallest convex polygon containing all objects in an array, plays a role in the transfer function between quantity and its mental representation. We used geometric probability to demonstrate that the shape of the convex hull is correlated with quantity in a way that resembles the behavioral enumeration curve of subitizing and estimation. Then, in two behavioral experiments we manipulated the shape of the convex hull and demonstrated its effect on enumeration. Accordingly, we suggest that humans learn the correlation between convex hull shape and numerosity and use it to enumerate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The standard visual search task is integral to the study of selective attention and in search tasks target present slopes are the primary index of attentional demand. However, there are times when similarities in slopes may obscure important differences between conditions. To demonstrate this point, we used the case of line-ending illusory contours, building on a study by Li, Cave, and Wolfe (2008) where orientation-based search for figures defined by line-ending illusory contours was compared to that for the corresponding real-contour controls. Consistent with Li et al. (2008), we found search to be efficient for both illusory contour figures and the corresponding real-contour controls, with no significant differences between them. However, major differences between illusory contours and the real-contour controls emerged in selective enumeration, a task where participants enumerated targets in a display of distractors, with the number of targets and distractors manipulated. When looking at the distractor slopes, the increase in RT to enumerate a single target as a function of the number of distractors (a direct analogue to target present trials, with identical displays), we found distractor costs for illusory contour figures to be over 100 ms/distractor higher than for the corresponding real-contour controls. Furthermore, the discrepancies in RT slope between 1-3 and 6-8 targets associated with subitizing were only seen in the real-contour controls. These results show that similarities in RT slopes in search may mask important differences between conditions that emerge in other tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to estimate the shape of objects, the visual system must refer to shape-related regularities in the (retinal) image. For opaque objects, many such regularities have already been identified, but most of them cannot simply be transferred to transparent objects, because they are not available there at all or are available only in a substantially modified form. We here consider three potentially relevant regularities specific to transparent objects: optical background distortions due to refraction, changes in chromaticity and brightness due to absorption, and multiple mirror images due to specular reflection. Using computer simulations, we first analyze under which conditions these regularities may be used as shape cues. We further investigate experimentally how shape perception depends on the availability of these potential cues in realistic scenes under natural viewing conditions. Our results show that the shape of transparent objects was perceived both less accurately and less precisely than in the opaque case. Furthermore, the influence of individual image regularities varied considerably depending on the properties of both object and scene. This suggests that in the transparent case, what kind of information is usable as a shape cue depends on a complex interplay of properties of the transparent object and the surrounding scene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In his monograph Modularity of Mind (1983), philosopher Jerry Fodor argued that mental architecture can be partly decomposed into computational organs termed modules, which were characterized as having nine co-occurring features such as automaticity, domain specificity, and informational encapsulation. Do modules exist? Debates thus far have been framed very generally with few, if any, detailed case studies. The topic is important because it has direct implications on current debates in cognitive science and because it potentially provides a viable framework from which to further understand and make hypotheses about the mind\'s structure and function. Here, the case is made for the modularity of contour interpolation, which is a perceptual process that represents non-visible edges on the basis of how surrounding visible edges are spatiotemporally configured. There is substantial evidence that interpolation is domain specific, mandatory, fast, and developmentally well-sequenced; that it produces representationally impoverished outputs; that it relies upon a relatively fixed neural architecture that can be selectively impaired; that it is encapsulated from belief and expectation; and that its inner workings cannot be fathomed through conscious introspection. Upon differentiating contour interpolation from a higher-order contour representational ability (\"contour abstraction\") and upon accommodating seemingly inconsistent experimental results, it is argued that interpolation is modular to the extent that the initiating conditions for interpolation are strong. As interpolated contours become more salient, the modularity features emerge. The empirical data, taken as a whole, show that at least certain parts of the mind are modularly organized.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Paintings produced spontaneously by patients with neurological lesions represent a fascinating opportunity to analyze some aspects of the underlying disease and involved brain mechanisms. Many cases of artists who have suffered spatial neglect following a neurological disease have been reported in the literature. However, only a few studies evaluating the different subtypes of graphic neglect and aspects related to the construction of perspective (three dimensionality) in works of art have been published. In the present article, we present the case of an artist who, after resection of a central neurocytoma that affected the right thalamo-parietal connections, suffered an impairment of the ability to create perspective in his paintings and involuntary omission of only shapes in the left side of his paintings, although colors and contours were preserved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rodent has been used to model various aspects of the human visual system, but it is unclear to what extent human visual perception can be modelled in the rodent. Research suggests rodents can perform invariant object recognition tasks in a manner comparable to humans. There is further evidence that rodents also make use of certain grouping cues, but when performing a shape discrimination they have a tendency to rely much more on local image cues than human participants. In the current work, we exploit the fact that humans sometimes discriminate better between whole shapes, rather than the parts from which they are constructed, to ask whether rodents show a classic Configural Superiority Effect. Using touchscreen-equipped operant boxes, rats were trained to discriminate \'part\' or \'whole\' images based off of those used by J. R. Pomerantz et al. () J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 3, 422-435. Here, we show that rats show no advantage for wholes and that they perform better when presented with simpler image parts, a pattern of effect opposite to what was seen in humans when highly comparable stimuli were used. These results add to our understanding of the similarities and differences between the human and rodent visual system, and suggest that the rodent visual system may not compute part whole relationships in a way comparable to humans. These results are significant from both a comparative anatomy perspective, and of particular relevance for those wishing to use rodents to model visuo-perceptual deficits associated with human psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The main model of visual processing in primates proposes an anatomo-functional distinction between the dorsal stream, specialized in spatio-temporal information, and the ventral stream, processing essentially form information. However, these two pathways also communicate to share much visual information. These dorso-ventral interactions have been studied using form-from-motion (FfM) stimuli, revealing that FfM perception first activates dorsal regions (e.g., MT+/V5), followed by successive activations of ventral regions (e.g., LOC). However, relatively little is known about the implications of focal brain damage of visual areas on these dorso-ventral interactions. In the present case report, we investigated the dynamics of dorsal and ventral activations related to FfM perception (using topographical ERP analysis and electrical source imaging) in a patient suffering from a deficit in FfM perception due to right extrastriate brain damage in the ventral stream. Despite the patient\'s FfM impairment, both successful (observed for the highest level of FfM signal) and absent/failed FfM perception evoked the same temporal sequence of three processing states observed previously in healthy subjects. During the first period, brain source localization revealed cortical activations along the dorsal stream, currently associated with preserved elementary motion processing. During the latter two periods, the patterns of activity differed from normal subjects: activations were observed in the ventral stream (as reported for normal subjects), but also in the dorsal pathway, with the strongest and most sustained activity localized in the parieto-occipital regions. On the other hand, absent/failed FfM perception was characterized by weaker brain activity, restricted to the more lateral regions. This study shows that in the present case report, successful FfM perception, while following the same temporal sequence of processing steps as in normal subjects, evoked different patterns of brain activity. By revealing a brain circuit involving the most rostral part of the dorsal pathway, this study provides further support for neuro-imaging studies and brain lesion investigations that have suggested the existence of different brain circuits associated with different profiles of interaction between the dorsal and the ventral streams.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We tested the effect of early monocular and binocular deprivation of normal visual input on the development of contour interpolation. Patients deprived from birth by dense central cataracts in one or both eyes, and age-matched controls, discriminated between fat and thin shapes formed by either illusory or luminance-defined contours. Thresholds indicated the minimum amount of curvature (the fatness or thinness) required for discrimination of the illusory shape, providing a measure of the precision of interpolation. The results show that individuals deprived of visual input in one eye, but not those deprived in both eyes, later show deficits in perceptual interpolation. The deficits were shown mostly for weakly supported contours in which interpolation of contours between the inducers was over a large distance relative to the size of the inducers. Deficits shown for the unilateral but not for the bilateral patients point to the detrimental effect of unequal competition between the eyes for cortical connections on the later development of the mechanisms underlying contour interpolation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent infant cognition research suggests that core knowledge involves event-type representations: During perception, the mind automatically categorizes physical events into broad types (e.g., occlusion and containment), which then guide attention to different properties (e.g., with width processed at a younger age than height in containment events but not occlusion events). We tested whether this aspect of infant cognition also structures adults\' visual processing. In 6 experiments, adults had to detect occasional changes in ongoing dynamic displays that depicted repeating occlusion or containment events. Mirroring the developmental progression, change detection was better for width versus height changes in containment events, but no such difference was found for otherwise equivalent occlusion events, even though most observers were not even aware of the subtle occlusion-containment difference. These results suggest for the first time that event-type representations exist and operate automatically and unconsciously as part of the underlying currency of adult visual cognition.





