Form Perception

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal integration and segregation have been investigated both in the research on the temporal mechanisms in visual perception and in the research on visual masking. Although both research lines share theoretical, methodological, and empirical similarities, there is little overlap between them and their models of temporal processing are incompatible. As a first step toward the unification of both lines of research, we investigated the electrophysiological correlates of temporal integration and segregation in a metacontrast masking paradigm. Participants reported in each trial whether they perceived the target-mask sequence as a simultaneous or temporally segregated percept while their EEG was recorded. A comparison of both temporal report categories resulted in an ERP difference after stimulus presentation (200-450 ms) that closely resembles the contour integration negativity. Moreover, we found that phase states were shifted between perceptual report categories in the alpha (450-250 ms) and beta (225-125 ms) frequency band before stimulus presentation and induced a sinusoidal periodicity in later temporal report proportions. Thus, we show that neural correlates of temporal integration and segregation can be generalized to metacontrast masking. These findings emphasize the potential role of temporal mechanisms in the emergence of the masking phenomenon. Additionally, our findings validate our phenomenological approach by demonstrating similar neural correlates of temporal integration and segregation as in performance-based tasks. Future research may profit from our phenomenological approach to disentangle the (neural) interplay between temporal and masking mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complex visual processing involved in perceiving the object materials can be better elucidated by taking a variety of research approaches. Sharing stimulus and response data is an effective strategy to make the results of different studies directly comparable and can assist researchers with different backgrounds to jump into the field. Here, we constructed a database containing several sets of material images annotated with visual discrimination performance. We created the material images using physically based computer graphics techniques and conducted psychophysical experiments with them in both laboratory and crowdsourcing settings. The observer\'s task was to discriminate materials on one of six dimensions (gloss contrast, gloss distinctness of image, translucent vs. opaque, metal vs. plastic, metal vs. glass, and glossy vs. painted). The illumination consistency and object geometry were also varied. We used a nonverbal procedure (an oddity task) applicable for diverse use cases, such as cross-cultural, cross-species, clinical, or developmental studies. Results showed that the material discrimination depended on the illuminations and geometries and that the ability to discriminate the spatial consistency of specular highlights in glossiness perception showed larger individual differences than in other tasks. In addition, analysis of visual features showed that the parameters of higher order color texture statistics can partially, but not completely, explain task performance. The results obtained through crowdsourcing were highly correlated with those obtained in the laboratory, suggesting that our database can be used even when the experimental conditions are not strictly controlled in the laboratory. Several projects using our dataset are underway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In figure-ground organization, the figure is defined as a region that is both \"shaped\" and \"nearer.\" Here we test whether changes in task set and instructions can alter the outcome of the cross-border competition between figural priors that underlies figure assignment. Extremal edge (EE), a relative distance prior, has been established as a strong figural prior when the task is to report \"which side is nearer?\" In three experiments using bipartite stimuli, EEs competed and cooperated with familiar configuration, a shape prior for figure assignment in a \"which side is shaped?\" task.\" Experiment 1 showed small but significant effects of familiar configuration for displays sketching upright familiar objects, although \"shaped-side\" responses were predominantly determined by EEs. In Experiment 2, instructions regarding the possibility of perceiving familiar shapes were added. Now, although EE remained the dominant prior, the figure was perceived on the familiar-configuration side of the border on a significantly larger percentage of trials across all display types. In Experiment 3, both task set (nearer/shaped) and the presence versus absence of instructions emphasizing that familiar objects might be present were manipulated within subjects. With familiarity thus \"primed,\" effects of task set emerged when EE and familiar configuration favored opposite sides as figure. Thus, changing instructions can modulate the weighing of figural priors for shape versus distance in figure assignment in a manner that interacts with task set. Moreover, we show that the influence of familiar parts emerges in participants without medial temporal lobe/ perirhinal cortex brain damage when instructions emphasize that familiar objects might be present.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trial-by-trial texture classification analysis and identifying salient texture related EEG features during active touch that are minimally influenced by movement type and frequency conditions are the main contributions of this work. A total of twelve healthy subjects were recruited. Each subject was instructed to use the fingertip of their dominant hand\'s index finger to rub or tap three textured surfaces (smooth flat, medium rough, and rough) with three levels of movement frequency (approximately 2, 1 and 0.5 Hz). EEG and force data were collected synchronously during each touch condition. A systematic feature selection process was performed to select temporal and spectral EEG features that contribute to texture classification but have low contribution towards movement type and frequency classification. A tenfold cross validation was used to train two 3-class (each for texture and movement frequency classification) and a 2-class (movement type) Support Vector Machine classifiers. Our results showed that the total power in the mu (8-15 Hz) and beta (16-30 Hz) frequency bands showed high accuracy in discriminating among textures with different levels of roughness (average accuracy > 84%) but lower contribution towards movement type (average accuracy < 65%) and frequency (average accuracy < 58%) classification.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate cognitive control, researchers have repeatedly employed task switching paradigms. The comparison of switch relative to repeat trials reveals longer response times and higher error rates, a pattern that has been interpreted as switching costs. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have shown the involvement of different brain modules in switching conditions, including prefrontal and parietal regions together with other sub-cortical structures. In this study, the aim was to shed light on the brain basis of cognitive control using an approach that proved useful in previous studies investigating language control in bilinguals. We examined adult participants in one simple color naming context and two task selection mixed contexts. In the first mixed selection context, participants named the color or the shape of the stimulus based on a cue word. In the second, they named the color or the size of the stimulus. It was assumed that the comparison of brain responses to the same color naming in mixed selection contexts vs. in non-selection context will reveal the of engagement of cognitive control/task selection processes. Whole brain analysis of color naming in the different contexts showed a significant main effect of context. The comparison of brain responses in several frontal, parietal and sub-cortical regions, of which some are supposedly involved in cognitive control, demonstrated an increased activation during color naming in mixed relative the simple non-mixed context. The different cognitive control modules described in this study fit with recent bilingual language control and domain general cognitive models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the functional role of behavioral patterns in relational behavior in humans. The participants were five children, 9-11 years-old. A modified transposition task (size) was used, requiring active comparison patterns in order to match two relational stimulus compounds with two sample stimulus compounds. Comparison patterns were analyzed in terms of the variety of sequences and exceeding movements, the choice of relevant stimuli, and their correspondence with the size relationship between stimulus instances. Results suggest that variation in sequences and movements as well as choice for relevant stimuli influenced the establishment of relational behavior. The neglect of active comparison patterns in accounting for relational behavior is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motor experiences and active exploration during early childhood may affect individual differences in a wide range of perceptual and cognitive abilities. In the current study, we suggest that active exploration of objects facilitates the ability to process object forms and magnitudes, which in turn impacts the development of numerosity perception. We tested our hypothesis by conducting a preregistered active exploration intervention with 59 8-month-old infants. The minimal intervention consisted of actively playing with and exploring blocks once a day for 8 weeks. In order to control for possible training effects on attention, we used book reading as a control condition. Pre- and post-test assessments using eye-tracking showed that block play improved visual form perception, where infants became better at detecting a deviant shape. Furthermore, using three control tasks, we showed that the intervention specifically improved infants\' ability to process visual forms and the effect could not be explained by a domain general improvement in attention or visual perception. We found that the intervention did not improve numerosity perception and suggest that because of the sequential nature of our hypothesis, a longer time frame might be needed to see improvements in this ability. Our findings indicate that if infants are given more opportunities for play and exploration, it will have positive effects on their visual form perception, which in turn could help their understanding of geometrical concepts.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People have been shown to link particular sounds with particular shapes. For instance, the round-sounding nonword bouba tends to be associated with curved shapes, whereas the sharp-sounding nonword kiki is deemed to be related to angular shapes. People\'s tendency to associate sounds and shapes has been observed across different languages. In the present study, we reexamined the claim by Hung, Styles, and Hsieh (2017) that such sound-shape mappings can occur before an individual becomes aware of the visual stimuli. More precisely, we replicated their first experiment, in which congruent and incongruent stimuli (e.g., bouba presented in a round shape or an angular shape, respectively) were rendered invisible through continuous flash suppression. The results showed that congruent combinations, on average, broke suppression faster than incongruent combinations, thus providing converging evidence for Hung and colleagues\' assertions. Collectively, these findings now provide a solid basis from which to explore the boundary conditions of the effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contour integration, a key visual function to deal with occlusion and discontinuity in natural scenes, is essential to human survival. However, individuals are not equally well equipped with this ability. In particular, contour integration deficiencies are commonly detected in patients with mental disorders, especially schizophrenia. To understand the underlying sources of these individual differences, the current study investigated the genetic basis of contour integration in humans. A total of 2619 normal participants were tested on their ability to detect continuous contours embedded in a cluttered background. Quantitative genomic analysis was performed, involving heritability estimation based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and association testing at SNP, gene, and pathway levels. Heritability estimation showed that common SNPs contributed 49.5% (standard error of the mean = 15.6%) of overall phenotypic variation, indicating moderate heritability of contour integration. Two-stage genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) detected four SNPs reaching genome-wide significance in the discovery test (N = 1931) but not passing the replication test (N = 688). Gene-level analysis further revealed a significant genome-wide association of a microRNA-encoding gene MIR1178 in both the discovery and replication cohorts. Another gene poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 like, cytoplasmic (PABPN1L) showed suggestive significance in the discovery cohort (p < 1 × 10-4) and was replicated in the replication cohort (p = 0.009). The pathway analysis did not detect any significant pathway. Taken together, this study identified significant gene associations with contour integration and provided support for a genetic transmission of the ability to perceive continuous contours in the environment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Angle perception is an important middle-level visual process, combining line features to generate an integrated shape percept. Previous studies have proposed two theories of angle perception-a combination of lines and a holistic feature following Weber\'s law. However, both theories failed to explain the dual-peak fluctuations of the just-noticeable difference (JND) across angle sizes. In this study, we found that the human visual system processes the angle feature in two stages: first, by encoding the orientation of the bounding lines and combining them into an angle feature; and second, by estimating the angle in an orthogonal internal reference frame (IRF). The IRF model fits well with the dual-peak fluctuations of the JND that neither the theory of line combinations nor Weber\'s law can explain. A statistical image analysis of natural images revealed that the IRF was in alignment with the distribution of the angle features in the natural environment, suggesting that the IRF reflects human prior knowledge of angles in the real world. This study provides a new computational framework for angle discrimination, thereby resolving a long-standing debate on angle perception.





