
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stomata are epidermal openings that facilitate plant-atmosphere gas and water exchange during photosynthesis, respiration and water evaporation. SPEECHLESS (SPCH) is a master basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor that determines the initiation of stomatal development. It is known that blue light promotes stomatal development through the blue light photoreceptor cryptochromes (CRYs, CRY1 and CRY2). Whether CRYs regulate stomatal development through directly modulating SPCH is unknown. Here, we demonstrate by biochemical studies that CRY1 physically interacts with SPCH in a blue light-dependent manner. Genetic studies show that SPCH acts downstream of CRY1 to promote stomatal development in blue light. Furthermore, we show that CRY1 enhances the DNA-binding activity of SPCH and promotes the expression of its target genes in blue light. These results suggest that the mechanism by which CRY1 promotes stomatal development involves positive regulation of the DNA-binding activity of SPCH, which is likely mediated by blue light-induced CRY1-SPCH interaction. The precise regulation of SPCH DNA-binding activity by CRY1 may allow plants to optimize stomatal density and pattern according to ambient light conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), circadian rhythms, and individual sleep-wake preferences, as measured by chronotype, and to assess the association between circadian clock gene expression and subjective sleep-related variables.
    METHODS: A total of 184 individuals were recruited, underwent polysomnography (PSG), and completed questionnaires including a chronotype questionnaire (CQ), insomnia severity index (ISI), and Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS). Blood samples were collected in the evening before and morning after PSG. Gene expression analysis included BMAL1, CLOCK, PER1, CRY1, NPAS2, and NR1D1.
    RESULTS: In the OSA group, the subjective amplitude (AM score of CQ) positively correlated with all circadian clock genes in the morning (R ≥ 0.230 and p < 0.05 for each one), while the morningness-eveningness (ME score of CQ) was only associated with the evening BMAL1 level (R = 0.192; p = 0.044). In healthy controls, insomnia severity correlated with evening expression of BMAL1, PER1, and CRY1.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight the complex interplay between OSA, circadian rhythms, and sleep-related variables, suggesting potential determinants of morning chronotype in OSA and implicating disrupted circadian clock function in subjective feelings of energy throughout the day. Further research is warranted to elucidate underlying mechanisms and guide personalized management strategies.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Circadian clocks, biochemical oscillators that are regulated by environmental time cues including the day/night cycle, have a central function in the majority of biological processes. The disruption of the circadian clock can alter breast biology negatively and may promote the development of breast tumors. The expression status of the estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) were used to classify breast cancer into different molecular subtypes such as triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Receptor status-dependent expression of circadian clock genes have been previously studied in breast cancer using relatively small sample sizes in a particular population. Here, using TCGA-BRCA data (n=1119), we found that the expressions of CRY1, PER1, PER2, PER3, BMAL1, CLOCK, RORA, RORB, RORC, NR1D1, NR1D2, and FBXL3 were higher in ER+ breast cancer cells compared with those of ER- status. Similarly, we showed that transcript levels of CRY2, PER1, PER2, PER3, BMAL1, RORA, RORB, RORC, NR1D1, NR1D2, and FBXL3 were higher in PR+ breast cancer cells than in PR- breast cancer cells. We report that the expressions of CRY2, PER1, BMAL1, and RORA were lower, and the expression of NR1D1 was higher, in HER2+ breast cancer cells compared with HER2- breast cancer cells. Moreover, we studied these receptor status-dependent changes in the expressions of circadian clock genes also based on the race and age of breast cancer patients. Lastly, we found that the expressions of CRY2, PER1, PER2, PER3, and CLOCK were higher in non-TNBC than in TNBC, which has the worst prognosis among subtypes. We note that our findings are not always parallel to the observations reported in previous studies with smaller sample sizes performed in different populations and organisms. Our study suggests that receptor status in breast cancer (thus, subtype of breast cancer) might be more important than previously shown in terms of its influence on the expression of circadian clock genes and on the disruption of the circadian clock, and that ER or PR might be important regulators of breast cancer chronobiology that should be taken into account in personalized chronotherapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most mammalian cells have molecular circadian clocks that generate widespread rhythms in transcript and protein abundance. While circadian clocks are robust to fluctuations in the cellular environment, little is known about the mechanisms by which the circadian period compensates for fluctuating metabolic states. Here, we exploit the heterogeneity of single cells both in circadian period and a metabolic parameter-protein stability-to study their interdependence without the need for genetic manipulation. We generated cells expressing key circadian proteins (CRYPTOCHROME1/2 (CRY1/2) and PERIOD1/2 (PER1/2)) as endogenous fusions with fluorescent proteins and simultaneously monitored circadian rhythms and degradation in thousands of single cells. We found that the circadian period compensates for fluctuations in the turnover rates of circadian repressor proteins and uncovered possible mechanisms using a mathematical model. In addition, the stabilities of the repressor proteins are circadian phase dependent and correlate with the circadian period in a phase-dependent manner, in contrast to the prevailing model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Numerous insect species undertake long-distance migrations on an enormous scale, with great implications for ecosystems. Given that take-off is the point where it all starts, whether and how the external light and internal circadian rhythm are involved in regulating the take-off behaviour remains largely unknown. Herein, we explore this issue in a migratory pest, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, via behavioural observations and RNAi experiments.
    RESULTS: The results showed that C. medinalis moths took off under conditions where the light intensity gradually weakened to 0.1 lx during the afternoon or evening, and the take-off proportions under full spectrum or blue light were significantly higher than that under red and green light. The ultraviolet-A/blue light-sensitive type 1 cryptochrome gene (Cmedcry1) was significantly higher in take-off moths than that of non-take-off moths. In contrast, the expression of the light-insensitive CRY2 (Cmedcry2) and circadian genes (Cmedtim and Cmedper) showed no significant differences. After silencing Cmedcry1, the take-off proportion significantly decreased. Thus, Cmedcry1 is involved in the decrease in light intensity induced take-off behaviour in C. medinalis.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study can help further explain the molecular mechanisms behind insect migration, especially light perception and signal transmission during take-off phases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The magnetic compass sense of migratory songbirds is thought to derive from magnetically sensitive photochemical reactions in cryptochromes located in photoreceptor cells in the birds\' retinas. More specifically, transient radical pairs formed by light-activation of these proteins have been proposed to account for the birds\' ability to orient themselves using the Earth\'s magnetic field and for the observation that radiofrequency magnetic fields, superimposed on the Earth\'s magnetic field, can disrupt this ability. Here, by means of spin dynamics simulations, we show that it may be possible for the birds to orient in a monochromatic radiofrequency field in the absence of the Earth\'s magnetic field. If such a behavioural test were successful, it would provide powerful additional evidence for a radical pair mechanism of avian magnetoreception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dysregulation of circadian rhythm oscillation is a prominent feature of various solid tumors. Thus, clarifying the molecular mechanisms that maintain the circadian clock is important. In the present study, we revealed that the transcription factor forkhead box FOXK1 functions as an oncogene in breast cancer. We showed that FOXK1 recruits multiple transcription corepressor complexes, including NCoR/SMRT, SIN3A, NuRD, and REST/CoREST. Among them, the FOXK1/NCoR/SIN3A complex transcriptionally regulates a cohort of genes, including CLOCK, PER2, and CRY2, that are critically involved in the circadian rhythm. The complex promoted the proliferation of breast cancer cells by disturbing the circadian rhythm oscillation. Notably, the nuclear expression of FOXK1 was positively correlated with tumor grade. Insulin resistance gradually became more severe with tumor progression and was accompanied by the increased expression of OGT, which caused the nuclear translocation and increased expression of FOXK1. Additionally, we found that metformin downregulates FOXK1 and exports it from the nucleus, while HDAC inhibitors (HDACi) inhibit the FOXK1-related enzymatic activity. Combined treatment enhanced the expression of circadian clock genes through the regulation of FOXK1, thereby exerting an antitumor effect, indicating that highly nuclear FOXK1-expressing breast cancers are potential candidates for the combined application of metformin and HDACi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many environmental features are cyclic, with predictable changes across the day, seasons and latitudes. Additionally, anthropogenic, artificial-light-induced changes in photoperiod or shiftwork-driven novel light/dark cycles also occur. Endogenous timekeepers or circadian clocks help organisms cope with such changes. The remarkable plasticity of clocks is evident in the waveforms of behavioural and molecular rhythms they govern. Despite detailed mechanistic insights into the functioning of the circadian clock, practical means to manipulate activity waveform are lacking. Previous studies using a nocturnal rodent model showed that novel light regimes caused locomotor activity to bifurcate such that mice showed two bouts of activity restricted to the dimly lit phases. Here, we explore the generalizability of these findings and leverage the genetic toolkit of Drosophila melanogaster to obtain mechanistic insights into this unique phenomenon. We find that dim scotopic illumination of specific durations induces circadian photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME-dependent activity bifurcation in male flies. We show circadian reorganization of the pacemaker circuit, wherein the \'evening\' neurons regulate the timing of both bouts of activity under novel light regimes. Our findings indicate that such environmental regimes can be exploited to design light cycles, which can ease the circadian waveform into synchronizing with challenging conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) is a core rhythm gene that plays a crucial role in DNA damage repair. The present study investigated the potential role of CRY2 in mediating sleep deprivation-induced cognitive decline in 5xFAD mice.
    METHODS: To assess the effects of SD on different brain regions of the mouse brain, we used 18F FDG PET-CT. Cognitive function was evaluated using the Morris water maze test and Y-maze. Lentivirus was used for the overexpression of CRY2, and small interfering RNA (siRNA) was used for the downregulation of CRY2 to verify the effect of CRY2. We used qRT‒PCR and Western blotting to identify the downstream factors of CRY2 and evaluated the cognitive function of mice to confirm the effects of these factors.
    RESULTS: The AD mice exhibited cognitive decline after 21 days of SD and had higher expression of CRY2 compared to AD mice with normal sleep. Overexpression of CRY2 led to decreased cognitive function in AD mice, and the downregulation of CRY2 attenuated the SD-induced cognitive decline in AD mice. CRY2 reduced the expression and function of CISH, which reduced the inhibition of STAT1 phosphorylation and led to synaptic dysfunction. CISH overexpression attenuated the impairing effect of sleep deprivation on cognitive function in AD mice. Furthermore, 18F FDG PET-CT revealed that SD significantly reduced glucose metabolism in different brain regions of AD mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrated that sleep deprivation upregulated CRY2 in the hippocampus of AD mice, which resulted in synaptic dysfunction by decreasing CISH-mediated STAT1 phosphorylation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most insects enter diapause, a state of physiological dormancy crucial for enduring harsh seasons, with photoperiod serving as the primary cue for its induction, ensuring proper seasonal timing of the process. Although the involvement of the circadian clock in the photoperiodic time measurement has been demonstrated through knockdown or knockout of clock genes, the involvement of clock gene cryptochrome 1 (cry1), which functions as a photoreceptor implicated in photoentrainment of the circadian clock across various insect species, remains unclear. In bivoltine strains of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, embryonic diapause is maternally controlled and affected by environmental conditions experienced by mother moths during embryonic and larval stages. Previous research highlighted the role of core clock genes, including period (per), timeless (tim), Clock (Clk) and cycle (cyc), in photoperiodic diapause induction in B. mori. In this study, we focused on the involvement of cry1 gene in B. mori photoperiodism. Phylogenetic analysis and conserved domain identification confirmed the presence of both Drosophila-type cry (cry1) and mammalian-type cry (cry2) genes in the B. mori genome, akin to other lepidopterans. Temporal expression analysis revealed higher cry1 gene expression during the photophase and lower expression during the scotophase, with knockouts of core clock genes (per, tim, Clk and cyc) disrupting this temporal expression pattern. Using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing, we established a cry1 knockout strain in p50T, a bivoltine strain exhibiting clear photoperiodism during both embryonic and larval stages. Although the wild-type strain displayed circadian rhythm in eclosion under continuous darkness, the cry1 knockout strain exhibited arrhythmic eclosion, implicating B. mori cry1 in the circadian clock feedback loop governing behavior rhythms. Females of the cry1 knockout strain failed to control photoperiodic diapause induction during both embryonic and larval stages, mirroring the diapause phenotype of the wild-type individuals reared under constant darkness, indicating that B. mori CRY1 contributes to photoperiodic time measurement as a photoreceptor. Furthermore, photoperiodic diapause induction during the larval stage was abolished in a cry1/tim double-knockout strain, suggesting that photic information received by CRY1 is relayed to the circadian clock. Overall, this study represents the first evidence of cry1 involvement in insect photoperiodism, specifically in diapause induction.





