
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reserves of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) stored in living cells are essential for drought tolerance of trees. However, little is known about the phenotypic plasticity of living storage compartments (SC) and their interactions with NSC reserves under changing water availability. Here, we examined adjustments of SC and NSC reserves in stems and roots of seedlings of two temperate tree species, Acer negundo L. and Betula pendula Roth., cultivated under different substrate water availability. We found that relative contents of soluble NSC, starch and total NSC increased with decreasing water availability in stems of both species, and similar tendencies were also observed in roots of A. negundo. In the roots of B. pendula, soluble NSC contents decreased along with the decreasing water availability, possibly due to phloem decoupling or NSC translocation to shoots. Despite the contrast in organ responses, NSC contents (namely starch) positively correlated with proportions of total organ SC. Individual types of SC showed markedly distinct plasticity upon decreasing water availability, suggesting that water availability changes the partitioning of organ storage capacity. We found an increasing contribution of parenchyma-rich bark to the total organ NSC storage capacity under decreasing water availability. However, xylem SC showed substantially greater plasticity than those in bark. Axial storage cells, namely living fibers in A. negundo, responded more sensitively to decreasing water availability than radial parenchyma. Our results demonstrate that drought-induced changes in carbon balance affect the organ storage capacity provided by living cells, whose proportions are sensitively coordinated along with changing NSC reserves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Betula utilis exhibits intriguing characteristics and interactions with its environment and has specific adaptations that enable it to thrive in various water conditions. Drought has a prominent role in influencing the growth and development of vegetation, while temperature serves as a crucial determinant of species distribution in high-altitude environments. The investigation was centered on the eco-physiological dimension of B. utilis in areas near the treeline. Across different seasons, sites, and years, the most negative pre-dawn twig water potentials (ΨPD) and mid-day twig water potentials (ΨMD) were - 0.81 and - 1.24 MPa, respectively. The highest seasonal change (ΔΨ) in twig water potential (Ψtwig) was in the post-monsoon season. Osmotic potential at full turgor (Ψπ100) declined by - 0.66 MPa and osmotic potential at zero turgor (Ψπ0) declined by - 1.07 MPa. The highest leaf conductance (gw) of 380.26 mmol m-2 s-1 was measured in the afternoon. During the initiation of flowering, ΨPD of the twig was - 0.72 MPa and gradually rose to - 0.17 MPa by the end of the flowering period. This study provides key insight into the Ψ dynamics, leaf conductance, and phenology of B. utilis, highlighting its adaptation to changing environmental conditions and the need for effective management strategies to ensure the resilience and conservation of this Critically Endangered species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A Gram-positive, aerobic, rod-shaped mesophilic bacterium was isolated from birch wood, referred to as the AB strain. Allergological tests suggest that this strain may cause allergic alveolitis in sawmill workers. Employing a polyphasic taxonomic approach, the AB strain\'s 16S rRNA gene sequence showed high similarity to Microbacterium barkeri and M. oryzae, with 97.25% and 96.91%, respectively, a finding supported by rpoB and gyrB sequence analysis. Further genome sequence comparison with the closely related M. barkeri type strain indicated a digital DNA-DNA hybridization value of 25.5% and an average nucleotide identity of 82.52%. The AB strain\'s cell wall peptidoglycan contains ornithine, and its polar lipids comprise diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, and unidentified glycolipids. Its major fatty acids include anteiso C15:0, anteiso C17:0, and iso C16:0, while MK-10 is its predominant respiratory quinone. Comprehensive analysis through 16S rRNA, whole-genome sequencing, phenotyping, chemotaxonomy, and MALDI-TOF MS profiling indicates that the AB strain represents a new species within the Microbacterium genus. It has been proposed to name this species Microbacterium betulae sp. nov., with ABT (PCM 3040T = CEST 30706T) designated as the type strain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) were successfully synthesized from carbohydrate-rich residue of birch obtained following the lignin-first strategy. The optical and physicochemical properties of the CQDs were studied, along with their potential for photocatalytic pollutant degradation. By combining solvothermal and chemical oxidation methods, the product yield of CQDs from carbohydrate-rich residue reached 8.1 wt%. Doping nitrogen enhances the graphitization of CQDs and introduces abundant amino groups to the surface, thereby boosted the quantum yield significantly from 8.9 % to 18.7 %-19.3 %. Nitrogen-doped CQDs exhibited efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue, reaching 37 % within 60 min, with a kinetic degradation rate of 0.00725 min-1. This study demonstrates that carbohydrate-rich residue obtained from lignin-first strategy are ideal precursors for synthesizing CQD with high mass yield and quantum yield by combining solvothermal treatment and chemical oxidation methods, offering a novel approach for the utilization of whole biomass components following the lignin-first strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biogeochemical cycles of trace elements are changed by fire as a result of the mineralization of organic matter. Monitoring the accumulation of trace elements in both the environment and the tree biomass during the post-fire (PF) forest ecosystem regeneration process is important for tree species selection for reforestation in ecosystems under anthropogenic pressure. We analyzed the soil concentrations of different groups of potentially toxic elements (PTEs), including beneficial (Al), toxic (Cd, Cr, Pb), and microelements (Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn), and their bioaccumulation in the tree species (Pinus sylvestris, Betula pendula, Alnus glutinosa) biomass introduced after a fire in a forest weakened by long-term emissions of industrial pollutants. The results indicated no direct threat from the PTEs tested at the PF site. The tree species introduced 30 years ago may have modified the biogeochemical cycles of the PTEs through different strategies of bioaccumulation in the belowground and aboveground biomass. Alder had relatively high Al concentrations in the roots and a low translocation factor (TF). Pine and birch had lower Al concentrations in the roots and higher TFs. Foliage concentrations and the TF of Cd increased from alder to pine to birch. However, the highest concentration and bioaccumulation factor of Cd was found in the alder roots. The concentrations of Cr in the foliage and the Cr TFs in the studied species increased from pine to birch to alder. Higher concentrations of Cu and Ni were found in the foliage of birch and alder than of pine. Among the species, birch also had the highest Pb and Zn concentrations in the roots and foliage. We found that different tree species had different patterns of PTE phytostabilization and ways they incorporated these elements into the biological cycle, and these patterns were not dependent on fire disturbance. This suggests that similar patterns might also occur in more polluted soils. Therefore, species-dependent bioaccumulation patterns could also be used to design phytostabilization and remediation treatments for polluted sites under industrial pressure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change is raising concerns about how forests will respond to extreme droughts, heat waves and their co-occurrence. In this greenhouse study, we tested how carbon and water relations relate to seedling growth and mortality of northeastern US trees during and after extreme drought, warming, and combined drought and warming. We compared the response of our focal species red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) with a common associate (paper birch, Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and a species expected to increase abundance in this region with climate change (northern red oak, Quercus rubra L.). We tracked growth and mortality, photosynthesis and water use of 216 seedlings of these species through a treatment and a recovery year. Each red spruce seedling was planted in containers either alone or with another seedling to simulate potential competition, and the seedlings were exposed to combinations of drought (irrigated, 15-d \'short\' or 30-d \'long\') and temperature (ambient or 16 days at +3.5 °C daily maximum) treatments. We found dominant effects of the drought reducing photosynthesis, midday water potential, and growth of spruce and birch, but that oak showed considerable resistance to drought stress. The effects of planting seedlings together were moderate and likely due to competition for limited water. Despite high temperatures reducing photosynthesis for all species, the warming imposed in this study minorly impacted growth only for oak in the recovery year. Overall, we found that the diverse water-use strategies employed by the species in our study related to their growth and recovery following drought stress. This study provides physiological evidence to support the prediction that native species to this region like red spruce and paper birch are susceptible to future climate extremes that may favor other species like northern red oak, leading to potential impacts on tree community dynamics under climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forests cover the majority of forest areas and have high carbon storage in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. However, stem radial growth dynamics and their correlations with climate factors have never been analyzed in this forest type. By combining bi-weekly microcoring and high-resolution dendrometer measurements, we monitored xylogenesis and stem radius variations of the deciduous species Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don and the evergreen species Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. We analyzed the relationships between weekly climate variables prior to sampling and the enlarging zone width or wall-thickening zone width, as well as weekly radial increments and climate factors during two consecutive years (2020 to 2021) showing contrasting hydrothermal conditions in the pre-monsoon season. In the year 2020, which was characterized by a warmer and drier pre-monsoon season, the onset of xylogenesis and radial increments of B. alnoides and S. wallichii were delayed by three months and one month, respectively, compared with the year 2021. In 2020, xylem formation and radial increments were significantly reduced for B. alnoides, but not for S. wallichii. The thickness of enlarging zone and wall-thickening zone in S. wallichii were positively correlated with relative humidity, and minimum and mean air temperature, but were negatively correlated with vapor pressure deficit during 2020 to 2021. The radial increments of both species showed significant positive correlations with precipitation and relative humidity, and negative correlations with vapor pressure deficit and maximum air temperature during two years. Our findings reveal that drier pre-monsoon conditions strongly delay growth initiation and reduce stem radial growth, providing deep insights to understand tree growth and carbon sequestration potential in tropical forests under a predicted increase in frequent drought events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidy is thought to enable species diversification and adaptation to extreme environments. Resolving the ecological differences between a taxon\'s ploidy levels would therefore provide important insights into local adaptation and speciation. The genus Betula includes many polyploids, but estimates of their phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history are uncertain because of cryptic lineages and species. As one of the southern boundary populations of Betula ermanii in Japan has been shown to have distinctive genetic characteristics and traits, the differences in ploidy levels between three southern boundary and various other Japanese B. ermanii populations were investigated using flow cytometry. Leaf and seed morphologies were also compared. Apart from individuals in southern boundary populations, all those sampled were tetraploid. Individuals from the southern boundary populations were mostly diploid, apart from a few from lower altitude Shikoku populations, which were tetraploid. Leaf and seed morphologies differed between tetraploids and diploids. Diploid individuals were characterized by leaves with a heart-shaped base and many leaf teeth, and seeds with relatively longer wings. The diploid populations could be considered a cryptic relict lineage of B. ermanii, and there is a possibility that this lineage is a diploid ancestor of B. ermanii and a relict population of the Sohayaki element. Further investigation of the Japanese Betula phylogenetic relationships would enable an informed discussion of taxonomic revisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pollen, in addition to allergens, comprise low molecular weight components (LMC) smaller than 3 kDa. Emerging evidence indicates the relevance of LMC in allergic immune responses. However, the interaction of birch pollen (BP)-derived LMC and epithelial cells has not been extensively studied. We investigated epithelial barrier modifications induced by exposure to BP LMC, using the human bronchial epithelial cell line 16HBE14o-. Epithelial cell monolayers were apically exposed to the major BP allergen Bet v 1, aqueous BP extract or BP-derived LMC. Barrier integrity after the treatments was monitored by measuring transepithelial electrical resistance at regular intervals and by using the xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis system. The polarized release of cytokines 24 h following treatment was measured using a multiplex immunoassay. Epithelial barrier integrity was significantly enhanced upon exposure to BP LMC. Moreover, BP LMC induced the repair of papain-mediated epithelial barrier damage. The apical release of CCL5 and TNF-α was significantly reduced after exposure to BP LMC, while the basolateral release of IL-6 significantly increased. In conclusion, the results of our study demonstrate that BP-derived LMC modify the physical and immunological properties of bronchial epithelial cells and thus regulate airway epithelial barrier responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    White birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.) is an important pioneer tree which plays a critical role in maintaining ecosystem stability and forest regeneration. The growth of birch is dramatically inhibited by salt stress, especially the root inhibition. Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) is the only extensively characterized Na+ efflux transporter in multiple plant species. The salt-hypersensitive mutant, sos1, display significant inhibition of root growth by NaCl. However, the role of SOS1 in birch responses to salt stress remains unclear. Here, we characterized a putative Na+/H+ antiporter BpSOS1 in birch and generated the loss-of-function mutants of the birch BpSOS1 by CRISPR/Cas9 approach. The bpsos1 mutant exhibit exceptional increased salt sensitivity which links to excessive Na+ accumulation in root, stem and old leaves. We observed a dramatic reduction of K+ contents in leaves of the bpsos1 mutant plants under salt stress. Furthermore, the Na+/K+ ratio of roots and leaves is significant higher in the bpsos1 mutants than the wild-type plants under salt stress. The ability of Na+ efflux in the root meristem zone is found to be impaired which might result the imbalance of Na+ and K+ in the bpsos1 mutants. Our findings indicate that the Na+/H+ exchanger BpSOS1 plays a critical role in birch salt tolerance by maintaining Na+ homeostasis and provide evidence for molecular breeding to improve salt tolerance in birch and other trees.





