Base Pairing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) methylation plays a key role in gene regulation and is critical for development and human disease. Techniques such as whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) and reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) allow DNA methylation analysis at the genome scale, with Illumina NovaSeq 6000 and MGI Tech DNBSEQ-T7 being popular due to their efficiency and affordability. However, detailed comparative studies of their performance are not available. In this study, we constructed 60 WGBS and RRBS libraries for two platforms using different types of clinical samples and generated approximately 2.8 terabases of sequencing data. We systematically compared quality control metrics, genomic coverage, CpG methylation levels, intra- and interplatform correlations, and performance in detecting differentially methylated positions. Our results revealed that the DNBSEQ platform exhibited better raw read quality, although base quality recalibration indicated potential overestimation of base quality. The DNBSEQ platform also showed lower sequencing depth and less coverage uniformity in GC-rich regions than did the NovaSeq platform and tended to enrich methylated regions. Overall, both platforms demonstrated robust intra- and interplatform reproducibility for RRBS and WGBS, with NovaSeq performing better for WGBS, highlighting the importance of considering these factors when selecting a platform for bisulfite sequencing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Various single-stranded and hairpin-forming DNA and 2´-O-methyl-RNA oligonucleotides bearing a single (2R,3S)-4-(methoxyamino)butane-1,2,3-triol residue esterified from either O1 and O2 or O1 and O3 were synthesized. Incubation of these oligonucleotides with equimolar mixtures of formylmethyl derivatives of the canonical nucleobases and 2-methylbenzimidazole under mildly acidic conditions revealed base-filling of the modified site to be strongly favored by base stacking of a double-helix, especially an A-type one. In 2´-O-methyl-RNA hairpin oligonucleotides, base-filling of the (2R,3S)-4-(methoxyamino)butane-1,2,3-triol residue with nucleobase aldehydes followed the rules of Watson-Crick base pairing, thymine being the only exception. In single-stranded oligonucleotides or the Hoogsteen strand of triple helices, both the yield and selectivity of base-filling were much more modest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The challenge of transforming organized DNA structures into their metallized counterparts persists in the scientific field. In this context, utilizing DNA molecules modified with 7-deazapurine, provides a transformative solution. In this study, we present the solution structure of a DNA duplex that can be transformed into its metallized equivalent while retaining the natural base pairing arrangement through the creation of silver-modified Watson-Crick base pairs. Unlike previously documented X-ray structures, our research demonstrates the feasibility of preserving the intrinsic DNA self-assembly while incorporating AgI into the double helix, illustrating that the binding of silver does not disrupt the canonical base-pairing organization. Moreover, in our case, the uninterrupted AgI chain deviates from forming conventional straight linear chains; instead, it adheres to a helical arrangement dictated by the underlying DNA structure. This research challenges conventional assumptions and opens the door to precisely design structures based on the organization of highly stable Ag-DNA assemblies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experimental methods capable of selectively probing water at the DNA minor groove, major groove, and phosphate backbone are crucial for understanding how hydration influences DNA structure and function. Chiral-selective sum frequency generation spectroscopy (chiral SFG) is unique among vibrational spectroscopies because it can selectively probe water molecules that form chiral hydration structures around biomolecules. However, interpreting chiral SFG spectra is challenging since both water and the biomolecule can produce chiral SFG signals. Here, we combine experiment and computation to establish a theoretical framework for the rigorous interpretation of chiral SFG spectra of DNA. We demonstrate that chiral SFG detects the N-H stretch of DNA base pairs and the O-H stretch of water, exclusively probing water molecules in the DNA first hydration shell. Our analysis reveals that DNA transfers chirality to water molecules only within the first hydration shell, so they can be probed by chiral SFG spectroscopy. Beyond the first hydration shell, the electric field-induced water structure is symmetric and, therefore, precludes chiral SFG response. Furthermore, we find that chiral SFG can differentiate chiral subpopulations of first hydration shell water molecules at the minor groove, major groove, and phosphate backbone. Our findings challenge the scientific perspective dominant for more than 40 years that the minor groove \"spine of hydration\" is the only chiral water structure surrounding the DNA double helix. By identifying the molecular origins of the DNA chiral SFG spectrum, we lay a robust experimental and theoretical foundation for applying chiral SFG to explore the chemical and biological physics of DNA hydration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA pseudoknots are RNA molecules with specialized three-dimensional structures that play important roles in various biological processes. To understand the functions and mechanisms of pseudoknots, it is essential to elucidate their structures and folding pathways. The most fundamental step in RNA folding is the opening and closing of a base pair. The effect of flexible loops on the base pair in pseudoknots remains unclear. In this work, we use molecular dynamics simulations and Markov state model to study the configurations, thermodynamic and kinetic of single base pair in pseudoknots. We find that the presence of the loop leads to a trap state. In addition, the rate-limiting step for the formation of base pair is the disruption of the trap state, rather than the open state to the closed state, which is quite different from the previous studies on non-pseudoknot RNA. For the thermodynamic parameters in pseudoknots, we find that the entropy difference upon opening the base pair between this simulation and the nearest-neighbor model results from the different entropy of different lengths of loop in solution. The thermodynamic parameters of the stack in pseudoknot are close to the nearest-neighbor parameters. The bases on the loop have different distribution patterns in different states, and the slow transition states of the loop are determined by the orientation of the bases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA is continuously exposed to a variety of harmful factors, which, on the one hand, can force undesirable processes such as ageing, carcinogenesis and mutagenesis, while on the other hand, can accelerate evolutionary changes. Of all the canonical nucleosides, 2\'-deoxyguanosine (dG) exhibits the lowest ionization potential, making it particularly prone to the one-electron oxidizing process. The most abundant type of nucleobase damage is constituted by 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2\'-deoxyguanosine (OXOdG), with an oxidation potential that is 0.56 V lower than that of canonical dG. All this has led to OXOdG, as an isolated lesion, being perceived as a sink for radical cations in the genome. In this paper, a comparative analysis of the electronic properties of an OXOGC base pair within the context of a clustered DNA lesion (CDL) has been conducted. It is based on previous DFT studies that were carried out at the M06-2x/6-31++G** level of theory in non-equilibrated and equilibrated condensed phases. The results of the comparative analysis presented here reveal the following: (A) The ionization potentials of OXOG4C2 were largely unaffected by a second lesion. (B) The positive charge and spin were found predominantly on the OXOG4C2 moiety. (C) The electron-hole transfers A3T3→G4C2 and G4C2←A5T1 were found in the Marcus inverted region and were resistant to the presence of a second DNA lesion in close proximity. It can therefore be reasonably postulated that OXOGC becomes the sink for a radical cation migrating through the double helix, irrespective of the presence of other 2\'-deoxyguanosine lesions in the CDL structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last few decades, chemically modified sugars have been incorporated into nucleic acid-based therapeutics to improve their pharmacological potential. Chemical modification can influence the sugar conformation, Watson-Crick hydrogen (W-C) bonding, and nucleobase stacking interactions, which play major roles in the structural integrity and dynamic properties of nucleic acid duplexes. In this study, we categorized 33 uridine (U*) and cytidine (C*) sugar modifications and calculated their sugar conformational parameters. We also calculated the Watson-Crick hydrogen bond energies of the modified RNA-type base pairs (U*:A and C*:G) using DFT and sSAPT0 methods. The W-C base pairing energy calculations suggested that the South-type modified sugar strengthens the C*:G base pair and weakens the U*:A base pair compared to the unmodified one. In contrast, the North-type sugar modifications form weaker C*:G base pair and marginally stronger U*:A base pair compared to the South-type modified sugars. Moreover, intrastrand base stacking energies were calculated for 15 modifications incorporated at the fourth position in 7-mer non-self-complementary RNA duplexes [(GCAU*GAC)2 and (GCAC*GAC)2], utilizing molecular dynamics simulation and quantum mechanical (DFT and sSAPT0) methods. The sugar modifications were found to have minimal effect on the intrastrand base-stacking interactions. However, the glycol nucleic acid modification disturbs the intrastrand base-stacking significantly, corroborating the experimental data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA\'s diversity of structures and functions impacts all life forms since primordia. We use calorimetric force spectroscopy to investigate RNA folding landscapes in previously unexplored low-temperature conditions. We find that Watson-Crick RNA hairpins, the most basic secondary structure elements, undergo a glass-like transition below [Formula: see text]C where the heat capacity abruptly changes and the RNA folds into a diversity of misfolded structures. We hypothesize that an altered RNA biochemistry, determined by sequence-independent ribose-water interactions, outweighs sequence-dependent base pairing. The ubiquitous ribose-water interactions lead to universal RNA phase transitions below TG, such as maximum stability at [Formula: see text]C where water density is maximum, and cold denaturation at [Formula: see text]C. RNA cold biochemistry may have a profound impact on RNA function and evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    7-Deaza-2\'-deoxyisoguanosine forms stable inverse Watson-Crick base pairs with 5-methyl-2\'-deoxyisocytidine and purine-purine base pairs with 2\'-deoxyguanosine or 5-aza-7-deaza-2\'-deoxyguanosine. Both base pairs expand the genetic coding system. The manuscript reports on the functionalization of these base pairs with halogen atoms and clickable side chains introduced at 7-position of the 7-deazapurine base. Oligonucleotides containing the functionalized base pairs were prepared by solid-phase synthesis. To this end, a series of phosphoramidites were synthesized and clickable side chains with short and long linkers were incorporated in oligonucleotides. Fluorescent pyrene conjugates were obtained by postmodification. Functionalization of DNA with a single inverse Watson-Crick base pair by halogens or clickable residues has only a minor impact on duplex stability. Pyrene click adducts increase (long linker) or decrease (short linker) the double helix stability. Stable hybrid duplexes were constructed containing three consecutive purine-purine pairs of 7-functionalized 7-deaza-2\'-deoxyisoguanine with guanine or 5-aza-7-deazaguanine in the center and Watson-Crick pairs at both ends. The incorporation of a hybrid base pair tract of 7-deaza-2\'-deoxyisoguanosine/5-aza-7-deaza-2\'-deoxyguanosine pairs stabilizes the double helix strongly. Fluorescence intensity of pyrene short linker adducts increased when the 7-deazapurine base was positioned opposite to 5-methylisocytosine (inverse base pair) compared to purine-purine base pairs with guanine or 5-aza-7-deazaguanine in opposite positions. For long liker adducts, the situation is more complex. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of purine DNA differ to those of Watson-Crick double helices and are indicative for the new DNA constructs. The impact of 7-deaza-2\'-deoxyisoguanine base pair functionalization is studied for the first time and all experimental details are reported to prepare DNA functionalized at the 7-deazaisoguanine site. The influence of single and multiple incorporations on DNA structure and stability is shown. Clickable residues introduced at the 7-position of the 7-deazaisoguanine base provide handles for Huisgen-Sharpless-Meldal click cycloadditions without harming the stability of purine-pyrimidine and purine-purine base pairs. Other chemistries might be used for bioconjugation. Our investigation paves the way for the functionalization of a new DNA related recognition system expanding the common Watson-Crick regime.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemo-mechanical deformation of structured DNA assemblies driven by DNA-binding ligands has offered promising avenues for biological and therapeutic applications. However, it remains elusive how to effectively model and predict their effects on the deformation and mechanical properties of DNA structures. Here, we present a computational framework for simulating chemo-mechanical change of structured DNA assemblies. We particularly quantify the effects of ethidium bromide (EtBr) intercalation on the geometry and mechanical properties of DNA base-pairs through molecular dynamics simulations and integrated them into finite-element-based structural analysis to predict the shape and properties of DNA objects. The proposed model captures various structural changes induced by EtBr-binding such as shape variation, flexibility modulation, and supercoiling instability. It enables a rational design of structured DNA assemblies with tunable shapes and mechanical properties by binding molecules.





