Base Pairing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A systematic study of hydrogen bonds in base pairs and the interaction of cisplatin with DNA fragments was carried out. Structure, binding energies, and electron density were analyzed. xTB has proven to be an accurate method for obtaining structures and binding energies in DNA structures. Our xTB values for DNA base binding energy were in the same order and in some cases better than CAM-B3LYP values compared to experimental values. Double-stranded DNA-cisplatin structures have been calculated and the hydrogen bonds of water molecules are a decisive factor contributing to the preference for the cisplatin-Guanine interaction. Higher values of the water hydrogen bonding energies were obtained in cisplatin-Guanine structures. Furthermore, the electrostatic potential was used to investigate and improve the analysis of DNA-cisplatin structures.
    METHODS: We applied the xTB method and the CAM-B3LYP functional combined with def2-SVP basis set to perform and analyze of the bonding energies of the cisplatin interaction and the effects of the hydrogen bonds. Results were calculated employing the xTB and the ORCA software.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    i-Motifs are non-canonical secondary structures of DNA formed by mutual intercalation of hemi-protonated cytosine-cytosine base pairs, most typically in slightly acidic conditions (pH<7.0). These structures are well-studied in vitro and have recently been suggested to exist in cells. Despite nearly a decade of active research, the quest for small-molecule ligands that could selectively bind to and stabilize i-motifs continues, and no reference, bona fide i-motif ligand is currently available. This is, at least in part, due to the lack of robust methods to assess the interaction of ligands with i-motifs, since many techniques well-established for studies of other secondary structures (such as CD-, UV-, and FRET-melting) may generate artifacts when applied to i-motifs. Here, we describe an implementation of automated, potentiometric (pH) titrations as a robust isothermal method to assess the impact of ligands or cosolutes on thermodynamic stability of i-motifs. This approach is validated through the use of a cosolute previously known to stabilize i-motifs (PEG2000) and three small-molecule ligands that are able to stabilize, destabilize, or have no effect on the stability of i-motifs, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A structural and spectroscopic study of 5-chloroorotic acid (5-ClOA) biomolecule was carried out by IR and FT-Raman and the results obtained were compared to those achieved in 5-fluoroorotic acid and 5-aminoorotic acid compounds. The structures of all possible tautomeric forms were determined using DFT and MP2 methods. To know the tautomer form present in the solid state, the crystal unit cell was optimized through dimer and tetramer forms in several tautomeric forms. The keto form was confirmed through an accurate assignment of all the bands. For this purpose, an additional improvement in the theoretical spectra was carried out using linear scaling equations (LSE) and polynomic equations (PSE) deduced from uracil molecule. Base pairs with uracil, thymine and cytosine nucleobases were optimized and compared to the natural Watson-Crick (WC) pairs. The counterpoise (CP) corrected interaction energies of the base pairs were also calculated. Three nucleosides were optimized based on 5-ClOA as nucleobase, and their corresponding WC pairs with adenosine. These modified nucleosides were inserted in DNA:DNA and RNA:RNA microhelices, which were optimized. The position of the -COOH group in the uracil ring of these microhelices interrupts the DNA/RNA helix formation. Because of the special characteristic of these molecules they can be used as antiviral drugs.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Hoogsteen (HG) base pairing conformation, commonly observed in damaged and mutated DNA helices, facilitates DNA repair and DNA recognition. The free energy difference between HG and Watson-Crick (WC) base pairs has been computed in previous studies. However, the mechanism of the conformational transition is not well understood. A detailed understanding of the process of WC to HG base pair transition can provide a deeper understanding of DNA repair and recognition. In an earlier study, we explored the free energy landscape for this process using extensive computer simulation with the CHARMM36 force field. In this work, we study the impact of force field models in describing the WC to HG base pairing transition using meta-eABF enhanced sampling, quasi-harmonic entropy calculation, and nonbonded energy analysis. The secondary structures of both base pairing forms and the topology of the free energy landscapes were consistent over different force field models, although the relative free energy, entropy, and the interaction energies tend to vary. The relative stability of the WC and HG conformations is dictated by a delicate balance between the enthalpic stabilization and the reduced entropy of the structurally rigid HG structure. These findings highlight the impact that subtleties in force field models can have on accurately modeling DNA base pair dynamics and should stimulate further computational investigations into other dynamically important motions in DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interactions between the popular sunscreen ingredients oxybenzone and homosalate and DNA bases have been studied using density functional theory and ab initio methods. Low-energy structures for each sunscreen ingredient interacting with each nucleotide base in either a pi-stacked or hydrogen-bonded fashion were found. The binding energies are comparable to those for the Watson-Crick-Franklin Ade-Thy and Cyt-Gua pairs. Pi-stacked and hydrogen-bonded structures are comparable in energy, with hydrogen-bonded structures having a more negative counterpoise-corrected binding energy, while the final pi-stacked structures are lower in energy. This is due to a geometrical rearrangement required to form the hydrogen bonds that raise the total energy of the complex. It was also found that when using the M06-2X density functional, the STO-3G basis set favors hydrogen bonding, but 6-31G(d) and 6-31 + G(s) basis sets predict similar binding geometries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Base pairing in RNA are significantly rich and versatile due to the potential non-canonical base pairing amongst nucleotides. Not only that, one base in RNA can pair with more than one bases simultaneously. This opens up a new dimension of research to detect such types of base-base pair networks in RNA and to analyze them. Even if a base do not form a pair, it may have significant extent of [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] stacking overlap that can stabilize the structures. In this work, we report a software tool, called BPNet, that accepts a mmCIF or PDB file and computes the base-pair/[Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] contact network components using graph formalism. The software can run on Linux platform in both serial and parallel modes. It generates several information in suitable file formats for visualization of the networks. This paper describes the BPNet software and also presents some interesting results obtained by analyzing several RNA structures by the software to show its effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The damage of the DNA structure can affect the correct functioning of the cellular processes. This work investigates the required forces to dissociate the Watson-Crick (WC) base pairs AT into A and T, and GC into G and C. The WC base pairs are immersed in water under realistic conditions of temperature, volume, and density that reproduce the main characteristics of a biological system. The simulations are based on first-principles molecular dynamics combined with steering atomic forces. In addition to the force intensities, the charge transfers between the nucleic acid bases, energy variations, and temperature fluctuations in the cleavage moments are reported. With the purpose of evaluating the effects of the aqueous medium, simulations of the WC base pairs in vacuum are included. The results considering the solvated medium are consistent with the experimental measurements, and show the importance of the aqueous solution to regulate the structural modifications of the nucleic acid bases. The investigation contributes with a novel molecular model in molecular simulations, and to better understand the biological processes where the DNA compounds play an active role in life forms.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to the Löwdin model [ Rev. Mod. Phys. 1963, 35, 724-732], the Watson-Crick guanine-cytosine (G-C) base pair is tautomerized (G*-C*) with a small probability and then replication of G*-C* produces G*-thymine (T) and adenine (A)-C* base pairs. On the basis of this model and our previous work [ J. Phys. Chem. B 2020, 124, 1715-1722], we first calculated the intrinsic reaction coordinates from G*-T to G-T* using density functional theory and evaluated the probability of G*-T tautomerization to G-T* by double proton transfer (DPT) on the basis of the transition state theory. Similarly, we calculated the probability of A-C* tautomerization to A*-C by DPT. Then, according to these probabilities, we calculated the probability of transition mutations from G-C to A-T after 2 replications. The calculated probability was 1.31 × 10-8, a value consistent with the mutation rate previously reported by Drake et al. [ Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1991, 88, 7160-7164]. Our results suggest that DPT is one cause of the G-C → A-T transition. To investigate differences in the optical properties between G*-T and G-T* and between A-C* and A*-C, we also evaluated the infrared absorption spectra and Raman intensities for these base pairs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The photostability of DNA plays a key role in the normal function of organisms. A-5FU is a base pair derivative of the A-T dimer where the methyl group is replaced by a F atom. Here, accurate static TDDFT calculations and non-adiabatic dynamic simulations are used to systematically investigate the excited-state decay paths of the A-5FU dimer related to the proton transfer and the out-of-plane twisting deformation motion of A and 5FU in the 1ππ* and 1nπ* states. CC2 is used to check the accuracy of the current TDDFT calculations. Our results show that the deformation of the C[double bond, length as m-dash]C or C[double bond, length as m-dash]N double bond in A and 5FU provides an efficient pathway for the depopulation of the lowest excited states, which can compete with the excited-state proton transfer paths in the dimer. This finding indicates that monomer-like decay paths could be important for the photostability of weakly hydrogen-bonded DNA base pairs and provide a new insight into the excited-state decay paths in base pairs and their analogues.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    In most bacterial type A RNase P RNAs (P RNAs), two major loop-helix tertiary contacts (L8-P4 and L18-P8) help to orient the two independently folding S- and C-domains for concerted recognition of precursor tRNA substrates. Here, we analyze the effects of mutations in these tertiary contacts in P RNAs from three different species: (i) the psychrophilic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas translucida (Ptr), (ii) the mesophilic radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans (Dra), and (iii) the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus (Tth). We show by UV melting experiments that simultaneous disruption of these two interdomain contacts has a stabilizing effect on all three P RNAs. This can be inferred from reduced RNA unfolding at lower temperatures and a more concerted unfolding at higher temperatures. Thus, when the two domains tightly interact via the tertiary contacts, one domain facilitates structural transitions in the other. P RNA mutants with disrupted interdomain contacts showed severe kinetic defects that were most pronounced upon simultaneous disruption of the L8-P4 and L18-P8 contacts. At 37°C, the mildest effects were observed for the thermostable Tth RNA. A third interdomain contact, L9-P1, makes only a minor contribution to P RNA tertiary folding. Furthermore, D. radiodurans RNase P RNA forms an additional pseudoknot structure between the P9 and P12 of its S-domain. This interaction was found to be particularly crucial for RNase P holoenzyme activity at near-physiological Mg2+ concentrations (2 mM). We further analyzed an exceptionally stable folding trap of the G,C-rich Tth P RNA.





