Base Pairing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The challenge of transforming organized DNA structures into their metallized counterparts persists in the scientific field. In this context, utilizing DNA molecules modified with 7-deazapurine, provides a transformative solution. In this study, we present the solution structure of a DNA duplex that can be transformed into its metallized equivalent while retaining the natural base pairing arrangement through the creation of silver-modified Watson-Crick base pairs. Unlike previously documented X-ray structures, our research demonstrates the feasibility of preserving the intrinsic DNA self-assembly while incorporating AgI into the double helix, illustrating that the binding of silver does not disrupt the canonical base-pairing organization. Moreover, in our case, the uninterrupted AgI chain deviates from forming conventional straight linear chains; instead, it adheres to a helical arrangement dictated by the underlying DNA structure. This research challenges conventional assumptions and opens the door to precisely design structures based on the organization of highly stable Ag-DNA assemblies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experimental methods capable of selectively probing water at the DNA minor groove, major groove, and phosphate backbone are crucial for understanding how hydration influences DNA structure and function. Chiral-selective sum frequency generation spectroscopy (chiral SFG) is unique among vibrational spectroscopies because it can selectively probe water molecules that form chiral hydration structures around biomolecules. However, interpreting chiral SFG spectra is challenging since both water and the biomolecule can produce chiral SFG signals. Here, we combine experiment and computation to establish a theoretical framework for the rigorous interpretation of chiral SFG spectra of DNA. We demonstrate that chiral SFG detects the N-H stretch of DNA base pairs and the O-H stretch of water, exclusively probing water molecules in the DNA first hydration shell. Our analysis reveals that DNA transfers chirality to water molecules only within the first hydration shell, so they can be probed by chiral SFG spectroscopy. Beyond the first hydration shell, the electric field-induced water structure is symmetric and, therefore, precludes chiral SFG response. Furthermore, we find that chiral SFG can differentiate chiral subpopulations of first hydration shell water molecules at the minor groove, major groove, and phosphate backbone. Our findings challenge the scientific perspective dominant for more than 40 years that the minor groove \"spine of hydration\" is the only chiral water structure surrounding the DNA double helix. By identifying the molecular origins of the DNA chiral SFG spectrum, we lay a robust experimental and theoretical foundation for applying chiral SFG to explore the chemical and biological physics of DNA hydration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA is continuously exposed to a variety of harmful factors, which, on the one hand, can force undesirable processes such as ageing, carcinogenesis and mutagenesis, while on the other hand, can accelerate evolutionary changes. Of all the canonical nucleosides, 2\'-deoxyguanosine (dG) exhibits the lowest ionization potential, making it particularly prone to the one-electron oxidizing process. The most abundant type of nucleobase damage is constituted by 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2\'-deoxyguanosine (OXOdG), with an oxidation potential that is 0.56 V lower than that of canonical dG. All this has led to OXOdG, as an isolated lesion, being perceived as a sink for radical cations in the genome. In this paper, a comparative analysis of the electronic properties of an OXOGC base pair within the context of a clustered DNA lesion (CDL) has been conducted. It is based on previous DFT studies that were carried out at the M06-2x/6-31++G** level of theory in non-equilibrated and equilibrated condensed phases. The results of the comparative analysis presented here reveal the following: (A) The ionization potentials of OXOG4C2 were largely unaffected by a second lesion. (B) The positive charge and spin were found predominantly on the OXOG4C2 moiety. (C) The electron-hole transfers A3T3→G4C2 and G4C2←A5T1 were found in the Marcus inverted region and were resistant to the presence of a second DNA lesion in close proximity. It can therefore be reasonably postulated that OXOGC becomes the sink for a radical cation migrating through the double helix, irrespective of the presence of other 2\'-deoxyguanosine lesions in the CDL structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA\'s diversity of structures and functions impacts all life forms since primordia. We use calorimetric force spectroscopy to investigate RNA folding landscapes in previously unexplored low-temperature conditions. We find that Watson-Crick RNA hairpins, the most basic secondary structure elements, undergo a glass-like transition below [Formula: see text]C where the heat capacity abruptly changes and the RNA folds into a diversity of misfolded structures. We hypothesize that an altered RNA biochemistry, determined by sequence-independent ribose-water interactions, outweighs sequence-dependent base pairing. The ubiquitous ribose-water interactions lead to universal RNA phase transitions below TG, such as maximum stability at [Formula: see text]C where water density is maximum, and cold denaturation at [Formula: see text]C. RNA cold biochemistry may have a profound impact on RNA function and evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemo-mechanical deformation of structured DNA assemblies driven by DNA-binding ligands has offered promising avenues for biological and therapeutic applications. However, it remains elusive how to effectively model and predict their effects on the deformation and mechanical properties of DNA structures. Here, we present a computational framework for simulating chemo-mechanical change of structured DNA assemblies. We particularly quantify the effects of ethidium bromide (EtBr) intercalation on the geometry and mechanical properties of DNA base-pairs through molecular dynamics simulations and integrated them into finite-element-based structural analysis to predict the shape and properties of DNA objects. The proposed model captures various structural changes induced by EtBr-binding such as shape variation, flexibility modulation, and supercoiling instability. It enables a rational design of structured DNA assemblies with tunable shapes and mechanical properties by binding molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mixed double helices formed by RNA and DNA strands, commonly referred to as hybrid duplexes or hybrids, are essential in biological processes like transcription and reverse transcription. They are also important for their applications in CRISPR gene editing and nanotechnology. Yet, despite their significance, the hybrid duplexes have been seldom modeled by atomistic molecular dynamics methodology, and there is no benchmark study systematically assessing the force-field performance. Here, we present an extensive benchmark study of polypurine tract (PPT) and Dickerson-Drew dodecamer hybrid duplexes using contemporary and commonly utilized pairwise additive and polarizable nucleic acid force fields. Our findings indicate that none of the available force-field choices accurately reproduces all the characteristic structural details of the hybrid duplexes. The AMBER force fields are unable to populate the C3\'-endo (north) pucker of the DNA strand and underestimate inclination. The CHARMM force field accurately describes the C3\'-endo pucker and inclination but shows base pair instability. The polarizable force fields struggle with accurately reproducing the helical parameters. Some force-field combinations even demonstrate a discernible conflict between the RNA and DNA parameters. In this work, we offer a candid assessment of the force-field performance for mixed DNA/RNA duplexes. We provide guidance on selecting utilizable force-field combinations and also highlight potential pitfalls and best practices for obtaining optimal performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-CpG methylation is associated with several cellular processes, especially neuronal development and cancer, while its effect on DNA structure remains unclear. We have determined the crystal structures of DNA duplexes containing -CGCCG- regions as CCG repeat motifs that comprise a non-CpG site with or without cytosine methylation. Crystal structure analyses have revealed that the mC:G base-pair can simultaneously form two alternative conformations arising from non-CpG methylation, including a unique water-mediated cis Watson-Crick/Hoogsteen, (w)cWH, and Watson-Crick (WC) geometries, with partial occupancies of 0.1 and 0.9, respectively. NMR studies showed that an alternative conformation of methylated mC:G base-pair at non-CpG step exhibits characteristics of cWH with a syn-guanosine conformation in solution. DNA duplexes complexed with the DNA binding drug echinomycin result in increased occupancy of the (w)cWH geometry in the methylated base-pair (from 0.1 to 0.3). Our structural results demonstrated that cytosine methylation at a non-CpG step leads to an anti→syntransition of its complementary guanosine residue toward the (w)cWH geometry as a partial population of WC, in both drug-bound and naked mC:G base pairs. This particular geometry is specific to non-CpG methylated dinucleotide sites in B-form DNA. Overall, the current study provides new insights into DNA conformation during epigenetic regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurately predicting the pairing order of bases in RNA molecules is essential for anticipating RNA secondary structures. Consequently, this task holds significant importance in unveiling previously unknown biological processes. The urgent need to comprehend RNA structures has been accentuated by the unprecedented impact of the widespread COVID-19 pandemic. This paper presents a framework, Knotify_V2.0, which makes use of syntactic pattern recognition techniques in order to predict RNA structures, with a specific emphasis on tackling the demanding task of predicting H-type pseudoknots that encompass bulges and hairpins. By leveraging the expressive capabilities of a Context-Free Grammar (CFG), the suggested framework integrates the inherent benefits of CFG and makes use of minimum free energy and maximum base pairing criteria. This integration enables the effective management of this inherently ambiguous task. The main contribution of Knotify_V2.0 compared to earlier versions lies in its capacity to identify additional motifs like bulges and hairpins within the internal loops of the pseudoknot. Notably, the proposed methodology, Knotify_V2.0, demonstrates superior accuracy in predicting core stems compared to state-of-the-art frameworks. Knotify_V2.0 exhibited exceptional performance by accurately identifying both core base pairing that form the ground truth pseudoknot in 70% of the examined sequences. Furthermore, Knotify_V2.0 narrowed the performance gap with Knotty, which had demonstrated better performance than Knotify and even surpassed it in Recall and F1-score metrics. Knotify_V2.0 achieved a higher count of true positives (tp) and a significantly lower count of false negatives (fn) compared to Knotify, highlighting improvements in Prediction and Recall metrics, respectively. Consequently, Knotify_V2.0 achieved a higher F1-score than any other platform. The source code and comprehensive implementation details of Knotify_V2.0 are publicly available on GitHub.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic rearrangements, encompassing mutational changes in the genome such as insertions, deletions or inversions, are essential for genetic diversity. These rearrangements are typically orchestrated by enzymes that are involved in fundamental DNA repair processes, such as homologous recombination, or in the transposition of foreign genetic material by viruses and mobile genetic elements1,2. Here we report that IS110 insertion sequences, a family of minimal and autonomous mobile genetic elements, express a structured non-coding RNA that binds specifically to their encoded recombinase. This bridge RNA contains two internal loops encoding nucleotide stretches that base-pair with the target DNA and the donor DNA, which is the IS110 element itself. We demonstrate that the target-binding and donor-binding loops can be independently reprogrammed to direct sequence-specific recombination between two DNA molecules. This modularity enables the insertion of DNA into genomic target sites, as well as programmable DNA excision and inversion. The IS110 bridge recombination system expands the diversity of nucleic-acid-guided systems beyond CRISPR and RNA interference, offering a unified mechanism for the three fundamental DNA rearrangements-insertion, excision and inversion-that are required for genome design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potential G-quadruplex sites have been identified in the genomes of DNA and RNA viruses and proposed as regulatory elements. The genus Orthoflavivirus contains arthropod-transmitted, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses that cause significant human disease globally. Computational studies have identified multiple potential G-quadruplex sites that are conserved across members of this genus. Subsequent biophysical studies established that some G-quadruplexes predicted in Zika and tickborne encephalitis virus genomes can form and known quadruplex binders reduced viral yields from cells infected with these viruses. The susceptibility of RNA to degradation and the variability of loop regions have made structure determination challenging. Despite these difficulties, we report a high-resolution structure of the NS5-B quadruplex from the West Nile virus genome. Analysis reveals two stacked tetrads that are further stabilized by a stacked triad and transient noncanonical base pairing. This structure expands the landscape of solved RNA quadruplex structures and demonstrates the diversity and complexity of biological quadruplexes. We anticipate that the availability of this structure will assist in solving further viral RNA quadruplexes and provides a model for a conserved antiviral target in Orthoflavivirus genomes.





