Auditory Pathways

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Novel stimulation methods are needed to overcome the limitations of contemporary cochlear implants. Optogenetics is a technique that confers light sensitivity to neurons via the genetic introduction of light-sensitive ion channels. By controlling neural activity with light, auditory neurons can be activated with higher spatial precision. Understanding the behaviour of opsins at high stimulation rates is an important step towards their translation. To elucidate this, we compared the temporal characteristics of auditory nerve and inferior colliculus responses to optogenetic, electrical, and combined optogenetic-electrical stimulation in virally transduced mice expressing one of two channelrhodopsins, ChR2-H134R or ChIEF, at stimulation rates up to 400 pulses per second (pps). At 100 pps, optogenetic responses in ChIEF mice demonstrated higher fidelity, less change in latency, and greater response stability compared to responses in ChR2-H134R mice, but not at higher rates. Combined stimulation improved the response characteristics in both cohorts at 400 pps, although there was no consistent facilitation of electrical responses. Despite these results, day-long stimulation (up to 13 h) led to severe and non-recoverable deterioration of the optogenetic responses. The results of this study have significant implications for the translation of optogenetic-only and combined stimulation techniques for hearing loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A speech intelligibility (SI) prediction model is proposed that includes an auditory preprocessing component based on the physiological anatomy and activity of the human ear, a hierarchical spiking neural network, and a decision back-end processing based on correlation analysis. The auditory preprocessing component effectively captures advanced physiological details of the auditory system, such as retrograde traveling waves, longitudinal coupling, and cochlear nonlinearity. The ability of the model to predict data from normal-hearing listeners under various additive noise conditions was considered. The predictions closely matched the experimental test data under all conditions. Furthermore, we developed a lumped mass model of a McGee stainless-steel piston with the middle-ear to study the recovery of individuals with otosclerosis. We show that the proposed SI model accurately simulates the effect of middle-ear intervention on SI. Consequently, the model establishes a model-based relationship between objective measures of human ear damage, like distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and speech perception. Moreover, the SI model can serve as a robust tool for optimizing parameters and for preoperative assessment of artificial stimuli, providing a valuable reference for clinical treatments of conductive hearing loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the central auditory system of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis through behavioral assessment of central auditory processing and electrophysiological tests to investigate short and long-latency auditory potentials, comparing them with the results obtained in the control group.
    METHODS: 117 from 7 to 21 years old patients were evaluated, 57 of them with cystic fibrosis and 60 of the control group, using behavioral evaluation of central auditory processing, auditory brainstem response and long latency auditory evoked potential. The comparison of the research groups was performed using ANOVA for Auditory Brain Response and P300 responses and Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests for Central Auditory Processing responses.
    RESULTS: A statistically significant difference was found in the results of the GIN test between the groups and in the auditory brainstem response latency responses in waves I and V in the comparison between the groups with higher latencies in the study group. A difference was also found between latencies in the interpeak intervals I-III and III-V. The long latency auditory evoked potential analysis shows a statistically significant difference in the latency of the P300 potential, with higher latencies in the study group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cystic fibrosis participants presented worse performance in the gaps-in-noise test compared to the control group in the evaluation of central auditory processing, which indicates impairment of temporal resolution auditory ability. They also showed increased latency in I and V waves of auditory brainstem response, as well as an increase P300 latency in long latency auditory evoked potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Auditory space has been conceptualized as a matrix of systematically arranged combinations of binaural disparity cues that arise in the superior olivary complex (SOC). The computational code for interaural time and intensity differences utilizes excitatory and inhibitory projections that converge in the inferior colliculus (IC). The challenge is to determine the neural circuits underlying this convergence and to model how the binaural cues encode location. It has been shown that midbrain neurons are largely excited by sound from the contralateral ear and inhibited by sound leading at the ipsilateral ear. In this context, ascending projections from the lateral superior olive (LSO) to the IC have been reported to be ipsilaterally glycinergic and contralaterally glutamatergic. This study used CBA/CaH mice (3-6 months old) and applied unilateral retrograde tracing techniques into the IC in conjunction with immunocytochemical methods with glycine and glutamate transporters (GlyT2 and vGLUT2, respectively) to analyze the projection patterns from the LSO to the IC. Glycinergic and glutamatergic neurons were spatially intermixed within the LSO, and both types projected to the IC. For GlyT2 and vGLUT2 neurons, the average percentage of ipsilaterally and contralaterally projecting cells was similar (ANOVA, p = 0.48). A roughly equal number of GlyT2 and vGLUT2 neurons did not project to the IC. The somatic size and shape of these neurons match the descriptions of LSO principal cells. A minor but distinct population of small (< 40 μm2) neurons that labeled for GlyT2 did not project to the IC; these cells emerge as candidates for inhibitory local circuit neurons. Our findings indicate a symmetric and bilateral projection of glycine and glutamate neurons from the LSO to the IC. The differences between our results and those from previous studies suggest that species and habitat differences have a significant role in mechanisms of binaural processing and highlight the importance of research methods and comparative neuroscience. These data will be important for modeling how excitatory and inhibitory systems converge to create auditory space in the CBA/CaH mouse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The numerical sense of animals includes identifying the numerosity of a sequence of events that occur with specific intervals, e.g., notes in a call or bar of music. Across nervous systems, the temporal patterning of spikes can code these events, but how this information is decoded (counted) remains elusive. In the anuran auditory system, temporal information of this type is decoded in the midbrain, where \"interval-counting\" neurons spike only after at least a threshold number of sound pulses have occurred with specific timing. We show that this decoding process, i.e., interval counting, arises from integrating phasic, onset-type and offset inhibition with excitation that augments across successive intervals, possibly due to a progressive decrease in \"shunting\" effects of inhibition. Because these physiological properties are ubiquitous within and across central nervous systems, interval counting may be a general mechanism for decoding diverse information coded/encoded in temporal patterns of spikes, including \"bursts,\" and estimating elapsed time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study investigated the effect of lower frequency input on stream segregation acuity in older, normal hearing adults. Using event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and perceptual performance measures, we previously showed that stream segregation abilities were less proficient in older compared to younger adults. However, in that study we used frequency ranges greater than 1500 Hz. In the current study, we lowered the target frequency range below 1500 Hz and found similar stream segregation abilities in younger and older adults. These results indicate that the perception of complex auditory scenes is influenced by the spectral content of the auditory input and suggest that lower frequency ranges of input in older adults may facilitate listening ability in complex auditory environments. These results also have implications for the advancement of prosthetic devices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital or early-onset unilateral hearing loss (UHL) can disrupt the normal development of the auditory system. In extreme cases of UHL (i.e., single sided deafness), consistent cochlear implant use during sensitive periods resulted in cortical reorganization that partially reversed the detrimental effects of unilateral sensory deprivation. There is a gap in knowledge, however, regarding cortical plasticity i.e. the brain\'s capacity to adapt, reorganize, and develop binaural pathways in milder degrees of UHL rehabilitated by a hearing aid (HA). The current study was set to investigate early-stage cortical processing and electrophysiological manifestations of binaural processing by means of cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs) to speech sounds, in children with moderate to severe-to-profound UHL using a HA. Fourteen children with UHL (CHwUHL), 6-14 years old consistently using a HA for 3.5 (±2.3) years participated in the study. CAEPs were elicited to the speech sounds /m/, /g/, and /t/ in three listening conditions: monaural [Normal hearing (NH), HA], and bilateral [BI (NH + HA)]. Results indicated age-appropriate CAEP morphology in the NH and BI listening conditions in all children. In the HA listening condition: (1) CAEPs showed similar morphology to that found in the NH listening condition, however, the mature morphology observed in older children in the NH listening condition was not evident; (2) P1 was elicited in all but two children with severe-to-profound hearing loss, to at least one speech stimuli, indicating effective audibility; (3) A significant mismatch in timing and synchrony between the NH and HA ear was found; (4) P1 was sensitive to the acoustic features of the eliciting stimulus and to the amplification characteristics of the HA. Finally, a cortical binaural interaction component (BIC) was derived in most children. In conclusion, the current study provides first-time evidence for cortical plasticity and partial reversal of the detrimental effects of moderate to severe-to-profound UHL rehabilitated by a HA. The derivation of a cortical biomarker of binaural processing implies that functional binaural pathways can develop when sufficient auditory input is provided to the affected ear. CAEPs may thus serve as a clinical tool for assessing, monitoring, and managing CHwUHL using a HA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss, affects both elderly humans and dogs, significantly impairing their social interactions and cognition. In humans, presbycusis involves changes in peripheral and central auditory systems, with central changes potentially occurring independently. While peripheral presbycusis in dogs is well-documented, research on central changes remains limited. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a useful tool for detecting and quantifying cerebral white matter abnormalities. This study used DTI to explore the central auditory pathway of senior dogs, aiming to enhance our understanding of canine presbycusis. Dogs beyond 75% of their expected lifespan were recruited and screened with brainstem auditory evoked response testing to select dogs without severe peripheral hearing loss. Sixteen dogs meeting the criteria were scanned using a 3 T magnetic resonance scanner. Tract-based spatial statistics was used to analyze the central auditory pathways. A significant negative correlation between fractional lifespan and fractional anisotropy was found in the acoustic radiation, suggesting age-related white matter changes in the central auditory system. These changes, observed in dogs without severe peripheral hearing loss, may contribute to central presbycusis development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the peripheral and central auditory pathways in adult individuals after COVID-19 infection.
    A total of 44 individuals aged between 19 and 58 years, of both genders, post-COVID-19 infection, confirmed by serological tests, with no previous hearing complaints and no risk factors for hearing loss, were assessed. All the participants underwent the following procedures: pure tone audiometry, logoaudiometry, immitanciometry, and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEP), in addition to answering a questionnaire about auditory symptoms.
    Thirteen individuals (29.5 %) had some hearing threshold impairment, mainly sensorineural hearing loss. In the BAEP, 18 individuals (40.9 %) presented longer latencies, mainly in waves III and V. According to the questionnaire answers, 3 individuals (9.1 %) reported worsened hearing and 7 (15.9 %) tinnitus that emerged after the infection. As for the use of ototoxic drugs during treatment, 7 individuals (15.9 %) reported their use, of which 5 showed abnormalities in peripheral and/or central auditory assessments.
    Considering the self-reported hearing complaints after COVID-19 infection and the high rate of abnormalities found in both peripheral and central audiological assessments, it is suggested that the new COVID-19 may compromise the auditory system. Due to the many variables involved in this study, the results should be considered with caution. However, it is essential that audiological evaluations are carried out on post-COVID-19 patients in order to assess the effects of the infection in the short, medium, and long term. Future longitudinal investigations are important for a better understanding of the auditory consequences of COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The discovery and development of electrocochleography (ECochG) in animal models has been fundamental for its implementation in clinical audiology and neurotology. In our laboratory, the use of round-window ECochG recordings in chinchillas has allowed a better understanding of auditory efferent functioning. In previous works, we gave evidence of the corticofugal modulation of auditory-nerve and cochlear responses during visual attention and working memory. However, whether these cognitive top-down mechanisms to the most peripheral structures of the auditory pathway are also active during audiovisual crossmodal stimulation is unknown. Here, we introduce a new technique, wireless ECochG to record compound-action potentials of the auditory nerve (CAP), cochlear microphonics (CM), and round-window noise (RWN) in awake chinchillas during a paradigm of crossmodal (visual and auditory) stimulation. We compared ECochG data obtained from four awake chinchillas recorded with a wireless ECochG system with wired ECochG recordings from six anesthetized animals. Although ECochG experiments with the wireless system had a lower signal-to-noise ratio than wired recordings, their quality was sufficient to compare ECochG potentials in awake crossmodal conditions. We found non-significant differences in CAP and CM amplitudes in response to audiovisual stimulation compared to auditory stimulation alone (clicks and tones). On the other hand, spontaneous auditory-nerve activity (RWN) was modulated by visual crossmodal stimulation, suggesting that visual crossmodal simulation can modulate spontaneous but not evoked auditory-nerve activity. However, given the limited sample of 10 animals (4 wireless and 6 wired), these results should be interpreted cautiously. Future experiments are required to substantiate these conclusions. In addition, we introduce the use of wireless ECochG in animal models as a useful tool for translational research.





