wind pollination

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Job\'s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) is grown widely in Asian countries and a crop that can fertilize with own pollen and pistils. The grains are used not only for food but also for medicinal purposes. The grain of many cultivars contains glutinous endosperm; only grains with this glutinous endosperm are suitable for use as medicine in Japan. Many wild types have non-glutinous endosperm and can easily cross with cultivar under natural environmental conditions. Because the non-glutinous endosperm trait is dominant to that of glutinous endosperm, F1 seeds produced by crosses between a cultivar and a wild type have non-glutinous endosperm. To reduce the rate of unwanted crosses, we investigated the pollen dispersal distance by using a red leaf sheath as a morphological marker. When plants were cultivated in rows 70 cm apart, the crossing rate was about 25%-35%. As the distance increased, the crossing rate decreased at a rate that could be fitted to a power approximation in fields without intervening plants and to an exponential equation in fields with intervening plants. Our data could be used as guidelines for preventing unwanted crossing with wild types when growing cultivars.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olive (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. europaea) is the most extensively cultivated fruit crop worldwide. It is considered a wind-pollinated and strictly outcrossing crop. Thus, elevated pollen production is crucial to guarantee optimum fruit set and yield. Despite these facts, the variability of pollen production within the cultivated olive has been scarcely studied. This study aimed to characterize this feature by analysing a representative set of worldwide olive cultivars.
    We evaluated the average number of pollen grains per anther in 57 principal cultivars over three consecutive years. We applied a standard generalized linear model (GLM) approach to study the influence of cultivar, year and the previous year\'s fruit load on the amount of pollen per anther. Additionally, the K-means method was used for cluster analysis to group cultivars based on their pollen production capacity.
    Pollen production per anther was highly variable among olive cultivars. The cultivar significantly accounted for 51.3 % of the variance in pollen production and the year for 0.3 %. The interaction between the two factors explained 8.4 % of the variance, indicating that not all cultivars were equally stable in producing pollen across the years. The previous year\'s fruit load and its interaction with the year were significant, but barely accounted for 1.5 % of the variance. Olive cultivars were classified into four clusters according to their capacity to produce pollen. Interestingly, the fourth cluster was composed of male-sterile cultivars, which presumably share this character by inheritance.
    Pollen production per anther varied extensively within the cultivated olive. This variation was mainly driven by the cultivar and its interaction with the year. The differential capacity of olive cultivars to produce pollen should be considered not only for designing new orchards but also gardens where this species is used as an ornamental.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wind pollination has evolved repeatedly in flowering plants, yet the identification of a wind pollination syndrome as a set of integrated floral traits can be elusive. Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae) comprises temperate perennial herbs that have transitioned repeatedly from insect to wind pollination while also exhibiting mixed pollination, providing an ideal system to test for evolutionary correlation between floral morphology and pollination mode in a biotic to abiotic continuum. Moreover, the lack of floral organ fusion across this genus allows testing for specialization to pollination vectors in the absence of this feature.
    We expanded phylogenetic sampling in the genus from a previous study using six chloroplast loci, which allowed us to test whether species cluster into distinct pollination syndromes based on floral morphology. We then used multivariate analyses on floral traits followed by ancestral state reconstruction of the emerging flower morphotypes and determined whether these traits are evolutionarily correlated under a Bayesian framework with Brownian motion.
    Floral traits fell into five distinct clusters, which were reduced to three after considering phylogenetic relatedness and were largely consistent with flower morphotypes and associated pollination vectors. Multivariate evolutionary analyses found a positive correlation between the lengths of floral reproductive structures (styles, stigmas, filaments and anthers). Shorter reproductive structures tracked insect-pollinated species and clades in the phylogeny, whereas longer structures tracked wind-pollinated ones, consistent with selective pressures exerted by biotic vs. abiotic pollination vectors, respectively.
    Although detectable suites of integrated floral traits across Thalictrum were correlated with wind or insect pollination at the extremes of the morphospace distribution, a presumed intermediate, mixed pollination mode morphospace was also detected. Thus, our data broadly support the existence of detectable flower morphotypes from convergent evolution underlying the evolution of pollination mode in Thalictrum, presumably via different paths from an ancestral mixed pollination state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dioecious plants are obligate outcrossers with separate male and female individuals, which can result in decreased seed set with increasing distance between the sexes. Wind pollination is a common correlate of dioecy, yet combined wind and insect pollination (ambophily) could be advantageous in compensating for decreased pollen flow to isolated females. Dioecious, ambophilous gymnosperms Ephedra (Gnetales) secrete pollination drops (PDs) in female cones that capture airborne pollen and attract ants that feed on them. Plant sugary secretions commonly reward ants in exchange for indirect plant defense against herbivores, and more rarely for pollination. We conducted field experiments to investigate whether ants are pollinators and/or plant defenders of South American Ephedra triandra, and whether their contribution to seed set and seed cone protection varies with distance between female and male plants. We quantified pollen flow in the wind and assessed the effectiveness of ants as pollinators by investigating their relative contribution to seed set, and their visitation rate in female plants at increasing distance from the nearest male. Ants accounted for most insect visits to female cones of E. triandra, where they consumed PDs, and pollen load was larger on bigger ants without reduction in pollen viability. While wind pollination was the main contributor to seed set overall, the relative contribution of ants was distance dependent. Ant contribution to seed set was not significant at shorter distances, yet at the farthest distance from the nearest male (23 m), where 20 times less pollen reached females, ants enhanced seed set by 30% compared to plants depending solely on wind pollination. We found no evidence that ants contribute to plant defense by preventing seed cone damage. Our results suggest that, despite their short-range movements, ants can offset pollen limitation in isolated females of wind-pollinated plants with separate sexes. We propose that ants enhance plant reproductive success via targeted delivery of airborne pollen, through frequent contact with ovule tips while consuming PDs. Our study constitutes the first experimental quantification of distance-dependent contribution of ants to pollination and provides a working hypothesis for ambophily in other dioecious plants lacking pollinator reward in male plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary transitions from animal to wind pollination have occurred repeatedly during the history of the angiosperms, but the selective mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we propose that knowledge of pollen release biomechanics is critical for understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes underpinning this shift in pollination mode. Pollen release is the critical first stage of wind pollination (anemophily) and stamen properties are therefore likely to be under strong selection early in the transition. We describe current understanding of pollen release biomechanics to provide insights on the phenotypic and ecological drivers of wind pollination. Pollen release occurs when detachment forces dominate resistive forces retaining pollen within anthers. Detachment forces can be active or passive depending on whether they require energy input from the environment. Passive release is more widespread in anemophilous species and involves processes driven by steady or unsteady aerodynamic forces or turbulence-induced vibrations that shake pollen from anthers. We review empirical and theoretical studies suggesting that stamen vibration is likely to be a key mechanism of pollen release. The vibration response is governed by morphological and biomechanical properties of stamens, which may undergo divergent selection in the presence or absence of pollinators. Resistive forces have rarely been investigated for pollen within anthers, but are probably sensitive to environmental conditions and depend on flower age, varying systematically between animal- and wind-pollinated species. Animal and wind pollination are traditionally viewed as dichotomous alternatives because they are usually associated with strikingly different pollination syndromes. But this perspective has diverted attention from subtler, continuously varying traits which mediate the fluid dynamic process of pollen release. Reinterpreting the flower as a biomechanical entity that responds to fluctuating environmental forces may provide a promising way forward. We conclude by identifying several profitable areas for future research to obtain deeper insight into the evolution of wind pollination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wind disperses the pollen and seeds of many plants, but little is known about whether and how it shapes large-scale landscape genetic patterns. We address this question by a synthesis and reanalysis of genetic data from more than 1,900 populations of 97 tree and shrub species around the world, using a newly developed framework for modeling long-term landscape connectivity by wind currents. We show that wind shapes three independent aspects of landscape genetics in plants with wind pollination or seed dispersal: populations linked by stronger winds are more genetically similar, populations linked by directionally imbalanced winds exhibit asymmetric gene flow ratios, and downwind populations have higher genetic diversity. For each of these distinct hypotheses, partial correlations between the respective wind and genetic metrics (controlling for distance and climate) are positive for a significant majority of wind-dispersed or wind-pollinated genetic data sets and increase significantly across functional groups expected to be increasingly influenced by wind. Together, these results indicate that the geography of both wind strength and wind direction play important roles in shaping large-scale genetic patterns across the world\'s forests. These findings have implications for various aspects of basic plant ecology and evolution, as well as the response of biodiversity to future global change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Precise pollen collection methods are necessary for crop breeding, but anemophilous pollen is notoriously difficult to capture and control. Here we compared a variety of methods for the controlled capture of cannabis pollen, intended to ease the process of cross-fertilization for breeding this wind-pollinated plant, and measured the utility of light spectroscopy for quantifying relative pollen yield.
    RESULTS: In two independent trials, we compared a control method of pollen collection (hand collection) to either vacuum-, water-, or bag-collection methods. We used visible light spectroscopy to quantify relative pollen yield, and validated this approach using microscopic pollen counts. We determined that pollen yield was highest when using hand collection or vacuum collection, but efficiency did not differ significantly among methods.
    CONCLUSIONS: To maximize yield, pollen should be collected by hand or vacuum, but all collection methods were equally efficient in a relative sense because yield increased with collection time. We also found that light spectroscopy is an accurate and rapid method of quantifying pollen abundance (R 2 = 0.86) in a liquid suspension.







  • 文章类型: Letter
    Synchronised and quasi-periodic production of seeds by plant populations, known as masting, is implicated in many ecological processes, but how it arises remains poorly understood. Flowering and pollination dynamics are hypothesised to provide the mechanistic link for the observed relationship between weather and population-level seed production. We report the first experimental test of the phenological synchrony hypotheses as a driver of pollen limitation in mast seeding oaks (Quercus ilex). Higher flowering synchrony yielded greater pollination efficiency, which resulted in 2-fold greater seed set in highly synchronised oaks compared to asynchronous individuals. Pollen addition removed the negative effect of asynchronous flowering on seed set. Because phenological synchrony operates through environmental variation, this result suggests that oak masting is synchronised by exogenous rather than endogenous factors. It also points to a mechanism by which changes in flowering phenology can affect plant reproduction of mast-seeding plants, with subsequent implications for community dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Specific IgE measurements obtained from patients suffering from respiratory allergy (n = 952) show that, despite similar climatic conditions, there are clear regional differences in pollen sensitization between North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria. The data on sensitization levels and pollen concentration was taken from the research and development project Ufoplan 3710 61 228 of the German Environment Agency for North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria (2011 - 2014). Most poly-sensitized patients have already shown sensitization, both in the form of cross-reactivity and species-specific sensitization, to \"new\" pollen allergens, such as Bermuda grass and olive tree. These plants are currently not common in Germany, but may become considerably more widespread due to the increase in average yearly temperatures caused by the global warming. The other \"new\" aeroallergens discussed here are plants that can be found throughout Germany, such as nettle, cypress, and pine. Their current sensitization levels are higher than 8%; however, their clinical impact appears to be underestimated. For clinical practice it is important to identify when patients\' symptoms are typically severe and which regional plants might be responsible for the patients\' complaints in this period of time, as this affects further diagnostic strategy. Allergens having an immune effect can then be targeted by specific immunotherapies. The information on complaints of the patients should be regularly recorded in symptom diaries. Recording this information for at least 1 year may allow to discover a correlation between specific types of pollen and allergy symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Variation in local density and sex ratio in dioecious plants can affect mating success through the actions of pollen vectors, principally generalist insects or wind. Increased density and male-biased sex ratios should promote pollen transfer and seed production, but their combined effects have not been investigated for ambophilous species, which exhibit both insect and wind pollination.
    We manipulated density (low vs. high) and sex ratio (1:1 vs. 3:1 male-biased) in arrays of dioecious ambophilous Thalictrum pubescens. We quantified visitation rates and foraging times to examine whether pollinators exhibited sex-specific preferences and determined the seed set of arrays.
    Pollinators visited more plants per foraging bout at high than low density. Visitation rates and foraging times of visitors were greater for male than for female plants but did not depend on the density or sex ratio of arrays. However, whereas solitary bees displayed a strong preference for males, hover flies were indifferent to plant sex phenotype. Solitary bees also visited significantly more plants per foraging bout than hover flies. There was a significant interaction between density and sex ratio on seed set. At low density, seed set was greater for 3:1 than for 1:1 arrays, but at high density the opposite pattern occurred.
    The demographic factors we investigated had complex influences on pollinator foraging behavior and patterns of seed set. Several factors may explain our results, including the influence of density and sex ratio on pollen export from arrays, grooming by pollinators, and the contribution of wind pollination.





