translation repression

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is a fundamentally important RNA modification for gene regulation, whose function is achieved through m6A readers. However, whether and how m6A readers play regulatory roles during fruit ripening and quality formation remains unclear. Here, we characterized SlYTH2 as a tomato m6A reader protein and profiled the binding sites of SlYTH2 at the transcriptome-wide level. SlYTH2 undergoes liquid-liquid phase separation and promotes RNA-protein condensate formation. The target mRNAs of SlYTH2, namely m6A-modified SlHPL and SlCCD1B associated with volatile synthesis, are enriched in SlYTH2-induced condensates. Through polysome profiling assays and proteomic analysis, we demonstrate that knockout of SlYTH2 expedites the translation process of SlHPL and SlCCD1B, resulting in augmented production of aroma-associated volatiles. This aroma enrichment significantly increased consumer preferences for CRISPR-edited fruit over wild type. These findings shed light on the underlying mechanisms of m6A in plant RNA metabolism and provided a promising strategy to generate fruits that are more attractive to consumers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pumilio (Pum) is an RNA-binding protein and translational repressor important to diverse biological processes. In the Drosophila ovary, Pum is expressed in female germline stem cells (GSCs), wherein it acts as an intrinsic stem cell maintenance factor via repressing target mRNAs that are as yet mostly unknown. Pum recognizes the Pum binding sequence (PBS) in the mRNA 3\'UTR through its C-terminus Puf domain. Translational repression is mediated through its N-terminal domain, but the molecular mechanism remains largely unknown. We previously showed that Bag-of-marbles, a critical differentiation-promoting factor of female GSCs, physically interacts with the N-terminus of Pum. We further showed that this interaction is critical to Bam inhibition of Pum repressive action in cultured cells, but the physiological relevance was not addressed. Here we design an in vivo GFP translational reporter bearing the PBS in its 3\'UTR and show that GFP expression is reduced in cells wherein Pum is known to be active. Furthermore, we demonstrate in pum mutant ovary that this GFP repression requires Pum, and also that the sensor faithfully monitors Pum activity. Finally, we show that forced expression of Bam inhibits Pum-mediated repression, validating that Bam inhibits Pum activity in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex differences are pervasive in human health and disease. One major key to sex-biased differences lies in the sex chromosomes. Although the functions of the X chromosome proteins are well appreciated, how they compare with their Y chromosome homologs remains elusive. Herein, using ensemble and single-molecule techniques, we report that the sex chromosome-encoded RNA helicases DDX3X and DDX3Y are distinct in their propensities for liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), dissolution, and translation repression. We demonstrate that the N-terminal intrinsically disordered region of DDX3Y more strongly promotes LLPS than the corresponding region of DDX3X and that the weaker ATPase activity of DDX3Y, compared with DDX3X, contributes to the slower disassembly dynamics of DDX3Y-positive condensates. Interestingly, DDX3Y-dependent LLPS represses mRNA translation and enhances aggregation of FUS more strongly than DDX3X-dependent LLPS. Our study provides a platform for future comparisons of sex chromosome-encoded protein homologs, providing insights into sex differences in RNA metabolism and human disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When encountering oxidative stress, organisms selectively upregulate antioxidant genes and simultaneously suppress the translation of most other proteins. Eukaryotes employ multiple strategies to adjust translation at both the initiation and elongation stages; however, how prokaryotes modulate translation under oxidative stress remains unclear. Here, we report that upon hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) challenge, Streptococcus oligofermentans reduced translation via RNase Z (So-RNaseZ) oxidative degradation, thus hindering tRNA maturation. S. oligofermentans encodes all CCA-less tRNAs that require So-RNaseZ for 3\' end maturation. A combination of nonreducing SDS-PAGE and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) assays demonstrated that H2O2 oxidation induced Cys38-Cys149 disulfide linkages in recombinant So-RNaseZ protein, and serine substitution of Cys38 or Cys149 abolished these disulfide linkages. Consistently, redox Western blotting also determined intramolecular disulfide-linked So-RNaseZ in H2O2-treated S. oligofermentans cells. The disulfide-linked So-RNaseZ and monomer were both subject to proteolysis, whereas C149S mutation alleviated oxidative degradation of So-RNaseZ, suggesting that H2O2-mediated disulfide linkages substantially contributed to So-RNaseZ degradation. Accordingly, Northern blotting determined that tRNA precursor accumulation and mature tRNA species decrease in H2O2-treated S. oligofermentans. Moreover, reduced overall protein synthesis, as indicated by puromycin incorporation, and retarded growth of S. oligofermentans occurred in an H2O2 concentration-dependent manner. Overexpression of So-RNaseZ not only elevated tRNA precursor processing and protein synthesis but also partly rescued H2O2-suppressed S. oligofermentans growth. Moreover, So-RNaseZ oxidative degradation-mediated translation repression elevated S. oligofermentans survival under high H2O2 stress. Therefore, this work found that So-RNaseZ oxidative degradation-impeded tRNA maturation contributes to streptococcal translation repression and provides the oxidative stress adaptability for S. oligofermentans. IMPORTANCE Translation regulation is a common strategy used by organisms to reduce oxidative damage. Catalase-negative streptococci produce as well as tolerate high levels of H2O2. This work reports a novel translation regulation mechanism employed by Streptococcus oligofermentans in response to H2O2 challenge, in which the key tRNA endonuclease So-RNaseZ is oxidized to form Cys38-Cys149 disulfide linkages and both the disulfide-linked So-RNaseZ and monomers are subject to proteolysis; thus, tRNA maturation, protein translation, and growth are all suppressed. Notably, So-RNaseZ oxidative degradation-mediated translation repression offers oxidative adaptability to S. oligofermentans and enhances its survival against high H2O2 challenge. So-RNaseZ orthologs and H2O2-sensitive cysteines (Cys38 and Cys149) are widely distributed in Streptococcus and Lactococcus species genomes, which also encode all CCA-less tRNAs and lack catalase. Therefore, RNase Z oxidative degradation-based translation regulation could be widely employed by these lactic acid bacteria, including pathogenic streptococci, to cope with H2O2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complex cascades of RNA-binding proteins regulate the mRNA metabolism and influence gene expression. Several distinct proteins act at different stages of mRNA life cycle. SR family proteins in yeast are implicated in mRNA processing and nuclear export. In this report, we uncover the role of an SR/RGG-motif containing mRNA export factor Gbp2 in mRNA translation regulation. We demonstrate that Gbp2 localizes to cytoplasmic granules upon heat shock and oxidative stress. Our pull-down assays demonstrate that Gbp2 directly binds to the conserved translation factor eIF4G1 via its RGG motif. We further mapped the region on eIF4G1 to which Gbp2 binds and observed that the binding region overlaps with another translation repressor Sbp1. We found that the RGG-motif deletion mutant is defective in localizing to polysome fractions. Upon tethering Gbp2 to a GFP reporter mRNA in vivo, translation of GFP reporter decreased significantly indicating that Gbp2 acts as a translation repressor. Consistent with these results, we show that Gbp2 can directly repress mRNA translation in the in vitro translation systems in an RGG-motif dependent manner. Taken together, our results establish that the mRNA export factor Gbp2 has a vital role in repressing translation of mRNA. We propose that Gbp2 is a multifaceted RGG-motif protein responsible for translational repression without affecting mRNA levels.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: RNA binding proteins play crucial role in determining if a given mRNA will be translated, stored, or degraded. Sbp1 is an RGG-motif containing protein that is implicated in affecting mRNA decapping and translation. Sbp1 represses translation by binding eIF4G1 through its RGG-motif and activates decapping when overexpressed. In this report, we have assessed the genetic interaction of Sbp1 with decapping activators such as Dhh1, Pat1, and Scd6. We have further analyzed the importance of different domains and specific conserved residues of Sbp1 in its ability to cause over-expression mediated growth defect. Method: Sequence alignment was performed to identify conserved aromatic residues to be mutated. Using site-directed mutagenesis several point mutations and domain deletions were created in Sbp1 expressed under a galactose-inducible promoter. The mutants were tested for their ability to cause growth defect upon over-expression. The ability of Sbp1 to affect over-expression mediated growth defect of other decapping activators was tested using growth assay. Live cell imaging was done to study localization of Sbp1 and its RRM-deletion mutants to RNA granules upon glucose starvation. Results: Mutation of several aromatic residues in the RGG-motif and that of the phosphorylation sites in the RRM domain of Sbp1 did not affect the growth defect phenotype. Deletion of another eIF4G1-binding RGG-motif protein Scd6 does not affect the ability of Sbp1 to cause growth defect. Moreover, absence of Sbp1 did not affect the growth defect phenotypes observed upon overexpression of decapping activators Dhh1 and Pat1. Strikingly deletion of both the RRM domains (RRM1 and RRM2) and not the RNP motifs within them compromised the growth defect phenotype. Sbp1 mutant lacking both RRM1 and RRM2 was highly defective in localizing to RNA granules.   Conclusion: This study identifies an important role of RRM domains independent of the RNP motif in Sbp1 function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past decades, tRNA was found to be a rich hub of RNA modifications such as 1-methyladenosine and 5-methycytosine modifications and others, holding more than half of all modifications occurring in RNA molecules. Moreover, tRNA was discovered to be a source of various small noncoding RNA species, such as the stress induced angiogenin cleaved tRNA halves (tiRNA) or the miRNA like tRNA derived fragments. tRNA cleavage under stress was fist discovered in bacteria and later was found to be conserved across different species, including mammals. Under cellular stress conditions, tRNA undergoes conformational changes and angiogenin cleaves it into 3\' and 5\' halves. 5\'tiRNA halves were shown to repress protein translations. tRNA cleavage is thought of to be a cytoprotective mechanism by which cells evade apoptosis, however some data hints to the opposite; that tiRNA are cytotoxic or at least related to apoptosis initiation. tRNA cleavage also was shown to be affected by tRNA modifications via different enzymes in the cytosol and mitochondria. In this review, we will highlight the biology of tRNA cleavage, show the evidence of it being cytoprotective or a marker of cell death and shed a light on its role in disease models and human diseases as well as possible future directions in this field of RNA research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fate of messenger RNA in cytoplasm plays a crucial role in various cellular processes. However, the mechanisms that decide whether mRNA will be translated, degraded or stored remain unclear. Single stranded nucleic acid binding protein (Sbp1), an Arginine-Glycine-Glycine (RGG-motif) protein, is known to promote transition of mRNA into a repressed state by binding eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G1 (eIF4G1) and to promote mRNA decapping, perhaps by modulation of Dcp1/2 activity. Sbp1 is known to be methylated on arginine residues in RGG-motif; however, the functional relevance of this modification in vivo remains unknown. Here, we report that Sbp1 is arginine-methylated in an hnRNP methyl transferase (Hmt1)-dependent manner and that methylation is enhanced upon glucose deprivation. Characterization of an arginine-methylation-defective (AMD) mutant provided evidence that methylation affects Sbp1 function in vivo. The AMD mutant is compromised in causing growth defect upon overexpression, and the mutant is defective in both localizing to and inducing granule formation. Importantly, the Sbp1-eIF4G1 interaction is compromised both for the AMD mutant and in the absence of Hmt1. Upon overexpression, wild-type Sbp1 increases localization of another RGG motif containing protein, Scd6 (suppressor of clathrin deficiency) to granules; however, this property of Sbp1 is compromised in the AMD mutant and in the absence of Hmt1, indicating that Sbp1 repression activity could involve other RGG-motif translation repressors. Additionally, the AMD mutant fails to increase localization of the decapping activator DEAD box helicase homolog to foci and fails to rescue the decapping defect of a dcp1-2Δski8 strain, highlighting the role of Sbp1 methylation in decapping. Taken together, these results suggest that arginine methylation modulates Sbp1 role in mRNA fate determination.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organic solvent-resistant microorganisms are strongly desired for efficient fermentative production of hydrophobic substances in water-organic solvent two-phase systems. To improve organic solvent-resistance of microorganisms, a better understanding of the effects of organic solvents on microbial cells and cellular responses to organic solvents is essential. So far, various bacteria have been studied for their response mechanisms against organic solvents and improvement of their resistance to organic solvents. On the other hand, limited information is available on the effects of organic solvents on eukaryotic microorganisms. We herein examined the physiological effects of xylene, one of representative organic solvents, on the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that xylene induced fragmentation of mitochondria and the nuclear accumulation of Yap1, an oxidative stress responsive transcription factor, followed by the transcriptional activation of its target genes, GPX2 and TRX2, in yeast cells treated with xylene. These findings indicate that xylene caused oxidative stress in yeast cells. However, treatment with 0.03% (v/v) or more of xylene severely repressed the translation activity of yeast cells. Therefore, the expected protein synthesis of Yap1-target genes was not observed despite the transcriptional activation in cells treated with 0.03% (v/v) xylene. This is the first report on the inhibitory effects of xylene on bulk translation activity and provides novel insights into the toxicity of xylene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants are persistently challenged by various phytopathogens. To protect themselves, plants have evolved multilayered surveillance against all pathogens. For intracellular parasitic viruses, plants have developed innate immunity, RNA silencing, translation repression, ubiquitination-mediated and autophagy-mediated protein degradation, and other dominant resistance gene-mediated defenses. Plant viruses have also acquired diverse strategies to suppress and even exploit host defense machinery to ensure their survival. A better understanding of the defense and counter-defense between plants and viruses will obviously benefit from the development of efficient and broad-spectrum virus resistance for sustainable agriculture. In this review, we summarize the cutting edge of knowledge concerning the defense and counter-defense between plants and viruses, and highlight the unexploited areas that are especially worth investigating in the near future.






