taste buds

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We have recently demonstrated that Sox10-expressing (Sox10 +) cells give rise to mainly type-III neuronal taste bud cells that are responsible for sour and salt taste. The two tissue compartments containing Sox10 + cells in the surrounding of taste buds include the connective tissue core of taste papillae and von Ebner\'s glands (vEGs) that are connected to the trench of circumvallate and foliate papillae.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we performed single cell RNA-sequencing of the epithelium of Sox10-Cre/tdT mouse circumvallate/vEG complex and used inducible Cre mouse models to map the cell lineages of vEGs and/or connective tissue (including stromal and Schwann cells).
    UNASSIGNED: Transcriptomic analysis indicated that Sox10 expression was enriched in the cell clusters of vEG ducts that contained abundant proliferating cells, while Sox10-Cre/tdT expression was enriched in type-III taste bud cells and vEG ductal cells. In vivo lineage mapping showed that the traced cells were distributed in circumvallate taste buds concurrently with those in the vEGs, but not in the connective tissue. Moreover, multiple genes encoding pathogen receptors were enriched in the vEG ducts hosting Sox10 + cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Our data supports that it is the vEGs, not connective tissue core, that serve as the niche of Sox10 + taste bud progenitors. If this is also true in humans, our data indicates that vEG duct is a source of Sox10 + taste bud progenitors and susceptible to pathogen infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Saliva is essential for the proper dilution and distribution of taste molecules on the tongue. It harbors extracellular vesicles (EVs), which mediate cell-cell communication. Changes in the composition of salivary EVs may arise under obese conditions and may potentially be involved in taste sensation and dysregulated eating behavior. Therefore, this study addresses the relationship between the size and concentration of salivary EVs and metabolic shifts in obesity or factors of taste sensation.
    METHODS: A total of 119 participants in the Obese Taste Bud (OTB) Study were included, who performed a standardized taste test, underwent taste bud density assessment, and were phenotypically characterized for anthropometrics, blood- and saliva adipokine levels, and various metabolic factors. Utilizing size exclusion chromatography followed by ultrafiltration, EVs were extracted from 2 mL of actively secreted saliva. EVs were characterized using nanoparticle tracking analyses, Western blot, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Finally, group comparisons and bivariate correlation analyses were conducted.
    RESULTS: Among the total cohort, the median size of salivary EVs was 190.05 nm, and the overall concentration ranged from 1.4 × 107 to 1.76 × 109 per mL of saliva. The size range and concentration of EVs per mL are negatively correlated (p = 0.0002, r = -0.264). Comparing lean participants (mean rank of 45.98) with those presenting obesity (mean rank of 34.46), a significant difference in the salivary EV content was observed (p = 0.029). Body weight, BMI, arm and calf circumferences, as well as the percentage of body fat were all negatively related to the concentration of EVs in all study participants (all p < 0.05, r > -0.2). No associations were found between the EV parameters and taste perception but serum alkaline phosphatase levels were negatively correlated (p = 0.007, r = -0.284) and adiponectin serum levels were positively correlated to the EV concentration (p = 0.036, r = 0.208).
    CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides evidence for the relation between salivary EVs and anthropometric as well as metabolic parameters of obesity. This can provide the basis for further research on the cargo of salivary EVs and how they may influence taste sensation, and may elucidate their potential connection to altered eating habits in obesity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intense environmental pressures can yield both regressive and constructive traits through complex evolutionary mechanisms. Although regression is well-studied, the biological bases of constructive features are less well understood. Cave-dwelling Astyanax fish harbor prolific extraoral taste buds on their heads, which are absent in conspecific surface-dwellers. Here, we present novel ontogenetic data demonstrating extraoral taste buds appear gradually and late in life history. This appearance is similar but non-identical in different cavefish populations, where patterning has evolved to permit taste bud re-specification across the endoderm-ectoderm germ layer boundary. Quantitative genetic analyses revealed that spatially distinct taste buds on the head are primarily mediated by two different cave-dominant loci. While the precise function of this late expansion on to the head is unknown, the appearance of extraoral taste buds coincides with a dietary shift from live-foods to bat guano, suggesting an adaptive mechanism to detect nutrition in food-starved caves. This work provides fundamental insight to a constructive evolutionary feature, arising late in life history, promising a new window into unresolved features of vertebrate sensory organ development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian taste buds are highly regenerative and can restore themselves after normal wear and tear of the lingual epithelium or following physical and chemical insults, including burns, chemotherapy, and nerve injury. This is due to the continual proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of taste progenitor cells, which then must reconnect with peripheral gustatory neurons to relay taste signals to the brain. The turnover and re-establishment of peripheral taste synapses are vital to maintain this complex sensory system. Over the past several decades, the signal transduction and neurotransmitter release mechanisms within taste cells have been well delineated. However, the complex dynamics between synaptic partners in the tongue (taste cell and gustatory neuron) are only partially understood. In this review, we highlight recent findings that have improved our understanding of the mechanisms governing connectivity and signaling within the taste bud and the still-unresolved questions regarding the complex interactions between taste cells and gustatory neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ion channels Piezo 1 and Piezo 2 have been identified as membrane mechano-proteins. Studying mechanosensitive channels in chemosensory organs could help in understanding the mechanisms by which these channels operate, offering new therapeutic targets for various disorders. This study investigates the expression patterns of Piezo proteins in zebrafish chemosensory organs. For the first time, Piezo protein expression in adult zebrafish chemosensory organs is reported. In the olfactory epithelium, Piezo 1 immunolabels kappe neurons, microvillous cells, and crypt neurons, while Calretinin is expressed in ciliated sensory cells. The lack of overlap between Piezo 1 and Calretinin confirms Piezo 1\'s specificity for kappe neurons, microvillous cells, and crypt neurons. Piezo 2 shows intense immunoreactivity in kappe neurons, one-ciliated sensory cells, and multi-ciliated sensory cells, with overlapping Calretinin expression, indicating its olfactory neuron nature. In taste buds, Piezo 1 immunolabels Merkel-like cells at the bases of cutaneous and pharyngeal taste buds and the light and dark cells of cutaneous and oral taste buds. It also marks the dark cells of pharyngeal taste buds and support cells in oral taste buds. Piezo 2 is found in the light and dark cells of cutaneous and oral taste buds and isolated chemosensory cells. These findings provide new insights into the distribution of Piezo channels in zebrafish chemosensory organs, enhancing our understanding of their sensory processing and potential therapeutic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The oral detection of sugars relies on two types of receptor systems. The first is the G-protein-coupled receptor TAS1R2/TAS1R3. When activated, this receptor triggers a downstream signaling cascade involving gustducin, phospholipase Cβ2 (PLCβ2), and transient receptor potential channel M5 (TRPM5). The second type of receptor is the glucose transporter. When glucose enters the cell via this transporter, it is metabolized to produce ATP. This ATP inhibits the opening of KATP channels, leading to cell depolarization. Beside these receptor systems, sweet-sensitive taste cells have mechanisms to regulate their sensitivity to sweet substances based on internal and external states of the body. Sweet taste receptors are not limited to the oral cavity; they are also present in extraoral organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and brain. These extraoral sweet receptors are involved in various functions, including glucose absorption, insulin release, sugar preference, and food intake, contributing to the maintenance of energy homeostasis. Additionally, sweet receptors may have unique roles in certain organs like the trachea and bone. This review summarizes past and recent studies on sweet receptor systems, exploring the molecular mechanisms and physiological functions of sweet (sugar) detection in both oral and extraoral organs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since 2019, Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19) has affected millions of people worldwide. Except for acute respiratory distress syndrome, dysgeusis is also a common symptom of COVID-19 that burdens patients for weeks or permanently. However, the mechanisms underlying taste dysfunctions remain unclear. Here, we performed complete autopsies of five patients who died of COVID-19. Integrated tongue samples, including numerous taste buds, salivary glands, vessels, and nerves were collected to map the pathology, distribution, cell tropism, and receptor distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the tongue. Our results revealed that all patients had moderate lymphocyte infiltration around the salivary glands and in the lamina propria adjacent to the mucosa, and pyknosis in the epithelia of taste buds and salivary glands. This may be because the serous acini, salivary gland ducts, and taste buds are the primary sites of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Multicolor immunofluorescence showed that SARS-CoV-2 readily infects Keratin (KRT)7+ taste receptor cells in taste buds, secretory cells in serous acini, and inner epithelial cells in the ducts. The major receptors, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and transmembrane protease serine subtype 2 (TMPRSS2), were both abundantly expressed in these cells. Viral antigens and receptor were both rarely detected in vessels and nerves. This indicates that SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers pathological injury in the tongue, and that dysgeusis may be directly related to viral infection and cellular damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemosensory impairment is an outstanding symptom of SARS-CoV-2 infections. We hypothesized that measured sensory impairments are accompanied by transcriptomic changes in the foliate papillae area of the tongue. Hospital personnel with known SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin G (IgG) status completed questionnaires on sensory perception (n = 158). A subcohort of n = 141 participated in forced choice taste tests, and n = 43 participants consented to donate tongue swabs of the foliate papillae area for whole transcriptome analysis. The study included four groups of participants differing in IgG levels (≥ 10 AU/mL = IgG+; < 10 AU/mL = IgG-) and self-reported sensory impairment (SSI±). IgG+ subjects not detecting metallic taste had higher IgG+ levels than IgG+ participants detecting iron gluconate (p = 0.03). Smell perception was the most impaired biological process in the transcriptome data from IgG+/SSI+ participants subjected to gene ontology enrichment. IgG+/SSI+ subjects demonstrated lower expression levels of 166 olfactory receptors (OR) and 9 taste associated receptors (TAS) of which OR1A2, OR2J2, OR1A1, OR5K1 and OR1G1, as well as TAS2R7 are linked to metallic perception. The question raised by this study is whether odorant receptors on the tongue (i) might play a role in metal sensation, and (ii) are potential targets for virus-initiated sensory impairments, which needs to be investigated in future functional studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A microfluidic tongue-on-a-chip platform has been evaluated relative to the known sensory properties of various sweeteners. Analogous metrics of typical sensory features reported by human panels such as sweet taste thresholds, onset, and lingering, as well as bitter off-flavor and blocking interactions were deduced from the taste receptor activation curves and then compared. To this end, a flow cell containing a receptor cell array bearing the sweet and six bitter taste receptors was transiently exposed to pure and mixed sweetener samples. The sample concentration gradient across time was separately characterized by the injection of fluorescein dye. Subsequently, cellular calcium responses to different doses of advantame, aspartame, saccharine, and sucrose were overlaid with the concentration gradient. Parameters describing the response kinetics compared to the gradient were quantified. Advantame at 15 μM recorded a significantly faster sweetness onset of 5 ± 2 s and a longer lingering time of 39 s relative to sucrose at 100 mM with an onset of 13 ± 2 s and a lingering time of 6 s. Saccharine was shown to activate the bitter receptors TAS2R8, TAS2R31, and TAS2R43, confirming its known off-flavor, whereas addition of cyclamate reduced or blocked this saccharine bitter response. The potential of using this tongue-on-a-chip to bridge the gap with in vitro assays and taste panels is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human bitter perception is important for the identification of potentially harmful substances in food. For quite some years, research focused on the identification of activators for ∼25 human bitter taste receptors. The discovery of antagonists as well as increasing knowledge about agonists of different efficacies has substantially added to the intricacy of bitter taste perception. This article seeks to raise awareness for an underestimated new level of complexity when compound mixtures or even whole food items are assessed for their bitter taste.





