targeted nutrition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Targeted nutrition is defined as dietary advice tailored at a group level. Groups known as metabotypes can be identified based on individual metabolic profiles. Metabotypes have been associated with differential responses to diet, which support their use to deliver dietary advice. We aimed to optimise a metabotype approach to deliver targeted dietary advice by encompassing more specific recommendations on nutrient and food intakes and dietary behaviours.
    METHODS: Participants (n = 207) were classified into three metabotypes based on four biomarkers (triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and glucose) and using a k-means cluster model. Participants in metabotype-1 had the highest average HDL-cholesterol, in metabotype-2 the lowest triacylglycerol and total cholesterol, and in metabotype-3 the highest triacylglycerol and total cholesterol. For each participant, dietary advice was assigned using decision trees for both metabotype (group level) and personalised (individual level) approaches. Agreement between methods was compared at the message level and the metabotype approach was optimised to incorporate messages exclusively assigned by the personalised approach and current dietary guidelines. The optimised metabotype approach was subsequently compared with individualised advice manually compiled.
    RESULTS: The metabotype approach comprised advice for improving the intake of saturated fat (69% of participants), fibre (66%) and salt (18%), while the personalised approach assigned advice for improving the intake of folate (63%), fibre (63%), saturated fat (61%), calcium (34%), monounsaturated fat (24%) and salt (14%). Following the optimisation of the metabotype approach, the most frequent messages assigned to address intake of key nutrients were to increase the intake of fruit and vegetables, beans and pulses, dark green vegetables, and oily fish, to limit processed meats and high-fat food products and to choose fibre-rich carbohydrates, low-fat dairy and lean meats (60-69%). An average agreement of 82.8% between metabotype and manual approaches was revealed, with excellent agreements in metabotype-1 (94.4%) and metabotype-3 (92.3%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The optimised metabotype approach proved capable of delivering targeted dietary advice for healthy adults, being highly comparable with individualised advice. The next step is to ascertain whether the optimised metabotype approach is effective in changing diet quality.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diet is an important, modifiable lifestyle factor of cardiometabolic disease risk, and an improved diet can delay or even prevent the onset of disease. Recent evidence suggests that individuals could benefit from diets adapted to their genotype and phenotype: that is, personalized nutrition. A novel strategy is to tailor diets for groups of individuals according to their metabolic phenotypes (metabotypes). Randomized controlled trials evaluating metabotype-specific responses and nonresponses are urgently needed to bridge the current gap of knowledge with regard to the efficacy of personalized strategies in nutrition. In this Perspective, we discuss the concept of metabotyping, review the current literature on metabotyping in the context of cardiometabolic disease prevention, and suggest potential strategies for metabotype-based nutritional advice for future work. We also discuss potential determinants of metabotypes, including gut microbiota, and highlight the use of metabolomics to define effective markers for cardiometabolic disease-related metabotypes. Moreover, we hypothesize that people at high risk for cardiometabolic diseases have distinct metabotypes and that individuals grouped into specific metabotypes may respond differently to the same diet, which is being tested in a project of the Joint Programming Initiative: A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Personalised nutrition is at its simplest form the delivery of dietary advice at an individual level. Incorporating response to different diets has resulted in the concept of precision nutrition. Harnessing the metabolic phenotype to identify subgroups of individuals that respond differentially to dietary interventions is becoming a reality. More specifically, the classification of individuals in subgroups according to their metabolic profile is defined as metabotyping and this approach has been employed to successfully identify differential response to dietary interventions. Furthermore, the approach has been expanded to develop a framework for the delivery of targeted nutrition. The present review examines the application of the metabotype approach in nutrition research with a focus on developing personalised nutrition. Application of metabotyping in longitudinal studies demonstrates that metabotypes can be associated with cardiometabolic risk factors and diet-related diseases while application in interventions can identify metabotypes with differential responses. In general, there is strong evidence that metabolic phenotyping is a promising strategy to identify groups at risk and to potentially improve health promotion at a population level. Future work should verify if targeted nutrition can change behaviours and have an impact on health outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolic diversity leads to differences in nutrient requirements and responses to diet and medication between individuals. Using the concept of metabotyping - that is, grouping metabolically similar individuals - tailored and more efficient recommendations may be achieved. The aim of this study was to review the current literature on metabotyping and to explore its potential for better targeted dietary intervention in subjects with and without metabolic diseases. A comprehensive literature search was performed in PubMed, Google and Google Scholar to find relevant articles on metabotyping in humans including healthy individuals, population-based samples and patients with chronic metabolic diseases. A total of thirty-four research articles on human studies were identified, which established more homogeneous subgroups of individuals using statistical methods for analysing metabolic data. Differences between studies were found with respect to the samples/populations studied, the clustering variables used, the statistical methods applied and the metabotypes defined. According to the number and type of the selected clustering variables, the definitions of metabotypes differed substantially; they ranged between general fasting metabotypes, more specific fasting parameter subgroups like plasma lipoprotein or fatty acid clusters and response groups to defined meal challenges or dietary interventions. This demonstrates that the term \'metabotype\' has a subjective usage, calling for a formalised definition. In conclusion, this literature review shows that metabotyping can help identify subgroups of individuals responding differently to defined nutritional interventions. Targeted recommendations may be given at such metabotype group levels. Future studies should develop and validate definitions of generally valid metabotypes by exploiting the increasingly available metabolomics data sets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    METHODS: Personalised nutrition can be defined as dietary advice that is tailored to an individual. In recent years, the concept of targeted nutrition has evolved, which involves delivering specific dietary advice to a group of phenotypically similar individuals or metabotypes. This study examined whether cluster analysis could be used to define metabotypes and developed a strategy for the delivery of targeted dietary advice.
    RESULTS: K-means clustering was employed to identify clusters based on four markers of metabolic health (triacylglycerols, total cholesterol, direct HDL cholesterol and glucose) (n = 896) using data from the National Adult Nutrition Survey. A decision tree approach was developed for the delivery of targeted dietary advice per cluster based on biochemical characteristics, anthropometry and blood pressure. The appropriateness of the advice was tested by comparison with individualised dietary advice manually compiled (n = 99). A mean match of 89.1% between the methods was demonstrated with a 100% match for two-thirds of participants.
    CONCLUSIONS: Good agreement was found between the individualised and targeted methods demonstrating the ability of this framework to deliver targeted dietary advice. This approach has the potential to be a fast and novel method for the delivery of targeted nutrition in clinical settings.





